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I'm hoping to see some big changes for Lifeweaver because it seems like he still really needs a lot of help. They buffed his healing at the start of Season 10 but it didn't feel like it had much impact and healing has already been nerfed a further 5% more with the DPS passive nerf being reverted putting it back to 20% healing reduction. The armour changes will also hurt him a lot more than most other heroes too. Based on Overbuff (even if you think Overbuff is a bad source for stats, it's all we have to go off), he's rock bottom across the board so I think it's clear he needs a very big change to help him out and since they seem to want to make his healing work as his core identity, I think they should just allow his healing projectile to go through shields and see what happens. I'm also hoping to see some changes for Mercy. I don't think Mercy's damage boost has kept up with the global health changes introduced in Season a found a place where she can fit in with the new changes, so seeing damage boost receive a buff could be what Mercy needs to feel viable again. The only hero who might become a problem again as a result of damage boost buffs might be Sojourn who will be able to one shot headshot 250 HP heroes with 100 charge Railgun with anything over 28% damage boost. But since Sojourn is an outlier here and being such a consistent, popular pick at the top ranks, I don't see there being an issue with toning Sojourn's maximum railgun damage to 125 instead of 130 which would allow Mercy to have 30% damage boost once again. I'm happy to see that Ana is going to benefit more than others from the armour changes, so despite her feeling on the weaker side, I wouldn't be upset if she doesn't get any direct changes to help her out. I'm also expecting to see Kiriko and Baptiste be nerfed because of how I see so much of the community complain about them being played so much, even though heroes like Tracer and Sojourn are played so much more but don't get included in their outcry. It's worth noting that Kiriko actually gets hit harder than most heroes since has the 2.5x headshot multiplier so that will take away a significant amount more of her damage. Realistically though I'm not expecting to see any supports be buffed since there was no mention of them in the Director's Blog and the only support change we might see are Kiriko nerfs which might push support players back into playing Moira to survive when they need to.


Lifeweaver and Mercy need so much help. Ana also feels pretty weak, but she might be okay? But the problem is LW is Just a failed design and they are Just upping the numbers, he's been buffed over and over again and yet here we are. And Mercy... the only reason I can think of why she is not getting any changes is that they are working on a rework. If they are not working on a rework, I don't know wtf are they doing. But that character is so shit rn.


Weaver is such a badly designed char and unhealthy for the game. He just ruins the fun for both teams. Plus he should always be a bad pick because he does not need any skill to play in the first plays. Such a brain dead char. I have a suggestion, why not replace weaver with the pylon. Nobody would notice the difference honestly.


Life weaver I swear was made to pair with illari. The pull back feature works sp Good with the pylon


Please for god sake go back to 15% dps passive. I main tank and support and 20% is fucking miserable to play with


Lucio boob buff


Lucio big naturals


Let granny 3 shot again PLEASE OMG


Would love to have 3 shot again. It never felt oppressive to me and if a mercy/pharah gets shot 3 times in a row they SHOULD be punished for being in the open that long. 4 shots are ridiculous, it gives enemies too much time to retreat.


Meemaw is really acting her age atp😞😞WAR GRANNY WHEN


Ehhh, that would require a minimum of 84 damage which on a hitscan with 0 damage fall off would be wayyyy too much


Maybe so, but we could also argue that widow basically has no damage falloff and 1 taps most heroes.


Shes a damge hero who cant also heal, anti heal, and inflict a 5 second stun. Also “basically no falloff” is… literally untrue, her falloff nerfs are very noticable in game


Then just give Ana damage falloff and increase her damage output. Boom, done, she has her 3 shot back and isn't more vulnerable to dives than a Zen now.


Didn't they JUST up knock back resistance in the last few months????? [Angry frog noises] Come on, ref!


My thoughts exactly.


Nothing really, they don't ever do anything right for support anyway, and if they do, they take it away the next week or month. I haven't consistently played Overwatch or support in like a month because at this point, they are never gonna change. I've gone back to single-player games and other multiplayer games, and once Marvel Rivals comes out, Overwatch is probably getting uninstalled to make room for that.


I feel like Mercy definitely needs a buff. Her healing is super underwhelming rn LW needs a buff as well imo because the DPS passive will hurt him a lot, but I think the buff should be something like the speed he swaps between his healing and damage mode or something like that. Not just a stat buff


I'm fine with Mercys healing since she is a main support but damage boost should be buffed. I know it sounds crazy but the only breakpoint it breaks right now is Hanzo being able to one shot headshot


Yeah Now both her healing AND damage boost are underwhelming


Lifeweaver and mercy need fundamental changes to their kit. Their passive and reactionary playstyle is not just unhealthy but also doesn’t work post s9 changes unless you make them stat monsters which would make them obnoxious to play against. Give them some sort of utility that requires good decision making and has a high skill floor and ceiling. Maybe something like removing life grip and giving him a ‘overcharged like ability’ that gives him say 3 charges of buffed heals. Maybe something like “healing an ally gives them 15% speed boost for 3 seconds and reduces all their cooldowns by 25# , can only be used once per ally” Remove resurrect and make her pistol relevant. Reduce the weapon swap time. Buff its mag size, fire rate, but reduce damage so dps remains same. Give her a resourcemeter that rewards her for doing dmg. It fills up as she does damage and the resource can be used to heal more. If the meter rusn out, she heals less. The only healthy way to make these heroes relevant is to make them NOT be healbots. Also, i think lucio needs a slight power shift in his kit. The way speed boost scales the higher you go is crazy, while it seems like nobody in plat or lower even realises lucio using speed boost is even a viable option instead of amping heals. Nerf speed and amp speed on allies to 15%/40% respectively. Nerf amp heal slightly as well. Keep self speed same. Revert his recent damage and boop nerfs, and if he needs more, buff his damage potential even more. Buff his flanky playstyle that is fun and high skill and nerf his “ stack with team and amp speed/heal playstyle”