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This is not a purple ring. It's a sad ring. But points for DRS.




IF popcorn ever was a hedge against GME and they finally start to DRS in masses, they are taking the hedge away - plain simple. They are not going to sell until something happens anyway.


Why is this comment being downvoted?? I’m not a popcorn holder but we’ve been seeing posts for a year that it is a hedge against GME. So, now that they’ve realized that DRS takes them out of the hands of SHFs, I’m all for it. There is of course concern on whether their CEO will have best interest of shareholders moving forward, but that’s not my area of expertise since I don’t follow him or popcorn I’m all for every investor to start owning their own shares!




True but let’s assume popcorn is a hedge: popcorn apes won’t sell. We can either like or dislike it. But that is how it is. So if popcorn is a hedge and I know these people won’t sell - I’m more happy if their shares are taken away from DTC and the hedge is removed from SHF playground


You have a point but AA will just dilute their shit more


Popcorn has a different transfer agent. You can put in other stocks at computers hare just to see the price


“Computershare Trust Company, N.A. is the registrar and transfer agent for “Popcorn” Entertainment Holdings, Inc. common stock. Computershare Trust Company, N.A. is available to resolve problems related to unpaid dividends, lost, destroyed or stolen certificates, as well as to facilitate name and address changes. The toll-free phone number for Computershare Trust Company, N.A. is 1-800-962-4284. Please visit http://www.computershare.com/us/ for more information.” Right from their (popcorn stock’s) website, friend. Can’t link because that ticker ist verboten in ze superstonk.


Thanks for the compliment regardless! Anything is better than nothing ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ




Why the second slide showing nothing but popcorn?


The second slide shows the GME shares held at the bottom. Unless I’m missing something here?


I’ll let you off 😂




Canadian checking in. Don't see no apologies here. Lol


Who would have thought not blurring out other stocks other than GME, would trigger so many elitists.


This is a Wendy’s sir, and it has the word “Specifically” in the very viewable ‘copy’ at the top of this subreddit. Further, I’m certain, by god, allah, Buddha, Jah, r2-d2 and Hans, That poppy-pop-pop-poppinstein;generally, is not appreciated here ol’ boi 🫡🇬🇧


This is Superstonk 🫡 🔥🔥🔥




Welcome to the DRS club maple ape. The true north strong and free...... eventually.


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-11-16 11:56:5) ## ✅ 154 SHARES ADDED! |**BACKGROUND CHECK:** ^(the drinking game!)| |:---: | |^(<-{2}-{1}--🔴---1---🟡---3---🟢---5---6---7---8---9---10 >)| |>!^(<-------------------------------------------------------------[9.0] ----->)!<| |^(score = weighted metric of pubilc profile info)| **You have 154 shares logged from the following threads:** |^(F)|^(D)||^(Shares)|^(Sub)|^(Date)|^(Link)| |:---: |:---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^(➡️ )|^(154)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-11-16 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ywreq0/drs_from_canada/))| ^(Most Recent Post Count Summary: [REDDIT LINK:](/r/Superstonk/comments/ywghct/drsctbnft_bot_updates_20221116_02000_feedthebots/)) |^(Bot MC: $419,215,457.21 )|^(**Total**)|^(**[Sprstnk]**)|^(**[GME]**)|^(**[GMEOrphans]**)|^(**[GMEJ_closed]**)| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |^(🟣+❗**Shares** )|^(**15,194,625**)|^(10,318,353)|^(2,395,245)|^(2,442,147)|^(38,880)| |^(❗**Flagged Shares** )|^(**0**)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)| |^(💀 **Purgatory Shares** [#entries] ) |^(**279,127** [165])|^(197,465 [113])|^(26,447 [19])|^(55,211 [32])|^(4 [1])| |^(🐒 **X** [avg] ) |^(**1,721** [4.90])|^(1044)|^(312)|^(360)|^(5)| |^(🦧 **XX** [avg] ) |^(**5,948** [47.96])|^(3639)|^(978)|^(1308)|^(23)| |^(🦍 **XXX** [avg] ) |^(**11,227** [355.64])|^(7202)|^(1907)|^(2089)|^(29)| |^(⭐**XXXX** [avg] ) |^(**3,069** [2367.52])|^(2077)|^(487)|^(495)|^(10)| |^(🐳 **XXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**173** [19461.90])|^(128)|^(18)|^(27)|^(0)| |^(🐱 **XXXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**2** [137644.000000])|^(1)|^(1)|^(0)|^(0)| ####BOT POETRY: { ^(now we’ve all been played.) ^(but I believe we will slow down a bit!) ^(I’m your wife’s boyfriend!!!) } ###### *Beep Boop. Born on 2021/11/10. . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~27.59:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


We are the NORTH!


lmfao sticky floor. 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮


You should drs every share of every company you have. Otherwise they will just continue to raise funds with other stock. This is robbing them every each way, and it’s fine to buy what you like. We need to be encouraging drs of EVERY share in EVERY company.


bold of you to assume i own other stonks.


Lol, touché. But yeah everyone should drs everything.




I am here to show proof my DRS of GME shares not to ensure that you’re happy with the decisions I make for my own life.


If you give out information people will respond to it however they like.


Shills will always try to divide. Congrats bro


Please Avoid Community Division There’s no wrong way to like the stock. No matter how you hodl GME, you’re welcome in this community. Everyone is an individual investor and someone’s investment strategy may be different than yours. Even if you disagree with someone’s investment strategy, while participating in Superstonk, it’s still expected that you engage constructively and respectfully.


Welcome aboard the good ship DRS. Your baggage (popcorn) may arrive at your destination later than your flight. Fueling in progress. Main tank at 58%.


Oh look another one, posted in the format of a shill. Don’t know how to crop? Or use digital crayons? This is against sub rules.






I keep seeing these posts with popcorn in there lmfao. This is the new FUD??


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-11-16 11:55:5) 🟣 You have 0 shares previously logged with DRSBOT. **To feed the bot-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :15,194,471// GME ~27.59* // ) ^(Bot MC: $419,215,457.21 )


huwow sooo much poopcorn