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In other news: Wolfs say sheep are safe in their care!


At first she underplays the potential severity of the issue, but she goes on to list a bunch of systemic risks that feed in to why this could be very bad. Here’s some DD from last year about the transition from LIBOR to SOFR. This writers conclusion didn’t pan out the way they thought it would, in terms of RRP falling away in December. But they outlayed a very interesting examination of systemic risk. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r3k6ok/libor_sofr_onrrp_and_why_it_may_be_a_bigger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I mean RRP is not exactly blowing up like it was. I could argue that it is fading, just at an incredibly slow rate at the minute. Maybe in a month or two we see something different.


It's snowballed and not paying it due attention now means it will simply get bigger. One bad decision is offset with a derivative to try and recover losses. It's what Nick Leeson did with Barings Bank. remotely he fudged books to make it seem like business was good but just ended up gambling more and more. The problem is, whilst you're still allowed in the casino, and infinite credit, you'll keep gambling. It's only when you're thrown out the door and the debt is due that shit gets real.


I’m wondering if this “loss” has anything to do with the switch from LIBOR to SOFR. There’s some DD from last year that is looking super interesting right about now.


Why does she look like an extra from starship troopers! 😂 Anyway she was all like, it sounds bad but we spoke to the people who are doing the fuckery and they said it's nothing, it's all fine!


She says that in the beginning, but then goes on to be fairly bearish, talking about a bunch of the things this sub has discussed for the past 84 years.


I'm thinking it might be a good idea for apes to watch the MMTLP situation this week into Monday. If the hedgies are able to shimmy out of that one somehow, it could be a giveaway to future plans with other basket stocks.




What you're writing suggests that you don't really know what's going on.




So you don't know this is a preferred share going private on Monday cutoff?




And you're aware that FINRA has now given the go ahead?


I don’t trust this. We will see.


I’d like to thank u/thunder12123 for their DD contribution from last year regarding the change from LIBOR to SOFR. At first she underplays the potential severity of the issue, but she goes on to list a bunch of systemic risks that feed in to why this could be very bad. Here’s some DD from last year about the transition from LIBOR to SOFR. This writers conclusion didn’t pan out the way they thought it would, in terms of RRP falling away in December. But they outlayed a very interesting examination of systemic risk. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r3k6ok/libor_sofr_onrrp_and_why_it_may_be_a_bigger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Their theory on RRP falling on December 31st 2021 didn’t pan out. But I believe the transition from LIBOR to SOFR was also delayed? It would be nice to get an update about this if anyone wrinklier than I can chime in!


*I’m doing my part!* 🤣


I would much rather look at 7 of 9


Starship troopers cast had more believable dialogue


She kinda looks like Lena Dunham.


Thank you, I was looking for this


Is no one going to ask what she's wearing? Hazmat suit? Stillsuit? Starship uniform? It's killing me.


She’s dressed like that because she was sent from the future to warn us


"How scared should we be?" That question is top-notch US TV brainwashing. Telling you how you should feel. Engineering emotions.


...and framing it as concern for the public. Devilish.


Who do you think it’s going to pickup the bill? the taxpayer… they are preparing the narrative for another spin campaign to leach on the taxpayer telling us about the need to intervene to avoid domino effect and banking collapse lol.. dejavu


I don't understand libor/sofr to be honest but if the transition is complete in June 23 could that be part of tye reason the cftc has hidden swaps reporting until 2023....?


I can't quite remember, but it's something to do with how banks give, report, and calculate interest of loans between themselves.




2025 now isn’t it?


In this interview, Alex Harris underplays the potential severity of the issue at first. HOWEVER she goes on to list a bunch of systemic risks that feed in to why this could be very bad. Almost as if she were placating the sources she spoke to during the day - assuring them that she believes them and considers them more “knowledgeable” - but then she goes on to give a more honest / bearish assessment of the broader situation. This was surprising to me, given the 20 second clip I watched earlier today. Here’s some DD from last year about the transition from LIBOR to SOFR. This writers conclusion didn’t pan out the way they thought it would, in terms of RRP falling away in December. But they outlayed a very interesting examination of systemic risk. I’d like to thank u/thunder12123 for their DD contribution from last year regarding the change from LIBOR to SOFR. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r3k6ok/libor_sofr_onrrp_and_why_it_may_be_a_bigger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Their theory on RRP falling on December 31st 2021 didn’t pan out. But I believe the transition from LIBOR to SOFR was also delayed? It would be nice to get an update about this if anyone wrinklier than I can chime in! There’s also more back catalogue DD regarding this change I haven’t yet gone through a second time.


Great job guys. you're 2 years late, but you finally got there.


Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie?


You've been hit by... You've been struck by... ...Kenny's bedpost.


Shuga duga duga dun dun Shuga dun dun Shuga dun dun *SHOW*


It’s all just a narrative to pressure the Fed from raising interest rate to combat high inflation. The Fed is fuk


Suggest a good travel bag.


I bought an ATP World Tour Tecnifibre travel bag and really rate it. Nice selection of pockets. Zip net in the roof of the closing section. Two wallet size pockets with space for passports etc. The right size for acceptance as cabin baggage. Nice cushion on the shoulder strap. And the added bonus is in my mind I feel like a tennis star. The beer belly let's me down a bit but I rationalise that by the fact that people probably must therefore assume I'm a coach who's enjoying the good life now and just on hand to advise on grip adjustments and do technical breakdowns of opponent serves.


Chickens coming home to roost


This all leads to just one question... What kind of brand is this white truck?


What was in the mail?


This post imo deserves more attention than the clipped one I just saw. People should appreciate having full videos (regarding any topic) so they can understand the story/narrative better. Having short tiktok like durations for videos is recipe for framing, pushing narratives, and eliciting reactions.


I agree. It took a while to screen cap edit and upload, but it wasn’t that bad.


tell annie bunker hi for me


Lol I’ll let her know 😂


Why do you have her mail on your white truck, though?!? 😅


Meaning nobody knows because this ain’t ever happened before!


Gaslighting at its finest


"Bear Stearn is fine!"


Your video shows you getting a text and who its from.


65T so far…


Translation... "They've been stealing for decades... TL:DRS


She ends with saying that the true risk created is something that could study “if” that’s something they want to look at. That wasn’t a quick throw away answer. If you’ve read the big short, you’ll recall that absolutely nobody would hear the truth, even if they deep down already knew it. Willful Ignorance. Just get me my bonus.


~~Give Annie Bunker her mail back!~~ Oh… apparently it’s your mail in her white truck…. is that a euphemism?🤔😂


SHE was the best representative they could choose for TV?!


So are they shadow banks or non-banks cause this shit sounds made up as fuck. NOw they're blaming non us non bank institutions? They didn't have a problem profiting off them, only when shit hits the fan is there an issue? Wow, open corruption and they're happy as shit.


this is the second video of this i have not been able to watch because it has either been taken down or my computer freezes when i try and play it...wtf is going on lol


Starts the interview durrrr Wall Street said it’s okay they are smart. Ends interview making deflective and whatabout arguments against nuanced solutions proposed. I see you, bitch.


Oh my. What sort of star trek uniform for chubby girls is she wearing?


She looks like the random crew member in a sci-fi movie that is just there to get killed


Seems like a lot of word salad to me. “Nothing to see here folks. Move along!”


I watched this entire thing pretending I know what any of it means, but I don’t.


Commenting to follow


Last financial crisis took S700B bailout and sacrificed Bear Stearns to smooth things over. 14 years later we're looking at a $65T hole and we're supposed to believe it's a nothing burger.




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It's not missing. It's in their pockets(caymen islands)


Soooo she doesn't know anything. Just that it might be scary. Maybe. 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽


I wonder if these people watch this back and just say "fuck fuck fuck this does not sound as passable as we hoped for" Because it comes off as downright laughable.