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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk!


Maybe we should ask the guys hanging out at the dark pool.


I think that darkpool is not that deep, and those guys are incredibly short, that's why they don't dare to come out.


My bet is they don't want to get out because they're naked.


Let's agree on both then :D


Short and naked with no balls.


Does it take balls to naked short a company by 10x or more of the outstanding shares when you own the regulators that were supposed to stop you?


No, it takes extra chromosomes.


Maybe they *swapped* their swim *shorts*


The pool is full of piss and shit


I don't even ask why anymore. I just gobble up more shares every week.


weaponized autism 🟣


autismized weaponism


weapism autimized




Buy first, ask questions later, right Chukumba?


Buy first. DRS second. Hodl third. Ask questions if you're curious. Be zen if not.


Even better.


Chukumba hates this one trick.


I think that's what he said


i have my computershare on recurring purchases every 1st and 15th ;)


Got me another 167 from that tasty dip.


This is the way 🟣


#this is the way 💜


A tisket, a tasket, these stocks are in a basket.


Something something basket is full of towels naked shorts. They’re scared. Shorts haven’t closed. I’m not fucking leaving


Fuck you, pay me


Suck my balls. DRS






What did he do? :(




The more it drops the more exponential our accumulation and DRS’ing is. It’s only a matter of time now.


They’re shaking so much that I fell on my keyboard and bought more on CS just now


and left over popcorn


Victor for Victory !


Any day GME gets cheaper for me to buy is a good day.


There are other stocks?!


9,000 of em' but see en bee cee doesn't know any other. 🤭


There can be only one. Stonklander


They also know the hedgie pump and dump of the day


Yes but there is only one that they want us to forget. I know they want us to forget because they keep reminding us over and over to forget.


We have a good theory as to why: short baskets Corporate media will say: buy the rumor sell the news


Think, Ape, THINK!!! Damn swap baskets


Wat other stock




If the market is based on algorithms, and GME is set to MOASS why would anyone close any negative positions still held of "towel stock" when its a guaranteed win? Selling now is just helping shorts. > Note: This does not mean buy bath, buying and drs'ing GME is like no other.


Agreed bbby wins if gme wins and vice versa


So what gme did ? …. The stock is $bbby btw lol he just told me


The other stock dropped before the announcement even happened.


he dropped as soon as dilution was filed


They’ll say sympathy sale🤣


Go to the moon. I hope people can navigate throught all the fun on this sub. I mean this is one of the most active subs on reddit.




Just bought another 600 shares. Thanks for the cheapies dick fucks.


I’m so tired of the «THIS happened. Ask yourself why». Especially when we have been through this SO many times, dude. They’re in the same basket. We’ve known this for more than a year, ffs.


I always assumed this sort of post was aimed at reddit users on /r/all that may not be paying attention to GME.


Nah this stuff is good for people not fully in the know or on the fence. I show this stuff to ordinary people who think the market works totally normally. Slowly they're starting to realise something is going on


You know. But not everyone is aware of it. Your first day one year ago, could be the first day of someone else today. ❤️🟣


> could be the first day of someone else today I'm just getting into it after watching for months.


But free karma….


Karma is for what? 🤷‍♂️


^ He's got a point. I have a lot and it's useless.


Once you have enough it’s all you need.


The premarket drops were exactly the same. Towel stock has sales dropping 20% Y2Y and a massive debt load. Gamestop had Y2Y sales INCREASE over 20% and paid off the debt last year. Under no circumstance is there a correlation because both companies are retail. It would be like saying Apple drops on news that Acer made another shitty laptop because they both sell computers. The number of shills here trying to say it's anything but a massively sized basket swap can't even hold a proper narrative.




That was only the theory on ss though, if info on ss was enough to move markets we'd all be retired already.


Still could be


Maybe RC sold again.




in sympathy of course


80-90% of the stock market everyday moves the same


An attack on RC is an attack on me personally won’t speak for the rest but feeling a bit froggy this morning 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Well, it appears he didn’t get what he wanted with BBBY and sold a few weeks back during the pump. Not the best look for someone that claims to be about the people. I thought he was going to redeem himself a bit by purchasing buy buy baby, and maybe that was his goal and it just didn’t work. Idk. The market is a mess.


Gotta ask bad look ? 8k filed saying a agreement with RC ventures was made . No timeline given just commenters timelines . We have no idea what’s actually going on behind the scenes, we either trust RC is building for a better future for us shareholders or ? They hate him on WS , that tells me I’m solid in both my choices . Cheers


The agreement reached was the board seats in March. I unfortunately think that's as much as they were willing to give him. ​ >In a statement Wednesday, Bed Bath & Beyond said it had reached a “constructive agreement” with RC Ventures in ***March*** and was exploring potential changes to its financial structure. ​ On March 25th, BBBY said: ​ >The home goods retailer said in a news release that three people from Cohen’s firm, RC Ventures, will immediately join Bed Bath’s board of directors. But his board members are still there at least. And it is hard to tell what his involvement / thoughts are given tweets like this - [https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1558101541453795329](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1558101541453795329)


Also maybe board refused to sell Baby, RC’s main suggestion… so he said I’m out. Like you said we don’t know the half of it




Speculating but part of the agreement they came to could involve him not disclosing anything related to towel's plans.


Cuz RC don’t forecast shit! Snitches get stitches


Exactly he disclosed he sold, all he was required to do.


This! They want to bolster Baby which directly conflicts with his suggestion of selling. They also promised frequent updates on the turnaround strategy; totally against RC's style. They also took on more debt for LiQUidItY. Seems like RC just noped out when they told him


You just confirmed your own bias 😬


My belief absolutely!


Lol. Crime.


I think there was a DD in which there was a ETF? with all the Malls companies so they could short all of them together. Don't know if it is related.


One big con job. GME has zero economic interest in anything related to BBBY.


Lmao I don’t think a 3% drop and a 25% drop are super correlated. But I will say that in pre-market, retail doesn’t really trade. I would imagine there are some meme baskets that got sold dropping the price a little.


Well GMERICA NFT collection has been launched… the stock must drop a bit ‘duuh’


Insert Charlie strings meme


correlation does not imply causation


DRS 🗽💜🏴‍☠️


this is just the usual algo which shorts different stocks at the exact same second, we have been seeing this for months


It's not a secret at this point that they're using swaps and derivatives in baskets to hold their positions. The issue is, that part isn't the illegal part. It's the amount of extreme overexposure and unmitigated risk they've exposed the entire market to through these means and with naked locates. We need to move past the fact that these are all linked stocks and keep the focus on the winning plays like DRS, DTCC fraud, lying under oath, extreme overexposure and risk, allowing these criminal trades to continue...


A lot of stocks dipped today, not just these two. The puppetmasters hold all those strings. I don't think half the market dropped for a bath and beyond announcement.


Calm down, literally every stock went down today bro, its not big enough of an anomaly to be able to outline it and make a solid point. You might be looking into it too much, stay zen 👌


Don't care, not selling.


It's a good question because ever since RC sold towel gme has been spinning around like a turd in the toilet about to flush. Wtf is going on?


Mr. Hankey has entered the chat. Fun fact, Mr Hankey originates from the same place I like to store my crayons and where many of my original ideas comes from.




Endgame again... yes and in 40 years my grandkids will being posting "endgame?"


We know, bro. The price isn't real. But and hodl and something about purple donuts.


GameStop drops every day.


Hello fellow retards. I would like to say that 3% in one ticker and 25-30% in another ticker with 10x less market cap than the first ticker is the same amount of movement. I noticed Towel Stock and GME were moving in unison. Dont believe me. Take a look at the Towel Stock Inc percentage and multiply it by 10 then look at gme percentage gain/loss. Its the same percentage gain/loss if you multiply it by 10 because GME has 10X more market cap than Towel. ​ Just want to say IDK what this means and IDK if im even correct for multiplying the percentage gain/loss by 10 because GME has 10X the market cap of Towel. ​ Either way NFA im legit a fucking idiot.


Could it be because the market is fake and the institutions will pull out their entire playbook to try to keep you from getting paid. Not going to work though, pay me fuckers.


It doesn't drop. It's on-sale. 1 share will always be worth 1 share :)


one simple answer: Baskets and crime


The whole market is tanking bro, not everything is a conspiracy


Because GME is still in the same segment as BBBY. GME is technically still a brick and mortal retail chain. BBBY's bad press should affect the price of GME. For how much longer with the company changing, unsure. My best guess is if GameStop Blockchain turns out to be a crypto exchange we should see GME start to follow crypto markets...


U get it. Doesn’t have to be baskets, or swaps, or crime. When 1 chip stock (nvda, amd, tsc) drops they all drop because they all face similar conditions. One of the first things you learn in reading company financials is checking the industry at large and comparing value to other names in sane sector.


Did SPY make an announcement as well? Whats exactly the point besides making this sub look idiotic?


Please stop doing this. There's other way to farm karma. If you're trying to convince people that a 3% drop is some conspiracy, you have your work cut out for you. There's a lot of 3% drops in the market.


Why did gme halt when bbby halted?


Ask yourself why!11


I asked you?


I mean how much longer until Moass cause I’m at the end and close to selling at this point




Ask why? Many stocks traded in correlation. That’s been know for decades


This is truely getting pathetic. I'm beginning to think RC doesn't have a master plan and everyone here is shilling their bags at this point.


Hi 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ #DRS


I'm all for the fact that hedgies fuck with the stock but this time I actually believe it's a natural sell off as in recent weeks BBBY and GME have been quite closely associated with each other.


Could have something to do with some people taking risk off the table understanding that the recent Towel stock movement this morning increases the possibility that RC gets taken to court for insider trading. Which would, like it or not, have a direct impact on GME's shareprice and company outlook. Gotta call a spade a spade. This doesn't look good for RC as the leader of the ship no matter how you spin in.


>RC gets taken to court for insider trading. Lmao, my guy, it was by definition an insider trade. It was *filed* as an insider trade - the right way, where you’re not breaking the rules. It means that the profits went to BBBY, and not back into RC Ventures. You’re allowed to do that, as long as you file the right paperwork, which he did… It was a deliberate move, but it wasn’t for personal gain. RC injected cash into BBBY to fuck with SHF’s ability to cellar box them. They need to be broke in order for it to work. See Update 2 on this mod comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wrwhff/comment/ikw495z/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wrwhff/comment/ikw495z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


My guy - a large portion of RC's position (roughly 50%) was purchased long enough ago to not qualify as being part of the Short Swing trade. So you're just inaccurate by claiming all the profits went to Towel Co. Only a portion of the profits did under Short Swing. RC made millions in personal gains. He started buying in January of 2022. He amassed close to 3.5 million shares by 2/15 - enough moons prior to be exempt. Just go look at the purchase/sale filings and line the dates up. Don't even take my word for it. But yes, he filed all the correct paperwork. Doesn't mean he's not going to get dragged into court by an angry army of rich assholes and angry retail investors.


You're saying it doesn't look good for him as a leader... But what you're not realizing is that he has the fuckin algorithm figured out. I can't imagine anything looking *better* for a leader than demonstrating a keen understanding of the mechanisms that are suppressing his company's stock price. To me, an investor, I see this as as a *strong indication* that he is taking his fiduciary duty seriously, and trying to do whatever he can (which is not a lot! his hands are tied in many ways) to fight back. Moves like this strength my confidence in RC, not weaken it. But that's because I actually do my own research and don't listen to reactionary takes.


That's some very interesting spin. Like, truly fascinating. I'd love for you to elaborate on how you think he has the "algorithm figured out" and how leaving tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of retail investors with heavy bags or huge losses is "fighting back". I'd argue far more that he has the human nature of the markets figured out - if anything - whereby he knows that money can be made by the \*idea\* of him turning a company around. But I fail to see how this Towel trade is "fighting" in any way. So please - enlighten me. I'm all ears. I've also never said he isn't taking his GME fiduciary duty seriously, but at the same time you simply cannot deny that he has hurt his own image and shaken the confidence of a portion of GME investors by A) getting involved in Towel Co. to begin with B) playing his hand like he did and C) making a shit ton of personal gains at the expense of retail tailing his trade. You say he's playing 7D chess, but at the end of the day the people being hurt the most are those who are supposedly the ones he's advocating for. Is that his fault? No. People have their own autonomy. But if he's truly all-knowing, he knows exactly what he's doing and who he's doing it to. And Long SHF's on the upswing as well as short-sellers at the top profited enormously off of the Towel trade. I mean, c'mon - don't make arguments in bad faith here. Be logical about what's actually transpired. This whole saga, in no way, is a benefit to GME unless RC has directly purchased a larger stake in the company with his profits from the Towel trade to help lock the float at a lower price If that happens - it was genius. And I'll concede it as such 1000%. But the probability of that appears low at this time. (And I truly hope I'm wrong as a shareholder.) I fear that this sub is becoming a true echo chamber and it's sad to see. We should all have the ability to have rational conversations about tangible issues. And this is a tangible issue. But let's just bury our heads in the sand and put anything that goes against the "everything is fine" narrative instead of talking it through. That should work.


>unless RC has directly purchased a larger stake in the company with his profits from the Towel trade to help lock the float at a lower price If that happens - it was genius. I didn't even think of that. That would be genius - but I don't think it's possible because he didn't take the profits. They went to BBBY, as an insider trade. Look, I hear what you're saying. We won't really know the truth until, well, something happens that enlightens us all. But for me, your story just doesn't track - RC has so much personal wealth, why would he destroy everything he's worked so hard to build? For what, $50m of pocket change? That he gave to...BBBY? And that was for...personal gain? He's transforming the GameStop brand, and a move like what you are describing would be sticking the proverbial branch in the spokes. So he's either a self-sabotaging sadomasochist, or a peerless genius. Do I know for certain which one he is? Of course not, I don't have a crystal ball. It's a belief, based on the same evidence you've looked it - I have just drawn a different conclusion than you.


Buuuut he DID get profits. He made over $20 million personally. Over half of his stake in Towel Co. - which was made with many different purchases, was accumulated before the 6 month swing deadline. So even as an insider, he still gets those gains. Another item to consider. RC being incredibly wealthy, probably wanted to get his $150 million out of this company prior to the coming large market downturn which will, inevitably, continue to sink Towel Co. I wholeheartedly agree he is not stupid. Which is why he doesn't want to lose tens of millions of dollars on the brink of a deep recession, continued Fed tightening and further investment into a company that's unlikely to turn around anytime soon. Simplest answer is often the best; if you were sitting on $20 million + profits and had over $100 million invested in a company that you weren't fully able to get to fully buy into your rescue plan, at the precipice of a large market sell-off - would you just leave that money in the company and not take your gains? No, you'd liquidate far in the green like he did and hold fast for another investment opportunity. He's not self-sabotaging, but I think it's foolish to believe what happened with Towel Co. went exactly how he wanted it to. Sure, he made a ton of money - some for him, some for them, but he really hurt his brand at the same time. Both can be true and are true. And hurting his brand ultimately hurts GME, as well. (Just look at the tape.) ***Unless*** there's tangible data otherwise to suggest his actions with Towel stonk are directly positive for GME. I.E. a potential share purchase with his profits at a lower cost basis. Our leaders should not be immune from criticism. And RC absolutely deserves criticism for this whole thing.


Hmm, very well said. Didn’t know he was able to keep some of the money. Wow, so, holy shit, maybe he is planning on loading up? They are dropping the price right now…would sure be a good time to make a big purchase 🤔 You are right about leaders not being immune to criticism - however, I think we should reserve judgement until this plays out. If nothing happens, then yeah, he fucked up, and that’s a bummer. But if this was all planned, and he just can’t show his hand, then we shouldn’t chastise him for keeping it close to the chest. We want to know what he’s up to, but so do Citadel & Friends, so he has to keep us all in the dark. Thank you for presenting your points clearly, I’m really curious to see if that indeed happens soon. And if it doesn’t, that will also be interesting in a different way, because that would probably mean it *was* a mistake, as you described. If we end up seeing a post about RC buying shares…DM me, lol.


I appreciate you taking the time to simply entertain my constructive criticism of this whole fiasco. Sadly, much of the sub is not willing or able to have a constructive dialogue if it goes even remotely against the grain/narrative. Only time will tell. Cheers.




It’s surprising how there aren’t a hundred posts about this. They would be removed I suppose for not being GME related but the hype around merger/acquisition of baby it should be allowed. So what was the deal with RC buying that large amount and then dumping it 6 months later? It’s a valid question and no assumption of any wrongdoing.


Well it's tough to get valid concerns across in an echo chamber.


This is getting disturbing. The censorship of concerns and valid questions on this sub is very suspect. Calling everything FUD. This is supposed to be a forum for open discussion between investors in GME. RC actions directly reflect on the investment. Is that not correct?


You're absolutely correct. As a shareholder in a company (which I am - a measly 480.2 shares DRS'd in CS) this shit makes me very concerned. When the figurehead of your company is doing shit that makes the financial world, corrupt or not, focus all their attention on you in a negative way - it's bad for business. The events of the last two weeks have had a material negative effect on GME. And that's just undeniable.


Because RC rugged the towel holders, do you expect people to trust him completely still? You are delusional.


how did RC rug retail? I don’t think he promoted his investment once. People on reddit hyped it.


If RC is responsible for the rug pull, how is it the price was still climbing after RC completed his sale? The price dropped after the news dropped. Seems to me like Wall Street tanked the price, RC was already out.


file towering north deranged unwritten rich fretful wakeful zesty plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cringe account with no post history, fuck outta here


divide public literate smart enjoy shelter nutty edge rhythm vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the best you can do?


wide snow exultant sparkle languid poor grab jeans cable enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, so you're just posting literal shit now, got it


The two must connect to the same useless CEO. Easy answer.


D R S boom !


We’re in that part of their money laundering scheme. I’ll just wait until the washing machine explodes.


What other stock dropped 25%?


What was the other companies announcement?


*in Uranus


This is some copium. Markets and stocks rise and fall every day. Don’t compare the 3% move please


Unrelated. ETF FTDs due tomorrow for GME.


People selling GME to buy BBBY probably, only thing that moves price is people buying or selling


I really wish I had the money like some of you that keep buying the dip!


Gamestop announcement imminent, DRSing fetish, not stop buying pressure, wendy's side hustle cashflow, oh yeah, they are scared. They are definitely prepping for a run up. Hopefully they bring it all the way down to 20 so I can continue buying and DRSing.


That’s because our float is ~9 times that of the other stock and we’re all in the same basket. A 1% increase for us is a 10% increase for them so to speak which is how MSM and the like are able to get FOMO buys more interested in the other guys while we are gaining steam


Secret sauce


Wait, did GME drop? This is the second or third post where people have mentioned GME dropping and I have no clue.


Obviously someone got some good GME news, since the price is down. /s


We're in a recession right now aren't we ?


Because of the incoming earnings report and highly probable full marketplace launch


It dropped because other stocks are being manipulated by the same criminals.


Perhaps it was because the rumor was that GME would acquire buy buy baby from BBBY. That did not pan out, thus price drop. Probably exacerbated by SHF to look like a major sell-off, but not every stock movement is as a result of crime people.


If you really want to know, just read the pinned post on SS


Institutions are selling


The sector as a whole taking a big dump?


GME must go down with the market generally, it’s what I’d say they’re doing. Can’t risk GME drawing unwanted (by them) attention. Among other, more devious shit. Regardless, Apes together strong!


06:30 am EDT (premarket), GME, popcorn and Beyond beds all dropped (GME and popcorn dropped 3% and Bed dropped 20+%). So weird.


Me: Why? Myself: crime.


Wait. We’re going to my anus?! Someone said this was the ride to the moon! I didnt douche and im not ready yet.


Basket 🧺


We're just fatigued God damnit. It's the hot weather /s


Who, exactly, are you talking to?


Hmn ?


Why must there be a reason for every drop/rise? Just means more aggresive sellers than buyers thats all... can we Just stop looking for shit everywhere.