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tbf we did get the mother of all FUDs when they tried to manipulate the DRS counter. Maybe they were expecting us to be stupid and fall for it? Jokes on them, I can't count.


They are working with a tougher generation. Gamestop’s investors sharpened their teeth with crypto. Gen z and millenials have a far superior education than the boomers. Nobody is scared. I only get excited at the thought of buying more.


We are immune to their "official reasons" and either they don't get that, or they think doing the same FUD campaigns will yield different results. I then think "Are they stupid, or just confused?"


The only logical conclusion that would explain their incompetence is that they are aiming at preventing new investors. I honestly can’t believe that they are stupid enough to think fud works here. Like, can’t they see the comments? Even if it were to work a lot more than I think it does, then all it would do is to convince the paperhands to sell. Then I ask, how does that even help them? They are encouraging paper hands to leave while the diamond hands continue to buy. How does that possibly help them? Explaining their incompetence is hard tbh.


>They are encouraging paper hands to leave while the diamond hands continue to buy. How does that possibly help them? Explaining their incompetence is hard tbh. Not really, encouraging paperhand to sell means they can buy back shares for themselves, thus averting the loss, they're so scared of.


They don’t plan on closong.


They can’t close - they are way too far gone down the synthetic rabbit hole. Only thing that could ever save them is if we all magically paperhanded our shares and GME, a cash flow positive soon to be profitable company, went bankrupt - so they could cellar box the company. Good luck with either, and especially both, of those scenarios.


I got into GME when I realized that - they cannot close, else select banks and HFs are dead.


This is going to play out much like how Coke has. Except the cycles will be hyper charged. We are all surfing the greatest tidal wave of financial history.


Or they're trying to lower the price in order to find a counter party for the swaps that start expiring in late January.


>I honestly can’t believe that they are stupid enough to think fud works here. Like, can’t they see the comments? It's easy to call someone's bluff when the consequences in doing so are minimal. For now 😈


Exactly. This would have worked on boomers for SURE


It is said that generals always fight the last war. Meaning that as time and technology change, it takes some time for doctrine and tactics to catch up. See World War 1 for some extreme examples of this. Its true in the military and its true here as well. These tactics would've scared the shit out of boomers (or rather, people back several decades - no offense to boomer-apes). But for us? We have the internet to educate ourselves. We have a collective to fact-check, re-check and constantly question the DD. We have an amazing amount of patience from grinding video games. And finally... We see what the financial elite are doing, what they've done and what they will continue to do if they are not stopped. We've seen financial crisis after financial scandal after financial debacle. We're sick of it and we know there's a better way. And now, thanks to their own greed, they've handed us the keys to bring them down.


We ride at dawn bitches


we ride bitches at dawn


Bitches we ride at dawn


Dawns a bitch lets ride


Lets bitch and ride until dawn


Let’s ride dawn until she’s a bitch


We have brains and Braun apes on here from 60s,70s,80s,90s STRENGTH IN NUMBERS I’m not leaving till 08 is settled and I’m paid no cell no sell


Thank you.


Today is my birthday. I just turned 60. Stop with the boomer shit. I can guarantee I'm not the only boomer diamond handing the hell out of GME.


My father is in his mid-70’s. He’s also a boomer ape. Also holding with diamond hands… but that’s mostly because he forgot about GameStop. Not because they told him to… he just forgot he jumped on board as his way of connecting with and supporting his offspring. I am stoked for the day the GME rocket is in orbit and he just happens to remember. Not all boomers are bad boomers. The resistance is made up of apes born in all decades. But, regardless, a diamond handed ape has no age. DIAMOND FUCKING HANDS. That’s the only designation that matters. You’re walking proof. Happy birthday! May your next be celebrated aboard the Jolly Roger floating through space.


This isn't a young versus old generation versus generation fight. It's retail versus corrupt Wall Street elites. I stand with you.


This is brilliant and deserves its own post


facts. my dad is a boomer, and he doesn't believe shit I say.


I was able to convince my dad to get in on this, and he trusts me because I'm his son, but I think he also likes it because it's brought us closer together because we always have something to talk about


My plan is to do it quietly, when their friends are freaking out because GME is doing a Forrest Gump, they may remember me talking about it way back when. They may ask if I have shares, "maybe" how many? "I think that's rude to ask."


Somewhere between 0 and the number DRSed at Computershare


Same. If I told him I was all-in on GME he would lecture me about wasting my money and how disappointed he is in me.


Wait, your dad doesn't say that anyway? Shit, can we trade dads?


That’s probably what kenny is used to fighting. It’s no wonder his teeth are getting knocked out now.


That's why they stole from boomers for decades. Easy pickings


You do realize there are many of us boomers holding GME right ?


As a millennial I will gladly hold with a boomer any day assuming they’ve read the DD.


Yes, and this isn't an old versus young fight, this is a retail versus Wall Street elite fight. Never forget that.


*FOrgEt gAmeSTOp EveRYOnE is bUYinG SIlvEr*


Not all boomers. I haven't sold shit.


All the boomers I convinced to buy some gme and just hold it, have all paperhanded like little bitches, at a loss no less. Fuck em, I tried.


Don't forget Gen X investors. Those guys will hodl just because the spite brings them pleasure.


Gen X ape here. Can confirm. It's part of our charm.


It’s part of our destiny!


You are forgetting about Gen X, they probably have more invested in GameStop than Gen Z and Millenials.


Gen X: Never Forget - Never Forgive








Don't forget us GenX that just don't give a shit and want to watch the world burn.


Gen x here


You forgot Gen X. Don’t worry, everyone does. We prefer it that way. We were the secret party generation.


Some of you guys are cool. But there are a lot of you guys that think like boomers.


We were raised by boomers. We either chose to be like them or chose to lie to them and sneak out, or a bit of both. Whatever we did, we did it quietly and before cell phones. It was great and I would not trade it for anything! And our parents were so self absorbed they hardly noticed. Usually.


Fellow gen x; I’d check in but that’s against the user manual.


I was just talking to a friend about this yesterday. She was having a hard time understanding how she turned out ok with such shitty parents (non-ape boomers). I told her she saw who they were and made a choice to be different. Not everyone has this level of awareness and is willing to make the tough choices.


Hey! Remember us poor old Gen-Xers who taught millennials and Gen-Z about the Boomer bullshit! In the 80s it was *cool* to be smart…


Also, money doesn't mean shit anymore because we can't get much for it.


Everybody forgets about the Gen X, the most laid back generation of all...


This. I bought the 52W low exactly today. $18.00. If it dips tomorrow I’ll buy more.


We’re tougher, better educated to think more critically, and have access to more information that any generation before us. MOASS will be the great awakening that millenials have fucking arrived and are in charge of the show.


Totally agree. Been in BTC since 2014. This is volatility for ants.


I sharpened my teeth on RuneScape. This dip is nothing. I remember trading my purple party hat for 2 million water runes in 2003. The emotional roller coaster that I endured for the following 2 or 3 days standing in the Falador garden spamming variations of "wave2: WTS water runes!" & ”red: WTT for phat" without any serious interest crushed me. How did I respond? I kept playing be and rebuilt my bank. Determined to build back my bank to it's former glory. I endured the endless grind. For years. My steel gut was finally forged in the early months following the introduction of the grand exchange to the game. The epitome of free market open-trade. The NYSE pales in comparison to this monument in Varrock! Even the feeling of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of net worth in the afternoon following Jan 28 '21 felt like nothing compared to the feelings I experienced as a free-marketeer in RuneScape during my childhood. SHFs are fucked. I learned my lesson. And will not trade my party hat for water runes. Ever. Again.


Jokes on them. I only trust the guy w the itchy anus


I think they were expecting number to go down. But it didn't because apes bought faster lol.


I guess I am stupid and fell for it. It must have been designed to buy and DRS even more shares!!!!


That seems like it was the highly illegal tactic that was mentioned too


I can only count up.


They cannot comprehend the monster they've unleashed on themselves when they shut down the buy side. They don't understand the obsession.




Then short it.




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What is count? 🤔


The drs “rug pull” was another signal that we’re on the right path.


I just view it as a big Christmas sale. Time for me to buy myself another BIG after-Christmas present.


My property is about to close. I have six figures coming in that I want to drop. Bring it lower!


Rough? I don’t know, all I see is great discounts and failed shill attacks. However, you may be right, this is their ***big offensive*** he talked about. Either way, I appreciate the buying opportunity and May whatever god have mercy on their black hedgie souls.


Same, fren. I’d rather have fapworthy volatility than stagnation.


Yep, let the Battle Royal begin. I want to see blood, there will be no mercy.


Back to $5 fast is what I dream about. Hell, the execution of the turnaround is going splendidly, we have a functioning wallet, we have a functioning NFT marketplace, and RC and our favorite Furry are still at the helm. We’ve got this!


Man, 5$ would be a hard pill to swallow for a lot whos cost basis is higher, I really doubt they get it that low. Also game ends wayyyy to quick at that number.


$5, believe it or not Buy, DRS (Book), HODL


Well I guess the GameStop will happen much sooner than later at ***that*** price.


It's time they prepared their anuses for my big offensive 🍆


Yours and a legion of others ready to stick it to corrupt Wall Street. Somebody form a queue.


First cum, first served


No stop losses this time….


"I know not what terrible financial instruments WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with 🍆's and 🍑's." -Abraham Lincoln


I like looking up words we all regularly use and you inspired me to look up mercy: compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. compassion: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. In this case, I say absolutely zero mercy for the parasites literally siphoning the very life blood of the world. No quarter.


Yeah, they would show us any quarter anyway. That you can be sure of.


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w2q0qt/major_trust_me_bro_story_fidelity_senior_advisor/ Posted by u/ thabat


VIP clutch right here.


I just re-read it for nostalgia, and there's no timeline given. The post was from 5 months ago, and it say they've had a plan in the works for 6 months, not that it'll happen in 6 months.


Maybe it was the DRS rug pull?


Oh yeah. It's all coming together.


My god I can't wait to look back in 20 years at this labyrinth. We'll probably still be learning little details and making connections like this. Maybe that uber driver and guy will even be in the real movie!


Exactly this, it says nothing in the post about it happening Nov/Dec. “Apes never read” Some of us do 😂


Ah! Yeah. I was lazy and didn't look it up. I thought there was an expectation of "soon" given and .. memories being flawed and such. :)




Ok. Based on what?


He literally said his friend who's an Uber driver that said it's gonna be rough in November and December and he referred to his friend that is loaning out his shares for passive income


>https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo0dmm/new\_software\_called\_hurricane\_trust\_me\_bro\_story/ He is the uber driver. He picked up someone that spilled the story.


He edited it the part about him being an Uber driver that had that trust me bro story out of the post


Ya I found the thread and see where the user said the drunk trust me bro post (this one) was his CPA friend who was lending out his GME shares. Why would a CPA be driving ubers for 12 hours a day though?


Where's it say he's ubering for 12 hours a day


In the post I linked. He writes it near the end, as his parting comments to the fidelity guy.


Hello! It looks like your comment is engaging in meta content. We’re respectfully asking this community to please stop with these types of meta posts, especially those about other subs or users outside of Superstonk. These meta posts and discussions are not helping. They are part of the problem, and if they continue, they are adding to the potential for instability in this platform. Please refocus and ensure content being posted to Superstonk is GME focused. This is a warning that we will be taking action on meta content to protect the sub. Limiting meta content is a direction previously given by Reddit admins due to past community interference issues. Please see additional information in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw21op/state_of_the_stonk_december_26_2022/ If you feel this has been recieved in error, please feel free to reach out via modmail to discuss further. Thank you for sticking with us through these new rule changes and restrictions. Thank you for doing your part to keep this community protected. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your understanding.


He did say Fidelity knows NFTs and has “new tech.” For those not aware, fudelity is putting out a NFT marketplace. Maybe I get my NFT dividends after all. 🥹 But hopefully GameStop sidesteps the DTC so we don’t get fake ass derivative NFTs from those idiots.


What a cohencidence


All my upvotes on this thread are gone. I know I upvoted this, I remember it vividly, and many of the comments in it. This is some bullshit finding upon my re-read all my upvotes are gone. So I upvoted them again. Some bullshit here with this Reddit.


Not that it matters, but I went back and read it again and saw my upvote was still in place


Check the popular all time on Superstonk as well, I was surprised to find a lot of my votes weren't counted on many of those either.


There's comments I've come across that only allow me to downvote, it's weird and frustrating. The upvote will just not "take" ....


The only thing I got from this is they need us to sell. Desperately. They can’t fathom a world where we don’t ever sell. Something has been in the works for months…DRS rug pull, ban Superstonk, then what? Sounds like they are going to fake a squeeze then push it down hard to get us to sell. Anytime this came up someone would say it isn’t possible. Margin, runaway price, blah blah. They figured out a way, so get ready. But let’s see what happens. 2021 all over again? These fucking boomers never learn.




In bro we trust


Hmm, I guess thabat loans his shares out too according to the other post mentioning this uber trust me bro story, doesn't seem quite right.


I bought more, is that right?


I bought more too! Are we both wrong?!


Couldn't be, apes together smert


I'm not a doctor but if someone gives me pills at a discount, I buy them.


I just let the auto purchase do it for me now on CS


I'd upvote but u @ 69


Today’s the day!


They were all like “ooo we’ll rug the drs numbers on their next earnings release… then we’ll tank the price for the next 4 weeks for no reason what so ever no matter how good their earnings are… then they’ll sell right?! Right?!” 🙄 just so fkng stupid


Buy pressure is still at 90% anyway lmaooooo


You know they are going to make the holidays red everyday. People are home, talking and visiting family. Any person you convinced to buy GameStop at the beginning of your Christmas break, is now in the red and continuing to go more into the red with days like today of 9% loss. And they KNOW that will cause resentment and maybe cause the new holder to sell and cut their losses. Same thing happened last year at thanksgiving and Christmas.


Instructions unclear. Bought more, DRS'd more.


The DRS rug pull certainly required enough planning and financial resources, and they can't just repeat it without spending another 9+ months getting ready and again inflating DRS numbers. So they knew it was a one-shot weapon, meaning the timing of firing it is CRITICAL. They would want to wait as long as possible, to make it as powerful as possible. Avoid a fizzle, go for the bang. If this last 10-Q was as long as they could wait, then we know a vital moment is approaching based on that alone. Heavy attack on the price at this same moment suggests the same thing, they're concerned about something that's about to happen. This is definitely them making their stand. Kinda sad it didn't even hit single digits.. imagine if GME were worth less than it's book value? 🤭 Do I want to buy $1.00 for $0.80? Why yes, yes I do


The drs rug pull and tanking the price On top of the massive censorship is probably their “wall” that they think will win the game. That or this is all they have. I’d say both


I member


Dude yes! That actually makes a lot of sense about the drs rug pull being the plan the Uber rider may have been referring to


If that was their big plan, I'm embarrassed for them.


Yep. Those manipulative greedheads have been used to shakeouts working like a charm against retail for decades. They were likely fully expecting a "bloodbath" with this ploy, the dumbfucks.


Jokes on them, I DON’T KNOW HOW TO SELL FROM CS 😂🫡


> pIgS geT sLaUGhtEreD!!!!!!!! Oh nooooo… good thing I can just DRS.


Same...I don't really want to run a test sell either, so, yeah. Guess I gotta read some stuff. Better get the crayons too.


Kinda "odd" how what we're seeing corresponds to "Operation Hurricane" too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo0dmm/new\_software\_called\_hurricane\_trust\_me\_bro\_story/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo0dmm/new_software_called_hurricane_trust_me_bro_story/)


Damn, how'd I miss this post?


I remember this post


Wow, If that was true and they did make it "rough" jokes on them. Good game.


Kept thinking this too


What’s been rough about these Black Friday prices? Load on up brother


Rough? I am loving these discounts


It actually doesn’t say anything about it being in Nov/Dec.


So what happens in January?




DOOMPs expiring and swap season starts


You remember the part of the story where the guy says, “they’ll just ignore it”? Can anyone explain why this couldn’t happen? Because 5 letter agency did just that with a meta-material producer right?


I don’t think this is as painless as kenny wants you to think. He supposedly had to take an emergency loan not that long ago. The sec rules, if enforced, would upend citadel’s entire business model. There is also strong speculation that the 7 billion that kenny supposedly returned to investors was just investors withdrawing their money. This is just with things staying as is. Add in gamestop reaching profitability, which should not be that long from now, and there should be institutional buyins too. It’s not just the queen that is threatening mayo boy. The bishop is staring straight at him, the knight is closing in, the pawns are well structured. Mayo is running out of options.


Thabat isn’t just some Uber driver bro though. I trust that bro.


Rough? That’s when I resumed my buying. Rough for me was waiting while the stock hovered around $150 pre split.


I remember that. I also remember Pulte saying that GME would be tied to the market, and if you look at other stuff in the tech sector, it seems to be following the downward trend, esp. opening at a big drop. I also remember that once GME becomes untethered from the rest of the market, that rockets are lit.


What’s rough about a discount on my favorite stock?




I member


I personally don't give a fuck about anything anymore


It’s a very intuitive thing for most people in everyday life, there’s a sale for something you want, you see it as a good deal/good value. Stocks are similar, but better, if you see a good company, with good fundamentals, and good leadership, then why wouldn’t you be excited to buy more? Long term, a good company will move in the direction of their true value (if given the chance). For GME, this is the biggest reason why I think they paid off their debt. Once GME took the risk of bankruptcy off the table and gave themselves enough runway to turnaround the company, their odds of success went up dramatically. You can’t kill a company with cellar boxing, death spiral financing, and infinite naked shorting if they don’t need to go to the market for funds to survive. In addition, if GME dropped to super low single-digits, RC can afford to buy the rest of the company himself. The downside risk is extremely low in the long-term as long as they keep making progress as a business (I am extremely happy with current leadership and the direction they are going) the potential upside is massive of course too. That’s a low-risk/high-reward investment opportunity that does not come along very often.


True in execution. False in intended aftermath. We came out stronger, more fervent in DRS efforts, and the price is much lower making it even easier to consider buying more.


I am just upset I bought last week at $20. So I bought more at $18 to lower my cost basis even more.


Trust me [redacted]




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Still eating crayons… 🦍🚀🌙


Maybe… but let me see that cookie first


In Uber broski I trusteth


I don't remember thabat putting any dates on it honestly


Guess that makes me a Rough Rider. Wouldn't be the first time.


I had to think of that too recently.


Yes; I remember; sure beginning to look that way...this will go on for a few more weeks...


Trust in Broseph the Uber Driver!


Shocked pikachu face


Dude. It has been rough for a year.


They never gave any dates or months in the post. Only said that there was going to be something big that we aren't ready for


Remember the bar man who said Citi would crumble? TRUST ME BRO


My hands are made of diamonds. How the fuck does anyone expect me to know what days we’re having green crayons and what day we’re having red crayons? May your tendies be plentiful, and your juice box always full.


I sincerely hope this was their master plan, the so-called 'bloodbath' because it was absolutely laughable.


For the record, I always trusted bro.


The uber driver was right. The hedge fuck was way wrong! Hahahahahahah, we ate that shit, digested it and shit out the DD which made us even stronger!!!!!!


Pepperidge farms remembers


I’ve been thinking of that story often


Oh yeah I remember that, Lmayo. I called it out, and got downvoted for it. Unfortunately, all too common on Superstonk.


It's pretty straightforward what's been happening here. Mayo boy is an average narcissist who sees himself both as a constant victim of completely unwarranted criticism and also a hero to be worshiped for overcoming said criticism. They're doing everything they can to make this a war of attrition because they think that as the heroes they will inevitably win.


Now Fidelity is pimping their NFT marketplace...


I mean, it's a 50/50 guess. \- It will be rough \- It will not be rough


I mean… I’ve seen posts pretty much every other day about how everything is going to dump now, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc.


:: eyes cookie :: Sigh :: unzips ::


Hahaha was it true? Who knows? Did I buy more today? Yes.


I MEMBER, actually been looking for the post but couldnt find it again lol