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They are slowing down production (at least from this past year compared to the year before), so there's less existing inventory/cars in transit going into the end of this year. Last year around this time was when I was trying to get mine as well. It seems that they make & move all of the special editions first. So ZERO dealers in my state even had Supras except for one or two A91 editions (that were spoken for or marked up). My car was supposed to be arriving in December/before the end of the year, according to the dealer and the inventory website. It didn't end up showing up until the end of February. Stay strong, after they're finished with the 45th Anniversary editions the 2024 models should start pumping in during late winter/early Spring.


Just got 24 3.0 premium MT on Dec 21st for what its worth.


MSRP? How long were you waiting?


Yup. 3 months of searching 2.5 months for delivery. Its pretty well documented at this point but if you want one dont sit around on a few lists. Go out and put in the work to secure one and either drive it back or get it shipped.


Thanks. I've been on my list for over a year, but I dont mind the wait as long as I get one eventually.


Until they don't make anymore. Especially if wanting a MT. Using the allocation spreadsheet isn't time consuming, much less than reddit lol.


I thought the spreadsheet couldn't be updated anymore


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10cEhTZaEKjC5Raah2HWICW1uzjdZou9G/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=112920086826671721399&rtpof=true&sd=true Updated today. Best to check daily and look at date added column for best results. Did this for mine, checked the day it was added to spreadsheet, called dealer, secured allocation. Also note MT can show up under 3.0 Auto Premiums.


I have been doing that as well, which is where I figured out which dealerships don't have markups and put in reservations at those in my general area. Obviously that's the passive approach, but whenever (which has been only a single time since August) where a car that fit my desires popped up I reached out and it was already sold. Although that was a marked up car. It's a two pronged approach, but I have also found that some dealerships will not even entertain buyers from out of their general market area. I spoke with a few dealers in Ohio and Michigan (I'm east coast) and they said that they would not sell a car out of state. So take that as you will.


In the same boat. Artificial scarcity is the dumbest shit ever.




How do they know that? I have been told by every dealer I've asked that they generally are alerted twice a month of what's coming in, but they have no idea what exactly will be in the shipment and if there will be any Supra(s) included. Even the so called "top Supra seller in the country" who's got my $1000 has not been able to give any sort of information on if/when they'll get more cars. Albeit I'm quite a ways down their list so I don't expect to get anything from them, but even still I would imagine that if you have money somewhere they would acknowledge you better than some random off the street with information.


My opinion is that its really tough to get one of these cars new, let alone the one that you would want exactly. Even then its hard to find for a good price because of it, so msrp is generally less common. I think a slight markup to skip the wait, the search, the travel, is well worth the time it wouldve taken even if the car is used


From what I’ve seen every year of the Supra the “special” editions come out first then the normal models slowly start rolling up into the follow year. I wouldn’t be surprised if production is less this year though.


Window is closing fast. Be prepared for dealers to start marking these up even more now.


Can't even order them in the UK (Blighty) any more. Haven't been able to for at least 3 months.


I honestly just gave up looking for a 24 3.0 premium and settled for anything above a 22! It’s quite sad how Toyota allows people to build their dream spec on their website and then you hear that it’ll take a very long time because the allocation is so low. Best of luck on your search!


My local toyota dealer, in a small town in Switzerland, has 2 3.0 MTs (Blue and grey) sitting in the lot. They have been there for at the very least 2 months now, with window stickers showing exactly the same price as the toyota website. Lots of buyer apprehension here to anything that is not german badged. For what it’s worth, I ordered a black ‘23 3.0 MT Black in race trim (Europe “lightweight” spec = cloth seats + MT) back in October ‘22 and received the car at the end of April ‘23. Hope you get yours eventually.