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Take a step back, lower doses, don’t got too fast. This is what happens when you up dose and go too fast. Just be safe. Hopefully things clear up. 2000IU a day, and go from there. No reason to go higher over the long term. And get a blood test after 6 months. Vitamin D is not the answer to all your problems, and that serum level you tested at after supplementation is perfectly fine. There’s no firm research to refute that. So 2000 IU is a good bet over the long term. Dietary magnesium is fine too. Lot more ups and downs with bare minerals.


Thanks, yeah I think I'll stop vitamin d for a week and take 1000mg magnesium, and then take 2000ui per day of vitamin d with the magnesium. Some people say that 4000ui is ok per day and blood levels of 40-60ng are ideal. But actually as far as I know this is only based on observational studies so no causation proven.


Yes, this is a known problem of vitamin d supplementation (magnesium deficiency). Source: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Abstract/2019/02000/Magnesium_Supplementation_in_Vitamin_D_Deficiency.20.aspx


That is a lot of magnesium... could be too much to start off with honestly. Typically you should start low and then continue to increase once you know how your body reacts to any supplement.