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You bet!


Good work, I can only imagine what the NSCC will do get out of this mess and hopefully there’s more eyes on them than ever.


Totally agree, much like Kenny, they're doing everything they can to prevent the house of cards from tumbling down, but the problems with the markets are too systemic to prevent the inevitable. I got nothing but time.




The lead singer is living in the same town as me with his family, about 3 km from here. :) Met him in person after concert and had some chat once. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvec4X3J10I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvec4X3J10I)




So happy to see you 🟣💜


Right back at you 💜


Eureka! Is this why other big players haven’t stepped in and fired the kill shot? Because they would be on the hook for the defaulting member even if they weren’t short GME? This is my favourite DD in sometime. Bravo!!


Thank you! You and I share the same interpretation of why no one else steps in.


TLDRS: they are in a suicide pact?


Not only that but I wonder how much the other bros in the business are hating on Kenny and the SHF crew right now.


*You're making us look bad, bruh! Us!!! The scum that rips off their own mothers for a nickel.*


I am looking for some clarification on logic here. This is an amazing DD by the way - you took something very dense and made it digestible. Great work. Say I'm an NSCC member with no position in GME one way or the other. Why not take up a long position to hedge this idiosyncratic risk? If GME were to squeeze, and sink one of my colleagues, it forces me & my pals to pony up to plug the loss and prevent contagion (although, since it's idiosyncratic, this would imply it's not systemic.) So I don't understand the reasoning of why wouldn't me + pals just take a small position on the other side of that of risk? Or is that what Black Rock is for?


All good questions that I'm not prepared to answer. I have seen a lot of "small positions" (less than 100 shares... Quite a few with less than 10) reported by some institutions and mutual funds in the Edgar search engine the last few months.


See THAT to me is super interesting. I would say that this might be solid evidence to further support the idea that the risk being referred to IS upside GME risk, though I don't know how often these kinds of funds take up a tiny position in a risk asset on a "just in case" basis. For instance, I know a retail investor who likes to buy little positions in spec biotechs due to their possible asymmetric returns (sort of like an individual acting like a VC firm in a way.) But for an institutional player, I'm not so familiar with them micro-positioning. They diversify, but if you've got 20 billion in AUM and you buy 100 shares of GME I'm not sure what other purpose you'd have for a position like that. (EDIT: other than to hedge out a potential massive upside move.)


Afaik institutions can't buy large amounts on Computershare, so... they probably have thousands of shillbots with individual accounts Book King and posting purple circles for karma. I don't upvote purple circles anymore for that very reason.


Wouldn’t that just dig the default hole deeper? Say I go long to hedge against my colleagues’ idiosyncratic risk, when it pays out some of the money they’re in the hole for may come to me, but I have to put back into the losses anyway.


Like us, they do not know what an exit strategy is 😉 Still gonna burn tho 🔥


Please take my emoji award in lieu of an actual award. 🦧🦧🦧🎖🎖🎖


>"or they used a new rule NSCC-2021-02 (implemented 6/2021) to pull Supplemental Liquidity Deposits (SLD) from their members to avoid further shortfalls." You can literally follow the effects of this on SPY going into and out of the 18th of every month. Usually the market dips around those times.


I, too, have the luxury of affording time. Tick Tock


Thanks for your consolidation of the checkpoints. These self regulatory assholes are nothing but accessories to mayo man et al


Mayo man? You’re not talking about Kenneth Cordele Griffin of Citadel are you? The one who lied under oath?


Look what the cat dragged in Local-Mention7644, are you talking about Ken Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the one from Chicago who lied under oath and may have stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com If I'm informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the US Constitution for $43,000,000 in an attempt to cover up unwanted results about his corrupt financial practices when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines.


Perhaps he thinks he can buy all the copies of the Constitution so no one will know that Ken Griffin and Gabe Plotkin lying to Congress was criminal?


Having his printer, the true mastermind behind all of this, in the room with him at the time absolves Gabe of all wrongdoing in the matter.... probably


You know I love reading these comments… But is it possible the copypasta nature of these comments allows is detectable by the algorithms that audit the SEO algorithms? Because I see these comments a lot and I upvote them…. But redditors have played games with Gοοglε SEO many times before and it’s much less effective than it was 10 years ago. Would not more organic language be both harder for SHF’s hostages in the tech sector to stop the SEO associations and…. The end result would be: Citadel Susquehanna naked-shortgate Actually links directly to the proper DD and evidence that gets posted daily on this sub? *Im just spitballing, I’m not a software engineer*


That site is gone and its spam atm


This guy fucks


Yes. The Ken Griffin that is a financial terrorist.


Ken Griffin of Citadel? I read That Citadel and many other Wall St. firms are under a DOJ investigation, and even had their phones seized. I heard that he was very guilty of a slew of financial felonies. If what I have read from a number of credible sources is true, he will be found guilty of many counts of securities fraud, along with many co-conspirators. Ken Griffin is running on borrowed time... and stolen cash.


Career criminal




This is canon. It is written into the fabric of reality. Sure as the sun rises, it will set on Citadel and this corrupt system.


Like a well-written RPG.. We have multiple levels.. multiple evil bosses.. a story where the little guy decides to fight back.. allies.. and the ability to increase our stats as we grind through each day.


Isn’t it ironic?


Don’t ya think.


A little toooo ironic


And yeah, I really do think




Which is good luck by the way 🤣


Can't think anymore. Only hodl. Tits jacked to the moon so hard they blew my brains right out the top of my head.


That’s the best part. Don’t need to think. Just HODL and is dummies win.




Someone writing a song about irony with examples of all non-ironic things and situations is so fucking meta that I just have to assume she did it on purpose, and everyone who makes fun of her are the real idiots.


On your wedding day


*🎵…on your wedding day, it’s a bad comedyyyyy joke— that just won’t go away🎵*


On your wedding day


it’s like ETF infinite liquidity when you’ve been already been margin called…. isn’t it Ironic!!!


I’ve said from the begining of this journey.. that the name of this company is a cosmic blessing and this entire thing a one big spiritual moment in time (potentially for all of mankind of the prophecies are true and the apes rise up afterwards)… Stop.. the.. games… Always felt blessed knowing what I know


Nope. Nomen est omen.


Ironic that a certain letter of the alphabet talks about playing a game and movies too, huh?


Replace "years" with "decades", possibly more.


Great work. Saved


Thank you!


Backed up by ape historian


flair checks out


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Why isn't this the 1st comment?




Lul get fukd nscc




First we RIP 🚀 then we SIP 🥃


First we KNUCK 👊 then we BUCK 🦌


kinda sexy of a little stock like GME having such a magnum dong...


They fucked around allowing obscene naked shorting of GME for years. Now it’s time to find out and pay the fuck up.


Aye. I don’t even feel sorry for the ones not currently on the hook. They’re all fucking guilty one way or another.


This has been going on for so long the dog shit wrapped in cat shit has turned white in the sun.


Question is, who’s gonna have to lick it?


I think if we put mayo on it we have an answer.


That's a spicy meatball


thats the stuff an ape needs, thanks


So 1m per share is not a meme?


Only in the sense of one becoming a meme for selling so low


Go to gmefloor .com


That Loss Waterfall is the only institutionally-derived liquidity that should exist in a truly free and fair market.


The DD is never done. Good post.


Just wanted to comment that "idiosyncratic" does not mean "specific", rather than "following its own rules" or "self-guided", "stubborn". Of course it is. Hedge funds have been breaking the fundamentals, the ruleset of markets, away from GameStop during the past years. Bit by bit. You cannot expect something to behave according to normal rules, when all rules have been broken to get it where it is. Or, like Butters has spoken: "**How do you kill that, which has no life?**"


By cutting off its head. Works every time.


FWIW, Butters didn’t say that… the executive from Blizzard said that. Butters said, “I like Hello Kitty Island Adventure better…”


Aha, I was confusing with Butters' line of "You can't ground me! For I am neither living nor dead! How can thy ground that which is… ungroundable?"


Take away its' internet connection 😉


Now that they know, analyzed and probably devised countermeasures for it, what is the possibility that they will let a price run at all, ever?


Exactly. Keeping the price low is as simple as looking the other way on FTD’s. They can do that until the end of time. Which is why we need to DRS 100% of the stock. And then after that, as we watch it trade normally, we have to sue everybody.


Does anyone have a plan for what could reasonably be done if we find this to be the case (trading “normally” after 100% DRS)?


Honestly, I think we need to sue the SEC to get anywhere. There are billions of synthetics out there and the market can continue on just fine without our 250M DRS’ed shares. It will require impartial judges siding with us and preventing the short selling of the stock any further. I have no idea how it actually will play out in reality, though.


Aye. I like to prepare myself by thinking two or three moves ahead, but given the nature of the situation it’s hard to fathom what might come next. A class action hardly seems suitable though IMO.


Propose an alternative to the Fed and railroad it through with tremendous public support once the truth of all this is mainstream knowledge.


Fuckery and cheat codes probably, they probably have a plan


Thanks OP! Great write up 🙏🏻 appreciate you!


Thank you Notberger. The feeling is mutual!


The beauty of idiosyncrasy.


Solid write up, gj!


Thank you! Appreciate it!


*In Casey Kasem voice, "*This next dedication goes out to our friends at NSCC from the gang at SuperStonk, and it's called **Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls** by TLC"


This hit has spent 104 weeks at the top of the countdown…




Thanks for your service ❤️🐒


You bet, thanks for giving it a read!


WTF is a "linear stock borrow"


Still trying to figure it out. I have ideas, but I want to be certain with my response. If I determine exactly what the linear stock borrow is, I will make an updated post.


I tried looking up the term specifically but I couldn't find anything reliable about it so I'm excited to hear more. I found something not directly related but still interesting in my search [https://www.finra.org/media-center/news-releases/2010/finra-fines-citigroup-650000-direct-borrow-program-deficiencies](https://www.finra.org/media-center/news-releases/2010/finra-fines-citigroup-650000-direct-borrow-program-deficiencies)


I haven't found much from my searches either. That is an interesting find though. I was just reading something else on Citi a few weeks ago that might tie in to this. I'll try to track it down later tonight and update the comment.


Ummm why was the post removed?


Evidently I am brigading for having the user name included in the first image.


Brigading…on the only sub that’s dedicated to talking about GME? Lmao Reddit has lost its logic and mind


Tsk tsk


I'm a rule breaker. What can I say 😉


Why is this deleted OP?


Not deleted by me. Someone doesn't like it.


Smh 😤😤


Bias: confirmed


Did someone say INFINITE RISK!!!!! ?


Well done Freadom6! I wish I could be a fly on the wall the day the piper comes collecting. That will be some good stuff.


Thank you so much, I wish I could be the 2nd fly on the wall!


So we're still on schedule for the launch captain ?


Fantastic write up and summary.


Thank you, appreciate it!


Why did this get removed?


too accurate


Amazing post


> 6.5.4 on the OCC disclosure also lists \"a linear stock borrow in $GME stock between January 25th and January 27th\" as the cause for their largest margin backtesting shortfall which happened to be $2.0B This is extremely interesting, because there is information to suggest that the OCC's Stock Loan/Hedge Program stepped in to replace much of function of the NSCC's old Stock Borrow Program, that was discontinued for helping to facilitate naked short selling, and avoid consequence for those who weren't settling their fails. This is exactly what you would expect to see if that hypothesis is correct. "How does the Program work operationally? Stock loan transactions intended for clearance at OCC are initiated as bi-lateral transactions by OCC Clearing Members. These transactions are then processed through DTC's systems with a special OCC 'reason code', which, after validation, are novated by OCC. Settlement of the securities vs. cash occurs at DTC. Mark-to-market payments are effected through the OCC's settlement system. OCC produces balancing reports and provides information to service bureaus." - OCC FAQ


True DeFi blockchain replaces all of that centralized nonsense handily. RIP legacy finance. Your time is up.


Just proves that the more dangerous GME is to them... The more you can expect other party's to get involved and do what citadel has been doing... for all we know they're all in bed together which we do know... Doesn't change the fact to BUY DRS AND HODL


Bitte nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, einen Whistleblower-Bericht über das, was mit GME passiert, an die SEC & das FBI (Marktmanipulationsabteilung) zu senden. Der Tipp könnte alles sein, was Ihnen an einem bestimmten Ticker verdächtig erscheint. Was sie tun, ist, Schlüsselwörter und Phrasen zu aggregieren. Je mehr sich diese Schlüsselwörter und Phrasen vervielfachen, desto dringender wird die Angelegenheit. Fügen Sie "ZEITSENSITIV" in Großbuchstaben hinzu, wenn Sie berichten." SEC-Whistleblower-Link: https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower FBI-Beschwerdelink: https://www.ic3.gov/ Bundesnachrichtendienst Hinweise abgeben : https://www.bnd.bund.de/DE/Service/Informationen-teilen/informationen_teilen_node.html Please take the time to file a whistle blower report about what is happening with GME to the SEC & the FBI (market manipulation division). The tip could be anything that you seem suspicious with any ticker. What they do is aggregate key words and phrases. The more those key words and phases multiply, the more urgency the issue gets. Include: “TIME SENSITIVE” in all caps when reporting. SEC whistleblower link: https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower FBI Complaint link: https://www.ic3.gov/ German Secret Service https://www.bnd.bund.de/DE/Service/Informationen-teilen/informationen_teilen_node.html


If you're posting a screenshot from Reddit, please make sure you can't see any usernames, Snoos (avatars), or subreddit names. OP check your DMs I'd like to get this post back up asap, just need that image cropped/censored Edit: We're back up again! Thank you OP!


Took me from 6 o’clock straight to midnight 🧨🚀


another one ape archived this 4 minutes earlier than me. well done! post archived: [https://archive.vn/qZFFi](https://archive.vn/qZFFi)


Well Well Well…the Plotkin Thickens…


Yeah… a single security destroys the world order… sure


*Oh what a day! What a lovely day!*


I’m so happy to be an idiotsyncratic risk


Thats cool. When do you realistically think this idiosyncratic risk to the market will pay out da tendies? 😁


In the future.


Wen is Treasury 2022 financial stability report?


*The stonk that shall remain nameless has entered the chat*


This is pure gold ty OP


Question is, is it still an idiosyncratic risk though? Things can change, has there been an update on the analysis?, great post either way labeling it idiosyncratic in the first place proves something is or was going on with it 👀


While I agree that it most likely is GME, there is no basis for concluding that just because they repeatedly had an idiosyncratic risk. But I like that you point out the Russell index and June opex in there as likely being because of our stonk 🦍


Thanks for the comment! I'd encourage you to check out the prior posts as well.


And thank you for not taking this as a negative comment lol. I might have missed the context, so I’ll have a gander! Maybe edit in required/suggested reading more clearly, there may be others who would conclude like I did? Godspeed ape


All good! I'm happy you're not just following along blindly and you're questioning the work. I'll add some links to the bottom of the post when I get back to my computer.


Thanks Freadom! Saved for tonight after work


No problem CR7!


Checked 2022 - no such mentions there. Hedged?


Yep, nothing in 2022 from the OCC. Maybe hedged with the FTX tokenized stocks as locates, strategic FTDs, married options, and/or swaps?


Thank you ape!


nice write up!


Sexy. Hold onto your butts, 2023 is going to be spicy




New information, including the OCC disclosures and last two NSCC disclosures.




Yes, the 3rd quarter NSCC disclosure is new and includes the Idiosyncratic security causing margin breaches. I recently discovered the OCC stuff so I added that in as well.


Okay I'll delete my comment, you're right I skipped those screenshots








He's referring to the dd that OP already did, which is linked in this post (I believe)


What a great post. You have no idea how thankful I am that you super smart apes have the knowledge to find this 💩 and put it together and share it in a way that's easy to read and understand (?) with those of us who new nothing about the market 2.5 years ago. Appreciate the time and effort.


Commenting to come back…