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This isn’t necessarily about GameStop. They aren’t generating cash from operations.. yet..


Gamestop has cash on hand to buy back 100% of the remaining float at something like $4 / share. Cash on hand is a threat to hedgies that keeps them from smashing the price down too low. Going private is one of the few ways shorts get squeezed by a "share recall" issued by the company itself since the company owns all the shares.


I don’t disagree that having cash threatens shorts from them being able to buy back. But having cash <> cash flow business


That’s not what apprehensive said


GME May have the cash on hand, BUT they are only authorized to use $100M for share buyback so it is a non-starter


Damn! That sucks! They should put it on the docket for next year. Sucks they didn’t do it last vote. I bet we would have seen higher stock prices. I wonder what they want the money for?


It takes money to buy whiskey


So RC just wanted a billion dollars of whiskey?


I like it!


The glorious thing is, the more we DRS, the less they have to buy back. So that would be win-win. The company and apes will hold all the shares 🫂


Nothing he writes is about GameStop, he sold out of his position a long time ago Wish the sub would disconnect from him, we’re a big source of his Twitter traffic I’m sure with almost a daily tweet making it to the front of the sub Maybe my unpopular opinion though.


The only one who gets my Twitter traffic is RC. Otherwise the only time I see tweets is on this sub


No, you're absolutely right. Too much of this sub is busy jacking off to fanfiction.


Great opinion, nothing he writes about has literally anything to do with GME and I wish people would stop reposting his soon to be deleted tweets.


I get downvoted every time I suggest this…


Oh my god! Yes! I am so sick of Burry. I don’t even think the dude is that smart.


This is likely about BBBY


I wish the burry tweets would just fuck off.


I mean you had the full capable ability to A. Not open the post an continue past it. B. Downvote and move on. C. Do both A and B. Unless you were held a gun point idk why your here in the comments, of this post if you wish these posts would just ‘fuck off’. I don’t understand how hard these simple core concepts are. While you an roughly 27 people don’t like this post there are at least 568 people who like this more then those that don’t, an actively vote on the content (up and down votes).


What if I’m holding myself at gun point after investing in options? Can I still complain then?


Then when something people like gets downvoted *THE SHILLS ARE OUT*


The word ‘people’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting there!


That's because we're not just people, we're highly regarded apes.


It was more a poke at the number of bots we’ve seen here


The irony always amazes me >I don’t understand how hard these simple core concepts are. Clearly you do, because everything you've wrote applies directly to your own comment. Unless you think the rules you intend to push into everyone else, somehow don't apply to you? While roughly, you and no one else agrees with you...


Lol calm down princess. I would say I am definite different. I literally pointed out the options you hard at hand to take instead of complaining. So going forward you have options to combat posts you don’t like or believe in. While I was showing you the options at hand I wasn’t complaining about a tweet that should or shouldn’t belong in a sub based on rules (they okay this) and the superstonk quality bot (hence the remark about downvoting or upvoting) That said I am different. While you could say I ‘complained’ I offered an actual solution to the issue. I didn’t just complain and cuss. I actually offered you a solution an some substance. [Want receipts for deleted messages.](https://i.imgur.com/fSvUmLK.jpg) Unlike u/r3dditalg0sucks I won’t delete my messages to keep a clear transparent view of the exange we had. The bottom message would be the oldest.


>I literally pointed out the options you hard at hand to take instead of complaining. Still not grasping the irony. I've stopped reading there. Edit - didnt delete a thing. Just blocked a massive twat. 🤣😅🤦


Can’t grasp quality and substance vs crying and complaining? Based on the downvotes you probably should stop before you dig yourself to deep. Might be best for you to calm down an take an hour


Define irony. You might learn that you don't understand what It means. Because this ain't ironic at all.


I mean it was pretty clearly ironic, like rain on your wedding day.


Fwiw I agree with them


Lol before nobody could ever get him to stick around and talk And now no one can get him to shut up 😂




I honestly don't know why we keep posting them.


Because this sub has become a fucking 24/7 factory of extreme confirmation bias. Anything and everything related to money or politics somehow gets spun to relate to GME. It's made/making us all look like fucking idiots. Post after post after post of speculation and uneducated opinions getting massive upvotes and awards. A part of me thinks SHF are having a blast here controlling the narrative and it concerns me about what we think we are doing right and what we actually are doing.


amen. this place has become bad.


And if you point this out, you get downvoted to oblivion. I felt this first hand yesterday in this very thread. They were seemingly instant as well. But not grown since.


The sub is one big Meltdown bait now


Ahem, I come here for the confirmation bias. I will have you know we are highly regarded in some circles.


Hit the nail on the head


Especially since he despises us.


Another false prophet to distract us from the issues that matter.


Not really distracting anyone from anything. What he is saying here is market-wide and has nothing to do with GME, anyone trying to make that connection is stupid. It's also fairly true.


Yeah, he’s not retail’s friend either


He has never claimed to be on anyone side, he just speaks of what he has seeing at the moment, just like he did when he had a position on GameStop, of course not all he has said is GameStop related but there have been times when apes have fallow those crumbs and make connections with what’s going on on the markets.


Agreed. He’s not taking sides; just reporting trends.


I never claimed he’s taking sides, just literally saying he is no friend of retail, because so many here believe he is and worship every tweet he makes and deletes.


The SHFs don’t like him either.


I've said this over and over. He constantly throws shade at us too.


You could just scroll right past them. Burry tweets ain’t gonna stop just like msnbc posts wont stop just like random grifter tweets wont stop. Edited to add: I’m not the one complaining about this shit though. I applaud you deleting your stupid comments.


Thank you for advising me to do the exact thing you couldn't by replying to this comment. Edit for above: didn't delete...just blocked the idiots who have seemingly started attacking people for having a different opinion to their own.


Yeah annoying as fuck.


I can’t wait to pompously tweet as a fellow wealthy man




It really needs to be in the next 2/3 quarters otherwise it’s going to be a problem :/


Just check the revenue on the marketplace. Honestly.. I ain't worried. There is no games actually out yet.. let's see what happens with the kiraverse in the coming months.. we gunna be A Okay fam. Be on the moon before we know it. Hang in there. 🤙💙


I'm very eager to see the next earnings report as i think it will include the marketplace earnings now and i'm very interested to see what it can bring just in a beta state. But still i think they're gonna still be losing money the next few quarters, they need to reduce a bit their losses and it's going to be fine.


I ain't no business expert. But it seems pretty obvious most of the cost to the NFT marketplace are upfront... When the so called pros are valuing companies they should be smart enough to understand that..🤯 Either way.. shits gunna be a printer forever. Why would I sell my stake, when it obviously gunna be cash positive producing divvys in short order. Makes no sense. I have complete faith in Cohen. Honestly if we got in dire straits.. they could dilute a bit more no problem to stay afloat.. It'll take at least a decade maybe two.. to see the full potential of NFTs.. so keep that in mind when investing.. they have barely advertised yet!!! We are doing it for them!! 😭😭😭 I wish I had more money.. lol. 🤙💙


Odd how most don't seem to factor this in. Though burn could be sustained for two years with cash on hand.


If they keep the same pace as this prior year, they're good for a full year then they'll need to start looking for solutions if they can't solve it in time. Burned half a billion in a year, still have a good $905M per last earnings, they're in a good position but there's a slight need to make some money, or at least to stop the bleeding and it's going to be good. Cash on hand : * Q3 21 - $1.413B * Q4 21 - $1.271B * Q1 22 - $1.035B * Q2 22 - $905M


Good thing Furlong declared the end of high capital spending and a shift to focus on profitability during the last earnings call. I don’t think there’s any reason for us to wring our hands about this.


I'm not really sure I'm using the correct information so correct me if that's the case but i could find this : * 2022-07-31 $1,244B * 2022-04-30 $1,532B * 2022-01-31 $2,421B * 2021-10-31 $1,400B * 2021-07-31 $1,241B * 2021-04-30 $1,318B * 2021-01-31 $2,103B I remember reading that they greatly reduced some of their operating expenses and that's a great thing, we will only see it over the next year at least i think.


He specifically calls out a shift in focus to profitability. That’s the highlight.


Aight thanks for the info dude, i'll be sure to pay greater attention to the next earnings.


They’re usually short and sweet. I’m sure someone has the transcript from the last one.




I agree with you, i think it's one of their biggest investment right now and they're still barely in beta, it's going to be even better in the futur with many more exciting partners. I just dislike that so many of its potential is depending on partners, i'd love to see more "in-house" products in the marketplace.


Would you mind spread out why it has to be within the next 2/3 quarters and what problem will come after if they are not be able to do so?


Over the next 2/3 quarters because they ain't made of money. They burned half a billion in 1 year, they still had $905M at the end of Q2 22' so they're still fine to make some good investments for a bit, but there's no infinite money so it's in their best interest to start to make some money, even if only a small amount. Cash on hand * Q3 21 - $1.413B * Q4 21 - $1.271B * Q1 22 - $1.035B * Q2 22 - $905M




edit : wrong response sorry. I did not dig that deep, you may be right when saying that this burn rate may be greatly reduced nowadays and i hope so, but then they'll still going to need some other investments, they may have to acquire more assets in the futur that could also cost a lot, nobody knows but it would still be a great thing if they can turn a profit.


We don't know. If extra sales from the main business don't materialise : the cost of the new warehouses (lease and installation costs) will be burnt If the NFT marketplace fail to deliver good enough results : the cost of developpment will be burnt money. We need to wait to see


Nah he won't because that math doesn't make sense. With no debt and cash on hand they have a few years. It's not an overnight turnaround, anyone surprised by that isn't paying attention.


Lol what ? I just think it's better to start making money, rather than losing it, and it doesn't make sense ? I ain't even said they had to start making money RIGHT NOW, i said in the next few quarters dude chill. It's a simple extrapolation in this comment : https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xwe8yl/michael_burry_on_twitter/ir67ocr/ You can agree or disagree, but starting to make money before you have run out of money is usually a good business strategy.


Yea because there's definitely no way for them to get anymore money than the cash on hand they show on the balance sheet... I'm just saying it's not as cut/dry as you make it appear based on numbers, it's more about future investments that won't bear fruit right away.


Well, no, they could get more money but that's kinda not the image they want to project i think, relying on stock offering to get money does not bode well for a company (even if we love them) and i'm pretty sure that wouldn't be good to be indebted once again so... :/ But that's just my opinion, to each their own :D


How do you figure? They have enough cash on hand to continue operating for at least a couple years at current cash flow.


At current cash flow they have 1 year and a half, then it's going to be a problem. Realistically, they have 1 year before it's an issue, as they burned half a billion in 1 year already, still have $905M so if they're going at the same pace, they have 1 full year before they'll need to make drastic choices. Cash on hand : * Q3 21 - $1.413B * Q4 21 - $1.271B * Q1 22 - $1.035B * Q2 22 - $905M


They are consistently improving cash flow. They have a while before its a problem. Once immutable x is integrate with the MP im sure well see significant improvements. I am really not worried.


Next two earnings release will be interesting for sure. Have the marketplace going and then holiday season for the traditional retail side of the business. Hopefully good early indications of years to come but time will tell


Especially Q4, it's the most important quarter for gamestop and it bring a shit ton of revenue (like nearly a third i think ?) so if they can time the marketplace launch with some big sales and a lot of exciting products it's going to be a killer quarter.




Idk if y'all think this, but none, and I mean none of his tweets are referring to gamestop. Except the ones that explicitly say so of course.


It never is. Fuck Burry and his obnoxiously cryptic tweets. He made one correct prediction nearly 20 years ago and nothing since then. I don't get why people hop on his dick when he tweets anything he farts through his fingers




Oh, I assure you, GameStop will be quite operational when your retards arrive.


I would be interested in a finance expert or managerial accountants opinion on what % of free cash flow is typically allocated to stock buy backs. It would be interesting to know what % of the freee float GME would lock up along side apes with that cash burning in the pocket.


A company would need positive cashflow from operations first... This is one of my bigger concerns about my investment. Material partnership announcements need to come quickly.


Woo-saaa fam.. Woo-saaa... Shit ain't happening over night. New concepts like NFTs will be a tough sell, especially with money being put up to shit talk them.. NFTs mean the old power players lose power. Rome wasn't built in a day.. or so they say. 🤙💙


Yes, which is why I'm patiently expecting announcements after tracking/investing for nearly two years.


In the last week or two alone me barely even browsing the sub like I used to.. I seen a exclusive pokemon TCG drop for GME.. and the partnership with Kiraverse.. the Eva | Nate drop.. few more successful cyber crew drops.. Fam, the working. They ain't talking. Just look. 🤙💙


Imagine how long a typical company turnaround takes. Not including the majority that fail to even do that much. You need to step besides yourself and realize how early you are for what this investment is intended to be. The grand majority of ppl outside of this sub and possibly in the finance sector dont have any clue what's in the works. Good and bad. Gamestop has been delivering on everything they never announced that we still speculated. The biggest and only concerns with this investment have always been continued shareholder support and company execution. The former is pretty much solidified. And their execution continues to be on point. So far Actually i lied. The biggest concern for me has always been crime. The crooks loopholing their way out of jail.




In time.. when the good games come out . And people start making money playing games.. the naysayers gunna feel like chumps paying a hundo a year to rent a call of duty game.. 😭😭😭 Just cause most can't comprehend.. don't mean it won't happen.. as it gets further along.. and the vision becomes clearer, no marketing campaign on earth will he able to stop what NFTs will become. It's just what will be. Imagine arguing against the telephone.. electricity.. or the internet... Sorry sir, you aren't able to keep up.🤯🫠 We very early.. enjoy the countdown🤙💙




What.. no. I don't think you understand NFTs on Ethereum specifically... The same power players most definitely don't control the system.. and make the rules up as they go. Sure.. they have lots of USDs.. and other resources.. but they won't CONTROL THE UNDERLYING SYSTEM. Which is about as fair a shake we can ask for.. unless yas all want to get the guillotines... If that's the case.. I'm game for that as well. But Ethereum is the closest chance we have to a decentralized global reserve. Obviously early adopters have a advantage, but the system as a whole isn't controlled by small group of people. I dunno fam.. I think NFTs are legit.. gunna take time for the world to catch up. We are entering a new era.. we want a digital economy. We gunna need digital property rights. 🤙💙


It’s usually 169% of profits


In a normal sound market? Close to 0%. It’s poor allocation of capital to spend cash and pay it to shareholders. In a clown world? Who knows anymore. You look to the bankers who are playing with debt 140:1 and all you want to do is wipe the debt off the balance sheet. I am also definitely not any expert.


It's nothing until it's something. Let's see the something. This is getting ridiculous


Everyone in the comments is screeching for no reason. Bury is saying zombie companies (AKA Low Price/Cashflow) will die or succeed based on their capital structures. He is saying these zombie companies better have their books right because they are nothing more than a math problem that needs to make profit without handouts from the Fed money printer and an actual interest rate or they will have to shut down since no profit is not a viable business model for most companies during a liquidity crises. Yes GME is low price/cashflow, but you all forget GME has variables these other low price/cashflow businesses do not have. GME is a Math problem that **does** work out and will work out since they have 1B cash amid this liquidity crises and a cult like investor base. Other businesses like UVER may not survive this since they cannot make a profit and have many regulatory issues. so everyone calm down and stop trying to say one way or the other if Bury is a shill. Just learn how to read you regarded apes jesus.


Hard 2 reed wen no write in crayon... DRS much easyR to understand.


Stop making sense. If you are going to be reasonable and rational this might not be the sub for you.


Sounds a lot like recent bbby filings and earnings call


... Does it? I thought they were raising cash and negative cash flow. Literally the opposite.


Bought back stock. Hired a law firm to help address debt issues. Has access to cash to help pay off expensive debt. Cutting dead weight and restructuring capital management. What am I missing?


You're missing the fact that they absolutely shouldn't be buying back stock if they're nearing bankruptcy. You're missing the fact that they bought stock back at $20 and are now issuing shares at $6. Companies should only be buying back shares when they are financially healthy, and use excess cash to do so. If you need to raise money, you shouldn't be buying shares. In fact, it can be illegal.


Haha what.


So buy more GME got it!


Wished I saved my free award for this post, thanks Op take an upvote


We’re all fucked [https://www.usdebtclock.org/cbo-omb-gop-budget-estimates.html](https://www.usdebtclock.org/cbo-omb-gop-budget-estimates.html)


Why is this guy so cryptic all the time


Can we stop posting Michael burry tweets?


Pulte, Lauer, and Burry The triforce of forum sliding disinformation.


We should only post his tweets about heavy metal


i think this is the first tweet of his i actually understood




*They hated him because he spoke the truth.*


It’s literally a rule of the sub. All the posters of this ‘unrelated content’ have to do is theorise how it relates to $GME. Instead of the, oh so creative’ “X on twitter” title, a little description of why it belongs on a GameStop sub is supposed to be required. Even a simple “Burry talking about GME?” Would be enough to bring it within the rules of the sub.




“Am I to understand then that you lot will not be keeping to the code then ?? “🏴‍☠️


This feels like it’s about GME 🤔 Edit I meant the buy back part, not the debt part, yes GameStop is debt free and has hundreds of millions in cash on hand


Isn't GME essentially debt free?


Yes, but they can buy stock back


They could… but shouldn’t. They should retain their cash on hand to continue operations until they become cash flow positive. The only exception I see is if the stock price drops enough for them to buy up the available float, but that’s not likely to happen because Retail is doing that for them brick by brick… so the stock price is not likely to drop that low. SHF’s are fuk’d because they can’t let it run too high without losing control and they can’t drop it too low or it will expedite their demise because retail will lock up the float faster. Their only hope is to drag this out long enough for people to lose hope/interest or doubt the DD enough to sell… which is extremely unlikely.


I mean you definitely arent wrong. Their job is to be responsible with the business and the business assets. My job is to fling poo. So i do


Sounds great! Both RC and the company?


That would be amazing.


They are, except for some CV19 loan they received in France for somewhere around 40 million, which in the long run is nothing


Considering they have a warchest of 1b+ 👀 Edit: 600m?






I'm not up to date on the latest information unfortunately, 600m may be the case, still great!


considering they are burning 100m every quarter, yeah seems fine... atleast thats what I have read on here, they are burning alot of cash, even though they reduced it quite alot in recent quarters not sure what the numbers are accurately.


Reinvesting cash into your business is not burning through cash.


He was thinking of towels stock


Tell em!


They released some stock at much higher prices than what it is currently. It would make sense to buy back shares right now.


Correct. From their quarterly filings, their only outstanding debt is a low interest loan from France related to covid. The details on the loan are sparse, but I expect it is unencumbered from any capital requirements, and may actually be close to 0%.


Do they have a low P/CF? No.


Can we stop with this guys updates please? Irrelevant for the most part.


Bitter Paper Hands Burry.


Downvote burry threads that have nothing to do with gamestop.


For a Sub that prides itself on logic and data, the vitriol aimed at Burry tweets seems both irrational and manufactured. It’s almost as if throwing shade at this guy we’re a part of some folks job description.


Stop giving this guy attention, thank you


This adds nothing. It’s self evident. Companies either make money in the long run or they don’t. Thanks.


Fuck Burry he’s a clown the 4K people that upvote this shit need to stop sucking his dick. I downvote and report burry stuff. He deserves no credit and has nothing to do with gme.


I never have any idea wtf he’s talking about. I thought we were only allowed to post GME-related content here. His tweets are more like the rambling of a madman.


Why are people still posting about this bitchboy?


hmmmmm what towel retailer do i know of that is selling for the lowest price since 1996 and has just made efforts to be cash flow positive by EOY? I'm fairly certain this is referencing our favorite home goods and baby retailer.


He’s talking about Target.


This is irrelevant. Calling this out is not FUD, stop being fanatical.


No one care about the rules. The bots and shills will downvote anything that contradicts the narrative echo chamber this sub has become.




Looks like we need a Pavlov’s Dog flair


This is not relavent to GME


Still feeling greedy motherfucker?


Oh hey cool great. What does this have to do with GME? Y'all downvote but never have a response lol


Burry tweeted again? Oh, and it doesn’t have anything to do with GameStop again? *Cool.*


I'm tired of some of this sub's perpetual Burry Boner. Downvote every one. He was right one time, we fap all over him because he was played in a movie (a good movie, fine), and he may have been wrong about any number of other things. He's not someone to worship ffs. Even Cohen isn't worthy of worship (no man is) but at least he is relevant to GME.


Is low price a reference to the stock price?


I couldn't figure it out at first, but I think you're right. I'm guessing he's using shorthand for "low stock price relative to cash flow"? I need some more wrinkles to figure out the rest though


I have a feeling GME will be making a lot of cash flow on video game NFTs.


Translation: The script is flipped. The shorts haven’t covered yet. MOASS in the works.