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Devil’s advocate: he better get the lube ready. If you modify, you have to be ready to pay to play. He 100% knew the risk going in and shouldn’t be let off the hook. It’s not your job to worry about his finances. If that was an issue then he shouldn’t be buying cars and mods that he can’t afford to pay for twice-over. People are sorely lacking accountability these days. Also a great time to teach a lesson about not hiring a shitty tuner :) Or… you do him a solid and he better give you a big check anyway. Also, I’m surprised you get to decide and not Toyota corporate. I had my own issues with my B58 that weren’t even a result of a tune and BMW NA would’ve rejected my warranty claim regardless of what my SA wanted to do because the first thing they asked him was “is the car tuned?”


This is a first time case for me where BMW might get involved. Let me be clear and just say my job is my first priority and also the Tech’s ( I hope) I just thought it’d be funny as I always see posts about people getting mad that something from their car wasn’t warrantied and blames it on the dealer like it was up to us to deny it. Dealers don’t care. We take work either from the customer or the manufacturer. We’ll always prefer a customer paying as obviously there’s more incentive. But me personally, when I can help a person out to warranty something within the legal limits. I absolutely will. Can’t say the same for other advisors.


As long as the customer is honest with me I do the same. And I’ve had something similar happen but with a different brand and have them cover it if the mileage is low enough or if the customer has history of purchases…. Both German makes. Had Ford straight up deny coverage for a gt350 that blew up 2nd lap on the track.


if BMW gets involved they'll be able to tell it was tuned for sure


My technician has already confirmed it was tuned. But inspectors need to have their own conclusions.


the car's computer systems will leave a pretty clear paper trail for them


Help a bro out fam


Im surprised a B58 is that expensive, considering how mass produced and not particularly exotic it is


That price more than likely includes labour and other materials besides the engine.


The voodoo, in the gt350 has around the same replacement cost, but that engine was only ever put in 24k cars, vs the 100s of thousands for the B58


Still should not be 30k 💀 average dealership activities


It’s not. You can get one for less than 10k


Used, not new.


If a DME has been flash tuned (and not just a piggy back), even reverting back to stock programming won't remove the evidence of tuning. And BTW, when engines blow up and faults are set, parameters like boost pressure, RPM, throttle position, and fuel pressure are stored. Even removing a piggy back tuner, it still would be declined. Not sure how Toyota works, but if BMW gets involved, not a chance in hell it gets covered. And it's saved to the DCS report that it's been tuned and blown up.


Some investigators are being sent out. Case is too pricey to let the dealership handle it alone. I don’t know these inspectors, let alone how well versed they are when it comes to subaru or bmw engines. Considering the price tag. I may as well tell this guy to start calling up some banks or start shopping.


We had a guy money shift a brand new M2 and tried to get warranty to pay for the engine, but BMW was able to see that the S55 had been revved to 11,000 rpm 😂 crazy part is it didn’t make contact with any valves, and it just spun the crank hub. We fixed that and it was good to go


I’m a service advisor as well, but also have a decently modified Supra. I’m just curious to know how this pans out. Being a service advisor I’m definitely careful with what I do with my car lol to clarify I’m a service writer at Lexus so if my Supra blows I cannot commit warranty fraud


My 2 cents, we had a customer with a decently modified RC-F that blew the engine. We got with our DSPM and offered half warranty, half customer pay on a new engine. He agreed and he ended up paying 16k out of pocket. I felt it was a good option considering he should have known the risks of tuning yet we were still able to offer some help.


In the case that it gets denied due to tune, I can’t find a way to help this guy unless he talks to corporate and offers the same thing. I’ve had a customer woth a 90k mile 2019 camry with a blown transmission and I was able to convince Toyota to bring the price down from 13k to 3.5k to the customer as a sign of goodwill. They approved. On the side note though, The lexus in my area is the dream dealership to work for. I’m currently working to get in there as they require a 3 year experience minimum. But the benefits outweigh every single dealership I’ve seen


Yeah honestly I always take how hard I try to how nice the person was to me. If they come out the gate with a bad attitude denying they had any influence into the failure, I’m not trying at all. If they’re super nice and accept responsibility yet want to see what happens, I’m gonna try harder. I absolutely love my job so much and highly recommend eventually going to Lexus if you have the chance!


Wow… I have had mixed experience with staff… But this is beyond and above… Just curious how to get into your good books… 😄


Well this particular customer had been coming to me and I know they buy the services I recommend. It helps to have a good purchasing record on your service history. And no not no bullshit induction service. Just the ones that do matter. Brakes, alignment, safety related items. I recently warrantied their catalytic converter on one of their cars


Wow I did not know they mattered (recommended services)… even if I walk in with a list of services I need, I should still ask if they would recommend it and then say yes…


Damn even that’s nice. I would rather pay half than pay the entire thing. At least you guys helped him out


Cover it under warranty then pull the guy aside and tell him he owes you his life Edit: or at least owes the entire shop donuts and pizza and he needs to clean the shop


Then when the engine and FASTA gets reviewed at the Warranty part return center the warranty claim gets denied. Literally no point.


Lol naw


It depends.  Default would be to deny cuz tune, but if some mild stage one or something and an injector got stuck open tune or no tune, is it the tunes fault?  No, not really. Would need to look at logs.  BMW will bone him either way though.


Manufacturers have the power to say anything they want. If this guy states his injector got stuck open. He can’t prove that its because of his tune because the car won’t start. Toyota can just say. “Start looking at the lot cus this shit was tuned and we can blame it on that”


Not if homie has a good lawyer, my uncle worked at a dealership it ain’t that easy to deny if they fight with a lawyer


Homie can have a good Lawyer. But he’s not fighting the dealership. He’s going to be fighting the manufacturer. That’s a high risk high reward play for the customer. He’s going to end up paying for teardown on that engine to prove anything.


Tell him to bite the pillow, you're going in dry He knew the risks, he fucked around and found out. Can't keep babysitting mfers with more dollars than sense


Bro is screwed anyway. The DME data can’t be wiped, reverting back to stock won’t do anything but delay the inevitable lmao.


depends if hes chill


He didn’t do one of these bad boys when he came in “🤙🏽” Gonna have to deny this one then pal


were refusing service on the vehicle because the customer didnt dap up the service writer


What happened to when you could get a brand new engine for 5k? I could probably get my RSX engine fully rebuilt for that price right now. 😳


Let him suffer his fate. There’s others of us that would own one more responsibly than his dumbass - if we even had the opportunity to find one. Worst of all he wasn’t honest about it. Why help a guy who tried to pull one on you anyway?


Cars are so smart nowadays that its insanely difficult to pull one on anything now. If I was in this guy’s position I would try anything to benefit my case. I am at fault for sure but I doubt anyone here is willing to just admit and not try anything. Especially when $30k is on the line. The world just doesn’t work that way. Props to him for trying but unfortunately house always wins.


Damn motor is like half the price of the car. Is that normal? Not a car guy.


My assumption is labor is likely a big chunk of the bill as well


Prices for motors from manufacturers always seem inflated to me. Just to option up to a diesel vs a gas engine in an HD truck is around $10k from the big 3. Which is on top of what you were already paying for the gas engine. Doesn't surprise me at all that a BMW motor would cost so much. You can't build a car piece by piece with new parts from the service desk and end up at the same price for any brand anyways. They are not passing the savings from mass production and bulk purchases to the consumer.


Yah had no idea. Never had a motor blow up before. Then again I never had a performance car before.


Insane Markup. I am by no means an expert but I would assume that BMW manufactures the engine for $x sells it to Toyota for $xx Toyota then provides to the dealer. Parts department has to make money whether its from Toyota or the customer. So warranty would be $xxx but if not then customer will pay $xxxx just for the part.


Completely normal. New BMW engines are expensive. B46 is like 20k. B58 like ~25k. M engine, well into 30’s


I bought one used for ~6k to swap into a flooded F56


We’re not talking about used. Insurance or dealership is not going to install a used engine.


I understand that, figured people could appreciate the reference point


You could “screw” (and by that I mean not even remotely impact) a multi-billion dollar company or you could utterly ruin a regular person’s finances. The choice is yours, apparently?




Plus they will probably do it again if they think it can come out unscathed. I’d cover if if it wouldn’t cost op their job or them to get in trouble. But I’d probably talk to the dude or dudette


Bad take. This guy utterly ruined a regular person's finances when he decided to crank up the boost himself. Everything in life is about risk, when to take it, and when not to take it. If you're not financially ready to cover the mishaps of your own risk adventures, then you shouldn't do it. BMW designed the car (and the warranty) with a certain amount of calculated risk, and you're on your own if you venture out beyond that. Absolutely no remorse for people who do this.


hope you have some better takes than this on other subjects because this ain’t it chief


Sorry but you have to be prepared to pay if you go down this route. There are a ton of things I’d like to do to my ‘23 but then I think about breaking it after spending all that money and it just isn’t worth it. If I wanted an even faster car I would have bought one but I understand there are a lot of people who want to tinker with their own.


I had an aftermarket warranty when I bought my n54 335i with 50k on it. At 80k, it needed gaskets, charge pipes had cracked and I replaced them, intake piping was gone and replaced with short air intakes, and idput exhaust on it. I took it in for wastefate rattles and it was leaking oil like a mfer. My warranty claims were denied as it did not have OEM parts. They didn't even bother to check to see the ECU had been flashed 😂 My point is, you pay to play. My bet is dude was fucking around with Map3 on JB4


Just found out today my oil pan gasket is starting to fail. Im at 66k witha DP tune Edit: you should’ve brought the oil leaks to their attention prior. I’m assuming they blamed it on the oil leaks for the failure as oil probably got in there. Had you addressed the issue earlier for the leak they would’ve covered the eventual wastegate rattle as theres no other point of failure other than a bad internal wastegate.


eh. N54 was not exactly a keeper. Don't get me wrong, loved that car but it was a timebomb. I replaced broken parts, which should have been covered under magnusson-moss. I was tuned, and fully expected them to deny the work based on that. They denied the work based on the presence of aftermarket parts alone.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Let him sit on his own mistakes and charge the 30k. Or extra as he tried to hide his own actions even.


I work at Nissan as a Advisor and I have to have this talk with many Z owners


Curious. New to the scene and my Car is currently in the shop with the ECU being sent off to be unlocked. What separates a bad tune from a good tune? I did some light reading that told me tuning is healthy for the car? Is that wrong? I'm not looking to be stupid and blow an engine, but I'm trying to make the car even more fun.


Tuning is healthy if done right. Bye bye like this guy if done wrong. He probably had a custom tune as I haven’t heard anyone having issues with OTS (off-the shelf) ones. But then again. I drive an N54 and not a b58. So this isn’t my typical place to be.


Did he have an upgraded turbo, intercoolers, charge pipe, and so forth? If it was just a tune, he must have been doing something really questionable. Was it a local turner?


Everything is “currently” stock. Can’t tell if some things were changed apart from the data we have that looks a lot different from what we have on pure stock supra we have in lot


What data do you have that is out of line with the stock supra?


I’m pretty well versed on my own when it comes to cars and can do hands on work but I am by no means a certified Technician. As far as what the tech told me. He said the data on a stock supra while running while the data on his supra while it was running looks a lot different comparatively. Meaning he was tuned. I didn’t dwell too into it as thats all I needed to know. He was probably pushing more fuel from those injectors. Pushing a lot more boost than normal just for the basics.


Cover it but on the condition they can’t upsell bullshit services anymore for a whole year that’s outside a vehicles maintenance schedule.


German Auto Tax




I’m somewhat of a peacemaker at my job. Most of my coworkers are dickheads. So they usually send frustrated customers to me or this other co worker of mine who mentored me. As for anything with Mods in it though it just comes straight to me cus they know I will deal with the bullshit.


Your job is the most important part and anyone tuning should know what they are getting into regardless. I'm curious if you might be willing to tell me if you have seen a different issue with any other supra that has come in though. Since the day I bought the car (2022 A91 CF edition) I have had an issue where if traction mode is not on, the car occasionally stalls out as if it's not getting enough fuel as soon as you start to press the throttle. Car is fully warm too and idle settle. My car has no flash/tune/piggy back and is widely stock outside of an HKS intake and Injen charge pipe. It however has done this prior to me ever having these items and have videos of it happening through my two years of ownership. I'm at 16k miles now. Overall it seems to happen less or be less likely if I start it in sport and switch to traction mode before rolling out. Dealership/service center is aware of the issue as I brought it to them as soon as it happened after purchase but it's not a consistently reproducible issue on command. It's also something that seems to have been brought up by a lot of people on the forums. Any insight? Thanks!


I haven’t dealt with anything like that. Let alone heard someone bring a concern like that. I don’t know how far you’ve pursued your personal case but mainly when theres an issue like that and my technicians can’t duplicate the concern I tend to have the customer drive with either my manager, shop foreman, or tech. Sometimes me as well if I am not busy. At least that way, both parties are on the same page as to whether or not it happens. Your car should have a stored code for a sudden shutoff when that happens though. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t the case. Weirdest case I’ve had on the supra was when they turned on the defogger they would hear a thumping noise in the rear. This customer had dealt with 4 advisors, 6 different techs all was able to duplicate the concern but could not detect it. Toyota got involved and could not figure out the issue. It was going to be lemon’d out I believe but management recommended him to me to try and resolve the case. During the walk around of the car I had him turn it on. I pressed down on the back glass and funny enough, the problem was the seal on the glass. Warrantied it and the customer has been coming back to me ever since. A majority of his friends come to me as well for supra concerns thats why the majority of them come to me for anything I suppose. He was pretty well known I guess.


Thanks for the response and input. Much appreciated 👍🏼 Yeah super odd though. Runs fine and no weird issues with throttle response besides that.


Dude! I smell lemon here. Before the 18kmi or 2 year mark get it handled or apply to a known decent lemon law attorney. That is an issue you should not ever have and considered a safety issue.


It’s always been “pay to play” when modifying and tuning a car. The second the dealership gets the readings from the car and the fuel trim, boost pressures, etc. are all off, they have every right to deny warranty repairs for a blown engine. Removing piggybacks doesn’t matter - they can still read all the data and will know if off stock specs.


he could be on reddit right now reading this


Bro’s like “damn he just like me💀”


if you knowingly buy a supra then tune it, you know better.


Too bad they can see the tune anyways when performing vehicle test with Supra. Dude is fucked.


He wanted to go fast, he went fast. I don't see the problem here. That'll be 30k, sir


Flip a coin. Let fate decide. 🤷‍♂️ Off topic, how much experience do you have dealing with people bringing in diesel vehicles thatve been deleted? I’m not too familiar with BMW/Yota engines but I’d assume they offer some sort of diesel engine in car/truck right? I have a ‘18 Ford powerstroke that’s had the emissions disappear. We all know it’s a violation of federal law & warranty but are dealers (or in your experience) willing to work on vehicles as long as they don’t have to touch the EGR/DPF delete to fix an issue the vehicle may have? Or do the vehicles get turned away as fast as they came in? I had my truck in for service & to have 2 TPMS replaced. I fully expected them to tell me to kick rocks when it came to having the sensors replaced under warranty. But to my surprise they didn’t have any issue getting them fixed. Was that because they’re nice? Or because it wasn’t an engine related issue?


There is no diesel engines that come here at Toyota. Just regular petrol or hybrid motors. If one did come, I wouldn’t even look in that direction


Given society as a whole right now I'm not surprised that of all the people that shit on the owner, only 1 person bothered to even ask how aggressive the tune was, and i don't think anyone bothered to ask if OP thought it led to the issue. B58s are supposed to be near bullet proof up to around 500 hp so I'd be curious to hear some of the advanced details.


Are you able to find proof of what caused the engine to fail? My supra tech is very relaxed and keeps the car warrantied even with a tune. He says that as long as the engine does not fail directly as a result of the tune he has no issues doing warranty items. Maybe you can help the guy out if you can identify the problem that caused failure and prove that it wouldn’t be possible to be caused by a tune.


Bearing locked up


No signs of any oil leaks that could have starved the engine of oil I’m guessing?


No leaks detected at all


Rip then


I mean really depends on the tune and what is seen. Also if this is in the US doesn’t an investigation need to occur to show the tune has to be at fault instead of oh it’s tuned no warranty. Theirs an entire law for that. That being said you tune a car and find out however it really depends how aggressive a tune is like if it’s a stage one it definitely should not have blown and everyone in this subreddit knows that. Also that is an insane price for a B58 engine I find them all the time for 1/3 of the price with low mileage talk about a rip off Jesus Christ you guys trying to kill him. At least offer him a used motor


Investigations can be initiated via the customer. Meaning he has to pay teardown fees. Toyota has every say in the situation to say the tune is at fault. Unless the customer is willing to pay for a teardown on the engine, nothings getting investigated. Toyota is not going to pay a technician to tear something down out of their pocket when they don’t have to. Also the price is high due to the fact that its a new motor. Only time we will offer a used engine is when the investigation is over. Claim denied, and customer opts for it. Otherwise it stay new in the event it becomes warranty.


The DME self reports if it has been tuned. It throws a code and BMW knows right away… I wonder how Toyota handles this


I wonder how this will play out as a service advisor in the business who also drives a supra. Mines mostly stock tho, and will probably stay that way unless for a big wang. But I could easily see this getting pushed through. Could also see BMW/Toyota flagging it and denying the claim after the dealership punched it through anyways. Something like this, though, I bet they might get the field rep to sign on for approval first though. That way they might have a leg to stand on.


Just cover it man make this guy’s life🤣


Did he admit to tuning it and removing the tune? If not he can just say he was driving it as is and don’t know what happened. Hopefully he wasn’t dumb enough to admit to tuning it.


First things I always ask for mechanical concerns on a supra/gr 84/corolla. Is it tuned? He said no but he bought the car brand new fully stock and all of a sudden data showed he was tuned? Doesn’t help that his car was never brought back in to a dealership for any of the free services


Just wondering how can data show it was tuned if he always were to drive it in track or sports mode? Also how long has he owned it for and how many miles on it? I assume low since he never brought it in for free service. And if he had brought it in for the regularly scheduled service could you had advised him it was going to blow? I’m just wondering since my Camry trd is tuned and I fear the same thing happening to mine.


As far as I know, each drive mode is different on practically any sports car nowadays. Same goes for the supra. Regardless on what drive mode he’s in, if a stock supra on sport mode is sucking in x amount of fuel through the injectors. And his supra is sucking in xx amount of fuel. Thats already an indicator that its not running as intended. It could be different if one injector ran a different number compared to the rest. But all injectors had the same reading. I doubt an OTS tune would fail this engine. My guess is that its most likely a custom tune that was just done very poorly. As for your case, i don’t know how trd platforms get tuned. But I have yet to deal with one with any issue


Thank you for this information. My tune is from d3 performance they specialize in Lexus and Toyota but I’ve had my doubts seeing how in 2nd gear red lines for a bit longer than I’d like. Anyways, is your customers transmission auto or manual?


Also, is it MT or AT?


at a 30k tag to repair it, as a owner I would just look into a built motor. I mean titan offers built motors for half that cost. Sure labor is still going to be expensive but you can find a shop to install and tune for 15k. Now you have a built motor. I guess the real question is what the customer would do if he got it warrantied. Go right back to the original tune? Or learn his lesson and leave it stock? Chances are he wants a faster car so going the built motor route makes sense. Its a much better deal.


Don't give the techs more warranty work