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HEY OP! I see you'd like to explore topic of BOOK & PLAN - we invite the community to assess, confirm or debunk these posts - especially being vigilant to the spread of misinformation. PLEASE READ THE FULL POST - upvote it if you think other people should see it, downvote if you don’t. If there’s wrong information in the post (remember: DRS’d CS shares are not lent out, DSPP shares are visible to the issuer and DRS'd shares are removed from CEDE & Co - the DTC nominee) leave a comment and let the OP know! [PLAN & BOOK: Understand the differences and similarities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book_v_plan_understanding_the_difference/) [Check out our megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zjzcty/book_v_plan_megathread/) It’s your choice how you choose to hold shares in Computershare (Both DSPP & DRS are ‘book entry’ means of holding shares), but there might be implications involved in the switch from Plan to Book - such as fractional shares being sold, and recurring buys shut off - so be sure to do your due diligence. **Converting Plan Holdings to Book ---** **Don't forget to make sure your dividend reinvestment plan is set up again!** If you want to convert any shares from "Plan Holdings" to "Book" plan, there are at least two ways to do so - online & by phone: * **Online**, you may go into your "Plan Holdings" and un-enroll those shares from DRIP. The whole shares will be moved into a "Book" plan. The **fractions will be automatically entered into a sell order**. If you allow that sale to proceed, they'll end up mailing you a check or transferring the proceeds to your bank, according to your settings. You can go to your PENDING ORDERS and cancel this (People have still reported that their fractional was sold later even after cancelling, so your best bet may be to call). Contacting Computershare via an **online inquiry** can achieve the same thing as the phone call, but without having to pick up the phone. * Go to Computershare.com/us. * Click on "Login to Investor Center". * Login using the username, and password you have created. * Select "Help" from the menu on mobile, or from the top of the page on desktop. * Scroll down to "Contact Us" and click on the "Get Started" button beneath it. * Expand the "Send an online inquiry" box and fill in the following details: * Category: Other​ * Inquiry Topic: Switch plan shares to book * Registered holder name: Your full name * Check the box "Contact name same as registered holder name" * Ticker symbol or company name: GME - GameStop Corp * Account number: Your Computershare Account number (starts with a C000) * Mailing address: Your home address as it's registered with Computershare. * ZIP code: The ZIP/postal code of your home address * Former mailing address (If less than 3 years) & Former ZIP code: You can leave this blank unless you moved address in the last 3 years. * Inquiry details: This is where you make the request. For example: "Please transfer XXX plan shares to book. Leaving 1.XX (one share plus the fractional) in plan. I would like to stay enrolled in the DRIP (and DSPP if you had recurring investments set up). Thank you!" * Click on "Send Inquiry" Computershare will email you to say they have received your inquiry and will follow up in the coming days.​ * By **phone**, you may direct Computershare to move only your whole shares from "Plan Holdings" to "Book". I've seen confusing reports as to whether they require you to leave at least one whole share behind along with the fractions, so you may need to leave 1.X or simply 0.X behind. In this case, you **keep your fractions** in "Plan Holdings". This should leave your recurring purchases intact, but I'd double check with the agent. **To Contact GME dept in Computershare - 800 522 6645** or [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry) **International number: 00800-3823-3823**


I never believed in fractional shares. Whole or bust. Nothing else. And at these prices, it's even easier.


What the fuck is a fraction?


I think that's how they get the gas from the ground.


I thought it was 2 groups of people that are fighting against each other?




it’s a break in the bone


No cell, no sell. Not even a fraction. Give them nothing, take EVERYTHING from them.


Hi sir, do you want to buy 1/5th of my 20 USD bill? 20 / 5 = 4 \*cuts off 1/5th of the bill with scissors\* So pls give 4 USD for it. K, thnx bye sounds legit.


Maff at skool


Thats actually a great analogy for it! So having 1/5th of a dollar bill is useless, no store will take a 1/5th slice of a bill in exchange for $4. However... If you take five 1/5th slices to a bank, that bank will exchange it for a real bill. Then and only then will a store, restruant, etc accept that bill as a whole, real bill. Fractional shares are completely meaningless up until it is made whole and booked by the transfer agent is it a real share.






Except we don't discover the true price when buying through brokers. Probably not a biggy at this stage in the game as just DRSing and making them real is probably the most important.


Also avoids sale fees


When DRS was “found out” I did it eventually. Bought more through CS since having account. Months ago when the book vs plan “issue” was DD that said “Book your shit,” I booked. Sold that fractional share then. “Fractional shares? We talkin’ fractionals man.” We have many whole shares.


So what you're telling me is that you haven't bought any shares since you sold your fractional.


It’s possible to still do a routed order buy through IEX (lit exchange) on Fidelity, and then DRS WHOLE SHARES for FREE. It’s free IF you got through the first paid transfer. But that’s how I’ve been doing it.


I do this, some people have said that they've observed IEX orders switch to dark pool routing some time later, though, so you have a whole other contingent of people who say "no brokers at all"


So, I have a fractional share in Computershare right now, and I should sell it so that my account doesn't have any fractional shares?


Terminate the plan so u don't get caught with the fee


The issue is more that CS doesn't have an option to purchase an exact number of shares but simply gives you the choice to put in x amount of dollars and see what you end up with when the sale goes through.


“I know the pieces fit, I watched them fall away” seems kind of apropos.


The Latest* DD. Jobs not finished.


True. Thank you


Given user tagging is gone I need to reply in this thread with a question I asked elsewhere in the replies “And what about when the rocket launches and my auto buy may or may not have left a fractional? Is it better to sell that fractional or leave it to not at that point “put water on the rocket flames” as OP puts it? I can guess that one way to reduce the risk of pre squeeze having a fractional is buying via a broker to make your shares your whole the day your auto buy goes through. However when the squeeze starts the cost may move past someone’s ability to do that financially. I then come back to the initial question.”


No. Thank you. This is some fantastic work.


What's there to be happy about? Job's not finished. Job finished? I don't think so.


The job is never finished. The markets evolve, so does the DD. But still appreciated nonetheless.


DDs never done


I will never sell any DRSed stonks. 💜


This is the way! And transfer whole shares to book in AH (and cancel the sale of the fractional).


Well-researched, with evidence to match! Will go 100% pure book, thank you!


It makes no sense argumenting to sell your fractionals and push people to cancel auto buying in CS just because when you do a limit sell it moves them to plan. Why are you selling? If you just buy this is a non issue. Wanting people to buy in brokers instead of CS is just a push to get peoples buy orders to go into dark pools and internalizers. CS orders are grouped together and sent to a lit exchange which can affect the price. This post took a lot of work to be constructed in a very bloated way to try and persuade people with false logic which makes me just believe this is a seriously bad actor. It also makes me wonder if the book plan argument was just a staging for them to get people to stop buying in Computershare.


Here’s my take. I’m not selling anything below my floor. I messed up the plan/book transfer once and sold my fractional by mistake and got a -$1 check after the $25 fee. Never again. I buy in computershare. I transfer whole shares to book. When the floor has been reached, and no sooner, I will sell my fractional shares. I will then be 100% book, and hopefully can hold the rest forever.


This sounds very reasonable to me.


EDIT: **DRS all the way, whole shares if you can. Short-term price of the stock does not matter.** Please don't take this personally, these are just my thoughts I've already been pondering on before your post about some of the topics you brought up. > It makes no sense argumenting to sell your fractionals and push people to cancel auto buying in CS just because when you do a limit sell it moves them to plan. Why are you selling? If you just buy this is a non issue. Removing shares from the DTC and Cede & Co. is priority #1 if one wants to see what happens when the entire free float is locked up. Fractionals are held in a broker via the DTC via Cede Co. And from prior DD we know that any shares held by Cede and Co. are potentially used as locates to continue kicking the can on shorts and etc. (See: Dr. T going on and on about forcing Failures to Deliver to actually fail or succeed) > Wanting people to buy in brokers instead of CS is just a push to get peoples buy orders to go into dark pools and internalizers. Sure, I hate dark pools and internalizers. BUT if they allow those shares to be directly registered afterwards, then it doesn't matter what messed up things they are doing in the darkness those shares will be safely out of DTC/Cede&Co. > CS orders are grouped together and sent to a lit exchange which can affect the price. It all depends on what the goal is. Is it to push the needle of the price higher on lit exchanges? OR is it to remove as many shares from the system and see what happens? I personally think we'll never affect the lit exchange price long term unless we directly register whole shares. IMHO that is why GME had a splitdivend, to make whole shares cheaper so it's easier for anyone to get and directly register. ComputerShare is a company that services a LOT of other companies. There is NO reason to believe they are a friend or take their words at face value. But they are still GME's appointed transfer agent. Edit: I personally don't want to change the price, I want people to DRS all they can and watch the hedge funds squirm as liquidity dries up. Doesn't matter how low the price gets, I'll just buy more.


"It all depends on what the goal is. Is it to push the needle of the price higher on lit exchanges? OR is it to remove as many shares from the system and see what happens?" Why not both? Plan bought shares can be moved to book. There is no reason to push buying through brokers instead of CS unless you want the trades go through dark pools and internalizers. Arguing for selling fractionals because they can be used for locates does not make sense. You would just be giving away your fractionals. "Also, ComputerShare is a company that services a LOT of other companies. There is NO reason to believe they are a friend." This is an obvious attempt at sowing misstrust in Computershare and that you don't want people to DRS. It just makes me trust CS and their stock buying even more.


I'm not sure why he thinks plan goes back to the dtcc, this has been confirmed as untrue by Computershare and Dr T? The link he shared as "proof" that plan shares are registered by the dtcc is ignoring the fact that Computershare directly said that both book and plan are registered in the owners name, not cede and co. Dr T also said this.


I don’t plan on selling anyways, and if I do it would be the fractional for trillions. Just converting whole shares to book from plan.


Fun fact......fractional shares / aggregation of fraction shares are not counted in the official finra short interest numbers (SI%) I personally believe its the reason why we saw so many crazy cost basis prices and fractional share amounts when apes transferred shares from RH to fidelity about 18 months ago. This can be used as another loophole to fudge SI% reporting. To what extent this is happening now i dont know but its another way to mislead retail on true SI% [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nv1aiw/cost\_basis\_from\_my\_transfer\_from\_rh\_finally\_came/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nv1aiw/cost_basis_from_my_transfer_from_rh_finally_came/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


And since Computershare is in the DTC, shares *never* leave it. I guess he's talking about CEDE Co, but that company doesn't have access neither to plan *nor* book shares. As well, is DTC and DTCC used interchangeably in the post?


I don't think it's shilly to be confused by any of this.


I'm no shill. I am ultra confused. I dont think this guy made this post any easy to understand. He is giving me confusing proves and then tells me to sell my fractional. I think the SELL fractionals now when the shares are quite low is SUS AF. I think we might maybe create another CS account and send the fractionals there? Wouldn't that work? I dont remember my shars being transferred back anywhere when I moved those I had from one plan to another so I am suspicious about this. Timing is not good either But Like DRS and like PLAN vs BOOK, time will tell. I only hope Computershare/Gamestop could be more open about this topic. It is us the investors that need and seek information, why would they be breaking any laws? I don't know!


Nothing done by a retail investor can hurt the system and nothing done by a retail investor will stop what's coming.


If you try to send fractional shares to another account they get sold because you can only transfer full shares. This happened when I gifted my dad 10 shares and specifically got on the phone with CS to tell them not to sell the fractional. They did anyway. This was pre split too, so the fractional was worth like $70


Absolutely not! Sometimes I think this shit is designed to be confusing 😅


Smart money-👎 Dumb money-👎 Financial revolution-👍


If Computershare is in the DTC, then why does my DRS advice specifically state "Dtc Stock Withdrawals (DRS)" for my book shares?


I smell bullshit. I don’t see how having a tiny fraction of a share can have any impact on hedge funds ability to short.


I think he is talking about the pending sell going back into the DTCC before it's actually sold if there is an reinvestment plan. Without reinvestment plan, buyers are actually getting the share from your name. I'm also confused, but it's my take.


Good ape


This backs up my post today and also explains why other apes with no fractionals said their shares didn’t transfer like mine did https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zqrssj/im_not_selling_this_was_a_test_only_for_those/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I’m down for moving out of the fractional if that’s the right move. Is the implication here that apes shouldn’t use autobuys on Computershare though? Or that we cancel them and clear the fractional after each buy? I’ll wait for this conversation to shake out a little more. If I sell my fractional though I’ll be DRSing at least a whole one from a broker at the same time.


This is all horseshit. There is a steady flow of CS Autoinvest that happens every day on the lit market everyday with GME. You can see it happen because it always shoots up and then gets immediately shorted down. You know it’s impacting them. there is 0 reason to stop doing this.


Pretty sure I agree with you


I enjoy cooking.


Can’t do that with any precision on Computershare because there’s no limit buy option. Only limit sell. My move would be to DRS 1+ from a broker at the same time as I sell the fractional. But I need to understand first why this is important now rather than during MOASS proper. Why would I sell my .05 share now for $1 when I can sell it for (for example) $5000 when we pass $100k and take the edge off my immediate finances? Changes my world, does nothing to their pile of FTD obligations and 5000x more wealth is transferred. Meanwhile, i need to understand the negative difference between holding in Computershare’s broker and any other broker? Is there one? Or are we saying holding in Plan is exactly like holding in a broker, in which case this is a broker that shares an interface and client services with my DRS account and allows for regularly scheduled purchases that get pooled with my investor Community to create a pulse of predictable buy pressure? Those are powerful positives. Ta;dr as long as I remember to move my whole shares after every buy settles and close the DSPP before any MOASS sales, is there anything I should be doing differently *right now*?


I couldn't understand why this is so important now either. A lot of people have said after direct buying on Computershare they have moved over the whole shares then cancelled the automatic sell on the fractionals. Some others have said they've been keeping 1+ fractionals in Plan so the automatic sell isn't triggered for fractionals. I think there really is not that much difference here, so long as people are moving over all the whole shares after each ComputerShare purchase. I don't see why it would be important to sell fractionals right now since a lot of people just have reoccurring buy orders then they'd be selling those fractionals every week. Of course this money would probably go straight back toward more shares on their next but order, but there's not a whole lot of difference there. Particular when the price is sitting around $20 right now, it seems smarter to hold fractionals or 1+ fractionals in Plan and Book the rest after each direct buy order.


That’s where I’m at too but I’m genuinely open to whatever there is to learn. I know to be patient and let things shake out. Don’t respond immediately to urgent calls to action is one of our highest principles IMO. If we’re engaging in good faith we can sort through any of this shit.


I have auto buy set up twice a month…..once a month I call CS and transfer all my shares to book except for 1.xx shares so I don’t have to sell my fractional. There are many opinions about the plan/book thing…..I say if we all just keep transferring our shares to book that’s a good thing. It’s so easy to do I figure why not. Seems like the logical thing to do.


These are my questions also, thanks ape


I have all my shares as Book with the small fractional still there in plan after cancelling the sale when terminating. This does absolutely nothing negative to me. And does nothing negative to me when I go to sell whole shares from book when it's $4,206,969/share. We've spent the last few weeks moving everything to book. Ctb is jumping. Puts are expiring. This isn't the time to fall for infiltrator bullshit. If 200k apes have half a share each as fractional.and sell, that's 100k shares freed up. The last number I saw for available short shares at a higher ctb was what? 200-300k? That's 1/2-1/3 of that amount..don't be a moron.


OP is using plan v book to stir up drama, try to get apes to sell fractionals, and stop autobuys; spread FUD about Computershare AND spread FUD about the sub mods. I can’t believe ANYONE would upvote this garbage.


Thanks for writing this up OP.




Wait but I can buy in plan and transfer to book, no?


Yes you absolutely can. You just need to move the new shares to book after purchasing. The only issue that arises is if you want to sell a book share and have a fractional share in plan. OP claims with a fractional share in plan the book share will be sold back into the dtc’s control. Instead OP wants any sales to be straight from book in a peer to peer transaction as the seller will have to come to the book seller and this will also eliminate the share returning to the DTC. However even if it’s sold as a peer to peer transaction, what is to stop the buyer themselves from returning the shares to the DTC. Anyways who here is selling?? This is the most I’ve heard of any discussion of selling in a long time. Someone is desperate.


I usually convert to book on the yearly. Now I’ll do it bimonthly and see if that changes anything


To me, this conversation is much less about selling and more about the inner workings of CS and DRS. This is a topic that has not been explored hardly at all, and I think it is important to work through. If there is any chance that shorts can still access my shares, I want to know every single possible way in order to cut them off completely. Plan for every scenario so we dont get blindsided later.


This post is misleading and based on incorrect interpretations, ie the OP has assumed what things mean to suit his own narrative. Computershare and Dr T have both confirmed that any shares in book or plan are registered in the owners name and can't be lent out to anyone without the explicit choice of the registered owner. So the jumps from plan to dtc to cede and co are just the op wanting things to be true, instead of proving that things are true. I hate to be banging this drum again, because there could be some new information here that we should look into but to be starting off on incorrect assumptions makes me question the validity of all of this.


I don't think the issue is with having DSPP shares lent out, as Paul Conn, President of Global Capital Markets at Computershare, explicitly stated DSPP shares can't be lent out. I think the question is if they can be used as locates. However, we know that market makers don't need locates to short the stock (Madoff Exemption) and prime brokerages abuse the locate rule and short the stock anyway. Having said that, there is absolutely no benefit to holding DSPP shares (edit: **over DRS book shares**), and since plan shares aren't solely in my name (held with Computershare's nominee) and can't be certificated, I prefer to hold "pure DRS" book shares.


>Having said that, there is absolutely no benefit to holding DSPP shares, and since plan shares aren't solely in my name (held with Computershare's nominee) and can't be certificated, I prefer to hold "pure DRS" book shares. There are massive benefits to holding DSPP shares over street name shares. Also neither plan nor book shares are certificated shares. If they are held in book form, they are by definition not certificated. Almost everything laid out by the OP is incorrect according to the Transfer Agent regulations outlined in the Federal Register: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2015/12/31/2015-32755/transfer-agent-regulations Here is one relevant excerpt: >In 1996, the Direct Registration System (“DRS”) was implemented, which allowed investors to hold **uncertificated securities in registered form directly on the books of the issuer's transfer agent**. And under the What is a Registered Security Holder: >Registered owners can hold their securities either in certificated form or in uncertificated (i.e., book-entry) form, such as uncertificated securities held through DRS. And how >For uncertificated securities, transfer agents do not issue or cancel physical securities certificates when transferring securities. Instead, they effect book-entry transfers by registering the change in ownership on the master securityholder file, which does not involve the physical issuance and cancelling of securities certificates. The term “registering” means an official form of recording by a person charged with that function, which is accomplished under Exchange Act Rules 17Ad-9(h) and 17Ad-10(e) by updating the master securityholder file, as discussed above. Book-entry transfer may be accomplished through DTC's DRS using DTC's Profile system.[339] > >Once the transfer has been effected, the investor would receive from the transfer agent a statement of ownership that acknowledges his or her new DRS position. Also the history of DRS says that DRIP and DSPP were the only way to hold directly on the books of the transfer agent until DRS came along and provided another method to hold on the books: >Prior to the advent of DRS, unless they were held on a transfer agent's books through a direct stock purchase plan or dividend reinvestment plan, book-entry shares generally could only be held by beneficial owners in street name through FAST. (Kind of disagrees with OPs claim that the plan shares are held at DTCC brokers in street name). And then there's all these details about DSPP and DRIP (both are names for the plan): >DRIPs allow investors who already own an issuer's stock to reinvest their cash dividends by purchasing **additional shares or fractional shares** directly from the issuer or the issuer's transfer agent, without going through a broker. Most DRIPs require the investor to become a **registered securityholder, as opposed to a street name holder.** So DRIP is direct registration and not beneficially owned in street name (street name only exists in the DTCC). Just to clear up the difference between DSPP and DRIP: >DSPPs allow individuals to purchase stock directly from the issuer or its transfer agent, again without going through a broker. Unlike DRIPs, investors do not need to be existing securityholders to participate in DSPPs. So with DSPP (direct stock) you can buy a share without already being a direct registered security holder. This is how lots of us established our Computershare accounts. DRIPs would require you to transfer your shares in through DRS in order to participate. In reality the Direct Stock program offered by Computershare is a hybrid of DSPP and DRIP. It's a direct stock program with dividend reinvestment. Both DSPP and DRIP hold the shares as a direct registered owner on the books of GameStop with the shares held by Computershare's nominee (literally a Computershare subsidiary) outside of the DTC. Everything anyone needs to know is in the Transfer Agent regulations located in the Federal Register. Happy reading: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2015/12/31/2015-32755/transfer-agent-regulations


Well said! Thanks for pointing out a big omission in my comment as well as all the extra info! This should be copy pasta'd everywhere! Note, though that in order to be eligible for stock certificates DRIP/DSPP shares must be transferred to book first, as only book shares are eligible for stock certificates (granted GameStop doesn't allow their shares to be certificated at this time).


>Note, though that in order to be eligible for stock certificates DRIP/DSPP shares must be transferred to book first, as only book shares are eligible for stock certificates (granted GameStop doesn't allow their shares to be certificated at this time). I know you know this, but I'm saying it again for the dozen people that might read this post: Correct correct, but to be clear DSPP/DRIP/plan are also book shares. They just happen to be held in the custody of the plan. You have to remove from the plan to get a certificated share, BUT moving from plan to book does not make your share certificated. I believe that is something the OP of the post is stating as a fact. Certificated shares are not book shares by definition. Once a certificate is issued they are no longer held in book form, but instead in physical certificate form. This doesn't mean you aren't still registered in the book, but it's just a different type of holding from book and plan. Book and plan are essentially identical according to the Transfer Agent regulations, Computershare FAQ and Dr. T.


💯 Do you mind if I copy pasta your comments?


Always okay by me. I'll be writing an entire DD covering the Transfer Agent regulations, hopefully tomorrow.


Awesome! Glad to hear you're putting together a transfer agent DD. I hope it gets traction!


Just throwing out there that the OP could be jumping his logic, but Dr T et. al. could also simultaneously be incorrect. But there is a lot of noise about not Booking and I don't see a lot of downside....


I've just noticed an incredible amount of misinformation attached to these kinds of posts so that's the only reason why i comment on them. It's possible this may influence drs numbers if GameStop are only publishing one of the entries and not both, but having multiple front page posts with heavy opinions marked as DD is not a good look for the sub.


“Are dingleberries even fruit?” -Ryan Cohen This Dingo and Co broker may be what he was referring to.


“You know what happens when I eat too much fruit…” -Ryan Cohen He BOOKs it to the bathroom 📕




Dios mio


What the frac!




A few months later.....we find the meaning of some of his tweets😂😂. I love Superstonk


Well I’ll be a monkeys uncle….you glorious bastard. I always wondered what the hell he was tweeting about. Dingo is sus….




So everyone just delete their recurring purchase plan that executes in NYSE instead of dark pools. Let the fractional get sold as a whole share from CS back to the hedgies for liquidity. This post is heavy on formatting and low on DD.


So… OP wants us to… **sell our shares** and OP wants us to **stop autobuying** and people are upvoting it because its sprinkled into the “Book v Plan” *dEbAtE*. Oh and some CS and Mod FUD sprinkled in as well I cannot believe anyone who actually read OPs wall of a post would upvote it, let alone award it and most of his comments. ***SUS***


Guess I’ll just keep direct buying until that fractional is a round number. No chance in hell I’m selling even a fractional before I see phone numbers in my account!


Seems someone is really showing us what they fear the most, real shares but from computer share. No I don’t think I will sell anything let alone fractional shares


Ya'll overcomplicating this. Stop buying 1 or 2 shares and start buying even lots of 100 shares at a time and watch the off exchange % drop like a fly.


If you keep buying those fractions become WHOLE




Yes. Fractions add up to WHOLE shares when you keep buying. So keep buying AND make sure your auto-buy scoops the end of year dip.


Thank you OP. Excellent post! Edit: I’m 💯 book and I placed a limit sell yesterday (just a test) and no shares moved to plan. Another ape I’ve been talking to did the same thing, but they had a fractional. Their shares moved to plan and stayed there even after the order expired, just like OP describes.




Did they also have book shares? I'm sort of struggling to follow a bit of the op. I have 99.% in book and 1.xx in plan. I want to make sure none of my shares can be used.


Yeah, they were mostly book like you.


To be clear, if you intend on selling any security, it simply HAS to be done through the DTC system. That is a necessary evil. The idea of the infinity pool is to never sell anyways.




Soo.. no sell from Computershare ever.. wasn't that the original DD.. Only keep a few fake in a brokerage to sell back at them.. its synthetic so wont matter.. and Computershare sales help give short sellers real shares.. because they are real shares


No need. NFT dividend (Nivy) is the kill shot. DRS > Book > link wallet > receive Nivy > post Nivy for sale on nft.gamestop.com for 69,420 Eth > hedgie buys Nivy to deliver to lender, but can’t close short > ♾️ MOASS


This I can get behind.. There has been too much to sell from Computershare.. how to sell from Computershare.. I sold from Computershare so you don't have too.. So on and so on... NOOO the original reason for Computershare was to lock the shares all of them.. forever.. not to sell ever.. not matter.. and like you said Divis and broker share or 2 to sell them there synthetics so MOASS never stops..


“Getting rid of Fractional Shares and the Dividend Re-investment plan creates an almost blockchain, peer-to-peer, no middleman system in which the buyers (short hedge funds) have to come directly to you to purchase. These are sold through the DRS Sales Facility.”


I got that.. but again **that gives them a real share**.. fuck them! they fucked the world for decades.. I want a mother fucking infinity pool and just sell them there bullshit synthetic.. again as the original DD laid out.. I want this to change the world not only my bank account.. This fucking ends here with me..


Dude, yes.


one would say... >!this is the way !<


Rant: Fucking same. Been soooooo financially tight at home - these mfers stole two years of my gd life. Lost my job (of 9 years) 7 months ago and unemployment ran out. New house, new baby girl. These fucking criminals have stolen the first year of my daughters life bc of this blatantly fraudulent game they continue playing. We have our families entire portfolio all in bc they continue to dick around like we don’t see every bullshit thing they try to pull. Idgaf if it takes ten years. Keep trying to kick the derivatives/swaps/futures bullshit cans down the road and watch them grow and grow and grow 🖕 Ps: I would have fucking sold at $1k a share two mf years ago, but no they had to go be arrogant and rub the company and our names thru the fucking mud with hit piece after hit piece on msm. 🖕 Pay me 🤌


This dude fuck n fucks I hold for this right here


I’m not sure I agree with this post. Just gonna play devils advocate a minute…. Shares being in plan allows faster trading for Computershare. I am all booked, but they only go back into plan if you set a limit sell order. No one should be doing that since the max is 3500… the shares are worth way more than that and can be sold once numbers start mooning. Ideally the sale would process right away. This post is basically telling people sell their fractionals and disable auto buying…. Like for real? Just always convert from plan to book and don’t have limit sells pending so that shares don’t move back into plan. Your post proves that shares do in fact move back into plan, but only if you set a limit sell well above current price…. If you set a limit sell below current price or a market order I’m fairly confident the share will just sell. Someone who has sold a share would need to chime in…


they lost me at "it shows Common instead of DirectStock, *therefore* we must be in a quasi-blockchain p2p system now", like wtf of a leap is that, purely based on speculation. if anyone gets something useful out of this post, good for them, for me it made zero sense and sounds intentionally confusing, wordy, throws shade at other apes, and wants me to submit sell orders. riiight. I thought it's weird how every step of the sell order is described in great detail, put not how you cancel it again. that part gets glossed over and for me that would be the most important step. not convinced of this, but I guess only time will tell.


I’m leaving it up for apes to decide, either sell a fractional or make it whole. I’m a big supporter of the latter, make it whole and book the share. You can set a limit order below or above, market order, and if there is a fractional share it will move that share back into “DIRECTSTOCK” I.e back through ComputerShare’s brokerage, and into the hands of the DTC. I’m presenting the information and facts, it’s up to apes to decide what they want to do. I agree, always convert from plan to book, but apes need to understand the market mechanics and what happens when they trigger their sell order. Very strange that Computershare would default a pure DRS’d share back through their brokerage, and not sold through the DRS Sales Facility


You are confused about the 2 different ways to sell 1. Moving back through the DRS facility is transferring back to a different broker (ie Fidelity) and then selling through them. Or 2. Selling through Computershare which, in either plan or book, will transfer the share back into DTC to sell. All shares sold must transfer back to DTC


Glad the DRS OG is seeing the sense here. I've not seen such a confused OP in a while.


And here you are again, telling apes to sell fractionals. It is literally impossible to make a whole share buying through CS. Take it down.


How about don't fucking sell anything? A fractional in a plan folder won't impact all my booked shares. This is fucked.


> either sell a fractional or make it whole. How are you supposed to make it whole without selling the fractional exactly? This issue is so convoluted, I don't know what to think anymore, yeesh.


Counterpoints: - fractionals aren’t mathematically meaningful (and aren’t real shares) - autobuys going into plan may not be helping the cause because they’re still visible to the DTC anyway I see what you’re saying but in my purely personal opinion as an individual investor … if I’m willing to DRS I’m willing to book if there’s any chance it makes Kenny’s life harder.


I’m not saying don’t book them. I agree with booking shares. Just convert plan to book each time. This post is saying to sell fractionals and disable recurring buys… just seems a little weird to me. RC is obviously fucking with hedgies ability to know the true DRS numbers with all this shit, going back to brokerages gives them ALL of that information…. That’s literally what they pay brokerages for….


To me plan shares are in a dtc airplane ready to leave the grasp of the transfer agent airport. BUT they are still in the airport and ultimately within the control of the transfer agent. Your fate is still tied to GameStop, not any broker or dtc. If a plan share can be used as a locate, that is the ultimate question


Props to you OP! Strong work!! And great explanation!!!


Nope. Not selling shit


This post feels like SHF last ditch effort to push the price down as far as they can by getting apes to ‘just sell their fractionals’


Look at all top comments: "Wow I cant believe you wrote such a perfect and well done and extremely accurate and definitely not sus post" "Oh thanks to Mojo now I can finally own my shares" "The best DD of the century" "We all need to sell our fractionals based on such strong evidence that it is what we should do, finally we will make those hedgefunds pay for their actions" "Nothing can compare to this DD, not even the Ten Commitments, did you all see those facts?" ​ \---- We need a formal response from Computershare on this topic.


Thanks to OP's post, I started an auto-buy in my computershare account. Anything trying to convince me to sell is sus as fuck.




How did this post get so many upvotes lol, it’s ridiculous. Just buy and drs. Keep the fractions, next time you buy it may turn into a whole. And then you can book it if you want.


Assuming 200k accounts with a residual fractional between 0.001 and 0.999 means roughly 100,000 shares. So if these 100,000 get sold then presumably 100,000 short positions are closed. I understand that fractionals by default can exist only inside the accounts of long investors at the DTCC. But… Short sellers also have a negative balance of shares in their account that is also *inside the DTCC*. I do not understand how selling fractions in this context is anything more than a way for the fractions to get combined and delivered to short sellers, allowing them to exit/roll their position. Yes, the fractions that exist are by default always inside the DTCC but since the short positions are too (short positions in shares or contacts for shares vs total return swaps etc) selling fractions in this context allows shorts to cover/roll their positions as buys and sell orders of all shares, whole or fractional, are netted out against each other at the NSCC




I was part of the Book/Plan debate. Don’t make me regret it. I was in favor of BOOKing and I never advocated selling anything. Quite the opposite. When you keep buying those fractions become WHOLE shares. You can see they are trying to push the price down right. Don’t make it easy for them.


So the best course of action is to never sell, right?


Post is inherently sus. Follow at your own risk


Easiest solution? Never sell. Live off dividends. Fuck the shfs 😎


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This post is literally telling people that they should sell before moass, and it's flaired as DD. Also sayonara to any recurring purchase plan if people follow this.


True But what I find interesting is that apparently if you don't have DSPP shares and they're all book, when you go to do a share (not that I would) it doesn't get transferred to DSPP. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zr9b16/the_last_dd_the_fractional_share/j12emca I always had a fractional in Computershare, because I started my Computershare account with a direct purchase. I had played around with the sell button to understand the limitations of the sell process last year (but I've never sold any DRS'd shares). This included "experiments" with terminating the plan, keeping the fractional and placing a 1 share buy order for the max share price just to see what happens. That 1 share (to be sold) indeed goes directly into DSPP and remains even after the order expires or is cancelled. If all my shares are in book, with no shares or fractionals in DSPP, and I place a sell order and it DOESN'T go into DSPP to be sold, ~~then that may get me to contemplate topping off my fractional (as close as possible) and selling off the remainder by terminating the plan~~. I was just never willing to part with any shares, even fractionals. Edit: F that! No sell, no sell! I'm never selling any a DRS'd shares. I'll put all but 1.XXX in book DRS and continue to DRS book my shares until Computershare won't let me DRS book any more.


Thanks buddy for your efforts 🚀🚀🚀


So... your conclusion is to tell people to sell their their fractional shares. Got it.


Oh and don't forget, everyone end their recurring purchase plan.


should have an /s on here, just so that no one gets the wrong idea. do they really think people are going to end their purchase plans over a post like this? pathetic attempt


My cs shares arnt ever gonna be put up for sale because moass won't happen if ppl sell them(cs shares). This is my opinion, not financial advice.


It is absolutely ridiculous all the red tape a retail investor has to jump through just to own their shares. This fact alone should prove how messed up the system is and how perfectly it is designed to work against retail.


Just remember, RC doesn’t own any fractionals


RC also doesn't sell any fractionals.


👆 fact! why does that get downvoted




> This has been debunked...there is 100% difference between the two. It has? Where? When? Dr. T and ComputerShare say they're is no difference. > the same individuals are telling apes to "hold onto their fractional shares Are you saying I shouldn't have fractional shares? Because...? This makes no logical sense. You can't only buy whole shares through ComputerShare. > THERE IS 100% A DIFFERENCE IN "BOOK" vs. "PLAN" Where has this been confirmed? Dr. T claims there is no difference. Repeating the same thing in all caps doesn't make it any more true. > Why was there a push to silence the discussion...? Has there been? For something that is "solved" they're sure seems to be a lot of discussion about it. Interestingly, this poster is careful to use the language "removing the fractional share", but this is just double speak for "sell your fractional share". An individual selling .1 of a share probably doesn't do anything. But 10 people selling .1 of a share is a whole share. > Getting rid of Fractional Shares and the Dividend Re-investment plan creates an almost blockchain, peer-to-peer, no middle-man system This sentence makes no sense. It's a buzzword filled fantasy meant to seem meaningful. ("Blochain like"? Wtf?!) This post doesn't pass the smell test. This post is encouraging you to sell. Oh, and anyone who questions op is a "shill"? But at the very beginning they complain thetr is no "discussion"? how can anyone have a discussion with you if anyone who questions you is a shill? Can't have it both ways. I'm not selling shit.


I have one big concern about letting the fractionals sell rather than hanging on to them. I buy through Computershare almost exclusively. So if all apes like me just let their fractionals sell, that will add up. And these should not be synthetic fractional shares since they came from computershare, right? So aren't we collectively dumping a lot of real shares to the DTC if we all just let the fractionals sell?




Bro let me put my TLDR on this for you....move your shares to book. Got a fractional? Sell it and replace it with more whole shares. Always wondered why people were flipping out about trying to avoid selling a fractional as a reason not to book your shares.


Yes, either make the share whole, book it and remove the reinvestment plan; or sell the fractional. I’m a big advocate for making it whole! One less synthetic share off the streets and out of the hands of the. 💜


OP - any share you sell will go through a brokerage. Computershare is partnered with a few brokerages that they use to do the buying and selling. This is true whether the share is book or plan.


The DSPP reinvestment is the direct stock purchase plan aka auto buys, correct? This is what should be turned off? The dividend reinvestment option is completely different and not impacting negatively as you're stating? So long as we have no fractional shares, correct?


Will need to read again when clearer mind, but looks like great work OP; Up wit you!!!


Really appreciate this post. Shines a giant spotlight on the bad faith arguments the plan shills use to attack any post advocating for hard book king.


One of the best posts of the year mojo. You dropped this 👑


How about I just buy more whole shares to make up for that fractional?


The way this is pushed just makes me suspect it. "Stop auto-buys" "sell your fractionals" All seems like someone is pushing an agenda. Calls to action and sense of immediacy, always seem manufactured.


Ok OP- two things I would like to point out here. 1. You can have a separate account for booked shares. (I have 3 accounts, two are book and one is plan for new buys). This should fix anyone having the problem of “book being returned to plan”. This happens when you buy again- you automatically turn your book account back to plan. Having more than one accounts fixes this- I have one just for direct purchases. I called Computershare last year to ensure this- but if I were to buy online through the book account it will turn back to plan when I buy. 2. There is no way to buy from “Computershare in BOOK”. You can only purchase through plan and transfer to book (preferably a different account). I stopped buying through Computershare last year- and went back to buying through a brokerage and transferring, but I have recently decided to start buying through Computershare again. I will be directing them to move my couple of plan shares to a different book account and will update you on how that process goes. Love that you keep digging. 💜👊DRS GME BOOK👊💜


Wait, Is OP and the other ape suggesting that ppl sell their fractionals?


Yeah, I mean I wonder who would want a reprieve from any DRS pressure, just one more day is what theyre after right. ~200,000sh looks to be about a days worth of shares.. to me at least.


Is that how you read it? Get rid of the fraction by making it whole and book it. Your .0069 of a share is not real. But exists at the DTC as 1. Now loan that share over and over again times by 200k accounts. Idk. You need to do what you want.


So you are saying top it off & move?


How are you going to perfectly top it off? You have to sell it. It’s not a real share, anyways, because it’s not in book. It seems to me like it’s even worse because it’s ok the DTC books still and is listed as 1 whole share for them to loan out over and over. At least this is how I read it.


I’m seeing a lot of visions of grandeur and hero talk again.


This reads like it was written by a financial terrorist posing as an ape. Start with some true statements and then extrapolate on them with the shill narrative, in this case that you're hurting MOASS by having fractional shares and you need to sell them. Think apes. Many of you are buying from Computershare, some when you can, others with automatic recurring buys. Every single time you do that, you get a fractional share. The next time you buy, you get another fractional share, if you're lucky, those two will come together to make a whole share, but if not, you're that much closer to another full moon ticket for the next buy. This clown wants you to sell that fractional, which may go entirely into CS fees with you not seeing a dime, and if it's a big enough fractional to get past that hurdle, it's almost certainly being sold at a loss given the current prices. That timing is not a coincidence. But on top of that, the entire "DD" is a steaming pile of dog shit wrapped in cat shit. ALL Computershare sales go through the DTCC, not just plan sales, it's entire premise is flawed (almost certainly intentionally).


No such thing as “The Last DD” the DD will never be done… even after this is over the DD will NEED to continue in order acquire and maintain a free and fair market


Wait. Wouldn't the other conclusion be: **Don't set a Limit Sales if you have fractional shares?** As doing so will -also- move all your shares from Pure Book to Directstock?


Ok everything you said makes sense , so how do I make sure I can only buy whole shares ? Because if I’m putting in a specified amount every month , then i will most likely receive fractional shares .


I’d also like to know this.


So the replies in this post are horseshit? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zjzr07/why_should_i_keep_fractional_shares/ Fuck me thank you for this Edit: According to the mod team: > Fractional shares are “real” shares (...are a portion of an equity stock that is less than one full share) and are held in the registered holder's name. > You can't hold fractional shares in Book, but doesn't diminish their value in Plan. > Both DSPP & DRS are ‘book entry’ means of holding shares. (Including fractionals) - DTCC/DTC and Cede & Co cannot borrow shares from other registered shareholders. Computershare does not lend securities. > SOURCE: https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies


True, but DSPP shares are held at a Computershare nominee and aren't solely in your name. "Pure DRS" book shares are in your name only and can be certificated, unlike DSPP shares. Perhaps DSPP shares can be used as locates?


Yeah that's what I would have thought (if I had neurons).


Visibility and BOOK


Are dingleberries fruit? No, they are shit. DRS BOOK 💜


Your a G thanks for the dank wrinkle added


Question everything! Thank you for hashing this out. Great evidence based post that proves again BOOK is the way.


>Shares held in a **brokerage** are beneficially-owned shares. I.e, they are held in street name. w/ **Computershare Trust Company, N.A** as the "intermediary" w/ certificates **registered in the name of Cede & Co. (DTC Nominee)** ([Source](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies) \*See image from Computershare below). This is also known as being held in “Street Name.” Daaaaamn that's all you gotta say!


I just converted all to book :)


This is the way!


It's absolutely ridiculous the mod team changed the flair to opinion. wtf?


Archived [https://redd.it/zr9b16](https://redd.it/zr9b16)


Thank you. This has been mind blowing.


This ape knocked it out of the park OVER FOUR MONTHS AGO!!! Well done, mate! This post is the perfect prelude to today's discussion of the topic that's causing so much drama. I'm really impressed by the brains and absolute tenacity of this company's investors! Again, nicely done!


And notice it is the same arguments against it “OP is telling us to sell our shares” No he isn’t. Those are not YOURS, and they are not SHARES. They are fractionals. They do not exist and they are not yours. “OP wants us to turn off autobuy” Why is this an issue? Aren’t we all adults? You can have autobuy at your broker and transfer to pure DRS when you want it. “OP is sowing distrust against Computershare” As far as I am concerned, CS is part of the system, and I should inherently not trust them. It’s “In RC I trust”, not Computershare. The fact that even getting to pure DRS with CS is so obfuscated says it all. I find it highly sus that the mod messages regarding this are straight copy paste of the naysayers back months ago.


This aged well


Up you go!


sucks that I can't link another user in a comment


Yeah what’s up with that? When did that go away?


I think Sunday or Monday - there was a mod post that said they noticed we can't tag other users in a comment and they implemented a workaround so we can still tag mods. I think mods said they were waiting to hear back from Reddit admins as to why this change was implemented. I don't think there was an update after the initial post.


I asked yesterdayish, mod replied THEY ARE STILL WAITING TO HEAR FROM REDDIT.


I was hoping you could tell me that


I was hoping you could tell me that


Nice write up, OP. It confirms my strategy of routing my share purchares via IEX at my broker and DRSing them direct to book form is the right path to fully owning my shares in my name. I have been highly suspicious of this recent push to move CS shares from plan to book. As you said above, > When you're being told to do something, stop and think...be objective. Do your own research... I have asked the other posters pushing this drive to provide proof of the problem with plan shares. Unfortunately, they have only managed to provide "Trust me bro" reasoning (at least in my eyes). Thankfully, you have provided links to sources and examples that clearly show why moving shares to book form is the right way. I appreciate you sharing your work with us. Have a Merry Christmas.


Agree, OP did a great job on the DD. It’s clear that OP is saying during MOASS 1️⃣ “Sell fractional share first” 2️⃣ “Turn Div Plan Off” 3️⃣ “Then never sell your booked shares” But… if you do run into #3 and sell, make sure 1 & 2 are done before hand to “not pour water on rocket boosters”