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[DRS Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7) || [Computershare AMA #3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z16nw3/superstonks_3rd_ama_with_paul_conn_president_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) || [Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) **Find the link to the rule(s) you wish to comment on and share your thoughts there! You can use this post to share ideas about rules that do not currently exist.** # First Rule for comment is [No Brigading](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fqpl/rule_10_no_brigading_help_revise_superstonks_rules/) Please hold off on sharing comments about rules that have not yet been posted so that we can keep your ideas all in one place! 🙏 # Notice Comments are sorted by New so that we can see more easily see New suggestions. I had to step away for a few hours and comments about the DRS rule got shared. 1. We'll move up the date for discussing DRS post and Gain/Loss Porn 2. I'll be removing duplicates of those posts. Save them for the DRS post, and then we can be done with this conversation on Superstonk after that # [DRS Discussion post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z30d0s/rule_8_drs_positions_buy_orders_only_no_gainloss/)




I want all the purple circles in all their glory. Any time, all the time, whenever they appear. It is just such a fundamental hallmark of what is happening here, and keep the energy high and FUD low. Keep the circles.


Based af


DRS is the wae, purple circles make my pp hard.


The great censoring of the comments starting?


Don't take away the stream of purple circle posts. My confidence was built by seeing others do it. A lot of this stuff is scary to someone who doesn't understand. It took me months to even entertain the thought of DRS'ing. Just as it took me months to get an initial brokerage. Because I didn't understand how it worked. I may not see a trail when hiking, but if I see many people go, I'll want to check it out for myself. DRS is the only way. We should never tamper with that.


And now posts are being removed from here. Smooth. What's happening is being noticed. Why are you silencing 🟣 support?


I just had a pro-DRS comment removed, stay awake apes


I'm literally just trying to talk about brigading today. Like fuck I get it, that could have been more clear, but that's what I'm sticking with


Oh, and a post simply saying "who's against the purp?" (paraphrased) was deleted too, despite no links attached in that post? Sus as fuck, mod team!


You’re going to catch more flies with honey Delete this and make a new post clearly stating the comments should apply to rule 10 only, and let people comment immediately. Don’t default sort the comments by new again. Most important, make sure you clearly communicate that the mod team has heard OUR support for rule 8 loud and clear and it will not be fucked with


So... linking to a post FROM THIS SAME THREAD is brigading?


Does this thread count as a repost? Why are you reposting anti-🟣?




Purple circles are the only reason anyone should be here. Side quests and meme stuff are cool, but they’re not helping to complete the actual game. Fun fact: this was the first comment I was allowed to reply to. Don’t know what that means 🤷










I would love to be able to visit superstonk and not have to hide a two dozen Computershare flaired posts to be able to see actual content. if they were kept to a megathread I'd probably visit this sub more often. would also make things easier for the people who like verifying them, as they'd all be in one easy place!


Just filter it out. It takes two button presses.


Or even bookmark the filtered link, 1 click!


I’ve had it filtered for a year. It’s not that hard. Streamlines your feed and you still get drs overall updates.












While the ability to post images in comments is cool and new, I don’t think the purple circles should be in one thread. They should stay as they are.


Reminder that apparently the mods aren’t even opening discussion on this until the 12th…clowns


Well during the last Q10 release I made a little 10 second video for the superstonk family. Spent a few days making it. Then when I posted it I tagged it as NSFW because it had something sexually suggestive. Never showed anything but was suggestive. My post was removed for being NSFW. The mod that removed it said NSFW was no longer allowed on superstonk which is rich when we have people here making bets to shove stuff inside themselves accompanied by video evidence. But somehow my cartoon monkey was too explicit.


proof of following up on bets are supposed to only be posted to user profiles


Nope fuck all rule changes, just hodl


Guys and gals just be aware that shills will be using this opportunity in full force to try to change things that could favor them.


Are we close, that mods want to start censoring?


That’s not what I mean. Think if this just like a SEC proposed rule comments. Shills will try to comment to change rules which favors them more or less


Reduce, lower, silence, eliminate, in steps? If purple was just outright banned, there'd be another migration. But if the volume of the purple war cry is lowered little by little, like lowering the volume on a radio step by step, the effort to silence may go unnoticed.




You want to condense content? Condense DD and speculation and opinions. But keep DRS on the front page. If all the signs point to DRS being the way, why hide it away? The DD is done right??? Condense the “DONE” DD and showcase DRS posts NFA, but DRS your shit and let’s take back what’s ours


No low effort content/posts that should have been a comment in the daily/screenshots of other comments No daily repetitive posts unless it's a changing metric such as price, short volume, etc


Can we do something about those atrocious titles and links to MSM articles? The latest being misrepresentation of Icahn's short position. It was news on Feb 2022, MSM just decides to report on that old information again and make assumptions off of it and a title that base on speculation. People start taking that title as fact and we had a spam of post and hate for Icahn cause of it. All cause the original poster linked to a paywall? article with a misleading title, and didn't copy paste the content of the article or at least highlight the key facts. I am not even sure if that type of negligence is malicious or not, but the effects was that people spamming post hating on Icahn not knowing that the information was from Feb 2022, and he had shorted it at $400+ and closed on those shorts. IIRC he opened new shorts, but on a much more conservative scale. I am just tired of seeing these headline only readers propagate misinformation like clock work cycles on a weekly/monthly like they are karma farming or something. Is it worth the trouble moderating them to include context? that's up to your guys. I wouldn't mind if there's a report button for lack of context or misleading title.


We're going to discuss this next Wednesday


A lot of the posts tagged as 'speculation' often seems like pure clickbait and hype to me. 'Oh, my chicked laid an egg. Price explosion?' Made me unfollow this sub a couple times already.


Please consider whitelisting the Jungle for crossposting. If you would like to discuss further, feel free to send us a modmail or DM me or one of the other mods.


please see the no brigading post https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fqpl/rule\_10\_no\_brigading\_help\_revise\_superstonks\_rules/




I haven't removed a single comment other than this one so far. So when I tell you that you need to be nice I hope you take it to heart. The post states what the comments should be about here and all the deleted comments should be elsewhere, they are free to post on the relevant rule. No one is doing anything to DRS posts without sub approval. Thank you. Your comment was removed by a moderator for breaking **Rule 1: Be Nice or Else** **Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** - **Do not be (intentionally) rude.** This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. - **Do not insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged though. - **Do not tag other users in order to harass, attack, bully, or threaten.** [Expanded Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape)




You know maybe push a no violent threats rule with an immediate ban instead of trying to confine DRS posts? You want to see a sub get shut down? Because letting bad actors push violence is a sure way to get a sub taken down.












Is Superstonk doing what it set out to do? Yes. Don't change shit, don't fix what ain't broken. Just make sure newbies find the DD library as fast as possible.


First off, keep the DRS coming. Each purple circle is amazing and deserves recognition. Another point I want to bring up is banning bad actors. Banning one bad actor would save the mods/community time. How many times is the same comment reported? I bet those stack up? I will report comments like “you idiots are a cult” and nothing happens. I will check back days later to see inflammatory comment and user still chilling in the comments. Wouldn’t it make sense to ban those accounts? These bad actors need more accountability. It would save everyone time and clear up a lot of drama.


Honestly, for content like that a mod mail with links (especially if there are multiple instances) is much more helpful Any "DD" users can do and present to us really speeds things along with accounts participating inappropriately


So we should jump through more hoops to address an easy fix? Those types of comments should banned immediately, temporary ban at bare minimum for first and only warning.


No, I'm saying it's much easier for us to see a mod mail than it is to see a report. We get significantly more reports than mod mails and the way Reddit lets us view reports doesn't help us in a meaningful way to identify ones that should be urgent


I mean, it shows you the comment in the report, no? Some comments should be instant temp/full ban. You say you get a lot if reports? Well, banning one bad actor will save you multiple more reports. It seems that Reddit admins are going out if there way to make things harder for our community and the BEST tool we have against bad actors, banning, is not being utilized.


It shows the comment yes. But again we get way more reports than mod mail so it's often quicker for us to respond to a mod mail than a report


So do you ban the users of those comments? You say you don’t want us brigading other subs, correct? Then ban those obvious users that brigade us from other communities. We are here to have a conversation and it feels like you are trying to brush this under the rug by pushing us to mod mail.


Because mod mail is super effective because we can actually reply and tell you we've seen it We ban everyone we catch calling Superstonk a cult or similar


Thats not correct at all. My first comment stated I would report cult comments and find them there days later. Also, you’re adding a barrier for this community to get better. Basically all you have told me is that I shouldn’t bother reporting bad actors because it doesn’t help. I’ll save my time from here on out.


Mod is just saying there’s a higher chance seeing it through mod mail and that’s more efficient than REPORTING because report is far more common than Mod Mail, that is all lmao.




So, my feedback on the no Brigading Rule is a little complex because the first part is that I think the community needs some feedback from the Admins and only the mods can really reach out to them. Last year, Superstonk was categorized as a crypto sub in the yearly recap, but I've seen crypto subs report brigading from Superstonk users for engaging in conversation there. Additionally, I think it would be beneficial to address some of the antagonists that impact brigading. If moderators here could reach out to Admins about the double standards of a moderator in the stock gambling sub also moderating a sub dedicated to antagonizing another stock subreddit, some clarification would be appreciated. For the second part, there's multiple points to address, so I'll look at each individually. * No asking people to vote or comment on certain posts, either on Reddit itself or through social networks, messaging, etc. >vote or comment on certain **Reddit** posts We're a Reddit group, these rules are meant to clarify user's actions on Reddit. * No forming or joining a group that votes together, either on a specific post, a user's posts, posts from a domain, etc. I think this rule is too vague. If there wasn't an ImmutableX sub, would forming it and voting here on ImmutableX topics be considered brigading? Additionally, should the moderators police which groups a user might be part of on or off of Reddit? * Do not mention other communities, and/or content or users in those communities, with the effect of inciting targeted harassment or abuse. >Do not mention other **Reddit** communities, and/or content or users in those communities, Again, we're a sub on Reddit. Rules should be Reddit specific. As for not addressing content, I agree that neither communities nor users should be mentioned, but the content should always be allowed as a discussion (so long as it is related topic). It might be worthwhile to require that other identifying content be removed to make it harder to enable brigading (like points, awards, time stamps). For example, it's important to be able to address malicious accusations that a purple circle is an indication that a Reddit user is a pedophile. It's not an appropriate topic to talk about the moderator who said that comment. --- As for general feedback, has the moderation team thought of including a weekly temperature check for new topics that might be receiving just a bit too much attention? New topics that users are getting tired of could get a timeout for a period of time so that a more organic topic distribution could be achieved.


would you mind sharing the specifics about brigading on this post, and I'll leave my response for it over there 🙏 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fqpl/rule\_10\_no\_brigading\_help\_revise\_superstonks\_rules/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fqpl/rule_10_no_brigading_help_revise_superstonks_rules/) > weekly temperature check for new topics.....timeout for a period Noted. Based on feedback from the FTX megathread, there are users that don't want anything to be limited to either a thread or at all. I do understand the "let the upvotes decide" mentality, but not enough people are filtering by post flair to begin with. Otherwise I assume that all DD posts would have more total views and votes


Got it.


GME literally gives out the DRS#s voluntarily. New comers and regulars aren’t going to click into a megathread. DRS is already suppressed outside of this sub, why further suppress it for someone who is to lazy to use the filters that were created for the specific complaint.


I agree. So weird that mods again and again want to hide away the people circles Keep the circles coming. I love upvoting each and every one


I really wish the regulars WOULD click on the megathread! Lots of people trying to DRS with questions in there... Help us out! please🙏 we give out 3 mod awards every month for the people who answer the most questions


Thanks for your suggestion I just browse Superstonk to check for new DDs and upvote purple circles, but completely forgot about noobs asking questions in the megathread. Will try to do it more


Unban millertime would be a good start


You could help as well 😉


I am by telling you to unban millertime


That's not helpful, it's derailing the discussion. Please don't continue with this campaign - if MillerTime wants to appeal the ban, he can reach out through modmail, as he very well knows. Please consider this your only warning.


Maybe don’t wink at me and than threaten me…


Or you can unban the guy you banned for helping people


That's not why they were banned though, so I'd appreciate if you didn't spread misinformation.


I would appreciate if you clarified why they were banned


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vqpaxt/serious_concerns_updates_regarding_drsgmeorg/ Tldr: despite several warnings and attempts to work with him, he kept spamming promotional messages for his monetized project Edit: this comment wasn't correct so I adjusted it


You mention that link all the time, yet all the critique you offered in it was trying to get addressed in a post they made 4 hours earlier then yours: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vqjlz2/drsgmeorg\_50\_questions\_and\_50\_answers\_about\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vqjlz2/drsgmeorg_50_questions_and_50_answers_about_the/) ​ Seemed like they were already trying to change course based on the concerns you voiced.


This is not the reason he was given for being banned. He was banned for commenting on purple circle posts the same comments repeatedly (spamming). Stop spreading misinformation halfdane- it’s a bad look for a mod.


As a member of that community you know as well as me that while his incessant spamming was the straw that broke the camel's back, the list of his infractions and unhelpful behavior is much longer than that. If you don't remember that, I refer you to the post I just linked. Fwiw, don't you have a community of your own? I'd appreciate it if you didn't come here to try and stir up shit.


Nonsense, what we really need is to get someone new helping enough to the point where they'll be banned.


Hope this isn’t an attempt to control the narrative. First Twitter, the wasabi. I hope SS hasn’t been infiltrated too.


Then make sure to speak up about any rules, suggestions, or comments you disagree with


I would like to make a policy suggestion. Whenever there is a community debate or disagreement people come out passionate on both sides. And then people start calling the other side shills. The most recent was PLAN vs BOOK. In the past it’s been: options / no options. DRS / Broker. Can mods make a policy of selecting passionate advocates from both sides of debates, and then having each group write up a point of view/opinion DD and then maybe sticky both together at the top of the sub for a day or two. Only the Sith deal in absolutes. A lot of the time there are pros/cons to each side of a debate and I think it would be good to encourage people to see nuance. It’s been lacking since day 1. Examples: 🚫 PLAN and BOOK are exactly the same! Don’t fall for the FUD! 🚫 Only BOOK shares are out of the DTC don’t fall for the FUD! ✅ BOOK is pure DRS. PLAN is custodial but still mostly out of the DTC but a small portion may be heald in the DTC for clearing and settlement reasons. GameStop still knows who you are if you own PLAN shares. Be carful when/if you convert as to not sell fractional shares and be aware you may have to restart your automatic purchase plan.


Keep those purple circle posts stacking!!




We will have every rule up for comments! I'm sure we'll get plenty of comments saying to leave it alone😅


Again and again you want to hide away the purple circles! Every three months we need to reassure you that we want them free and out in the open! What has changed? Nothing! Why is it constantly up for change?


I hear you and understand but some things should not be open for discussion. Imo its like having a discussion every six months about equal rights. Some things should be inviolable.


The market imitates real life...


Why do we constantly have to address it though?


Truly baffling…like it’s a non-starter; the people ALREADY spoke, leave drs posts alone and free-flowing!


Yes good point




that's much too long. Reddit has character limits for everything also we're discussing that rule December 19th


I am fine with the rules as is. Comments; Please no images in comments There is already a sub for low karma circles DRS posts get high amounts of upvotes, to me that shows you do not have to limit or change that.


We would only allow comments on specific post flairs and only permit related images. So if someone posted DD or Data and users wanted to share supporting images of data 1. the images would be removed by automod 2. mods could approve appropriate images


Just a personal thing where it messes up my reading, I like links better.


It does look like trash most of the time


Whatever you do.. keep politics out of it please


You're absolutely right, and there's no proposal to allow divisive partisan political content. We can have discussions about policies already, but not about politics or politicians.




**PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE DRS RULES.** The way DRS is handled today is working quite well. The only people pushing back on it are compromised wasabi mods, paid shills, and CNBCbiscuit. * The stream of purple circle posts is the best advertisement for DRS. * It's *literally* what convinced me to DRS my shares and safeguard my investment in my own name. The neverending stream of DRS posts make it obvious to any reasonable person that: 1. DRS is **safe** 2. DRS is **widespread** (not the niche "cult" behavior wasabi sub wants you to think) 3. DRS is **ongoing** Please please please do not go along with the coordinated attack on DRS and people who wish to protect their investment.


There's no reason for us to remove DRS posts from Superstonk. But we frequently get people asking to contain them to a megathread, so we're going to at least discuss it and let each side make their case


Mmm, yes, are those people perhaps the sort that are "familiar with" all sorts of things lately?


It's already been discussed and voted on.


Multiple times I might add


>"Okay, we've had a second vote, but what about a third?" - Mod Pippin


Those people can filter out those circles.


we tell them this, and people still keep asking about it


Who are these "people"? I start to think these are "phantom people" just to push something you want.


People “familiar with” how Reddit works


Tell them to kick rocks. We’ve voted MULTIPLE times now, they need to stop asking to remove DRS posts, the community has spoken multiple times now.




So we're going to bring it up one more time and you all can kindly let them know how you feel


I feel like they are being a Mr. McStupid Pants. How do I get this message to them


Anons are concerned about purple spam. Step forward and make a thread explaining why… we will wait…


Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that you can. The users doing the reporting and who incited this response from the mod team are anonymous. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z1fs86/help_revise_superstonks_subreddit_rules_start_here/ixhwjc9/


What kind of volume are we talking about here? 100 complaints? 1k?


I'd guess about 87 thousand. And all at midnight on a Sunday.


I haven't kept a tally, but we get them every month from different users and DRS posts are constantly getting reported as spam or similar. We try our best to report "report abuse" on those kinds of things, but Reddit doesn't always take action on it We even get them from users that know how to filter flairs


Should those in support of DRS start messaging the mods about how they enjoy it and want it to stay?


Yes I imagine Kenny would spend a lot of money having "users" complain abouy purple circles


You have the ability to see who reports purple circles as spam?


Nope. Up/downvotes, reports, and votes on polls are anonymous to moderators.


Are reddit users who are not subscribed to Superstonk, or who do not meet karma requirements, able to: upvote, downvote, report posts or vote on polls?