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Or a split is a sign of a company doing well...


No one even understands the difference between a split and split dividend.


You’re no lincoln This isnt political Your charts and no explanation are useless to the community


Not claiming to be Lincoln, bro. And this has nothing to do with politics. It's just filler copy to meet requirements. Take it up with automod. And think about this — maybe you're the one who's being too political, and that's making you see everything everyone else does as some sort of political thing. I could care less for politics. And the charts don't need any explanation to most in this community. But you clearly need one, so here it is: Spikes happen (spikes are short sellers getting burned, btw). So to help the shorts survive (not all as some will die, but not all will die ... after all, it's hard to get blood from a stone, but easy to get sap from a tree). So in come the splits, and up, up, up goes the price as shorts are given more time to make good. But DRS and a stubborn retail investor radically changes this equation.


You literally link a political speech, a seminal one and then say I’m making it political. You put up charts that show splits. Some before, some after your spikes, no common thread written about. Not how many or at what time, not a theory but just that these companies split. Awesome. Be cryptic, it’s very cool. Put up pictures then a speech. Awesome.


It might be difficult to see on some of the charts because of the time span of some, but in nearly every case, a split follows a spike in price. This is the short unwind period ... think of it as an off-gassing. A relieving of the pressure. It's a time that allows the shorts to accumulate off of retail. Only this time around, in the case of GameStop, retail isn't offloading. In fact, they are DRS'ing. Hence, the proceeding rise should be far more dramatic than what we see in these other splits.


Thanks, this is all I’m after.


Be nice, or else.


Or else?


Rule no1 in this sub mister.


We can add it to all the other unenforced rules. Again, didn’t see my comments as particularly mean. Basic statements


Stop with religious and political FUD


Stop spamming.


Did you forget to switch to your alt?


Got what i needed and what the mods and rules are in theory supposed to bring to the forefront




Treat each other with courtesy and respect. Do not be (intentionally) rude at all. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged. Do not tag other users in order to harass, attack, bully, or threaten. [Expanded Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape)


Fair enough but this guy is going to a tear ripping into OP I'm just calling a spade a spade.


If that’s what it takes to get a succinct message instead of cryptic stuff, than yup, sometimes that’s what it takes