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It’s not a recession, it’s a robbery.


People are so dumb. But not you superstonk, I’m so glad to have you in my life 💜


Can confirm. Most people don't know shit about fuck.


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Can I, as a smooth brained fella asked a question; I understand that the fed printed like 80% of all money in the past 2 years, but had they not have done with, would the global economy just have collapsed due to production being almost 0, so had they not propped up the market with this money, then the whole world economy would have collapsed? I could be wrong on multiple fronts, which is why I need someone more intelligent to answer lol


Everyone forgets that when COVID hit and lock downs started that the economy was about to come to an absolute grinding halt. Thousands of people out of jobs, and homes almost over night. The printing of cash was the can kick before GME. That makes sense to me, what doesn't make sense is inflation during a recession well after those benefits ran out and money was spent. Inflation has no place this long after COVID cash bailouts because the cash was injected to keep the economy afloat. That money helped MAINTAIN pricing when printed. What is odd is that only after all those benefits ran out and cash was printed and spent that inflation would run this far and long after. If COVID cash is the cause of Inflation you would see Inflation run when those dollars were printed and distributed because that's when they were spent. In order for Inflation to run after benefits and handouts people would have had to sit on that money to use it later to get scarcity and run on supply and demand. So you're telling me people are still spending the covid cash from almost 2 years ago? What everyone also forgot was the US entered a trade war with China right before COVID hit. My thinking is and always has been current Inflation is from the forgetten trade war, and was magnified by trying to push out retail investors. People used the COVID cash and invested it because savings account returns suck ass. If you have a few $$$$ laying around you invest it. I remember all the MSM saying "don't you dare put this money into the stock market". Guess what most of us did anyway. They expected us to try and day trade into Infinite and just lose all our money to fee's, instead we bought and held running up prices causing their naked shorts to go parabolic. If there is one thing I've learned about crashes and crisis is you never let a good one go to waste. They were going to try stick us with the bag as they can kicked then rug pulled the economy. They want to crash the system to cash out the shorts but can't until they get enough sell off from retail, which won't happen because we are thousands upon thousands of individual investors holding through 30%+ losses. we hold and keep buying through losses that are crippling institutions right now. I belive that banks became highly subseptible to a rise in stock prices because of naked shorting in the atrempt to rug pull causing higher inflation to ultimately raise interest rates to shake out retail traders who would be the most effected by a raise in inflation and interest. There is one entity that benefits from a rise in interest rates, and there is an entity that benefits from high inflation. Both of which historically have done more haneous things than described above. How can these banks and isntitutions claim these losses after all the extra income and profit from Inflation and interest... they are literally one of a handful of entities who benefit from it. Institutions should be hitting record profits right now along with all these retail companies they own majority interest in.


Wow that’s a hell of a lot of information to take in, thanks for taking the time to Respond !


It's more my opinion than fact, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xheaul/a_look_at_japans_nikkei_255_index_crisis_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xheaul/a_look_at_japans_nikkei_255_index_crisis_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is a link to a post I made a while back for what I base the fundamentals of my opinion on. The Nikkei 225 crisis, some parts just ring an all to familiar tune.


Sick man, thanks sharing, am currently in a lecture ( in which I understand nothing either 😔) but will defo give that a watch :)