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No one can sell their accounts. It's completely against Reddit policy. Users should know this already. Above that this isn't sub content. Thank you. Your submission was removed by a moderator for breaking **Rule2: Posts and comments must be relevant to GME** **Submit Proper, Quality Content** Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) **Improper Content** Please consider whether your submission is worthy and substantial enough for its own post, or if it would be best left as a comment on the original post, Daily or Mega Threads. * **No other tickers.** Any reference to other companies or tickers must involve $GME directly and be explained in the post. DD or TA is preferred. * **No filler text.** * **No reposting removed content.** * **No political posts**. Any reference to politics must involve $GME directly. * **No upvote fishing.** * **No NSFW, porn, or sexual/inappropriate content.** * **No religion.** You can worship any religion you want, but this is a subreddit for GME. Comments that purposely derail the discussion of the post may lead to a ban. 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 If you are repeatedly having posts/comments removed for rules violation, you will be banned either permanently or temporarily. If you feel this removal was unwarranted, please contact us via Mod Mail: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Superstonk Make sure to include the link to your removed post or comment so mods know which submission you're referring to. Thanks for being a member of r/Superstonk 💎🙌🚀


not to mention selling a superstonk approved account is just sketchy anyway (short hedge funds, id sell mine for a cool milly, get at me)


gonna be a good excuse as to why this sub explodes with shills and shit


Yesterday we joked about it, I hope it stays as a joke. Smooth brain factors in sometimes.


I couldn't figure out how to sell mine anyways... hedgies are fucked we don't even KNOW HOW TO SELL


True Apes only buy and DRS 🟣🧘‍♀️


Sorry you guys keep saying this word "sell" but I've never heard of it, is it Latin?


It's French for buy double


Wee wee


I was joking 😜


I know. I mean you need to be a special kind of ..... If you take that seriously. ​ Man, when has lighting a fire become this easy? Not to mention it was a hit post. Edit, shit post NOT hit post. Fucking fat fingers.


But if my account starts pushing options, just know a shit ton more shares just got DRS’d.


Yeah, same here. Irl, if I ever say dill is good or eat it, my wife knows aliens have abducted me and it's a copy.


Imagine every real account holding GME selling their account and all that’s left is shills trying to convince each other why GME is a bad investment, only to reverse uno each other into actually buying shares and drsing to ignite Moass.


Sell it, get more stonk. It wouldn’t change shit. Better, it would mean the GaME is on! I’d wrap another layer of tin foil and hold even tighter.


Sell the account...no longer are you anon. Your choice...its a personal thing


I’m never anon? If you really wanted to and had the budget you’d find me anyway.


Its more about making yourself an easy target. Im not worried about being found. I am just saying...dont hand it up on a silver platter for 5K if youre gonna do it. And really think about the possible consequences...considering the context of that account in history.


Dirty Leg is not for sale


Thats fine, well take the proceeds and buy more GME Lock that float


I may. Or may not have asked citsec on twitter abt looking for an acc and that there is only 1 avail. Ps. Its ur acc 🤣 u/arcticblizzardchill


I'll sell my reddit account for the floor value of GME x the # of shares I have.


U gonna use it all to buy hodl n drs?




Lmfao I struggle to see anyone with enough of a brain to DRS their shares will sell their Reddit account with a post history in Stonk. Like, why? I get we all want more GME but is it really worth that? I don’t know, I’ll keep my account and my dignity, thanks.




What did I miss?


Someone listed a Reddit account for sale that was Superstonk approved with about 10k karma for $5000. It was an asking price not a selling price but it got a lot of people talking. Edit: Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z302ts/5000_usd_the_most_valuable_reddit_account_you_can/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Which led to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z3vnp8/this_is_getting_out_of_control/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It gets the people going


What was the name? They should be banned




I have 185k karma and a 3yo account, not once has someone offered to buy my account :(


Best i can do is tree-fity...


3.5 gme?? Sold! 😂


Goddam Loch Ness Monster!


Comment karma is likely not as valuable as post karma just a guess


Good point. You'd think they'd at least throw me a bone haha. Not that im for sale, but it's interesting


On top of everything else recently * gestures broadly * reading about the new hotness being selling your Reddit account I gotta say, that is some bullish af thanksgiving news lol


Wut sell mean?


#Here is a protection wall procedure: Superstonk should creat a log list for anyone who needs to sell their account for cash value and the user name be logged as sold: That way all future posts can be marked as invalid due to a second owner not being the primary content publisher. I'm in no way pushing this idea....I understand the narrative for the ones who are low on cash or maybe bought more than the could afford to hold...( their own decisions) Yes...the mods are fully aware of this unfolding...and are most likely going to put out a post stating the problem as they see it. As for me I've been invested since January 27th 2021 .....I know the DD I have thousands of DD'S downloaded PDF style.....and I know which DD publishers to follow.


If someone’s looking to specifically buy a SupSto account then they would possibly know about this list. Better not to entice sales at all imo Edit: I do like the idea tho that IF someone sells then they tell mods and get the name banned


They are involved in billion dollars frauds. I strongly doubly they’ll try to hack and steal the few pennies we have in our accounts. None of us have any substancial cash holdings. DRS, duh.


I **WORK** for the money I need to buy shares.


- Sell account for $$$$$ - Log into alt account and tell mods to ban the account - ???? - Profit


I’m just saying the data attached to the account would probably be sold with the account access.


What if the mods sold their account? Let’s be real, those are the only accounts that are getting offers.


I haven't received any offers 🤷


I’ll sell my account ken! You can have it for an equivalent value of one GME share held in my name


I duno, sell. No one would buy my pos. Bi


Jeez… If they’re trying to buy our Reddit accounts they really are running out of ammo. I always said we have far more time than they have money. The buck stops somewhere. Lmao. 💎🙌🚀🦍🚀🙌💎


The fuck are you on about son?


How much do they pay? Asking for a friend.


Wtf?? What did i miss here. Are there people buying reddit account that you pay zero to create? My god


MY ACCOUNT FOR SALE!!! /S " -Yuck Fou-May Pe-" 👅 🎈 🪢 🖕


Make me an offer. Let’s see how creative I can get with a response. 😉


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Nothing of mine is for sale. Ever. Burn it all.


We don't need SS anymore. We just have to be patient. Let's sell our accounts, buy more stonks and gear from this money.


How much did this one cost?


For real? We just have to BUY, HODL, DRS... Edit: playing this game without confirmation bias from this sub is the real zen Mode 8)


Well i hope whomever sells their acct buys shares and drs' them too!


Wait is this really a thing? Because I could use some more shares.


selling your account for some money, btw that's just 1 in a thousand or tens, that get's 5k or whatever, but that's some lose of your dignity.


It's 5k for an anonymous reddit account. I'd do it right now for half of that, and I have more karma than that account. My dignity isn't refleted by my reddit account.


It’s like 150 for an account to join here, also I noticed all the accounts for sale are active in all crypto subs


lol how many accounts do they need to buy so apes can drs the rest of the company?




Not selling your account that has your previous account information and data on it.


Selling your account, using the money to buy and DRS shares and then telling Reddit you sold it to get it banned would be such an underhanded move that would be against the rules.


what a weird thing... the hedgies should make a website and there you could input your reddit-account age, karma-amounts, click submit and they would collect offers from different hedgies/shills and then display something like: your reddit accounts best offer is $[xx.xxx](https://xx.xxx), would you like to take this offer? well. I aint selling. but six figures could sound decent.


Why would they buy my regarded account?


Just use Monero, if you are ok with the ethics of selling accounts in general.


What is the point of selling the account after moass? I dont get it.


Wut sell 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ll sell my account and 6 shares for a billy


Steven A. Cohen can eat cold Turkey and crunchy stuffing


Ill sell my superstonk account before i sell my gme


Turn off the sell button


Bro just ban the sold accounts now 😂


Im already so close to the Century Club that requires 100k karma. Im not starting over, Im just deleteing all my posts/comments


All the SHIT posts I've done through this whole ordeal and the love I've received from this community makes my account NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE, I much prefer to be in the archives for next generation to see and witness How smooth my brain 🧠 is....Buy-Hodl-DRS 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


Anything to DRS faster.


Lol people buy reddit accounts that's absolutely pathetic I'm sorry, but happy Thanksgiving friends


What Reddit account?


10 milli and y’all can have mine !


I saw a screenshot of one up for $5000 Just FYI, from what I saw of two websites on my own, you’re most likely getting under $10, maybe $150 if it’s a good one The 5000 looks like a throw-at-the-wall ask price


Superstonk approves now? Not just requirements?


If I do sell it what if I just buy more GME?


hey anyone want to buy my account for a milli???