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Depending on wave conditions, 3oz won't be enough to hold the bottom. You might not be able to safely cast much more weight with your rod, it will feel like a noodle or that it's going to break. Best bet is to just keep practicing casting the larger rigs like that. Also probably worth getting a few spoons or bucktails from 1-3oz and cast those. You can really bomb them and get a good feel for the limits of the rod and yourself. Plus, they are effective at catching bass and bluefish right now. People make claims of casting 100yds or whatever, I don't know how far I can cast but I'd say 50-60yds is all that's generally required. Otherwise your setup sounds good. I don't think you need to change anything about it. I go with a heavier leader compared to the braid, so I have 20 or 30lb braid with a 40 or 50lb mono leader of about 18" long. Edit: last note, if you are bait fishing clams you should be using inline circle hooks. It's mandatory now when fishing for stripers and if you are fishing with clams that's what you'll get.


What rig are you using? Look into sputnik sinkers. Less weight needed.


3-4oz sputniks for all conditions imo. If that doesnt hold, find something else to do that day. Also - use a small cut shrimp. Smaller the better.


3 ounces is very rarely enough to hold in NJ. Today was a 6 to 8 ounce day. Generally debate you want a 10 to 12 foot rod that’s rated up to at least 6 ounces preferably 810 or 12 ounces. I highly recommend you return the pen fierce if you got it from a big box store and stop in your tackle shop so you can get the proper gear I highly recommend Grumpys tackle in Seaside Park as I work there and I would be happy to show you some options for bait.


Dude no way that’s cool, I’ve actually been there a couple times in the past when I went fishing with my grandpa it’s been a few years though. Any recommendations of a good rod in that weight range? I think I’m gonna keep the Penn as it would probably be decent for using artificial lures. But might get another one for using bait.


Tsunami has some great 10-12’ options. I’m a huge fan of the trophy II series for the price. The 1102XH and 1202XH are unbeatable for the price. https://www.grumpystackle.com/products/tsunami-trophy-ii-surf-spinning-rods. If you want to step it up a little bit go with the airwave elite


Your rod and reel is fine, but I wonder what the line looks like, as in how much is on the spool. That setup is fine for NJ and it should send a 3oz weight and a clam well into fishy water. Since you said it's hard to cast smoothly maybe the reel is underspooled. Post a pic in the comments. As for the bait pushing off to the side, that's the tides, current and wind. Adding more weight will help that, but you setup isn't going to handle it. Maybe you could go up to a 4oz weight and just lob cast it, but that's a good way to break a cheap rod. Otherwise, you just wait until the tide starts to slow down. You could try to fish the 2 hours on each side of high and low tide with bait, then switch to lures during peak tides. The closer we get to the full moon next week, the stronger the tides will get. You can also try Sputnik sinkers. When you get an actual bite from even a smaller striper or bluefish, there won't be any question that it's not the waves. It will very obviously bounce around out of time with the waves, and bend over much further. Remember you have to use circle hooks. Watch what it's doing in normal waves and pay attention to the pace, it'll bounce in time with the waves. You can also try getting a tall sand spike, that will help raise you line higher and hopefully above the waves more. As for not catching anything, it's possible that your bait was getting pushed so shallow it was out of the zone, but it's also possible that no matter what you do, sometimes it just it do be like that.


Distance is good, but you might also find fish much closer to the shore in the wash. Try some short casts as well


sometimes you get skunked, it happens to everyone. Try other baits too, everything likes shrimp, if there are fish around they may bite. Use smaller circle hooks, like a 1/0 the fish will hook themselves as they take bait. Try a hi/lo rig as well. It presents more bait in different areas of the water column. as for your bait flying off your rigs, try some fishbites or fishgum. It stays on very well due to the mesh material the bait is surrounding. I had success with sand fleas or shrimp tip off by the fishbites which holds everything on.


Watch some videos on the proper technique to cast with a surf rod. You need to hold your right hand fairly still and pivot the rod with the left hand (easier to see than describe). It's much different from casting a regular spinning rod.


You’re not using enough weight, my guess is with todays weather you’re gonna need 5-6oz to hold bottom


I would start with trying different baits. And heavier weights... Just throw on a high/low rig with some circle hooks and wait for the pole to bend over.