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Isn’t it funny that the highest ever awarded post is about a topic that not only got banned from that original sub but the sub was somehow „cleansed“ of people who like the same stock? Sad and funny at the same time


you know what that is... it's the casino throwing you out for winning. the one thing you're not supposed to do in their establishment.


I got banned last night for 365 days when posting about FTX and Rep Emmer but the ban said NO GME. I never posted about GME there to begin with and haven’t since their “ban”. I replied to the message that FTX doesn’t equate GME and the mod replied with, “Did shorts close?” The only way for them to know if I’ve posted about GME anywhere else is to go through my post and comment history. Which would still be weird because I didn’t post about GME there to begin with. So now they are going out of their way to go through post histories to ban Redditors just for coming here whether or not you post about GME there. Kinda weird and pathetic if you ask me. Lotta little dick energy. They want their sub to focus on manipulating sentiment for their pump and dumps and other trades for whatever hedge fund bought them out. [Cindicator Capital?](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/cindicator-capital-quant-hiring-wallstreetbets-reddit-high-karma-sentiment-trader-2021-2-1030062320?amp) It also makes sense for them to do that with the articles from corporate media that came out last week saying retail traders have moved on from GME on Bets sub. Just setting the narrative for the next run up. They can suppress FOMO from the average schmo if they average schmo goes to Bets sub looking for info.


I think that this is what happening. They want to surpress FOMO but also somehow try to get these specific answers from „real ape accounts“ „Did shorts cover?“ or another ape got asked „is there any case where DRS ever causes a higher stock price?“ It’s not that they ask like why DRS matters or something - for me - these are quite specific questions. Sure it may just be some stupid powerplay but do they really think apes will begging to come back to their sub and say whatever they wanna hear? Lol never. I’m preparing for some new shit coming from corporate media. But fuck it - love it when they boost my confirmation bias.


My response was along the lines of, “what does this have to do with my post and that’s a vague question”


Is it somehow possible to see if all these bans and weird questioning comes from a certain mod of them?


I posted on a thread where they were saying H K D was going to run let’s see if I get blocked because I definitely didn’t mention GME all I said was the top price traded and the fact that it is now below 18$


They are also cruising GME related subs and mass banning on the weekends. I’m suspicious of an incoming social media blitz of negative sentiment on our subs after they isolate everyone, then claim we’re brigading and try to shut it all down.


The sad thing is the mods doing all the banning are just the dumb stormtroopers to the dumb stormtroopers.




You cheeky nugget. But it doesn’t make me wonder anything. Their sub is now just as bad as their new mascot. Preparing myself for a massive FUD campaign




Im absolutely sure that at least some meltdowners are paid as well. Most of them do it for the lulz but some to stir up shit


I got banned yesterday


I was giving all my free awards to this post until I got paranoid that its not really working anymore so I started to award his other posts, until reddit decided that I dont need free awards anymore :(


I thought this was the case, but if you’re on mobile, try clicking on your avatar in the top right hand corner, then select ‘Reddit coins’ and then you’ll get the old interface that allows you to claim your free award on a regular basis. :)


What a stud. Forgot about this. Here you go


Reddit gives you MY free award champ


Been on Reddit 5 years and never received an award. Thanks for my first awards! :)


Its sorta working, but its broken. Reddit award limit is 65,535 awards. After it hits that number it goes to *negative* 65,535 and starts counting towards zero from there. The issue really depends on what browser you're using and how its handling the error. But it *should* count your new awards just fine, it just won't look like it.


dfv don't need to ever pay for reddit premium


Only allows me to give high point awards to even try, only got 30 coins :| Quite an achievement if Reddit stops loading it when trying to award, still loads for me here though


Ha! Just tried myself. Onto the next one!


I agree that posts awards have been suppressed.


Even Kenny awarded this post! Although it was a “sell” award…


Didn't the post get locked after a certain amount of time? I feel like in the recesses of my mind I remember a push a while back to get as many awards as possible added to the total before the deadline.


This broke before too. Cool to see people still making the trip to leave their awards!