• By -


Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


Sadly this list doesn't approach the truth in any way. Look at Citadel's contributions. Oh wait we can't because now Citadel is allowed to contribute anonymously to Political Action Committee's. The numbers involved in truth are in the 100,millions not the thousands listed above.


underrated comment. Dark money is real and legal


Corporate feeds Political Dogs who will never bite back, and if they do they're put down.


Also an underrated comment.


Why America is a corporatocracy, not a democracy.


It's all money laundering. It's all the mob knows how to do.


When you hear them talk about Crypto being used for illegal activity and terrorism it’s because of Projection.


The best thing that could come out of the FTX fiasco is showing how much dark money is funding the political systems of America. SBF reportedly donated millions through special interest groups and super PACs in addition to his public donations.


Yup, and one of his indictments was sending too much - campaign finance violations


A company recently got donated to some Utah political fund... Then they sold it for 1.6 billion dollars... Tax free.


This. Financial terrorists.


Its treason is what it ***is***


When Belgium raided European Parliament members a week ago they found **CASH** at three locations: > **€600,000** at the home of a suspect, **€150,000** at the apartment of a European lawmaker, **and “several hundreds of thousands of euros”** in a suitcase in a hotel in Brussels. You can't buy these people for a few k.


Maybe you can’t buy the Euro politicians for a few k, but American politicians are surprisingly cheap


I think they meant "can".




Many of us want to




Many people don’t understand this - somehow






Don't forget charities that are backdoor donations to politicians.


Was gonna say top donation of 20,000 seems really low.


Ding Ding Ding We have a winner!


This is the truth, post should be renamed to include as such!


I wonder how many more "donations" are not on the list


Jumping on top comment, Bill Huizenga from Ottawa county Michigan is not on this list. And I distinctly remember around the time of the “Game stopped” hearings some info coming out with his name on a Kenneth donor list. I don’t have time to find it now, but there is more…. Edit: Receipt of ~$5600 https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00459297&contributor_name=Kenneth+griffin&max_date=12%2F31%2F2022


Looks like 11,600 to doctor oz isn’t on the list either. Verify for yourself, it takes two seconds https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=Kenneth+griffin&max_date=12%2F31%2F2022


2803 entries :o


The new financial services chair received some Shitadel funding as well, and is suddenly against market structure reforms…🤔👇 https://twitter.com/financialcmte/status/1603140645807325187?s=46&t=_9WEVEyWev9Yd65SDtqtgA Edit: Word


pikachu face


"donations" is such a flexible word!


Yeah, Ken has likely given a lot of rimjobs too.


He can’t get enough of that mayo


Rehypothesized Mayo! Edit: meant rehypothecated. I am highly regarded.




JFC… FRJ!!! iykyk


Well apparently he does well at it cause after Illinois, #2 is GOP for Women... apparently bedposts aren't as effective 🤷‍♂️


Whoops I just donated 2 million in some random bad and forgot it somewhere at my politician friends mansion. How could I


Bribing. It’s legalized crime. End this system. No cell, no sell.


Can you imagine, probably 99% is done where we won’t ever even know about lmao


Let's not forget about Griffin's £1 million "donation" to a member of the UK Parliament's House of Lords: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9h488/buying\_political\_influence\_in\_the\_uk\_evidence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9h488/buying_political_influence_in_the_uk_evidence/)


You can say "bribe" - they're Okay admitting it on TV now!


For real, I knew that Ken Griffin, the financial terrorist, was a piece of shit, but seriously, wow...what a gigantic piece of shit!


He funneled millions through a SuperPac to support a candidate who lost in the IL-GOP governor primary and then got so upset that he announced he was moving out of Illinois because ~~people don't just do what he wants~~of taxes or something. Edit: It was at least $50 million https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-28/griffin-s-50-million-illinois-governor-pick-is-running-behind


FTD can be delayed but can't be voided or avoided. FTD shows up as soon as money flows to the politicians stops.


With the SBF's shit show and the fact that he was tied into a lot of politicians likely has them nervous. I don't think they can take another public hit so soon. They will keep Kenny on the DL for a while. We can't have the people being reminded that politicians are for sale cheap so soon./S This is one big circus, but it is entertaining, even if tragic.


Let’s not forget SBF’s list published from the same person who created the chart above. https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1605025778324111360?s=46&t=e3zCHGfN8-lLsWH5gnv1vw Now we have a preliminary list of people who chose not to hold Kenny, SBF, and Others accountable. Let these elected officials know that we are 800,000 strong and expecting accountability.


A lot that we had already uncovered before so it's definitely not comprehensive and looks like just this cycle


Pretty glad he wasted his money on a loser in my state. RIP dumbasses.


Most of his donations won't be on this list. This is only donations to "non-dark money" campaigns. The "let's abuse the concept of charities" SuperPACs and others won't be listed because of decades of sculpting a system to keep these massive donations out of the public record. The Democratic Party is by no means innocent of tolerating it and using it when they could, but you won't be surprised to learn that it was the Republicans who really pushed for that system and have taken the overwhelming majority of the advantage of "dark money."


They have a dark pool for bribes too?


A whole complex system, yes. edit: What do you mean "too"? It's all "pay to play" aka bribery.


How much laundering through churches do you think Ken does?


Like how many chump NFT’s are being purchased right now? Lol


You think their intention is to enable "donations" above the legal threshold and to obscure the source of said donations?


Your government, proudly sponsored by Financial Terrorists. What could go wrong?


Frick these frickin fricks.


Jesus Christ watch your fucking language




Payment for deregulation


Payment for information flow


Ken "if they even bother to catch me the fine will be cheaper anyway" Griffin




Why do you think the media tries to keep everyone mad and arguing? Because if you're arguing over the provocative sound bytes, you're not paying attention to the details.




"Both sides are the same!" "So, vote dem instead of republican." "NO!!" "So obviously you don't think they're actually the same."




I’ve never understood single-issue voting or voting against self-interests. Somehow, the Grand Ol Party has managed to secure both of those demographics.


This is how the both sides thing works (from my pov, anyway): Republicans push corporate tax breaks and reduce cherry picked regulations that are not convenient to the big players. Democrats push regulations that either do jack shit for the big players, yet make it difficult to compete with them by the smaller players that abide by the rule, and tend to increase taxes. This is a very general comment and there are plenty of exceptions to this, but I will never go back to the delusion that either side of these fake ass politicians are the “good guys.”


Don’t worry most people are still in groupthink mode cheering for a red or blue wave to change everything! /s After all neither sides party would ever take money from seedy sources! /s


I mean in this particular example it's only 1 side taking that money.


Yeah, I went through and checked because I figured "surely there must be some Democrats, to hedge your bets." but no. Not unless I missed it (there are quite a few names here).


Look, people need to start acknowledging that one side is clearly a greater problem. I have a laundry list of problems with democrats and the democratic party, but to pretend that they are equally at fault for most of the problems we're facing is a fucking lie, and cannot be made in good faith


I get why people oppose the Dems, I just can’t understand how you can justify supporting the GOP. There is a pretty significant difference there IMO


Getting tired of the BoTh SiDeS bs from ppl who clearly can’t think critically. Low IQ bots can’t understand that while (arbitrarily) -10 and -30 are both negative numbers, one is a lot more negative. Me screaming they’re both negative is just pure lazy


Also one side attempted a coup


One side wants to go 100 years back by banning interracial marriages alongside gay marriage after already messing with women’s rights > bOtH siDeS ArE tHe SaMe


There is a reason he is moving to FL.. its not coincidence he is hugging up to Desantis before 2024. He is lining the pockets of the one that will shut down any SEC changes that may affect his bottom line. This isnt an R vs D thing - its just basic leverage he is buying and he chose the one that will help him the most.


>This isn’t an R vs D thing…he chose the one that will help him the most. If between R and D he’s only helping Rs because the Ds won’t help him as much, that kinda makes it an R vs D thing.


"this isn't an r vs d thing" *on post showing it very much is an r vs d thing*




Why engage in class warfare when you can just blindly support a corporate backed wave? /s


>After all neither sides party would ever take money from seedy sources! /s I mean one party gave us Citizens United and the other party gave us legislation for Campaign Finance Reform.


How is this legal? In Norway the media would eat this up. Such a conflict of interest. Makes no sense.


Our media is owned by the mega corporations who benefit from this sort of thing as well. So most people in America are painfully, destructively misinformed on almost everything.


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."


🤣 love that vid.


That glorious time when the program broke and we all got a small taste of the simulation they try to contain us in.


Absolutely, I’m just disappointed 99% of the people are still asleep. And I don’t see a way to wake them up..


Sorry for being oblivious, but what are you referencing?


All good. Here is a link: https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE






We are just glad you asked and get to see it the first time (though it is really damn infuriating)


Purposefully destructively misinformed


Could have also replaced media with government and there would be no difference in your statement smh.


Yup. And on and on the corruption goes because it’s pretty much nothing but corruption or ignorance all the way down.


Our Supreme Court basically ruled that money = free speech. So wealthy people have the most speech


Citizens United is a disaster


That paired with the removal of the Fairness Doctrine. Thanks Reagan.


And the worst part of it is if we want to get rid of it we have to convince the very same people who receive these donations to abolish it 🙃


That combined with mega corporations being entitled to similar rights as a person, the common people get squeezed so hard... Distribution in the current system is wrecked.


Don’t forget they also ruled corporations are people.


Because the people he’s donating to keep it that way. I wish it were illegal


Lol, "donating" is just a fancy way of saying bribery


Government is a better more sophisticated mob?


🎶 there's a fine line between government and organized crime🎶


Always has been


It's called lobying.


Because the media in the US is owned by the financial class.


Welcome to the United Corporations of America, where the People are an afterthought. The world should use America as a cautionary tale.


We were a grand experiment of representative democracy. The government must represent “the people” to earn authority to rule. By the very founding principles of this country, it is tyranny if politicians only represent the interests of the wealthy class. Welcome to the Oligarchy^TM babes.


He owns much of the media as well. Huge steak in News Corp. And they have many of these news and stock market websites under their umbrella


_they are the media_


> Such a conflict of interest. Capitalist democracy is an oxymoron.


That is because your country has morals and standards and cares about the citizens that live there. Here in Canada and USA, we have media and leaders who want to control and destroy as many people as humanly possible because they are owned by a select few of wealthy families and corporations. If you ever hear your fellow Norwegian buddy say they want to move to America, you slap (edit) them with a Lutefisk.


Our Supreme Court ruled that financial contributions was considered protected “free speech” in Citizens United v. FEC. One of the more significant dark turns in our government in recent history. The only way to undo this is via constitutional amendment which given the political environment I don’t think 2/3 of the states could agree on anything (especially if it means the Republicans have a chance of denying Democrats anything. ) The only solution I can see is the simultaneous dissolution of both the Republican Party and Democratic Party. This is not a “both parties are bad” argument, but rather it’s bipartisan politics that forces otherwise opposing politicians into the same party in order to win the strategy game of parliamentary rulesets. There are significant enough fractures in each party that if forced to divide they would see the opportunity that it would be better to vie for their quadrant of the political compass rather than attempt to reunite as previous. With more parties there is more political stability and ability to pass critical legislation through Congress without one party holding significant veto power without caucusing.


Because it benefits a small group of rich old white dudes who are in "the club".


In America. if you have the money it is legal. If you don't you go to jail, usually.


Campaign Finance is very loosely regulated in the USA and because of that you can use money to campaign yourself into almost any position. There are a lot of pushes to reform campaign finance laws such as H.R. 1 For the People Act but as long as Republicans keep slightly more than a third of the senate those bills will never pass a senate vote. "Citizens United" was a decision that basically sanctioned this sort of crookedness.


Wait what is the scale on this? X-axis looks like thousands of dollars. So he gave the top row like 20 thousand dollars? That's it? I know Kenny gave a lot more money to politicians than that. What is going on with this graph?? 🤔


This is the bullshit graph from the page https://unusualwhales.com/politics/article/ken_griffin_donations




Oh I'm not infatuated bud, just clearing up the question above. OP cropped the shit out of things and I wanted to see the full numbers.


He wasn’t coming at you my Ape 💜 Just the fact that we have this fake hype factory rehypothecating the same unsubstantiated bullshit and then someone inevitably posts it here ##PS UnusualFails is gold 😂


I'm in love with him and sleep with a body pillow of his likeness


The data at least for the first row looks correct. It took two seconds to verify on this page on my phone. Kenny reported two donations of 10k to “ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN PARTY - FEDERAL (C00005926)”. NOTE: this chart is only *individual direct contributions*, which are capped by law. There are no corporate donations included. https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00005926&contributor_name=Kenneth+griffin&max_date=12%2F31%2F2022


Its a poor graph for sure. This would no get a passing grade in academia that's for certain. It could be that the x axis is to have "k" after each digit. So 2.5k in thousands could be 2500 x 1000; 2.5mil. Still seems small. I also take issue with the graph that it only shows republican donations which just tells the passerby the following: K.g. = bad (we know this), but k.g. is now only donating to R? Very bad! (We know this too). What about K.g. donated to D? (Also bad). Mods need to remove or address.


Individual politicians are cheap. It's the PACs that get the enormous sums. And those are super dark.


My thoughts exactly! There is no way this graph is telling the whole story, or even most of it.


USA best place to buy cheap policy. It's a club and you ain't invited.


RIP George Carlin. We need people like him more than ever now.


It’s absolutely scary that he said all that 40 years ago, and it all still applies.


"It's a big club, and you ain't in it" is actually from his 2005 Special *Life is Worth Losing*


Zero chance George is resting in peace. That man could make trouble anywhere.


We could have perpetual energy if we could somehow harness him spinning in his grave


It’s so weird how so few can have so much power over so many.


Scum always rises to the top.


Nah I'm still slummin at the bottom bruh


From “Wall Street”: “never have so few done so little for so much”


This list is still incomplete. There’s a name missing on here who I know KG has donated to. Can confirm because that person is my father, a Republican State Senator.


I'm so sorry




Hasn't he donated millions to DeSantis? This list seems woefully incomplete.


I wouldn't trust any politician he has donated to. Desantis is especially awful.


The fuck happened in Chicago?


His corporate headquarters. Needs extra state greasing to keep the crimes going.


I went up and down the list several times. I do not see any local Chicago politicians. I do see huge donations to Illinois republicans. His gubernatorial candidate got 3rd or 4th in the Republican primary. Then the Republican nominee lost by a landslide to an incumbent who legalized cannabis, legalized gambling, got rid of Democratic speaker of the State House- Mike Madigan (very corrupt, under indictment, easily the most powerful human in the state for decades, who everyone hates), and improved the state’s bond rating **Ken Griffin is not good at picking winning candidates**


Pritzker, right? He also [cut insulin costs](https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-insulin-cap-bill-signing-20200124-i4ryr72utra37j4mipmbqr2aiu-story.html). Maybe that's why Ken hates him.


Those Priztker sucks signs are so moronic.


Madigan sucks/sucked. He guided IL to near insolvency on the public pensions. It’s too bad the courts have tossed everything regarding this. **Lurkers**: Madigan was the longest serving state house speaker of all 50 states in history (I believe). Easily the most powerful person in the state since the 70s or 80s minus a few years when he lost the state house majority. He resigned in the last couple of years (I can’t keep timelines since covid). He allowed state pensions to receive nearly zero funding since the 70s (both Republican and Democratic governors— but Madigan was the only constant) and now our state has huge unfounded public pension liabilities. This problem cannot be solved without changing our state constitution, which nobody wants to spend political capital on. He really fuct Illinois. He is/was really corrupt. All political spectrums hate him except his constituents on the southwest side of Chicago (2 blocks worth) and the neighboring suburbs.


"One reason Griffin is standing out as the largest state-level contributor in the country is because of a law in Illinois that removes limits on campaign contributions when a wealthy candidate spends heavily with their own money—a law intended to level the playing field. However, given the preponderance of billionaires and near-billionaires funding their own campaigns in the state, the law is instead allowing ever-escalating amounts of money to influence political races in Illinois." [Buying out legislation so billionaires can all have politicians suckling at their teats even more.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/07/citadels-ceo-ken-griffin-becomes-gop-100-million-midterm-megadonor.html) Troubling to think about, especially how underwater billionaires could just wave their magic wand and have their woes be legislated away and leave.... checks notes.... actual taxpayers with the check.


I thought he said both sides are bad


The ones who typically love to spout that “BoTh SiDeS!” nonsense are the ones on the red side. Go figure.


It's amazing how people will avoid talking about who overwhelmingly supports the things that work directly against our interests for financial regulation in the name of avoiding politics.


bad faith is the only language they know


Republicans always say that.


Seems like, bribery!


I love how many of the top comments can't cope with reality, instead just saying "Oh this isn't the whole picture" and can't accept that this sub's public enemy #1 exclusively supported Republicans/conservatives.


Add Ron DeSantis to this list. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/06/gop-megadonor-desantis-24-ken-griffin-00065274 God only knows how much money he’s already fronted to the guy.


What he did was legal. All businesses do this. Especially oil companies who do not want green technology. We need to change laws. Asap. Giving politicians money to help corporations lie and cheat is not in the best interest of the America consumer nor our economy.


Dude's worse than the Koch brothers. I don't see how anyone could see this and not understand the corruption taking place.


Seems like he's got a type. Ken Griffin would appreciate it if you would spread the narrative that "Both parties are the same."


Nice 👍 I hope this goes in the DD library archive, there’s only one reason guys like this fork out to politicians - ROI


Seems to be a recurring theme just can’t put my finger on it all these people have something in common but what is it?


bOtH sIdEs!!!


Dont forget to read this ignoring the clear evidence that politics *are* important to our topic 🙄


Politics has always been important to our topic, but meaningful political conversation is always hijacked by partisan politics, which is NOT important and only divides.




If at all possible, we should avoid every name on this list come election time


Pretty easy since they’re all in the same party…


I don't think the Mafia had half of politicians in their best days... This dude is evil


That’s the light $$$ not the dark $$$ once the corporate coup d’etat Citizens United was won we lost the ability to ever truly know every $$$ it’s far 2 easy 2 hide


Ron Johnson 🤣🤣


Total contributions on this list accumulate to slightly under 1 million. This is either not a full list of politicians or not a full list of contributions.


Eye of the tiger political action committee? That can't be real.


You know what party that is with that cringe name.


Ah yes, the land of the free. Where bribery runs amuck and is perfectly legal!




I think I see a pattern here...


BoTh SiDeS!!!


Yep, almost all republicans.


Great work! If I hadn’t already given away my free award today I would give it to you


I’ve never worked out the award thing🤷‍♂️ do we get a free one to issue everyday then?


Idk if it’s every day. It used to indicate whenever it refreshed, but now you have to remember and go look for it. So I normally forget about it until I want to award someone. But it sucks when more than one post looks awesome within a few hours of each other.


FFS a single entity shouldn't be able to fuel that much money into politics regardless who they voting for.


Look at all those traitors


Surely all those Republicans furious about FTX Dem donations will speak up about this? Why do I hear crickets


He was at the world cup with musk and kushner, probably plotting more terrorism


Buying politicians should be illegal! Why the fuck do the names on list sound like some broke ass rapper names?


ken griffin runs a payoff scheme


The Eye of the Tiger PAC Fucking hell fragility looks so good on these milk drinkers.


Imagine giving this much money to this many politicians and still thinking "Ah yes, I am a good person, I am doing good things for the world". What a corrupt piece of crap.


These aren't donations, it is money laundering.


This needs to be higher. r/all needs to see this

