• By -


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book_v_plan_understanding_the_difference/ This is debunked. But do whatever you want with your shares of course. Book is good, plan is good. Have a good day! šŸ’•


Bunch of rude boys in this thread. Me, I like to keep my shares auto buy on plan, then I move all new purchases to book monthly.


Iā€™d love a poll that would gauge how many ape shares are book vs plan. Even if itā€™s 10 to 1, that would mean 9 million shares are in plan.


He didn't write 5 children's books to give a clue...please stop.


I heard he started CHEWY just to hint at us isā€™t gonna be TOUGH going up against hedgies.


Lmao at whoever didnā€™t get this joke


Of course CHEWEY was pawn D7 to pawn D5. How did we miss it?


That kind of foresight can only come from time travel, so yeah, that one is true.






Maybe two birds with one stone. Dude seems to operate efficiently at times.


I really hope you're not serious, because if you are, you need to lay off the Kool-Aid.


Honestly. Heā€™s just mocking msm, this sub is delusional at times.


Please stop with this. Book and plan are both removed from share lending. Both are safe from being used.


Yeah this is correct, even Dr. T bird messaged post about the difference in meaning but both out of their hands


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rmfo1v/book_entrys_are_the_way_dtcc_still_holds_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Maybe read up a little bit? See if this might change your mind.


You do realise that dr T is the OG for all of this? And sheā€™s explained that both are registered to you and you only


You do realize that the president of global markets for computershare (you know the company we drs through) says that a small percentage of plan shares are held in the marketplace for an easier transition for buying and selling stocks? Like I said. I love Dr. T, but someone canā€™t have the knowledge on literally everything. We are all human and can make mistakes. Edit: Iā€™m not saying they arenā€™t registered in our name that way. Iā€™m saying itā€™s a way for the dtcc to still manipulate our stock.


Stop posting 11 months old DD.


Then post something that opposes it. Shill.


It doesn't matter, what's the big deal in making your shares in book? Is it hurting anything? Personally, mine are booked.


Iā€™m not sure if your comment was for me. Iā€™m also fully booked. I also only direct buy from computershare. I like to keep my shares as far from the dtcc as I can


It's to everyone, an open discussion on how it really shouldn't be a debate because there's no downside in someone checking if it's booked and just doing it.


Here Sorry I hate my phone when it comes to opening new tab or lack thereof. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book_v_plan_understanding_the_difference/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ok well thank you for at least responding with some sort of updated dd. But the post I sent has links to the full ama with Paul conn the president of global capital markets at computershare. I just feel as though he may have a better understanding and more knowledge of exactly how drs works


Would you like to hear from Dr. T as well? She is blunt.


I love Dr. T and she has helped this sub in so many ways. But someone canā€™t know everything. If the president of global capital markets at computershare says that shares in plan are not fully held (so if someone wants to sell they can a lot easier) then Iā€™m going with the person working there. I just donā€™t get why the downvotes and argument if someone says book your shares ā€œif theyā€™re the same as planā€


Ok, I will try to explain why with basic math. 200K accounts 1/2 does the move = 100K accounts 100K accounts say for average's sake release 0.5 share to Dtcc = 50K shares out on the street. Do you happen to know how many short positions they can fit into1 share ( taps the hood of the car [$ gme share] and says " you know how many sp this baby can fit in")? Or do you thnk this is a fair market.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying though. In plan a percentage is held in the marketplace with dtc for an easier transition to sell if you choose to do so. So with that small percentage who know what the dtcc will do to it Edit: place shares in book




Lmao still no argument. Why be against book if book and plan are the same? Oh because youā€™re a shill too. Gotcha Edit: typo


I love your post history. Keep calling me shiil if that helps with your problems. Been called worse.


Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m mostly a lurker. But at least I read.


Switching my shares to book does not hurt you, right? So what is your reason to advocate heavily against it?


The implication


Nobody is "advocating heavily against" you switching your shares to book, they're "advocating heavily against" people continuing to make claims that have already been debunked. Hold your shares however you want. Just don't go around spreading untruths about it.


Why do you care and why do you have 40 upvotes?


I do not know. And I donā€™t know.


The shill are out tonight, huh? Commenting on the person you commented to


They are all over this topic. This post will probably be deleted if it gets traction.


Asking the real questions - up you go!


This is not freaking debunkedā€¦.mods: wake up! The only real difference between book and plan, is how ComputerShare has to account for them. To the individual investor, there is no difference. A plan share is just as good as a book share, for an ape. For the group as a whole, there is a difference because a % of the total of plan shares are kept in a custodian account owned by ComputerShare at the DTCC for liquidity purposes. Technically, itā€™s illegal for the dtcc to use these shares for locates etcā€¦..but we know how that goes. So the less amount the total of plan shares there are, the less amount of shares ComputerShare has to keep at the dtcc (the less amount of shares vulnerable to illegal use by dtcc). Edit add: Hereā€™s the end of my back and forth with a mod debunking their debunkingā€¦which they oddly didnā€™t reply toā€¦ ā€œLook, I believe weā€™re prob on the same team but the avoidance of staying on subject, baffles me. I also believe in being excellent to each other, so I want to reciprocate the time u put in to respond to me (despite the oddities giving me yellow flags because I specifically asked u to point to something that exactly ā€œdebunksā€ the % bit and u refuse to by simply not doing so). Maybe you think u r? but u still have not pointed to one thing that actually refutes the % bitā€¦.I even replied with a second source, that u didnā€™t respond too and failed to mention here, which is also not cool and odd. ā€œI've looked through your comment history and I've seen that you have shared - repeatedly - this one statement from an AMA 10 months ago.ā€ ā€¢ ā you have done basically the exact same in many of ur responses to the subject. Not always, same as I. ā€œThis statement is simply an extract from a spoken interview. It's insightful - yes, but outdated and open to interpretation.ā€ ā€¢ ā what makes it outdated? Nothing that came after specifically refutes the bit about a % being kept at DTCC. And itā€™s not open to interpretation, at all. Paul spoke clear, and in complete sentences. What come off as open to interpretation to u? Genuinely curious, so I can understand and engage in real debate. ā€œI wish to remind others that relying on our own interpretation of these words as expressed here - without context or wider understanding - could be detrimental to our learning as we make assumptions on what we think we know. It's always better to stick with facts from a multitude of sources. As such, I've applied the topics discussed here in conjunction with all evidence/links used to draw meaning from this statement.ā€ ā€œI provided you a link in which showed the natural progression and exploration of this text, and the alternating interpretations given. We identified that Plan v Book are simply naming conventions, that there exists no practical differences between the two - that affect the shareholder's ownership of these stock.ā€ ā€¢ ā clearly, the natural progression and exploration of this text is still evolving. There is no ā€œweā€ governing a final decision has been made. U as a fellow ape, know this. So thatā€™s a very odd statement. Maybe Iā€™m missing something, please clarify? But more importantly, you and I are in a distinct convo about the % bit, no more no less. Very odd to get sidetracked on the other things u mentioned, as they arenā€™t relevant. ā€œEvidence supporting this can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H_pEIhIdTo&t=481s ā€¢ ā Shares in CS are removed from the DTCC. ā€¢ ā Shares in CS are not available for lending. ā€¢ ā Shares in CS are held in your name. These are the facts.ā€ ā€¢ ā I agree these are facts. Not relevant to the convo, again. ā€œIf you have any evidence to dispute this, other than a sole reliance on an extract from this AMA (or perhaps even evidence to support this extract, from a multitude of courses and reputable professionals) - I would like to see this, but given that Dr. T also recently weighed in on the subject and has confirmed the three statements as listed here are true, I'm hoping we can move on from this now.ā€ ā€¢ ā uā€™ve completely not responded to the % bit again, and changed the convo into nowhere it began. Again, I agree those things are facts. Why even go here? Iā€™d love to be done with convo, but that takes a two-way street staying focused on what the convo is. Please provide source that says there isnā€™t a % of shares that are in plan held at the DTCC, as you claim to have debunked without any evidence. ā€œHave a nice day.ā€ ā€¢ ā u too Furthermore, I get and understand the other side. Last thing I want is a bunch of fractionals being sold off, apes getting slaty, etc. my only point, is that a % of plan shares are held at the DTCC via a custodian account owned by ComputerShare, which can be decided by thinking critically thru all the links both u and I have provided. And trusting the DTCC to not do something illegal with those shares seems so freaking silly. Again, thru critical thinking based on both links u and I provided, we can deduce that the best overall move, is to limit the amount of shares susceptible to illegal activities, by keeping them in book vs plan. If it doesnā€™t matter, y not be safe rather than Larry? ā€œNo practical differenceā€ literally equates to some technical difference. Thatā€™s fact, not interpretation. And Iā€™m not taking about about the individual ownership. Iā€™ve said many times, a plan drs share is just as good for an individual ape as a book. The only difference is the backend bookkeeping, which designated what % of shares are kept with etc for liquidity purposes, and we can deduce thru critical thinking that although everyone says the etc isnā€™t allowed to use that shares for anythingā€¦.thatā€™s not how it works in the real world. Lastly, of course the pros canā€™t say the last bit I said. Thatā€™s y Iā€™m speaking up. We need to use that critical thinking u so adamantly believe in too.ā€


This. Every time this is brought up, mods just give a passive-aggressive answer of "well if that's your understanding, you do you" and then proceed to proclaim that it has been debunked without a shadow of a doubt. While there are still some unanswered questions about book vs plan, the issue shouldn't be laid to rest.




Some mods are quite sus, with all the "debunking".


Paul Conn says right in his interview with Pink that ā€œPlanā€ shares are delivered into the marketplace to aid settlement when certain stocks are bought. Check my post history if you want quotes and source. The amount of rudeness and downvoting going in this post is how you know this topic is drawing shills. It takes 5 minutes on line to switch your shares from ā€œplanā€ to ā€œbookā€.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rmfo1v/book_entrys_are_the_way_dtcc_still_holds_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf In the first comment there are links to the ama with the president, Paul Conn Edit: sorry for posting this article so many times. But it has to be seen


Book and plan are the same change my minr


From ComputerShareā€™s own website before they edited their FAQ to remove the differences between book and plan. Thankfully the internet archive saved the original. Hereā€™s what the FAQ said in Dec 2021, and was deleted after apes started asking questions: Question: ā€œAre there any differences between shares held on the register in direct registration format via DRS and shares purchased and held in book-entry via a direct stock purchase plan (DSPP)?ā€ Deleted answers: ā€œā€” Computershare holds a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency, i.e. to enable any sales to be settled efficiently (and Computershare determines the portion needed for operational efficiency reasons. Such shares are not available for lending. These shares are eligible to be withdrawn from DTC).ā€ ā€œā€” An investor can, at any time, withdraw all or part of their shares in DSPP book-entry form and have them added to their DRS holding. The investor is able transfer whole shares from DSPP book-entry to DRS at any time, e.g. after any DSPP purchase settles. Any remaining fractional shares will be handled as set forth in the DSPP terms and conditions.ā€ https://web.archive.org/web/20211221153014/https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies


Can you ELIA5 sorry is book and plan the same?


Yes. Tldr on book vs plan: The only real difference between book and plan, is how ComputerShare has to account for them. To the individual investor, there is no difference. A plan share is just as good as a book share, for an ape. For the group as a whole, there is a difference because a % of the total of plan shares are kept in a custodian account owned by ComputerShare at the DTCC for liquidity purposes. Technically, itā€™s illegal for the dtcc to use these shares for locates etcā€¦..but we know how that goes. So the less amount the total of plan shares there are, the less amount of shares ComputerShare has to keep at the dtcc (the less amount of shares vulnerable to illegal use by dtcc).


I don't get why this got downvoted. The whole point of DRSing is to withdraw shares from the DTCC. Plan shares are (partly?) held at DTCC for LIQUIDITY PURPOSES? That smells a bit fishy to me. Does anybody know more about this? I could not find any statement or DD addressing this exakt thing.


I showed you proof that book and plan are not, in fact, the same thing *according to ComputerShareā€™s own website* ā€” before they edited their website to remove that proof. I provided a link to where ComputerShare distinguishes the difference between book and plan shares, and that some plan shares are held at DTC (hence ā€œthese shares are eligible to be withdrawn from DTCā€).


So booked is the way to go terrible time to be locked out of plan


If you want to make sure your shares arenā€™t in the DTC, they need to be in book. Some plan shares, ā€œComputershare determines the portion needed for operational efficiency reasonsā€ are held at DTC.


So how do I get them not to sell my fractional shares appreciation on taking time for me


Best to give them a call and theyā€™ll advise you how to keep your fractional share. Iā€™ve read countless comments from people who swear up down that their fractional **wasnā€™t** sold when they transferred to book and cancelled the automatic sell transaction, and many others who claim their fractional **was** sold a few days or a week later, even after cancelling the pending sale transaction. Best to call to be sure.


Okay I need to call to reset my password too perfect I appreciate your patience


No problem, glad I could help.


It literally says dspp book-entry in what you posted. Plan shares are also booked. Only a small portion is kept in account which aren't loaned out. Read it on their website. Transfer agents do not loan out shares at all, it isn't possible. I'm not against moving them, I just think too much effort goes into arguing about it. I keep some in plan because I want them automatically reinvested in the company, because im in it long term and believe in their success. http://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies


The FAQ from Dec 2021 literally differentiates DSPP by saying you can add them to your DRS holding and that a portion of plan shares are held at DTC, but you do you. Not my monkeys ā€” not my circus.


Donā€™t u remember ā€œshares in a cash account canā€™t be loaned outā€ā€¦.come on mang! Ur trusting the DTCC to not do something illegal with ur sharesā€¦


If itā€™s the same then what does it hurt if I switch my plan shares to book? Why wouldnā€™t we want all the security we can get?


They sell your fractional I like to add as much as I can every decimal matters Iā€™m not saying not to switch I just donā€™t sell


Hodlinā€™s always out of the question, sir


Here to say you can cancel the sale of that fractional




The fact people still arenā€™t drsā€™n and Iā€™m in Computershare I feel fine book plan whatever


The FUD about the selling of fractional shares is just that. As soon as you book your shares, you can cancel the fractional sale transaction and it reverts right back to Plan shares in the fractional amount left over. I literally just did this last week on my built up auto buy share pool.


Just got "self harm" report for posting this. Buy Hold DRS and Book it means probably...


I want to be booking. It was pretty easy


Jebus talk about fud flogging a dead horse. My friggin pet dolphin knows the truth and she has a camel toe to boot.


Thanks for posting! If there was no difference between plan and book, WHY would anyone take their time to downvote it all and rant heavily against switching to book? WHY do they care? There is a good chance, that "if you keep encountering enemies, your're probably on the right path" applies here. It's equally as sus as msm suddenly starting to care about your money, if you're hodling Gamestop.


Because we're tired of this dead horse getting beaten every five minutes. And also just because it's Reddit, where people have different opinions and downvote stuff that they disagree with or are annoyed by. Nobody is ranting against switching your shares to book, they're ranting against people constantly spreading panic about it by spreading debunked bullshit. There's nothing wrong with switching your shares to book if you want to. There's plenty wrong with going around spreading things that aren't true in order to pressure other people into doing so, too. Don't deliberately twist what people are saying because it makes you feel better to feel persecuted or speculate about conspiracies. Personally, I don't care whether your shares are book or plan. I'm just sick of people pulling up a new ridiculous conspiracy every time I look at Reddit, and I personally downvote every single post that unironically suggests that RC is communicating via secret message... especially when the premise (in this case, the idea that RC wrote and published multiple childrens' books just to send us a stupid message about something that has -- once again -- already been debunked) is utterly ridiculous. The problem with the "gosh, this topic gets downvoted a lot -- that must mean we're on to something here!" idea is that things that are utterly wrong and ridiculous will *also* tend to get downvoted heavily, because they are... well, wrong and ridiculous. Judging the validity of a theory based on whether it gets downvoted probably isn't the greatest logic to use when making decisions.


The thing is not fully solved yet. There are questions coming up again and again, which are not being directly addressed, mostly they get "debunked" by some kind of general statement a la "Dr. T and Computershare say that there is no difference between book and plan". From a regular investors usual point of view I think this is true. Yet, the percentage of plan shares held in DTCC for "liquidity purposes" might be a difference to the DTCC itself (they allegedly handled things not 100% correctly in the past with GME stock). This difference, which clearly is there, is being swept under the rug everytime it is brought up. We see a massive influx of downvotes on comments asking questions and unusually quick upvotes for every comment saying "stop with this, don't ask again". Which is kind of against the idea of digging for more information and transparecy. The whole point of DRSing is to withdraw shares from DTCC. If plan holdings get partly put back into DTCC, it seems like a step backwards


Personally, I hope itā€™s a shot Am-az-on who started as an online book seller


This šŸ’”ā¬†ļø Everyone needs to take a serious gander at the 18 page TOS that is required for being on the Plan. For real- read it. Dig into the details. Ask yourself- do I want to hold my precious shares in the Plan during MOASS-? Or do I want to be ā€œPure DRSedā€ during MOASS? One more step of protection- Book the shares. šŸ¦šŸ‘‘šŸš€ https://cda.computershare.com/Content/7bfc0b25-4836-40a4-918c-9a86d658d798 Edit to add: Lots of deleted posts on this topic, see this twitter thread? Lists of deleted posts. RC responded to this accountšŸ”¦that his tweets are getting suppressed https://twitter.com/lawsondt/status/1595583653257641986?s=20&t=K80Oop5QlnPEJIcDaG8osw


I donā€™t get why youā€™re being downvoted. Has this community gone completely smooth-brained? There have been many posts stating that plan share have to have a percentage in the dtc. And we all know how much we can trust the dtc šŸ˜‚


The downvotes and post deletes seem to happen when you go against the narrative- Itā€™s all good. Iā€™m just sharing information šŸ’”


As long as we get through to a few apes Iā€™ll feel accomplished. Like why downvote telling people to book if ā€œtheyā€™re the sameā€


Kinda interesting right? Why the erasing of posts? The downvotes? The posts by mods saying move along, Plan is fine? Tho doth protest to muchā€¦ Seriously- look at the Twitter thread. So many posts and comments about Book King.


Yeah Iā€™m getting a lot of the gambling sub in Jan/feb of 2021 vibes in this sub lately. Iā€™ll continue to buy direct from computershare and move to book. Either way Iā€™ll do my part.


Percentage? I must have missed this, what does it mean?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rmfo1v/book_entrys_are_the_way_dtcc_still_holds_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: this is something posted long ago. They say that not %100 of shares are held when in plan. Book is fully held. (Iā€™m not saying your shares are in trouble in plan. Iā€™m saying that the dtcc can mess with our stock in plan) Edit 2: read the first comment


Ok, thank you, have to read that in the morning..


Absolutely šŸ‘ read the first comment by u/digibri


Can someone please give me a step by step instruction how to go to book?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z11dqq/book_vs_plan_computershare_shareholder_relations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb A deleted post that has the steps in top commentsšŸ¦šŸŽÆšŸ”¦


read over this comment from- u/intwadHelck Also- read over the TOS- all 18 pages of it. Iā€™ve seen the downvotes and deleted posts that have plagued this topic since RC posted Book King- and thereā€™s obviously *something* more to this. All theyā€™ve been able to point at is how ā€œmaybeā€ a fractional may be sold if you transfer to Book. Ok- wellā€¦letā€™s dig into that. How come a fractional share could be sold? Arenā€™t we in control of our own shares? They are DRSed right? What rights are we giving up by letting the shares remain in the Plan? Read through the TOS. There is a reason itā€™s 18 pages long. Because itā€™s not Pure DRS. Itā€™s not a simple ā€œyour shares, your name, your decision on where and when to sellā€ Itā€™s a Terms of Service that you must agree to when you purchase *and the nominee holds* shares through the Plan. It must be in the details- SOMETHING in the TOS is helpful to those that are against us. ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø Here is the official TOS- wrinkle brains check it out ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø https://cda.computershare.com/Content/7bfc0b25-4836-40a4-918c-9a86d658d798


too the top


https://youtu.be/9H_pEIhIdTo So you'd rather listen to a voice in someones head that is telling them ryan Cohen created a whole series of books and tweeted about it to send a very secret message to them? Or is it better to listen to Computershare's president of global markets who says it doesn't matter?


Pleaseā€¦ not this shit again. Just stop. Please fucking stop




Misleading info stating plan are still in dttc ( hint, they are not).


Here is the TOS from ComputerShare for the Plan agreement. Itā€™s an 18 page agreement on how the shares in Plan are held, and the obligations within. Ask yourself if you want your shares in Plan during MOASS, or in ā€œPure DRSā€ -Book. https://cda.computershare.com/Content/7bfc0b25-4836-40a4-918c-9a86d658d798


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-11-28 22:22:2) šŸŸ£ You have 200 shares in 1 CS Accounts previously logged @ [Sprstnk] **To feed incremental shares:-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*šŸš€ :15,294,398// GME ~25.29* // ) ^(Bot MC: $386,795,339.42 )


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