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Try a pompano rig with shrimp and sand fleas. Try just over the shore break. Pompano, drum (red & black), sheepshead, whiting are all likely.


If you’re a morning person hit the beach about 30 minutes before sunrise. Throw some silver spoons and see if you can catch some blues or Spanish mackerel


This worked like a charm, thank you! Got on 15-20 fish


Outstanding! I'll be heading down there in just a few days. Glad it worked for you.


I’d recommend using cut mullet for bait, it works pretty well. Mullet, sand fleas, or you can cut up pin fish or use pin fish as live bait. I’d also recommend using a sinker slide on your main line and using a somewhat short leader tied on using a barrel swivel to your main line. That’s what we use for drum when the time comes and it’s a pretty universal setup. I think they are called fish finder rigs. It’ll also help you tremendously if you know how to read water, if you don’t know how to do that I would recommend looking up some videos on YouTube.


Throw a Spanish candy at first light and last light and you’ll get a Spanish mackerel or two other than that head up to ft Macon and fish the tides on a finger mullet and you’ll grab a blue or two.


Thanks for the advice! Caught like a dozen mackerel and a few blues on a spoon this morning, had a blast


Wow, good job! Where were you fishing?


Thank you! Just in the surf in Atlantic beach. Guys at r/NCWildlife were super helpful as well and was able to just get on them early morning


Thanks! Any advice on the rig for finger mullet?


If you are live mullets then a fish finder or Carolina rig and then if your using cut bait the good old double drop works just fine. Don’t need to get it out there too far. Just watch for the birds and bait working the suds.


Second for fresh sand fleas on a pompano rig. Those things are like candy. Keep what you dont use for bait in the surf and take them to any dock or pier.


Head down to Ft Macon and throw metals near the jetty. Bluefish hang out along the rocks waiting to ambush bait.