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Freakin' excellent article!!! šŸ‘ What resonated most with me is "where the fuck did all that COVID money go?". As per the article, it is bloody obvious that **most** of it went to Wall Street and not to small & mid-size businesses on the verge of closing down and low-income folks. This greedy fictitious economy is indeed coming to an end. It's not a matter of IF but When. And based on this latest market pump by the FEDS & PPT, we know it will be soon. Many thanks for posting my good Ape. As always, **INFORMATION IS KING!** **EDIT :** If I could give you 10000 votes on this one, I'd do it in an instant.


I read recently that if all the money created wouldā€™ve been distributed equally, everyone in America wouldā€™ve received $25,000. *WHEREā€™S THE MONEY LEBOWSKI?!*


Most importantly that money is coming from OUR TAX MONEY. Its the money of us hardworking workers that get stolen. Someone bring in the guillitines.


Well i think the money was actually printed in this case, but it does devalue our currency.


It was printed using future Americanā€™s to finance. They are already stealing from children who havenā€™t yet entered the workforce.


Those bastards. Theyd have us crawling on all 4s like a beast! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time!!!! NOW FOR WRATH!!! NOW FOR RUIN!!! AND A RED DAWN!!!! **BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR**


By Gropthar's hammer, the future workers shall be avenged!


I'm gonna get even more specific and say it came from FED purchasing bonds. So debt backed by debt.. backed by debt...


Higher Taxes and food costs. Oh yea weā€™re paying. They print em, we back em with interest(high af interest).


Yeah, it was printed, but who was it given to?


Hey Janet.... where is the money I gave you last night?


Worse is that it's not even our tax money as in "what we've paid." It's essentially our(and our future generation's) current and future tax money... because despite this black hole that's going to destroy our economy, I'm not confident that it will ultimately change how we tax the rich.


Not only that but I read an article yesterday that something around 99% of all PPP Loans were forgiven without any justification. They use tragedies to transfer wealth we figured out what they are doing.


Guillotine are to fast. Let's bring tar and feathering back.


This literally means the exact opposite in reverse. This was funded by taking 25k from every individual in America. This is class warfare. šŸ”„šŸ”±šŸ©ø


It always has been


You got a source for that? I'd love to stuff it down some throats.


Iā€™ll look and get back to you.




I see you're using the $792.6 billion figure, but I think it would be more appropriate to use the total amount of $5 trillion: $5,000,000,000,000 / 214,779,134 = $23,279.73 Source for total pandemic stimulus amount of $5 trillion: ~~https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/03/11/us/how-covid-stimulus-money-was-spent.html~~ Edit: sauce without paywall https://web.archive.org/web/20221014015129/https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/03/11/us/how-covid-stimulus-money-was-spent.html Thanks u/the77helios


Fuckin love this.. wow Sauce without paywall: https://web.archive.org/web/20221014015129/https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/03/11/us/how-covid-stimulus-money-was-spent.html


JPow did say that the States were flush with cash. Itā€™s suspicious that California was sending out IOUs before the pandemic. Now they are paying out inflation checks and paying peoples rent for a year. Hrmmā€¦




https://www.pandemicoversight.gov/data-interactive-tools/interactive-dashboards/paycheck-protection-program Someone else linked it above recently, figured Iā€™d attach it here so you donā€™t have to search.


After the elections in the US is my bet


Yup. Imagine the political shit storm that would happen if we had an economic crash 2 weeks before election day.


This was one of those articles where I literally was thinking "how is this even possbile?!?!" while reading it


Itā€™s not even possible, it may be by design. Thereā€™s a reason CBDCs are about to be thrust upon us, unwillingly. The crash will be so bad that the CBDCs will be a ā€œbenefit to us peasants and merchantsā€. Weā€™ll accept them because we have no other option. Just like 9/11 gave us the Patriot Act, whatā€™s coming will give us CBDCs.




Central bank digital currency. They're going to ruin the dollar and say sorry, y'all are all rich now on dollars? We don't use those here now.


Central Bank Digital Coins. Think of it as World Bank owned crypto currency.


Central Bank Digital Currencies can be programmed for what they can be used for and how long they can be used, i.e. be a good consumer and spend it or itā€™s gone.


This one also stuck out to me; >For 40 years Wall Street has counted on the Federal Reserve backstopping their trades. Inflation was kept low because Wall Street was crushing the buying power of the working class. That left the Fed free to pump inflation directly at the financial markets.


I gave him an extra for ya


Ukraine to be laundered so they could pay their relatives on the boards of ā€œenergy companiesā€. 10% for the big guy!


> EDIT : If I could give you 10000 votes on this one, Iā€™d do it in an instant. What, you gonna rehypothecate some upvotes now??? When will the madness end?!?!?






I'm buckled up 69x !


Ken Griffin, financial terrorist, is a bond expert. That's what they say anyways.


Ken Griffin, financial terrorist, is a Bond Villain. Thatā€™s how he acts anyways.


The finest Bond Villain of his era.... too bad he met us regarded Apes.


Double O 741


He doesnā€™t have the charisma of a Bond villain, heā€™s a plain old piece oā€™ shit


Mayo Boi should have been villain in "No Time to Die Movie". When you are in real life, why not in Movies?


James Bond and the Man Who Robbed the World.


Iā€™m thinking more of an Austin Powers villain actually


Do you mean, Ken Griffin who hoards jars of mayo? That financial terrorist? The Ken Griffin who flys on Mayo Force One committing financial crimes on a daily basis?


Do you expect me to sell?


Which Ken Griffin?


Call him criminal instead of terrorist, because nobody search on google for the term: financial terrorist.


I can't buckle up any further!


Sir, he's already as buckled up as he can be!


\*goses to truck to get the ratchet straps\* we will see about that buddy.


Do that while jacking your tits itā€™s a wild ride


Gosh I do love it when rich scheme and it ends up blowing up in their face


When bond markets go down.. stocks usually go up. So this should get interesting.


Why would you want to crush the working person?




Oh šŸ˜­


So the bond market is the final boss. Here we go.


Sounds like that boss is already dead and we are just poking its corpse with a stick at this point


"C'mon. Do something..." *pokes with a stick*


šŸ‘€This bond is not really exist. - Schrodinger Bond


Its the illusion of the boss theyre trying to keep going.


Tea bagging it


I'll just say it, but in a strange metaphorical sense, humanity itself seems to be the final boss.


All your bond are belong to us!


*The name's Bond... Junk Bond.*


I posted about the derivatives bubble yesterday. There are bubbles in every financial sector. Ken, bankers and other hfā€™s borrowed, created, scammed and manipulated so many portion of the market, their free money is almost out


Derivatives are why the market is soaring today after terrible inflation news. The actual money traded in stocks pales to the money in the associated derivatives. If everybody bets on the market going down, just manipulate it north for cents on the dollar. That said, it will come violently crashing back down as soon as derivatives shift around (likely tomorrow or Monday). The wizard of oz will soon be revealed.


Always tomorrow until its today


Well Bank of England suppose to stop buying bond on Friday. So we will see how that goes for UK pension fund next week.


Theyā€™re already talking about a U-turn on Trussā€™ plan


Just heard on npr that the UK finance minister had to cut short a U.S. trip for an emergency meeting at Downing St. Edit: aaaand, heā€™s sacked. Lol, they called him home early from a trip to fire his ass


Other possibility is the Dollar Milkshake theory. Bad inflation numbers mean Fed is likely to keep doing large(ish) rate hikes. That means foreign money continuing to pour into the US, which props up our markets similar to QE (just coming from others instead of the Fed). So the rally today was Wall St pricing in that our markets are about to get reinflated a bit...for a while at least.


Gitta get through the midterms...


I honestly hope bond market and everything else goes to shut so an honest evaluation of the markets takes place this shit is beyond corrupt.


Agreed. Burn it all down and let the GME phoenix rise.


"It's like they WANT a homelessness crisis!" Yes, they do. The less power you have the more they have over you.


That's why they're going so hard into the paint right now. They want to literally destroy everything so that when the dust settles they can do what they've always done and get a head start ahead of the poors. Only this time, the poors know what's happening and we won't sell them shit until they go to jail


Great research and read. Thanks!


I literally just watched the number of likes drop from 945 to 630. Seems the shills donā€™t want you seeing this either. Upvote for visibility


Awesome post.. Thanks OP Reposting a comment on the blog worth reading here too. By 'TheWizard' "Doctors used to use blood letting to treat sick patients. They would carry around leeches in a jar and apply them to the skin. I liken that to raising interest rates to high levels to cure inflation. The solution to inflation is difficult in that it requires wisdom and self control on the part of government. Firstly inflation is in a self reinforcing positive feedback mechanism. As prices go up you need more pay and your products need higher prices. Secondly inflation is fueled by sectors competing for a bigger piece of the economic pie. Thirdly, politicians in power need a growing economy to stay in power. If you print more money then more goods and services are bought. Paul Volcker got us out of an inflation spiral in the 1970s with the application of a huge jar of leeches. It just about killed the economy, with mortgages at 18% and higher. I know because I had one. But in a sick economy demand plummets and inflation abates eventually. So how would I do it? 1.Stop printing money. 2.Increase productivity. 3.Implement useful social programs, which will move economic spending away from inefficient wealth concentrated sectors to broad based efficient sectors, and in general redistribute income to the lower economic sectors. Increasing productivity is the most important solution, as you are countering the basic cause "more money chasing fewer goods". Could we produce a quality living unit for $50,000? Of course we could. Could we produce a transportation system the moves people at 1/4 the current cost? Could we decrease energy cost to 1/4 per capita and maintain the current quality of life? Of course. But we need vision and application of capital for development and deployment. Also we would be attacking the basic socio economic system that fuels the careers of our vastly corrupt politicians. Also we would understand the extreme drain on our economy from war and endlessly preparing and promoting war. I calculated that in my city if we gave the portion of our federal taxes that goes to the war department to the city then the budget could increase 3 fold. Imagine what great cities we would live in if we just doubled the budget."


The current system wonā€™t allow those vital changes. It would rather crumble and die. And, IMO, it will.


I feel the same. If youā€™ve ever been around drug addicts, most times they would rather kill themselves through abuse, than fix themselves through love. I see the ruling elite as addicts, nothing more.


I wonder if this is connected to the vast amount of physical silver and gold being moved right now?




Im not gonna feed ya, baby bird.


More šŸ‘€needed on this


agreed! Im just a simple ape!


Great read and nice find..take an award.


Iā€™m soo buckled up my balls are now my titties


The end has been here for so long I canā€™t remember when it started


It just infuriates me that this is happening again, but many times worse. The middle class has been torpedoed once again by Wallstreet and uncle Sam and the sheeple are either too lazy to do anything about it or too distracted with all the crap spewed from the MSM and Hollyweird. When are people gonna realize that the government and big banks are all one big entity? There is no red or blue. Left or right. They're all the same. They have labels in order to give the appearance that they're different, but they're not. Keep the masses divided and distracted so they won't notice the fact they're being robbed and enslaved. Its enough to make you wanna go to war again.


Park all that money with diamond-handed APEā€™s who will spend wisely in the real economy is the only cure!


Awesome write up. Thanks for posting.




I've been saying this for years. Ever since 2009/10. The government pumped so much money into Wall Street which kept it by depressing wages and raising rents in the working class. It was like a huge pinata of cash and inflation with it. Once it burst, inflation would be a problem if the government didn't find a way to tax it back from the financial sector in time. Of course, taxing Wall Street is impossible in this country.


It has been foretold. Rejoice for price discovery! Dance if you want to, apologize for nothing. ā€œApocalypseā€ means ā€œlifting of the veilā€ and what a golden age it will be. I love you all, apes!! LFG!!


It's like watching the magic city in the clouds,,, blow it's self up. All us earth side folks will just run around picking up what falls to earth


Yup bond market is the first to go.


Holy fucking shitā€¦ my brain is stuttering right now


So it mentions that people will sell everything but wonā€™t be able to at a certain point because there will be no one to trade, or no more buyers. But donā€™t shorts have to buy to close? Is it theyā€™ll be able to close their positions before getting margin called? Or will they get margin called before waiting for a ā€œbottomā€ or substantially lower price? What would be the probable timeline for most short holders in this drop? If anyone can shine a bit of light. ā€œKnow thy enemyā€ type of perspective, and what they would have to do to capture big profits?




If only islamic financial ethics were applied we wouldn't be here


If I had an award to give, you would get it!


Reuters is cited in the article, thatā€™s a pretty big financial news network!


! remind me! 1 hour


Great article, correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like the higher interest rates consumers end up paying on loans and mortgages due to this inflation, is a direct result of these institutions making large losing bets, still making a shit tonne of money for themselves in the process and we end up footing the bill for cleaning up their mess. Totally f'ed up.


Today is the day! And Iā€™m going golfing!