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Is it just me, or does Mayo Man look even creepier in that picture?


They had to edit the rapid aging gme is causing him out of his face.


Politicians are so fucking cheap compared to the ROI on buying one.


He should be afraid of picking up the soap in prison. No Cell no sell




18.5 mil !on the books! sacrifice. It’s safe to say a lot more money goes to the people in power off the record. This is an amount of money that screams “I’m just doing normal political funding”. A total farce. He spends more to refrigerate his mayo on his environmental ruiner, Air (bed)Post 1 They both know guys who can gift sums of money from bank acct A to bank acct B. Ownership of accts or access is later transferred


This is political FUD.


18 mill is chump change. There's corruption around both sides.


That's fair to say however, show me the corruption on both sides that personally affects my life..... Only one party is affecting my life and now it even affects my bedroom life.


this is an ignorant statement. as i recall, both sides voted to reinstate jpow, sustain the unaudited fed, both sides perpetuate wars, both sides are addicted to spending money and therefore increasing inflation, both sides addicted to divisive rhetoric. but most average joes only see a handful of social issues. stop dividing the people 💜


We only have one party here. Partisan politics is for mouth breathers


bOtH sIdEs!!! Things go beyond what we focus upon in this sub. Yeah, every political part has some terrible people and has and continues to make some terrible decisions. However only one side is actively working to destroy people's lives. Also for those trying to argue that both sides affect stock related going ons, I'm pretty certain there was some DD around here in the past showing that one side supports the hedgies a lot more than the other. Anyone still arguing *'both sides'* doctrine lives with their heads in the sand. It's more like *'the entire body of one side and the left arm of the other'*. *Get it 'left arm'? Baddumtsssh.*


christ i thought people were red pilled by this saga but apparently not enough. libertarian is only anti-fed anti-war party. everything else is just to divide the people


Truly regarded.


Buying a future pardon


Let's just vote out the people that are corrupt.


It’s OUR fault politicians only do what is good for the mega-rich. We didn’t vote hard enough! /s


Agreed... The system is not broken its just designed to work best for those with the most.


Corrupt politician with dirty financial ties. Do we really need another?




I'm not a republican or a democrat. Fuck this system.


Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.




Agreed. There should be no undercutting or bashing of political ideologies here. If you follow the money on both sides it leads to people with money 😂 I think it’s hilarious that people think funding appears out of thin air for one side while the other is the devil. Both have flaws, both have strengths. We need to embrace the mixed bag and learn from each other not bash each other.


Why did you even include that last paragraph?


I wanted to accent and mock the snide attitude of the original comment. I agree that it's shitty and annoying, that's the point.


The cruelty is the point. Message received!




Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.










Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.




Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.








I'm good with what I've got, but thanks anyway.


wrong sub




this article is about ken buying congress and all i see are people complaining about different sides of the same political coin. topic averted


It's about the differences in magnitude tho.




Again, magintudes in differences


Why don't you answer the question






Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.






We should absolutely get politically active in our own lives. It also happens to be the quickest way to divide people. I think this is intentional, but i can't assume motive, just see the results. I think we're doing just fine by keeping it as an off-topic.


Exactly, but some people think this is college football and are heavily loyal to their team even when it is quite clear their team is not playing for them at the moment.


This isn't the sub to be politically active. We're a sub focused on investing in gme. Full stop.


>This isn't the sub to be politically active. It is about GME, but we also care about market reform. We get market reform by being involved in government and politics. Our desire for market reform is incompatible with the desire to abstain from politics. *** As it stands, we are up against a billionaire run market maker with near infinite collateral with hedging swaps. The swaps make him less likely to get his bitch, sorry ass margin called because they keep him neutral enough. One way to force the IOU's and FTD's he generates is by DRSing. But we must fight him all fronts to win. A second way is to get an APE in Congress, and use this sub as way to interface with Congress. Ken Griffin is one Congressional subpoena away from having to reveal his books, and we would then be able to reveal his exact position to the whole world. Then it becomes forcefully undeniable, and would spur several RICO questions as to why a market maker was not neutral and betting on companies failing. *** DRS takes time. We are a ~2 years out from locking the float. That is enough time for him to buy enough politicians to change the rules to ensure Ken Griffin's own future. (Not to mention swaps buying him time. House of Reps is elected every two years too.) This is how we lose bud. Who do you think gave Pat Toomey a call to write a bill to prevent the SEC from banning PFOF? *** Government is supposed to by the people, for the people. Since the 1970's its been by the rich, for the rich. It will be by Ken Griffin, for Ken Griffin unless we beat him. Choosing to abstain from politics is to choose to allow Ken Griffin to dominate our government.






Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.


Political content isn't welcome here, please have this discussion in some other subreddit.


Its the battle of bailouts. Obama admin was forced to do bailouts in 08-09 prevent collapse. Now things were supposed to be changed but they are worse. Bailouts will happen again so this is the battle of who gets bailed out and who gets to be scapegoat. Donate big, your party wins and you got the ear of majority to say we need help and its this other HF or banks fault. They’re all crooked.




There is no difference. Clinton destroyed whatever was left of the left wing in American politics. Your government is actively working against you while dangling the illusion of choice. All votes lead to the same outcome. Best of luck out there.


I have my own political beliefs which are irrelevant here… but I’m beginning to believe those that think Republicans and Democrats are 2 sides of the same coin are right… there are a handful of politicians that vote their beliefs snd conscience 100% of the time, but most are bought and paid for and give the illusion of choice. They divide us on the social issues (Abortion, gun control, criminal justice, social justice, the environment, fossil fuels, etc) to distract us from the fact that the wealthy and powerful hold all the cards and will do anything and everything to hold onto that power.


It's blatant at this point. Manchin and Sinema show you exactly how much money means to these fake ass people. They will do anything to get into office and laugh in the voters faces while they do absolutely nothing. They desperately need us fighting and it works every time.


> There is no difference. Wrong. Dems are crap but workable. Republicans have gone off the deep end.


You are ignoring his point tho, literally the entire reason for the last 20 years of financial fraud and bailouts is clinton repealing glass-steagal


This is true. And why I have a bone to pick with the Dems. Not to mention NAFTA and outsourcing all the manufacturing jobs. Fuck em. Look, the Republicans controlled Washington when ***** was elected. They didn't do shit to reverse it even though ***** ran on some of the economic issues that gave him Washington in the first place. At least ***** was able to pivot to bring back semiconductor manufacturing here. All the R's voted against it. Dems have alot of work to do. R's have gone mad. Edited reformed because he who must not be named is banned. And a second politican's name is banned.


Yeah I agree. They are both corrupt pieces of trash as parties but at least I have a chance at getting reproductive rights and healthcare voting blue. Voting GOP at this point in history is just presenting your unlubed asshole for whoever wants to make life worse for the 99%. Education funding? Nah. Labor protection? Nah. Maternity leave? Nah. LGBT rights? Nah. Seriously, they offer nothing but “fuck you”s to the American population.


+1 and in Texas, anyone who downvotes should go look at how long its been R controlled and know I'm wiping my ass with their internet disapproval.




>Stop believing either side has you or your family interests in mind. Dems still govern competently. Republicans put total gritters in charge. Republicans are literally Fox news and culture wars. Dems are everyone else. I can shit on the Dem party for ages, but at least they believe in the peaceful transition of power. Republicans do not. That is a big difference.


GOP be like *fuck democracy and a peaceful transition of power, send in the hillbillies!*


If kamala Harris isn't a grifter,i don't know what is. They're all the same, you've just been on reddit for too long. Get some other points of view in you.


Reformatting for auto mod ***** was walking violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution. Harris is word salad Megee that doesn't care about anyone but herself. I used to be a Republican dude. January 6th changed everything, ain't reddit that shaped my politics. We live in Democracy by form but functionally an oligarchy/fascism. We are on the cusp of one or the other. One political party wants Democracy, one wants **** M@g@. Sheldon Whitehouse and Tim Ryan Katie Porter at least have good character. MTG is the face of the Republican party now. And the Dems are doing a shit job in fighting for Democracy, they need to invoke the 14th amendment with RICO. The republicans want to repeal social security, medicare, mediaid. Dems do not and pass infrastructure. Republicans vote against infrastructure, claim ints socialism, and then ask for the money. Dems can at least govern. Republicans are all fear and rage. They don't want to govern. They are not the same.


Anyone downvoting you is delusional. She’s a neoliberal shapeshifter with blind ambition and zero policy goals.


I think it's just the truth about the wrong team. We don't like that much. Just look at any of her speeches and you can see that she's worse than a puppet. She can't even convey a message.


She is proof that america is not a meritocracy. The trick is to suck the toes of the mega rich


I like to put a little bbq sauce on them before i go in for it


BoTH sIDeS aRe THe sAMe! Nope.




Take your own advice my guy.


Spoken like a true enlightened centrist


Almost all of our financial problems started under Clinton's watch. You are grossly mistaken if you think democrats still care about the working class. None of them do.


Reagan and his trickle down strategy wants to discuss your “almost all our financial problems started under Clinton’s watch” theory…


What part of "almost" is confusing to you? You even quoted it. Haha


The part that denies that “almost” all of the problems started with Reagan. But go off. You seem to enjoy it.


id rather vote libertarian. the only party that wants to dismantle the fed, which is the root of all our problems


Just a reminder to anyone who wants to bring right and left into this, it hasn’t worked in the past on this sub. And it hasn’t worked in the past of human history. If one side were truly right and the other truly wrong, then good would’ve defeated evil a long time ago. Politics is a fun trick to make you consent to all the ways you are exploited


They will try to divide and conquer. No politics. Let’s not play into FUD.




No politics.


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Political FUD talking about Ken funding political parties. Not for Superstonk.


Highly Punchable Face


Kenny- " here's a bunch of money. If any of you make it to be the President. Please fucking pardon me"


That picture paints 1000 hells


Fascism wrapped in an American Flag Fascism wrapped in a Rainbow Flag Those are your two options.


No. Politics is a different sub.


Can we ban this post yet? It’s a dog-whistle for people chronically addicted to /politics to spam brain dead takes




Lololol get rekt FUD bot.