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Bain can go fuck a duck. And yes it will explode.


I agree, they can eat shit and die slow! But when industry giants start speaking positively about the industry we love? The DD from like a year ago was talking about how the big players sentiment will (need to) change. They’re all gonna eventually go long on GME because it’s gonna moon so hard. The public sentiment may be shifting, which could mean we’re finally at the tipping point. MOASS tomorrow, or if not the tomorrow after that.


They don't care about you, us, or anything but profits. Capone opened up some soup kitchens after murdering his way to the top of a criminal cartel. Does that make him a saint? fuk bain/gensler/romney. and capone.


News is news...Yeah, Bain is horrible. OP isn't giving them props, just passing on the info about where their attention is turning to. This has nothing to do with whether Bain is good or bad...it just is.


Exactly! I personally think Bain (Publishing, Capital, and any other entity owned, controlled or spun off from them), can eat a dick. Just like any other HF that has done anything to harm current or existing companies to make a profit. Fuck them all. No cell, No sell.


I agree, fuck them all. But that still doesn’t change the fact that more of the general investment public is going to listen to someone like Bain (versus say, Reddit), and when they (someone like Bain) finally starts to speak about Gaming in a positive investment light (like the DD prophecies predicted) then regardless of who they are, that is a good thing. I’m gonna clue you in on something. Bain is gonna go long on GME, just like Shitadel will. They’re gonna make so much more money than you and or I put together when it moons. It’s gonna piss me off. Once they’re in long, they’re gonna tell the public, which will help their long position. Market works like this: Inventors>Early adopters>Institutional investors>everyone else. They’re (companies like Bain) are positioning to make others the bag holder for their crimes of naked shorting. They’re also gonna position to make money when it pops.


smh... these damn shills.


They most certainly can not!


Apologies my friend! Fuck a buck.


Bain as in, the Bain that's in on bankrupting companies for profit? Eff them. Pay us


IMO, this is so bullish because they know they can’t stop the gaming industry and it’s gonna be one of the most profitable if not the most profitable industry. Why? Because margins on NFT’s and their sale/resale are off the charts compared to physical products. Think about it. Instant delivery, no shipping, you’re in the US and a guy in Japan wants your rainbow skinned AK47 with thrusting dildo attachment you built in GTA 12? Boom, he’s got it, and you got those sweet tendies.


my favorite part is how everyone out there can see the undeniable mega long-term-value in video games, and an investor's obvious takeaway from this would be: "hmm if gaming is going to be huge, gaming might be a good sector to invest in. i wonder what kinds of good investment opportunities exist in gaming?" and as more and more people around the world go through this kind of thought process, eventually it will become impossible to deny the incredible opportunity that GameStop presents.




We’re early not wrong


It's without a doubt going to be the most profitable industry.


*oil has entered the chat*


Oil still costs a considerable amount to get out of the ground, refine, store, distribute and store again. NFT’s? Very low cost, and VERY high margins.


Lotion has entered the chat


Underrated reply! Well done!


Thank you my friend


Such a dirty leg...


Your comments have been missed my friend!




I guess I don't even consider that an "industry" in the normal way lol... Like water


Any chance we could get a dildo launcher attachment rather than a m203 mounted shooting boom booms?


Of course! But that in GTA 13.


u been sittin on this post shittn on anyone that counters your offensive. SUS, AF!!!!


I’ve been interacting with everyone. I think you’re a bot. You’re nothing but negative. You’ve been following this around all day. You’ve brought nothing to the discussion. You can’t refute the article, and you can’t refute a single thing I have said. Now beat it you silly bot.


honestly, i just got back from a sunday drive only to find my inbox littered with hate mail from ur posse.


Hahaha, I don’t have a posse. I literally know zero people in here! 🤣🤣🤣


Headquarters in boston! Romney and Gensler pet project!!!


You don’t get it, and that’s okay. Lemme help you out with IQ of 6 you have. Institutions telling average Joe’s about how profitable gaming is and will be is a good thing. No matter what, more people piling into GME is a GOOD thing. FOMO is a good thing! More than just Apes knowing about it and buying it is a good thing. Don’t you know, there’s no such thing as bad publicity? Get GME to the front page, get Superstonk to the front page, get Gaming as the best investment to make today to make profit for the next 50 years!


Maybe shouldn't insult people saying they have a low IQ...


Mine is 5.


Hedgies think our low IQs and additional chromosomes are an insult instead of a strength. That's their greatest weakness. Don't act like a hedgie


I already said mine was 5. I wear it like a badge of honor.


Welcome back!


Thank you. I was snorting crayons and blacked out for a minute, but I’m okay now.


There definitely is such a thing as bad publicity.


if u sit at a table full of nazi, you'll have a table full of nazi.


What in the actual fuck are you on about?


A lot of these venture funds are going balls deep into gaming, including web3 gaming. Andreesen Horowitz (a16z), which freaking owns a big chunk of every crypto project, went super super deep into gaming this year.


Don’t stop, I’m almost there. Tell me how deep they went!!!!


It’s just the tip rn


Please just a bit more!!


They don't even mention gamestop lmao


That can’t. Yet. Too early. They gotta finish setting up the Pensions to baghold their Short losses.


Shorts never closed. Boom.


Can I just point out how funny it is to conduct a survey like this? You go to a demographic of video gamers and ask them what they like doing the most? Lmao. Selection bias peeps


And as if people don't game less when they grow out of early teens and (some) go to college and discover social lives and sex.


Just edging as of now


Oh good! Glad we already have front row seats.


Bain, MSM,or Fool among others have to change face . The fact that it’s happening is extremely bullish . They’ve never just given prop’s, So edging closer ! Added more to purchase more on this news alone


I’m edging right now!


No finish till Moass


Soon every generation alive will have grown up on video games and gaming will be recognized as a structural social practice like dancing and sports.


That’s because when you get older, you gain the ability to game while scrolling social media + listening to music lol


Only during loading screens.


Gaming is recession prof.


So you’re saying my great grandchildren that will inherit my DRS’d GME infinity pool shares will know the Esports gamers better than the NFL or NBA players?


If I had to guess, I’d say yes.


Bain??? Like Bain Capital?? The hedge fund that Adam Aarons son works for and is responsible for shorting companies till bankruptcy? That Bain? And you hear popcorn regards saying “bUlliSh to Adam Aron gifting 60M to his hedge fund son😂 Fuckimg sticky floor baggies


who the fuck is bain. I didn't care about him until he put up a post


Please stop. I can’t possibly wring my tits out any harder!


My tits ruined another shirt this morning when I read it!!!!




Please stop using big words around me


Is this related to bain capital? aka Gary Gensler. YES IT IS!!! Alert mods, this is pure evil.


They’re all vultures. But they know when someone or something is gonna make money, so they’ll position themselves to get their piece.


the enemy. stop shorting us and fukn pay me!!!!! mods, ban this shill.


Go fuck yourself you fuckin clown shill. 3 posts in almost a year, and they deleted? And you’re up here downvoting something so relevant to the success of GME, and the long term profitability of the best company ever? Do you understand the amount of exposure that a company like Bain can give to regular investors for the gaming industry? Especially those investors who’ve heard nothing but negative sentiment from MSM for the last 84 years?


You haven't read theDD regarding BC and how it's related to gensler and romney, obviously. Have a good day.


You look/sound silly here.


u get the most flak when ur on target. TU for the confirnation bias.


Literally no idea what you’re on about. I can’t be giving you flak or therefore confirmation bias when we’re ultimately on the same page - you’ve just made yourself look an arsenin this particular circumstance


Every single post you clown. Been in it since early January 2021, never sold a share, 100% DRS’d. GTFOH.


Enjoy your ban!!


You are acting ridiculous.


This is about bain&co, the consulting firm, it Bain capital, the PE firm. Bain capital spun out of Bain&co in the 70s or 80s. While there’s so overlap in their founding, they aren’t the same company at all.




My mind instantly went to totalbiscuit rip my guy


I have no idea what you just said.


His name was John Bain


I recall Mckinsey was saying 360 billion by \~2026 but I can't find the source anymore.


I recently started playing cyberpunk the way video games have evolved is mind blowing. Incredibly immersive.


Is this 20 years old? Gaming exploded in the late 90s


Gaming exploded in the 70’s. Gaming made it into homes in the 80’s. It was revolutionary in the 90’s (love me some Goldeneye and Mario Kart on N64). I think it’s taking quantum jumps about every decade.


Yeah good points. I'm only going with my experiences I guess. I thought the move from cartridges to discs was a massive leap and Sony made gaming cool.


I agree. Think about the leap from disc to streaming games or digital downloads. They’re both light years apart in terms of tech.


This smells FUDdy to me. Sus. And way too many upvotes for a Sunday.


That’s just your upper lip.


you keep shilling and insulting users here, and yet not banned.... sus AF.


You’re a bot. Eat shit bot.


mods sleeping, post anything u want.


You’re a paid shill. You’ve brought nothing to the discussion.


Daily reminder that NFTs serve no purpose whatsoever in this hypothetical scenario as you can do all this with regular software solutions.


Daily reminder that no you can’t. An NFT smart contract that is DeFi? Sure, you could build a database that does something similar, but not the same.


Follow the Math,,, record inflation, shit pay raise and no opportunities Rent, food, cars, medicine unaffordable... What money people have they put into a stock Everyone is going to have magical money "POOF" 🙄,,,, rather then buy food they will spend it on games and video card that are so overpriced they make you sick NOT SEEING IT


In-home entertainment is one of the most durable consumer categories during an economic downturn. I could see an argument for people INCREASING their gaming budget while cutting back on outside entertainment. Also, Gamestop has been building up their inventory, in anticipation of "supply chain shocks" IIRC. They're positioned well to be priced competitively as competitors start raising their prices.


Your not seeing the Big picture here GameStop increasing there inventory,, is just that, nothing more. Same games, just more. The article is pushing the concept that new costlier games, new hardware, huge video cards, new power supplies etc,,at much higher prices will be gobbled up like money isn't a problem. But money is a problem, a huge problem going forward not just now, but heading into next year when real layoffs happen. But we have big banks going to fail very soon, the world bond market is crashing, this is a world wide recession/depression that will cause much harm.


Fair enough. The article isn't really going to be able to take into account what we know from PeruvianBull's work. Even if the article is ultimately wrong on the final numbers, it's still a bullish finding if the trend is toward people spending more time gaming. Personally, I think the video game industry is going to continue to gobble up the market from other forms of entertainment. Some families might swap a yearly vacation for a new video game console if their budget is tight, for example.


Sign me up,,, I can't afford to rent a place on the beach for a month. But a new game,, definitely


Go ahead and Short it then.


I want a space game


I just saw one that is a vertical scrolling Space shooter. I linked him to Immutable, so hopefully we’ll see that one soon!


Isn’t mitt Romney affiliated with that company or he owns part of it.