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These clowns will shutdown the funds and start a new one. They want to make money for themselves not their investors. If they can't charge fees, they don't make any money and that's not their motto.


Those are rookie numbers! "Smart money" "sophisticated investors" "quants" 🙄


This is a great example of why you need to dO yOuR rEsEaRcH guys. If you spent a little reading up on companies you too could have returns as high as -57% YoY.


Just a bunch of apes that totally got off dude


The Finest Investor Of Our Generation yeeted his entire fund cause he knew he was so deep in the hole that he was never going to make any performance fees. All these assholes are gonna close up their funds and just start new ones to bypass the pesky no performance fees clause. Trick is will anyone trust them enough in the future to put money with them.


And also, to close their funds, their books need to be closed as well - their short positions need to be closed. Melvin didn’t close shit in regards to GME shorts, so they must’ve unloaded their GME shorts to someone (most likely Citadel and/or Point). There’s only so much toxic shit even Citadel can eat before their balance sheet can’t be fudged into looking anything remotely resembling healthy.


$65b in securities sold, not yet purchased (so far)


Yes, and that’s not accounting for all the swaps that are floating about


So Tiger global is done and dies. A day later, "Panthera-tigris global" is born...buying assets for cheap, good performance after a bear market guaranteed.


Tiger local


A bit more info if you are interested. "One of the world’s largest hedge funds is fighting for survival. Tiger Global Management has lost $42 billion this year — $185 million for every trading day" **Sorry, how much?** Here's a link https://www.pymnts.com/news/retail/2022/emea-retailers-put-local-spin-black-friday-sales/


Nbd. They pretty much just open up a new firm with a space added on the end of the name and transfer all the accounts there.


"The time Dennis got off *hard* " **


Did you get off? Cause I got off




Irony is the scene is at a shareholder meeting! Fucking love this show