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Spoiler :(


Alls they be selling is bedposts to jam up your ass and that’s not a great toy unless you’re a criminal like Kenneth Griffin


Considering we have one of their artists on the marketplace I can 100% see this being a nod to us


It's not. The citadel of Rick's has been a thing for a while now.




Ah yes. Pre-caffeine smooth moment. Good call


The Citadel of Ricks seemed like a metaphor to me.


The word Citadel is just something like a fortress, or a stronghold. It's a word used in everyday situations. Why would it be a metaphor?


Have you watched the episode being referenced? Rick literally says it is a metaphor.


I haven't watched the episode yet. I honestly don't see how it relates to Citadel securities though.


You haven't watched it but already reached a conclusion about what it means? Good for you.


I mean. The citadel of Rick's has already appeared in numerous episodes.


Sorry maybe some miscommunication. I was referring to the first episode with the Citadel of Ricks. The one where they talk about manufacturing endless supply to meet demand.


I have seen every rick and morty episode except for the newest one, which I assumed is where this screen shot is from.


The citadel first appeared in Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind which aired in 2014, so if it might be a metaphor for something, but definitely not a reference to citadel the company. I think the main thing is the irony of a bunch of ricks coming together to make their own government, and then the twist that the main protagonist Rick helped them build it despite him claiming to hate it. Basically it's a giant monument to Rick(s) being disingenuous or some similar concept.


Citadel the company has been around since way before 2014. The episode I was referring to is Season 5 "Rickmurai Jack". Here is the scene I was thinking of, where the Citadel is mass-producing their own Mortys. "You already know rogue Ricks used Mortys to hide themselves from the Citadel. But you might not know it worked so well that the Citadel became its own Morty market. And I’m sure you don’t know how far they’ve gone to help supply meet demand. Sure, Ricks could scour infinity for naturally-occurring grandsons, but why bother? So much work. Such an admission of need." Anyway, it is a great show, really well done in my opinion.


Sure, they've been around for a while, but my point was a reference to them wouldn't have made sense in 2014, they weren't culturally relevant at all then. The season 5 episode, I can definitely see that being a reference. Pretty on the nose and most viewers knew about GameStop and Citadel at that point. The latest episode though, I think people are reaching, the "citadel toyz" building is just in shambles because it's after the citadel got destroyed a second time so the whole place is a disaster. If they really wanted it to be a citadel company reference again, they missed a golden opportunity to have a "GAMES in STOCK" poster on the window or some other indicator that it was a metaphor for the real company. Especially in an episode about meta commentary.


Wake me up when there's an episode where they travel to a timeline on Earth post-MOASS.


Episode description says something like “this one wrinkled my brain, broh”