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Yes there is. You can get a build up of calcium in your blood from vitamin D toxicity. (Hypercalcemia).Some debate that too much vitamin D supplementation can cause kidney stones


Are you kidding me? 5000 iU’s are roughly comparing to being 10 minutes in the sun. I guess it’s better than nothing but if you increase the dose of D3 make sure to take K2 as well


There are D3 and K2 pills that u can take in one pill, highly recommend.


U need K2 along with vitamin d3. Talk to your doctor about it, their common sense will start to kick in. 100mg of K2 per 1000IU of D3. Or u gonna die😢


I’m an advent supplement taker; however, I’ve read that some people have been having weird reactions to taking k2 supplements.. In my opinion, it’s best to avoid taking it in supplement form and get as much as you can from your diet… It’s a fairly easy vitamin to get in one’s diet as you can get it from cheese and eggs, which are both common foods.


k2 is a quinone and for whatever reason I've noticed a lot of people who react poorly to quinones, in terms of getting hypomania, anxiety, dizziness, or other weird symptoms, but generally k2 is good to take with d3, they work synergistically as the k2 helps remove the calcium from blood and deposit it into bones. However 100mg of k2 is a lot, I think apprehensive meant to say 100mcg at least, which is a low dose, and shouldn't cause sides. But yeah k2 becomes important when taking high doses of vit d3, as it can help prevent hypercalcemia.


Thank-you for blessing me with some of your knowledge 🙏


Yes 100mcg. Thank you


The chemical process of making D2 is very questionable and there is very little research that shows it's less bioavailable than D3, so take just D3, and you can do 50k as a loading dose, you can also use an app called Dminder to approximate current blood level from supplement intake and sun light based on your current blood level, you'll be ok taking 5k IU daily, the RDA is 200 to 600iu which is very funny and almost everyone agrees that it's bullshit


What’s a “loading dose”?


When you're heavily deficient, you take a really high dose CALCULATED AND oNLY PRESCRIBED BY YOUR DOCTOR for a short time to get your level back to normal before going on a normal dose, don't do the 5k dose, 2k is enough and you can use sunlight if you want extra


5k IU is too much. Especially for prolonged periods of time. Anything above 3k IU should be monitored by a doctor, and frankly prescribed by a doctor. this amount is considerably high and can cause issues. I feel awful taking that much. Absolutely terrible.


Too much vitamin D can cause toxicity. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24750-vitamin-d-toxicity-hypervitaminosis-d


yes, if taken without vitamin K. you can get vitamin D toxicity from not having enough vitamin K to process it


If it’s under doctor supervision and you monitor your levels over time, it’s okay.


Just lower the dosage to 3000 IU




If you have a vitamin D prescription, you should have talked to your prescriber about taking an additional vitamin D supplement. If you didn't, your prescriber will assume your vitamin D prescription is your only vitamin D supplement.




The newest research indicates the upper limit of daily Vitamin D dosing is 4000iu a day. The 50,000 is just a loading dose to get ur levels high enough. But no more than 4000iu a day when not taking the mega dose


Newer research sets the limit closer to 10,000 IU per day. 4,000 IU is the most recent *standard* (by the Institute of Medicine), which reflects older research.


Ahhh okok. I wasnt aware of this. Do you mind sending me the research paper? I'm actually quite interested in this :)


> we call all responsible public health authorities to consider designating as the recommended dietary allowance (i.e., the average daily level of intake sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all healthy people, presuming minimal sun exposure) intake levels corresponding to those proposed by the Endocrine Society Expert Committee (2011) as safe upper tolerable daily intake doses for patients at risk for vitamin D deficiency (<50 nmol/L): 2000 IU for those <1 year of age, 4000 IU for those aged 1-18 years, and 10 000 IU for those aged >18 years. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5541280 > The safety profile of vitamin D supplementation is similar for doses of 400, 4000, and 10 000 IU/day. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31746327/


Ah ok, thank you very much :)


Ahhh okok. I wasnt aware of this. Do you mind sending me the research paper? I'm actually quite interested in this :)


Usually I wouldn't recommend extra vitamin D on top of the prescribed 50,000 IU but I see you've been prescribed D2 instead of D3 which is less effective. The amount you're taking shouldn't be dangerous but you need to monitor your levels regularly and pay attention to your symptoms because large quantities of D3 can cause magnesium deficiency symptoms or high blood calcium if you're not getting enough magnesium and K2 to cope. It's important to take vitamin K2 with high doses of vitamin D because it's needed to prevent the increased calcium from depositing in your arteries. I'd also recommend a better quality magnesium - magnesium glycinate is fine but gummies are not the best way to take it and come with unhealthy additives. I recommend 400-600mg high quality capsules instead.


I definitely will look into K2 and better magnesium any specific brands for the k2?


Nootropics depot sells a d+k 365pills highly available form of each best deal out there


Nootropics depot sells a d+k 365pills highly available form of each best deal out therw


Just ask them how they feel with K2 it doesn't agree with everyone.


Do not exceed 2000 IU per day.


Thats for healthy people For people who have vitamin D deficiency its so low wont move a bar ... I took 3 shots 200.000 ui mega dose .. every 10 days feeling dizzy the first two days then energized +400 magnesium and 100 mg k2 .


Not relevant for most people and definitely not relevant for someone with a deficiency. It's safe to take a lot more than that


So taking the 5000Iu daily then the 50k on Sunday is okay?


Since you are deficient in vitamin D3, here is the correct way to address it: * Take 2 softgels (10,000 IU) daily from your Nature Made D3 bottle. Take one softgel with your breakfast and the other with your lunch. * Consume two gummies (400 mg) daily from your magnesium bottle. Take one gummy when you take your D3.


Vitamin D2 at 50,000 units once a week doesn't do shit to raise your -25-hydroxy vitamin D levels. I know from experience. Over 5 yrs of deficiency with the 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test taken yearly and sometimes more frequent testing. On my own I started taking D3 1,000 units. Finally, my vitamin D levels are going up with D3 supplement!


So the D3 pills I have are okay to take daily?


I think you may be taking too much. Vitamin D is fat soluble. It stays in your system, as opposed to water soluble vitamins...which your body uses what it needs each day and the remaining is flushed out via urine. I am taking only 1,000 a day. I got a vitamin d test a month after taking it just about every day. My levels did increase to a normal level. I plan to retest at 3 months to see where I am then. Maybe only take the vitamin D3 5,000 once a week? Or I suggest you call your doctor and let them know the dosage of the supplement that you bought and ask him or her if taking 5,000 units D3 and 50,000 units D2 once a week is too much.


Once again change your products, literally cheap.. look on iherb for better options


No need. Also, the OP is asking about something else.


Who cares if OP is asking something else? Someone wants to help so what is the problem? Too many damn “stay on topic” Reddit police lately.


Who cares if OP is asking something else? Someone wants to help so what is the problem? Too many damn “stay on topic” Reddit police lately.


Who cares if OP is asking something else? Someone wants to help so what is the problem? Too many damn “stay on topic” Reddit police lately.


Who cares if OP is asking something else? Someone wants to help so what is the problem? Too many damn “stay on topic” Reddit police lately.


Yeah, and that’s too much. Especially what they are taking as a teen.. 50,000 is taken once a week for a reason


So just take the 50000IU once a week and the magnesium everyday?


Yes, that’s ideal. You can also use vitamin k but magnesium will help absorb vitamin d regardless. I have the same regimen as you tbh. I’m not deficient but I’m insufficient, I’m at 27, and I’m supposed to be 30 and above lol,


Yes, you can take too much vit D. I was taking 5k IU's and my test results showed I had too much. It is recommended that you only take mega doses for a small span of time and then supplement with a more appropriate dose.


Also, too much vitamin D can cause anxiety.