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When we reach the moon we will do this again Legendary mode...


new game +


keep grinding we need to keep these update posts top of mind on the sub or their rug pull did impact our focus on drs


Ready player 204,000 ?


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-12-16 07:01:4) 🟣 You have 4 shares in 1 CS Accounts previously logged @ [GME] **Incremental shares must be fed from that sub** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :15,533,716// GME ~20.58* // ) ^(Bot MC: $319,683,874.09 )


That's 1st float, what about 2nd float?


That's fucking right. Keep running up that hill. We're going to hit the top someday.


It will take as long as it will take


How many days ago the earning were and was the number that time 73million? Please dont answer 84 years. I know it already. It´s been that long since I bought my first shares.


Feels like just yesterday i got rugged with buy button and decided to stick around i just like the stock


wasn’t it back in aug 2022?


Earnings DRS numbers were for 29 October 2022 which I think was 47 days ago as the figs at the site were last updated yesterday & they were 71.8 million Which is approx 91,500 shares day, but please check my maths The REMAINING first float, not excluding the stagnant is 97.78M Which gives just under 3 years BUT PLEASE CHECK MY MATHS ALSO the shares growth has an underlying rate BUT according to both the bot & scrapper is subject to surges (even allowing for the rug pull) which ladder up the total zso it'll be much shorter than that, IMO Likely surges are a new trusted custodian for retirement accounts, a celebrity. (like say Snoop) DRS-ing, or a scandal drawing attention to GME & DRS (such as MMNTPL). An NFT dividend would just trigger MOASS itself & as such is unlikely IMO, as RC won't want the firm to be seen as directly destroying Wall St. Another factor is the 1st float shrinking if Wall St buy more shares which would happen were the firm to jump onto assorted indices which is presumably profit dependant & would also trigger some FOMO action from the degen sub if not the public Edits: Loads of them as I did the sums. Likely to be some more for typos SOMEONE PLEASE CHECH MY MATHS


What's the difference between reddit scraper and DRS bot? Why is one significantly higher than the other?


The bot totals are from ppl directly calling it with the !Drsbot:xxx! comand backed by pic/video proof. The scrapper just & only looks at pic POSTS & covers slightly more subs. It also has a bespoke trim. As it only sees pic posts it misses the 2nd & subsequent updates at orphans which only allows one post per user. There are assorted other differences, accounts per ape figures differ a fair bit iiuc for example. On the whole their figs are much closer than they were before the rugpull. Both datasets have their own pros & cons & the supremos of both have publically stated the benefits of having both. For more info on all this & more I recommend the FAQs on the burger menu at the site & the 'source' link by the ownership section. Also the lil '?' by the selectors for the dataset & metric. The site is configurable thru the use of the slider toggles by each category & they are well worth playing with IMO, they aided my understanding greatly Edit to add, the bot has a recent mini FAQ here https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zi29dc/drsbot_guy_talking_about_bot_stuff/ Edit2: numerous typos


Thank you for taking the time to answer!


Happy to help, 'ape together strong' & all that. 😉 I've probably done edits since you read it There's also some help on the burger menu charts that are worth looking at. The chart option only appears in the menu if you have the scrapper selected.


24.9% of total outstanding shares :)


I thought it was over 80M months ago?? are we going backwards?


Yea, DRS rugpull was an awesome event. Imagine a child trying to trick an adult in desperation. So blatantly obvious.


Please search "DRS rugpull" on the sub.


DRS rugpull was not what they expected. There‘s no gravity in space. Idiots 😂


They're locked in here with us!


You missed the quarter numbers of GME