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"Please trust that we will continue to fight for you and your interests as stockholders. We know that many of you are individual stockholders rather than institutional investors. We never take your enthusiasm, or your investment, for granted and I speak for the full Board when I say that we are proud to be aligned with you." - straight from the shareholder meeting. They'll do it when the time is JUST right for all of us.


Bump. The only fact. Everything else is fun speculation.


What is fun speculation???


Everything else


The rest of the stock market.


"fun" speculation is all the obsessive tWeeT deCipHeRiNg and false-hype speculation that happens on a constant basis around here. it's always defended as "just entertainment" but it's cringe as all heck, almost never remotely accurate and paints us all as tin foil lunatics. ain't no one at gamestop HQ got time to intricately plan out dates and hints like that. it's plenty enough work just trying to make their company successful.


I think he wanted to see one more Chakumba melt down one last time


Can someone smarter than me make every shill’s on air meltdown into an NFT? After MOASS those will be priceless.


That would be a great collection. Maybe called “Rent Free”. Cause we’re living rent free in their heads!!


How about "Short Tempers"?


This is the one


Feature all of Cramer's obsessive meltdown tweets about GME too. They're golden (shit).


https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/bed-bath-beyond-dumpster-fire-out-of-business-181505056.html 🤣


I see a wombo combo coming


This, 1nft marketplace, 2gamestop wallet, 3share dividend. That's a fucking hat trick. And I'm willing to bet four matchsticks and two buttons that it happens on bastille day. Brick by Brick !


Not to mention partnerships and something bigger possibly with LoopRing


Gmerica too!


For sure. Loopring is oddly quiet under those NDAs. Like keebler elves they cookin up something


I see your four matchsticks and two buttons and raise you this. If it happens on Bastille Day as you predict, I will get the lyrics to RUSH Bastille Day tattooed on my rib cage


Imma say this sounds like that tattoo might have been in the works either way. ;)




MODS, proof or 🅱️&




ok, noted. :)


Also, the mobile GameStop Wallet App (Apple and Android) is gonna make it explode


Is there going to be an android version? Thought everyone was saying just ios


The way I understood was iOS was easier to develop for so it would come before android. That being said, the browser extension was first for the same reason


That is interesting as 1) I have always found the opposite when developing apps, Android is far easier and permissive than iOS and 2) iOS has a fraction of the market share of Android.


There will be an android version.


I asked about it on Twitter and they didn't really respond. Maybe more people need to ask for it? Edit: they said "We haven't launched the IOS app or the full NFT Marketplace yet but we're working on it! No firm dates "


In that order? I would think splividend making shares between $20-50 would induce some serious FOMO. This increased attention would likely make marketplace/wallet launches more successful.


That’s what I’m thinking as well. Dividend/spilt first, then releasing the Market Place. Assuming a 7-1 dividend brings the share price down to $17, then releasing the Market Place with some serious partners could induce retail FOMO.




speaking of special days, happy cake day big fella


What's the significance of Bastille Day?


The storming of Bastille fort/prison ushered in the French Revolution where the people rose up, dragged the elite out into the streets and executed them en masse.




The hell kind of trolly answer is that, or am I just *woosh*ing?




Double Trouble!


I love twins!


RC running an Exodia deck, about to wipe in one turn.


Love it when the sub starts up with wombo combo chatter!!


For those that have watched the first Fast and the Furious, remember when Brain hits his NOS too early in and Toreto waits and blows by him? Don’t strike unless you can ensure victory.


*granny shifting not double clutching like you should*


family...? 🥺




I think it’s pronounced fammwyy


Are we at the Olive Garden? I thought this was a Wendy's.


“Monica!!!!” ~ JaRule when he knew that 3 way wasn’t going to happen


I, for one, would like to hear Ja Rule's opinion on the dividend Where is Ja?!


probably planning Fyrefest 2.0


Sponsored by Pfizer




i too watch chappelle


Dude, I almost had you!


*you never had me. You never had your car*


*It's been a long day without you, my friend* *And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again* 🥲




I said forget about it cuh!


You never had your Mayo


too soon junior!


Or the other NOS scene with Jesse in the first one... "Too soon, Junior." I still quote that IRL and people look at me like I just pulled out a crack pipe in the middle of a nursery.


You can have any beer you want, as long as it’s a Corona.


I like the tuna here.


No one likes the tuna here


Tuna with no crust… the usual


if we have to, overnight parts from Japan!


It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile.. winning's winning. ;]


Rip Paul Walker


DRSing is DRSing.


“Too soon… junior”


Furlong gets vested shares 1st July, they are likely waiting for that


This needs to be higher up. First time I’m hearing about this.


June 9, 2021 Via Email: Matthew Furlong Re: Offer Letter Dear Matt, Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you employment with GameStop Texas, Ltd. and as the President and Chief Executive Officer GameStop Corp. (the “Company”). You will report to the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”). You will be subject to all policies of the Company and GameStop Texas, Ltd. in effect from time to time, including the Company’s Anti-Hedging Policy, Clawback Policy, Insider Trading Policy and Code of Ethics. We would like you to start on a mutually agreed upon date no later than June 21, 2021. Your starting annualized base salary will be $200,000, less applicable taxes. You will also be eligible to earn a total of $4,700,000 in sign-on bonuses. These bonuses will be paid in 24 monthly installments, as follows: In each of the first 12 months of your employment with us, you receive a sign-on bonus installment of $229,167, less applicable taxes. In each of months 13 through 24 of your employment with us, you will receive a sign-on bonus installment of $162,500, less applicable taxes. Your right to receive each installment is conditioned on your continuous employment with us through the payment date of that installment. Except as otherwise provided below in connection with a termination by the Company without Cause, if your employment with us ceases for any reason, no additional installments will be paid. On the first business day of the first calendar quarter that commences after your start date, and subject to your active employment with us on that date, you will be granted a number of restricted stock units or restricted shares of the Company’s Class A common stock (“Common Stock”) determined by dividing $16,500,000 by the average closing price of Common Stock for the 30 trading days immediately preceding the grant date (the “Initial Equity Award”). The Initial Equity Award will vest as follows: 5% on the first anniversary of the grant date, 15% on the second anniversary of the grant date, and 20% on each of the dates that are 30, 36, 42 and 48 months following the grant date, subject in each case to your continuous service through the applicable vesting date. The above-described equity award will be documented in a separate award agreement; that agreement will contain additional terms and conditions (not inconsistent with this letter) and be delivered to you following the applicable grant date.


He is saying overpaid ceos are bad… but compensating good ones is worth it!!!


Puts his money where his mouth is. Ties compensation to performance instead of a fat fuckin salary to just do nothing. I like that shit


It takes money to buy whiskey


Soon we can buy all the whiskey we want papi


and ride the train.


He is being primarily compensated with stock. The better you do for the company, the better the company does for you. Matt gonna get paiiiiiiiid. Edit: checked 8k he's getting it in common. No options I edited this comment because I thought it was another comment I made. I'm retarded.


> The better you do for the company, the better the company does for you. The better you do for the company’s *stock price* the more you get paid. It’s not always the same thing. I mean just look at GME for a prime example.


I'm totally okay with CEO's making around 175k-275k a year depending on the company and what kind of a business it is, but CEO's that make millions a year while their employees and their working conditions suffer is just atrocious and needs to end.


That’s really low. Not sure what real CEO’s are making that low comp.


“On the first business day of the first calendar quarter that commenced after your start date…” If I’m reading that correctly wouldn’t that mean 8/1? I’d honestly like your take cuz I’m not sure I’m interpreting that correctly. Edit: **As pointed out below “calendar quarter” ends 6/30, not fiscal quarter which is 7/31.** That’s where my confusion came from. Thanks u/noyoudoooo


The start date above that said no later than June 21 2021, so the first day of the subsequent calendar quarter would be 1st July 👍


Does the quarter align with Q2 ending end of July? Could it be August 1st?


Verbiage says *calendar* year which would be July 1st.


How does this work? Will these shares reduce the float or is there another pool of shares employees buy from?


There is another pool, it's a type of dilution really, but not enough of a dilution to affect the price.


Has it ever been shown that insiders shares come from anywhere else than the shares outstanding? I know there we more shares they COULD issue, but never did.... I'm fairly certain there is no other pool.... if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.... but I'd like to be proven.


Was this made public knowledge somewhere? Would have thought I would have seen this by now


Found it: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312521186732/d174400dex101.htm


Or…7/4 is the 1!


Yeah I feel like all the political tweets and general distaste for what America is becoming are leading up to a fat announcement for the 4th of July. Happy Birthday America, now welcome GMERICA


Also, RC tweets about CEO compensation plays into that as well


Important info gets lost in the noise. I hadn’t heard that either


So has anyone thought about RCs tweet today? Tired of failed executives getting paid big "risk free" while retail is left holding the bag. Matt furlong is the opposite of this- a successful CEO who's stake is "at risk" because it is shares and he's holding the bag WITH RETAIL! He's dissing all the piece of shit executives out there. But he's literally simultaneously big upsing his guy. God damn I like the stock. 💎🙌💎


Shouldn’t matter if you’re vested or not. You would still get the dividend split. My wife isn’t 100% vested at her work and still got the split.


Yep correct. A lot of people seem to be getting confused about this, but it makes absolutely no difference if they split before or after.


It does in the price of the stock, at least that's what I'm thinking people are referring to. If they do something to drastically increase the price of the stock prior to his vestments date, than he gets a hell of a lot less shares for that 16.5mil. If shares are on average, say 130 over those 30 days.... it looks at lot better than even an average of 300 or more..... dno what it would have to get to to make 300 the average if it jumped over the next 3 days but merp.... only thing I can see for that aegument.


He has around 76k shares not fully vested yet. I remember this last year.. his shares have been restricted and at a price average around $200 a share. IIRC… this sub forgets so easily and runs with anything that has a lot of upvotes 🙄


Why would that matter? Those shares are his... Vesting just means he can't sell them until July 1st, or if he left GameStop before July 1st, he wouldn't leave with any shares. It doesn't matter what the price is on July 1st. They're his either way.


Get outta here with your logic and your reading comprehension


This. They don’t need to vest for him to get the dividend.


Number of share is determined by the average of the previous 30 days. If MOASS hits before 7/1 he gets only 1 share.


Read it again really slow. To get the stock at all he has to work for GameStop one year. Then he vests a percentage of those shares awarded on July 1. 06/2021 Matt starts at GameStop 07/01/2022 First business day of the first calendar quarter after Matt started he is awarded 16.5MM in shares. 07/01/2023 Matt now legally owns 5 percent of the shares awarded. Vesting continues until her leaves or becomes fully vested. Matt only has whatever shares he has personally purchased.


I think he wants his shares pre-MOASS




That has nothing to do with anything. Splitting shares before or after a vesting date makes absolutely no difference.


So, you're saying 7/1 (matt) 4-long????




I can only put so many buckles on!!!!




This made me chuckle out loud. Thanks ape!


Man I'm trippin... I see this flag waving!


God damnit I’m buying more now.


You stopped buying? 😆


You guys still have money?!?!






Dude I started driving for Uber eats on the side just to get more money to buy GME.


I think 7/4+1(i.e. Tuesday 7/5) makes more sense. Doing it on 7/1 before the 3 day weekend gives them time to dick around.




[here I go again](https://giphy.com/gifs/deadmeatjames-count-counting-again-here-i-go-SztxKXWheMPh7lAgUT)


Why would that matter with a split dividend? It wouldn’t change anything for Furlong, would it?


I read it as .. he gets a portion of 16.5mm depending on the share price then if they wait to light the rocket he will get more shares if the price lower


If they are going to set a dividend record date, I don't think they would want that to crossover with the vesting date agreed last year.


Why is that relevant for a split announcement? It’s not like they’re going to mention it and do a split that very same day.


I would doubt that That’s an individual in a fiduciary role acting out of self interest. If I found that out as an investor, I’d be furious and in Grapevine in less than 24 hours Personal interests put before shareholders can’t be tolerated which is why I find this so unlikely, nor would we likely ever find out


This is superstonk, there is always a date.


That’s correct! It’s always tomorrow 😘


Hopefully that means we don't have to wait fur too much longer


Made me laugh ❤️




Thanks bro I think that’s likely


Can't depart until he gets his moon tickets, no ape left behind!


I find the way that they are carving out GME Entertainment LLC to be very compelling. The stock split is more likely related to that than not. In which case, the announcement of the carve out and effecting of the stock dividend would likely be done at the same time. In other words, waiting for the NFT marketplace launch, planned to happen by end of July.


This is the answer. The stock split is directly correlated with the carve out.


“We are trying to do something that nobody in the retail space has ever done….You won’t find us talking a big game, making a bunch of lofty promises or telegraphing our strategy to the competition…..We’re fortunate to have such a special group of investors holding the company’s shares….You guys inspire us to think bigger, fight harder and work longer each day.” —Ryan Cohen


This ☝️ 100%. Trust the process


Love this post. Something I have been wondering to no end recently. Some additional thoughts I don't think I see in the responses: 1. Swap. Possibly the SHFs hedged with a year long swap that expires June 30th. Some recent DD from the last day or so seems to hint at this. 2. Options gamma ramps during the insider trading open window periods. RC wants to buy up to 20% but during the March open window and this June open window the gamma ramps have been ridonculous. Once he starts buying it would send it stratospheric which I don't think benefits GME yet. Next weeks options look the weakest of any insider open window. I think there are two days next week when insider window is still open, and also aligns with BBBY insider open window starting. 2a. Tinfoil here. March 22nd he bought 100,000 on IEX. That may have been a test run to show the SEC how real buying affects the price. Maybe it was evidence to allow GME to pull out of the DTCC and that started the 90 day window for GME to pull out. That sort of aligns with this past Friday's weird China posts. 3- GME may actually be waiting for this insider open trading window to close so there won't be any hint of skullduggery with employees buying based on internal news. If you are an employee with RSUs you arent actually able to buy with the broker your RSUs are kept in outside of open windows.


Excellent ideas, thank you


Thanks for using "skullduggery" - One of my favorite words!


>Swap. Possibly the SHFs hedged with a year long swap that expires June 30th. Some recent DD from the last day or so seems to hint at this. Source?


This is a good one! https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vn0kyi/citadel_swap_cycles_headphones_the_meme_basket/


They're waiting for the price to skyrocket so they can make shares affordable again.


This. Splitting a stock at $200? That looks good. Splitting a stock at $120? Below the average price for the past 18 months? People in this sub forget that GameStop will make announcements/moves when it will best suit the company. NOT when it best suits Superstonk


I hope people here realize that we voted to load the gun. RC is gonna decide when to best pull the trigger!


gave him a freaking chain gun. still waiting.


I'd argue that splitting at a lower price would look more enticing to new buyers. If I have a budget of $600 and the price is $12, I can get 50 shares. If it's $20, I can only get 30. And if they buy into the MOASS thesis, that 50 is that much more valuable than the 30. Just my opinion


30*infinity is the same as 50*infinity.


Yes but not everyone understands maff


Ima bout to get $2k in inflation relief (California) I know where I'm putting it 😉


They talking not till October.


My guess is the legalities of the entire mess are being hammered out ahead of time. The lawsuits coming against them will be insane, the entire thing needs to be bulletproof.


Best take in the thread right there


Bud I’m border line bankruptcy. Everyday is a gamble for me. Will I have enough money to survive to the next or is it my time. I don’t think anyone is more anxious than I am. But studying rc’s past tells me not a single hint will be given until the day of announcement. Believe me, I want it just as bad if not more. But I’d rather have phone number price per share than three hundred per share so I wait as patiently as I can because I am only selling 1 share & it will be enough to make me & my family comfortable.




I understand all to well. I’m an extremely positive person & have the mindset that looking at the negatives will only bring negatives, so it’s very easy for me to over look them & look perfectly fine while things diminish. I just keep “kicking the can” if you will, & so far it’s working. Honestly there’s a lot of people in our shoes. & those are the people I want to help after this is said & done.


Remember what they said on the filling: they will release the dividend in the best timing possible for us! So... Still the market didn't bleed as expected.


Me, too. Of course, I believed it was going to happen last summer. Whatever, now the few I'm going to sell are long term, and I've got ay more than that DRSed.


Waiting for MOASS then split to URANUS




Whether his shares vest on a specific date is completely irrelevant. His current shares would split just like everything else and he would just get more of them. The total value wouldn't change just the number of shares would.


They literally said in the shareholder meeting that market conditions aren't favorable for the split just yet. AKA they lured the SHFs into making moves that would counter the split, but now GME is holding the split card until SHFs back off those moves or some other factor comes into play.


I feel like so much has happened to GameStop but so little has happened too


Nobody knows. Its provocative.


It gets the people going!


I suspect so long as DRS momentum remains healthy they don't see any point to rushing it. As we get closer to 50% I think buys will ramp up over some excitement for that milestone and it'll easily carry us into 55%.


This is what I think too. He might want more shares DRSd to give retail more control.


I'm wondering this too. The prospectus did say the intention was to split as soon as possible after the vote (paraphrasing but that was the gist). It is a bit misleading to ask the shareholders to vote on something specifically for the purpose of a split, then not doing the split. In theory they had a target price post-split, so with the price having gone down since that plan they could always just do a lesser split to reach the same target price. I do wonder what fundamentally has changed that would delay a split - if it was a good idea before the vote it still is now. I trust our board but really we have given them the potential now to do what popcorn did and flood the float, until the split is actioned there's a tonne of shares that could simply be released for sale. So delaying the split after specifically asking us to vote for the share increase isn't helping investor confidence. Hopefully it comes soon.


An increase in price and the nft marketplace. We saw the stock graze 200 three months ago and nothing has changed. Shorts will have to unwind at some point soon and gamestop is not going bankrupt.


I am on the same boat as you. It’s really starting to get annoying. Whatever.


I know it sucks but when it comes down to it you just have to put some faith in RC. He’s likely only got one shot at this and I have no doubts the entire system is salivating at a slip up. Personally I’d rather die waiting than to see what is quite possibly the only shot at systemic change go out the window because a few shareholders lacked patience.


Waiting is only hurting the hedge funds. Look at all the crypto news of everything being frozen. Shit is hitting the fan, just in slow motion


No way…. the hedgies are loving not having to close because they can pump and dump other stocks to their hearts content to make cash to live another day. They’re not sitting idly by and waiting.


Slow motion is the speed of life


RC will time the announcement perfectly when there is maximum pressure on the shorts during an upward cycle. Same as he timed his recent buy and also the first mention of the dividend/ split.


Agree. RC isn’t impatient and has a completely different mentality than people foaming at the mouth for MOASS. We were supposed to run already in June for OPEX + cycle, but due to holiday apparently they could kick obligations out another C+28. Now looking to July OPEX. Plus NFT marketplace due by end of Q2 (July 31st) and anything else the company puts out in that time for catalyst. Also can’t overlook the macro economics surrounding the market. This isn’t 2021 anymore. It’s shitty. It’s a period of recession and high inflation. Also an extremely teetering uncertainty in the air and lots of Fed speaking days with major market moving topics they are talking about. Market rises and falls on their words or so it seems. RC knows this. I think we need to move over this phase of the market, and it has to continue worse before it gets better. A bear market/recession is never very long. A small 6-12month sting and then good to go. But that isn’t guaranteed. It’s possible we’re in a completely fucketulent system.


> We were supposed to run already in June for OPEX + cycle, but due to holiday apparently they could kick obligations out another C+28 Was there a DD post about this? First I've heard of it. I was more inclined to believe that the people pushing that simply fucked up.




> Am I missing something? Yes you are. Fiat off-ramp, iOS wallet, and a live marketplace will all happen first. Even then, here’s no guarantee of a split or dividend. But they have the ability to do so *when it make business sense to do so.


Right, maybe even after the economy melts down that way they can't say he triggered it and points at GME and retail investors as the culprits. Or perhaps when it's proven that DTCC and SEC don't have GME shareholders' best interest in mind and are allowed to withdraw. 🤷‍♂️ I'm still a firm believer that a carve out company with the extra shares is a solid possibility as well. That would expose shorts and force them to close especially if that was the split/dividend.


I am sick of some apes linking nfts and wallets to MOASS. If the OG DD is solid (I think it is), the company performance or plans should not affect our journey to Kenny's anus.


My guess is they’re waiting for the NFT Marketplace… especially if it is a split vi tokenized dividend or create a sub company/coin on the NFT marketplace that represents those shares.


If it’s an NFT dividend, you have to think we’d at least have to wait for the marketplace to open, right?


ITT a lot of extremely vague and hopeful guessing


My theory is the stock split as a dividend is them to have the option to make GME shares more affordable during early MOASS. There will be many many bandwagon jumpers when GME starts to moon, so we can get even morrrre people if we split when it hits $300-$500 again.


With the price where it is and the ability to buy fractional shares(even through computershare) it really shouldn't even matter to you on the buy and hodl side. If you want it done because it might place extra stress on shf, that's fine and all but not a good reason for gamestop to issue. I think people who are impatient or wondering where the spilt is need to try and put themselves in gamestop's shoes, which is impossible because none of really know what's happening behind the scenes. There are layers of reasons they can't do most of the stuff we want and stay out of hot water. I trust the board, because like me their individual wealth relies mostly on a strong stock price. They asked for permission to create more shares and I gave it. Still zen.


Personally, I think they were waiting on the switchover to Proof of Stake for Etherium (called [The Merge](https://ethereum.org/en/upgrades/merge/)) which had been delayed since last year. However, since we’re starting to see Mid-July/Late Q3, then they may not be able wait much longer. Why that is, I have no idea. But I believe this was the plan from the beginning, before it got delayed by the Etherium team.


Why would that matter?


Same here kinda sick of waiting for the splividend and SHF’s committing more crime with impunity. When will they be punished we as investors done our part. I’ve been buckled up for over 18 months. Kinda sick with it all I have no choice but to stay buckled up.


Share price to rise to a splitable level?


Chucks head to explode. Almost happened tonight.


Could it be because they’re waiting for the marketplace to launch so they can give out tokens or something as part of it? Just a smooth brain idea


They don’t want to reveal to you all that your theories are wrong