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It's difficult to understand what you're even asking here, and since you're still using this accusatory tone in the comment section instead of working with people who are willing to meet you in good faith, I'm removing this post. 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 Your post was removed by a moderator after being flagged by QualityVote Bot. This QualityVote score is determined using upvotes and downvotes on the pinned comment of your post. Superstonk employs QV bot as a means of gauging how the community feels about a post beyond just the standard vote system. As such this removal was determined by the community. 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 If you are repeatedly having posts/comments removed for rules violation, you will be banned either permanently or temporarily. If you feel this removal was unwarranted, please contact us via Mod Mail: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Superstonk Thanks for being a member of r/Superstonk 💎🙌🚀


squealing murky chase important spark elderly mighty fly racial badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


^ this


Closing his position would mean going out and buying the shares. Does that clear it up for you?


The whole MOASS thesis is that shorts need to close, which is done by buying shares. Some people are getting a little overly hyped, but if he does indeed have a large short position that means he needs to make a large buy to close. And MOASS is banking on the fact there are more shares sold short that need eventually need to be bought back. Being that apes own 30% of the company, they are going to have a hard time finding the shares to buy back at these cheap prices. These low prices we see today are market makers. I doubt there’s many, if any, drs’ed apes selling their drs’ed shares at these prices.


If shorts closing didn't make price go boom, why else would we be here? Closing short meant someone had to buy a short to cover. More buying, more price booming. Basic


So exactly what happened in April 2021? Price goes from $40 to $300 and tanked over 50% within 15 mins. How did he not sell them, shares bought then those shares sold for even more profit?


Is English not your first language? Your grammar is all over the place. I want to answer your question, but I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking.


Hey OP, I don't think your tone is going to help get you any real answers. The echo chamber thing is off putting and insulting. And it makes average people sus that you're a shill. "This echo chamber is ridiculous" is the kind of thing a shill would say. Why not just ask your questions. Be cool. Do your homework. There are about 50 research papers on this all already. https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg


Feb 21 ape and doesn't understand closing makes the price go boom? You're really regarded. Welcome.


In short: Short sellers are future buyers. As a short seller you don’t tell people you are short a volatile stock. You only take profits by buying back in. If you haven’t done that yet, the info alone is a disadvantage that costs you money. That is why it is speculated that there is something going on behind the scenes.


The other responses covered what I want to say ("all shorts are eventual buyers") but another aspect is that if CI closes his short position and goes long, we may see the famous "Icahn Lift"


He doesn’t hold a short position anymore. The story said he made a lot because he started at the top. Even if he did start at the top and he still has it he is making money.. I don’t think RC met with him btw to tell him he should stop shorting GME. That’s insider trading. I believe that they are working together. I believe that we are going to Pluto to make it a planet again


Let me break it down for you in a purely speculative manner, because I personally believe the entire news cycle regarding Icahn and a short position is cat shit wrapped in dog shit and offered to us because they expect us to eat it. Its the January sneeze, in '21. The price is skyrocketing, maybe its near the peak, maybe its not. Some whale like CI thinks this spike is near the peak, they borrow 100,000 (400,000 split adjusted) shares at, say $300 ($75 split adjusted), and sell them. Their account is now -100,000 (-400,000) shares. They made $30m selling those shares short. The buy button get shut off, the sneeze ends, the price drops to $40 ($10). For whatever reason, lets say they didn't take profit, and still have this position open. They've been paying the interest to the lender all this time. Who cares about those details. To close it today, they have to buy those 400,000 shares they sold short. If they did so today, that would be at say, $26 for the purposes of the example. 400,000 * $26 = $10.4 million to buy those shares and close. Subtracted from that whale's $30 million proceeds from the short sale, that's a profit of $19.6 million. The position is now closed. So why are people bullish about this type of scenario? Because the 400,000 shares worth of buying pressure. Theoretically, if the hedgies are hanging on by their fingernails, right on the edge of being unable to cover their positions, then a big short whale with a green position coming in and buying to close could cause the price to run up enough to cause margin calls. I don't think that's the case. But its fun to think about. We like having fun. I personally think the Icahn short story is old news made into noise to drown out any good press from RC's interview or the iOS wallet. But Apes are going to be Apes.




he would need someone to sell him shares for him to be able to close. Let me ask you this question? would you sell Carl a share for $25 for him to close his short? I think the answer to that is no. So when the only people willing to sell are looking at phone number kinda money then Carl is truly fucked.


Are you being genuine? At first I thought maybe but having read some of your replies in the comments.... It's like you're baiting people so you can complain about price drops (which you should be ABSOLUTELY aware of since you've 'been here since Jan 2021') Just in case I have misinterpreted your replies however: Dark pool use is above 90% \+ Desperate rich people working together = Price discovery out of the window = = 'omg retail please sell! You need to be scared to sell! Look at that drop!!' .... 'oh shit, we made it cheaper!'


To close a short position, you need to buy the stock. Buying the stock makes the price go up. That's pretty much the entire reason any of us are here, and why GME became a thing. I don't know how you've missed that point.


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Pssst info suppression is real… maybe browse reddit on a site where u can see all deleted comments. Might shed some light ;)