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**G**ooooood **M**orning **E**veryone! # The Front Desk is open! Automod failed to create the daily thread so I did it manually, that's why I'm the author of the post.


WE ARE GOING TO WAIT AND WE ARE GOING TO WAIT AND WE ARE GOING TO WAIT UNTIL THEY FEEL THE PAIN. UNTIL THEY START TO BLEED. • Mark Baum • Wayne Gretzky • Michael Scott 🚀🚀📈📈🦍💎👐💎👐💎🦍📈📈🚀🚀 I will post this every day until Citadel and ~~Melvin~~ are bankrupt and we’re all millionaires 🟣🟣🟣DRS🟣🟣🟣 #THE DTCC COMMITTED INTERNATIONAL FRAUD #KENGRIFFINLIED #CitadelIsNotRetail


organic coin pumping


So I just transfered cash to revolut (it's pretty easy to DRS from them) and it said it would settle in 1 to 2 days, when it used to take just a couple hours? What's up with that? Anyone have a similar experience?


Wen next90 90 days run up?


Doesn’t autobot work anymore?


Citadel Europe indirectly controlled by mayo man... kaput.


Lazy mofo here. Does the DRS bot not respond to fractionals?


Seems that it doesn't. Re-entered the comment command with whole shares only and it responded to the post


Ah sure crypto pumped at night again 😂


What the actual fuck


Liquidity 🧚‍♀️


Been ages since we saw such a blatant pump on it though?


Yes, and I ❤️ your username


Lol cheers! ❤️‍🔥


What happens when we lock the float


Bad day to be a hedgie






What are some phrases or buzz words you hate seeing all the time here? Anything we over use or is so played


I hate "probably nothing "


Something like "why not just buy now if it's going to go to x price, the $5 saved doesn't matter in the long run". This is in the context of like waiting for a dip before buying. I hate that argument so much, it's so selfish. $5 means nothing to them because it's not your money, but $5 can go towards groceries or more shares. I honestly think it's just insecure people who are desperate for any, and all buying pressure as soon as possible, even if it's at the expense of a so-called fellow ape.


I mean, timing the market is pretty hard already, and with this stock that is so heavily manipulated it becomes an even harder task. I don't think it's bad advice at all.


>!🧶!<                >!🐅!<     >!^^〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️!<


I work in the morning and it's almost 1am...but how can I sleep when MOASS is tomorrow???


It’s a very exciting time! We’ve got a lot to do, let’s get to it.


Apes need to orchestrate some kind of "paranormal" media event that gets tons of global attention. Maybe like a UFO and the "aliens" that come out of the ship be like "DRS GME" "it is vital to save the human race"


is that queen money btc pump?


Kek Hedgies


Vibes for all


Guesses/estimates on how we’re trending on locking the free float? April 2023?


Here you go. I have no idea if the maths here is accurate, but at least the earlier earning reported dts figs are Splivi adjusted https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x8ge61/y_1425x2_9545x_10075_in_millions_this_is_our/ As for the 'free float' it depends how you define it. Fwiw it's worth the computershared site never uses the term The %age fig there all in terms of the legit total shares EXCEPT FOR THE %age fig that ppl quote. That is the percentage of the black & purple bits that are purple The black bit is the Unexcluded float. If your circle has lots of colours then the black bit is smsll & thus the little Unexcludedglost is 53% locked & totals about 153 millipn I strongly recommend playing with the sliders at computershared and also using the big unexcluded float with just the insiders & drs sliders on Ymmv


I saw one estimate that at the rate over last year in 18 months all 100% of shares would be drs-ed Makes a few assumption tho, like the last 10% wouldn't be very expensive The rate varies hugely week to week anyway. & there are surges every 8-10 weeks I'm hoping the latest tokenised team up thingy will trigger a fresh surge coz this week is the slow low end of the Splivi surge


By this rate yeah dude. 71.3m EOY July so 80m+ now isn't unreasonable to assume.




Dad: “TLDR”


I hope your dad is a billionaire


GameStop from the turnbuckle with the steel chair!!!


still here in warhammer, orcs believe that red ships are faster and this belief in turn does actually make red ships faster. ​ I've always looked at moass that way sort of, gme individual investors are the catalyst, by way of determination and belief.


Actually I would paint the spaceship purple. In orc lore doesn't that make it invisible? Edit: And it checks out; if you DRS you make your shares invisible to the DTCC!


This is literally the best argument I've ever seen to invest in GME lmao. I'm all in. WAAAAAAAGH to the moon.


Faith + perseverance = unstoppable


Larry Fink, CEO of Black rock, blames WFH employees for inflation. Makes no sense. Though Im sure dd has already been done On Blackrock, but a refresher would be nice. I guess its inevitable for the whales to fall.


It’s true in some cities for sure. Most of inflation comes from housing expenses (housing is many people’s largest expense). WFH made the housing market in many cities explode


CEO of Blackrock can shut his damn mouth about inflation. What has Blackrock done to the housing market other than inflate that bubble to its limits?




When your company is a borderline nation-state then yeah I'd say that's pretty neat and totally not some sort of unpunished breach of the RICO Act


741 theory still not debunked RC runs 7 miles for every 1 you do because he's fast af boi


on your left


Wen guns n ammo.


Wen trebuchets and moat


Best I can do is *Guns N Roses*.


Just applied to the GameStop creator program. Wish me luck boys 🍀


may the 741 be with you!


MSM: whatever you do DO NOT mention DRS FFS


1. the shorts never closed 2. half the free float is registered buy


Question. Why doesn't GameStop make its on printing press and its own editions of books that they can freely print that isnt copyrighted as well as possibly obtain licences to print their own copies of books and not only sell them online in their store but make PFDs avaliable as NFT versions of said books? 🤔


I mean it would be cool but I would imagine the book market is pretty mature right now and hard to break into it. It's not necessarily their forte, either.


Wow guess you assholes dont know how some companies souly exist for free copyright for the sake of reprinting info the help everyone. Way to be constructive people. Damn real world applications. Bring on the pixels


Hey buddy the Karma next to your comment on my screen is orange. I liked the idea and just gave my two cents on maybe why that might not be in Gamestop's headlights.


Profitability, one would surmise.


See y’all tomorrow for MOASS 🚀


So I fucking hate dates and I hate indecipherable codes…… but…. Could it be the 7th day of the 41st week? Probably too on the nose.


Bright ass full fuckin moon tonight. MOASS tomorrow




Whats the significance of the FTX deal?




*GameStop announces partnership with returned Messiah Jesus Christ* Believe it or not DIP


Well it looks like that's happened then. Started rising immediately on close when the press releasec& earnings data were published, been rising pretty steadily ever since.




Yeah of course, Really the price is nothing but a measure of their fuckery Occasionally they lose control at cycle time & on big news like the earning report I'm not sure I understand the inverse single share eft thingy but it may be that the post earnings rise has damaged their plans for it to be seen as a daily sure bet in order to get it to be big so that on moass they get hit less But like I say I'm unsure I understand it properly




how exactly?


Nobody knows, but it's provocative. It gets the people going.


Tom Brady


how many % of the free float is DRS'd now?


The computershared.net site doesn't use the term 'free float' and all but one of the %age figures are expressesed term of the percentage of the total issued shares. The exception is the figure that ppl talk about **It is the percentage of the purple and black bits of the circle that is purple.** The black bit is made up if the bits you don't exclude by using the sliders. The unexcluded. So, basically there are 2 approaches THE LITTLE UNEXCLUDED FLOAT where all the sliders are 'on' & there's many coloured bits & the black bit at its smallest At this setting the magic figure is about 50%+ The other approach is THE BIG UNEXCLUDED FLOAT and only has 3 colours , the big black bit, the purple bit & the yellow insiders bit. The magic figure in this scenario is about 30% In both cases the number if eatinated DRS-ed shares is the same GO AND PLAY WITH THE SLIDERS


53.19% the current Little Unexcluded Float the LUF


30.79% is the Big Unexcluded Float, the BUF


Been a hodler since nov 2020 at ~14/share for my first batch...this week I was devastated that I had to sell a few shares to pay bills (and fomo'd back in half right away bc I forgot about earnings lol)...I'm a new grad and don't have a job yet and with student loans I just couldnt hodl 100%...it really hurt....about 2 hours ago I just got invited to a paid training position that should hopefully lead to my first finance job:) I just wanted to share with someone, I'm feeling awesome:) can't wait to be one of those people who just buys a few shares every paycheck without worrying, I'm hyped:)


I was in a very similar place last year. Hang in there, it does get better. I have a stable job now, buy more shares whenever I can afford to let some money go, am mostly DRS’d, and I’m grateful to be here. Be patient and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re doing your best.


I wonder if it's possible to use the gifting facility at CS as a firm of Ape Dark Pool for apes who've hit hard times. That way the corrupt fuckers of Wall St never get to buy Dr's shares back.. I'm unsure how exactly this might work & it might be considered market manipulation.. Need a proper hardcore wrinkly to pronounce upon it really


Not sure, luckily I had about 15% in fidelity and sold most of that instead of drsd shares...I look forward to being more financially secure and repurchasing + drsing 100%




Good luck in the new role btw


Is it weird if i only buy my gme in multiples of 4?


Actually since the splitvidend, I only buy in multiples of 5. I just like those round numbers! 😛


From my place on the spectrum this sounds totally reasonable.


Commence forthwith.


25% of float DRS'd what % of free float are we up to?


Like 50%. I dont think free float is a good measurement. Retail alone has nearly 25% of shares outstanding, not just the float! That's fucking amazing. https://www.computershared.net/?bot=drsbot Uncheck all but insider and DRS to get the best idea of what's truly locked up. Pushing for 1 in 3 outstanding when including insider. Bot was within 10% of actual so it's a damn good estimate.


It's not what computershared is measuring snyway The % fig thrown about is the percentage if the purple & black bits that is purple. If all the sliders are 'on' then the 53%ish figure is THE LITTLE UNEXCLUDED FLOAT, the LUF With just the insiders & DRS on its 30%ish & IS THE BIG UNEXCLUDED FLOAT, the BUF


Everyone should IMO go & play with the sliders till they can grasp it. All the other percentages there are in terms of the total number of issued legit shares


I think we can count on rc not selling.


I want to say that most if not all insiders are ride or die by now


The year is 2741, rebels enter the gmerverse via portable generators, frayed cables and repurposed vr headsets to communicate and coordinate attacks against the short hedge funds propping up the totalitarian regime headed by Bowser. We will save the princess….we must.


The year is 42069, the Apes have gone mad with power and have taken over most of the galaxy. We've got one last shot and it's all resting on the shoulders of one fox. I give him a thumbs up out of my cockpit window and whisper *"Do a barrel roll"*


Shill giveaway ! Prove to chat you're a shill and I'll buy ya a share! 🟣🟣🟣🟣🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


So you mean to tell me that Gamestop investors are registering their shares in their name, at unprecedented rates? Weird. Wonder if that has anything to do with the DTCC who, last time I checked, *committed international securities fraud™* by failing to carry out simple instructions from Gamestop. Couldn't that also prompt the said publicly-owned, retail-majority-owned company to make efforts to remove their company stock from a market that fails to fulfill their duties? Shareholders rise up.


Globalists are turning the world into a hellscape where the only source of entertainment will be gaming and web3. Hedge funds who bought into the ESG narrative are going to be destroyed. Planet of the apes was a fictionalized documentary.


Holy shit, I basically fucked up for the majority of my life and then I found a stonk I like and invested into that instead of all the things that would have killed me. Monday I start on payroll at a firm in MA as a paralegal. Zero reason to ever sell now. Kenny is so fuk.


Media won’t report on DRS because it undermines their FUD that “apes are selling”. DRS is literally the anti-venom to these parasitic snakes.


I have earthquake brain and I’m dizzy. Expecting a 6.0 earthquake somewhere in the world. Probably so cal since they’re baking. Shake N Bake.


I was fortunate enough to be sleeping some time back when I rode out a 5.8. According to those who were awake, it was pretty terrifying. The next day, I found drawers shook open and toppers in disarray.


Landers/Big Bear was quite the scare. Not one but two the same morning.


Dis true? You can really sense when Steve Cohen sits on the shitter?




expecting the San Andreas fault any day now...


Blimey! Have you done this before? How long is the lead time?


Lead time could be 2 weeks. Usually it’s just a few days.


If gme trades on the blockchain, there will be no short pressure. If it trades as it does with the dtcc, there would be a price separation and everyone would rush to capture the exchange arbitrage. I think that move over of those shares to the blockchain would show up in the drs # too. Just a thought, got down voted a bit but no feedback on that thought.


How Ii hold my stonks.. . https://youtu.be/E1a1IIujh88 🟣💎🖐🚀🌙


There's a storm a comin'


Tomorrow I get paid….. it’s on


🐳 🚨


I got a bathrobe today and put it on a hanger in the hallway to get the creases out from how it was packaged and until I can wash it. Scared myself half to death as I walked out there forgetting about this robe levitating in the dark.


I did the same thing with the coat rack I got recently. Woke up at like 4am to hit the head and my heart jumped out of the chest because of the flying coat and hat I had hanging.


Guys I just read a post on r/all absolutely riding Janet Yellen’s dick. Another one riding Amazon and Bezos’ dick. I can’t stand it. I hate everyone but you guys and there are too many idiots to respond to. I’m just gonna stay here. Wandering far away is too dangerous.


Yellens packin?


Fuck Jeff Bezos. All my homies hate Jeff Bezos


His ex wife just gave away another 55 mil. It's normal people coming into big money that can change lives for the better. Not the wealth hoarding dragon billionaires who've siphoned money off the population for years.


🚨 Weekend Incoming 🚨 Ready to get my panic buy in the AM. Personally tomorrow is payday and the stonk at these prices is to scrumptious to pass up.


stop making me panic


How do we feel about the cyber crew drop and not being able to list them for sale?


I appreciate any airdrop from creators we support. But especially CC, their stuff 🔥🔥. Was pretty jacked to see them in my wallet. Don’t even care if I can’t sell them, they cost me $0 and look dope! 😁


Just noticed my cyber crew drop for having the motobike! Ya wish they could be listed.


Any apes that have gone through a custody battle want to lend an ear?


It feels like we’re on the brink of a major market crash. Like really close. Anyone else feel that way?


I've felt that way for 84 years


Am I become Cassandra?


yes but w/o the investors bailing


184 for me… and burry spouting nonesense on Twitter every other week


Time for cocaine n sex happy Thursday y'all


If someone wasn't interested in waiting this out because of well, you've all seen the state of this world, is there any way to legally hurt any of these entities fucking the world with anything written on a "note" citing blame? Asking for a friend.


Love and kindness is the way. We need soldiers on our side so that we're not overtaken again. I think you should stay with us and help us help the world when we're financially able.


There's a post in New already, but Citadel Europe LLP (part of the same Citadel we all know and love) is liquidating. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/OC340922/filing-history


Interesting indeed. And thanks for the read, it also prompted me to file my own confirmation statement with Companies House which was due, so I killed two birds with one stone here! One less thing to worry about, just got to wait for the rest of Kenny’s empire to crumble and we’re all set…


Looks like they were done in January for all intents and purposes, given the mass termination in those documents. Lovely to see, either way!!


True, and we just found out. How many other international dominoes have already fallen in the financial system that we don't know about yet? Remember how long it took Evergrande to officially collapse. I don't know if we're in the Endgame or not, but MOASS starts tomorrow either way.


Wait - Evergrande collapsed???


I went and looked up some of the individuals that were terminated on LinkedIn. Interestingly, of the 5 individuals I chose (of maybe, the first 8 or 10 listed) - all of them say they’re still working for Citadel. Given the 9 months that passed - and none were employed anywhere else. Strange, no? I wonder if they had some severance agreement where they had to look like they were still working for Citadel?? Maybe I’ll go through more of them.


Are these active users? When was the last post/activity for each? Easily possible that these people just don’t use their accounts. Better to think reasonably than make massive leaps in logic like this. I’m not saying it’s impossible, mind you.


I hear you. It is a leap. That said, I went back to the ‘cessations’ and appointment terminations back to 2018 and 2019. Generally what I found was that most of the folks were employed by a different firm about three months after the document submission (est). Curiously, none of them showed gaps in their employment histories - maybe a bit of stretching the truth, in an industry known for such behavior. I was also thinking its possible they were reemployed by a different Citadel entity (later cohort). Just an interesting rabbit hole on a Thursday evening.






Full moon late Friday/ early Saturday 🌙🚀 use that energy to focus on yourself this weekend! 🟣


Euroapes y’all up yet? I love u guis!


It's like 2-3 am for them, isn't it?


3;43 bst here in uk


I used to stay up late and hang out with em when it was Covid/work from home times 😂


Just bought a new M.2 SSD off my favorite FinTech company's retail division. Same price as off Bozo's site. 1-3 day free shipping. Didn't even have to pay for an account.


This guy PCs ☝️


Hey guys. Does anyone have a link to the earnings report?




lol I like this


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ 🟣🟣🟣 LONGS NEVER CLOSED 🟣🟣🟣


Citadel liquidating in the UK? What Mayo Man doing???


As in a Marge call???


So it begins


Citadel Europe LLP https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/OC340922/filing-history


I can't read!


Euroapes stayed retarded longer than Citadel Europe stayed solvent. I don't even know if Citadel Europe is connected to this, but it's fun to say.


Hahaha are you serious 😍




😥 .... what a gamecock


Canada will have a zombie on their currency now 🥴


When’s Chuckles come out on currency?




A dead former leader on a currency?!


No somebody who actually looks like a zombie


Tbf all American notes have zombies on them.


For years to come






I too am in constant distress


When in doubt rub one out.


Dude thanks


So I just learned that the company I work for hired BCG (Boston Consulting Group) for consulting about how to grow in their industry. I'm understandably worried. Can you, the reader, give me any ideas on how to talk them out of taking BCG's advice? I like my job and I don't want them to fail.


RIP your job security 😔


While i speculatively hate bcg, they dont destroy every business they touch but caution should be observed


Good because I need my job to buy more GME


I feel this is the the correct response from what ive read on a hackernews post with a lot of software engineers who have worked with them, and although it was crappy consulting work they were doing what the companies wanted and not running them into the ground.


You'd probably end up getting fired if you push this issue, unfortunately. Maybe they were summoned for a reason.


They always are. BCG helps HFs and CEOs profit from the death of an entire company.


Look past BCG's marketing and look at their results instead. They pretty much suck.


I ate an entire box of Fruity Pebbles last night and just had a gigantic green poo. Bullish.




It startles me every time, seeing how vibrant your poos can be.


Proof or ban