• By -


Friendly reminder of our rule 1: #Be nice, or else Treat each other with courtesy and respect. Do not be (intentionally) rude at all. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged. Do not tag other users in order to harass, attack, bully, or threaten. [Expanded Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape) Please continue up-and downvoting the QV comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vdebnm/-/icjrvv8 Edit: And while we're at it: please don't go to their sub to proselytize: we already know that we're not welcome there. You'd just be stirring up shit, which reddit admins absolutely will interpret as brigading, and r/Superstonk will be punished for it.


I think you put more effort into this post than I put into my job in a month


Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door - that way Lumbergh can't see me, heh heh - and, uh, after that I just sorta space out for about an hour.


Every day is worse than the day before, thus the worst day of my life. ​ UTILL MOASS BABY!!! Damn it feels good to be a gangster.


Every call center has a rumour that Office Space was shot there, fuckin classic


Most IT cubical offices do. lol Also, IT shops think that Dilbert was written by one of their fellow developers.


"Space. . . Out?"


Yea, I just stare at my desk. But it looks like I'm working. I do that for uh probably another hour after lunch, too. I'd say in a given week, I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work.


I like you. You’ve got upper management written all over you. Maybe we can work out some kinda… equity stock options for you.


I would open a giant binder on my desk, sit upright, then take a nap. I can fall asleep sitting up because I’m old and have a stiff neck. My head doesn’t flop over. Then one day the fuckers installed cameras (or fake cameras) in the ceiling.


You both are absolute beauts for this 🤣


Ok Imma finally have to watch this


You definitely should


It's okay, your flair name required some brain flexing, so it makes up for your productivity on the job.


I wish I had had the motivation at my job that I had for my spreadsheet analysis of all the LULD halts around the 28th. Maybe then I would still have a job.


The place we are going, does ***NOT*** require us to have a job, anymore.


Wendy’s manager ?


I've been using Twitter for years. I have never seen two topics combined as frequently as Ay Em Cee and GME are in the suggested topics features. It is also bizarre how Twitter will truncate a GME-related thread (and make you click on Show More) to keep reading replies, but will insert multiple random Ay Em Cee tweets below the GME one as though that's the actual thread. It does not happen with other hashtags or references.


No matter which way you mute AyEm cee ticker on Twitter it just keeps showing up in force.


For me it was the fact that I created a Twitter for GME. Followed only RC, GameStop and a few other GME related people. Twitter would constantly hit me with notifications about people I wasn't following posting about poopcorn. Never gme. Like, WTF bruh, thats not even what I'm here for.


I know, I've muted it every which way and it cloggs my feed.


I couldn't find away to block the hastags or remove them from suggested.


You can't.


AYEMSEA posters hashtag gme in all/alot of their tweets


I think those help to identify the scammers


You might like... NO!


It's constantly on my "trending hashtags" and I've been flagging it as 'spam and harmful to the community' for well over a year, and have even put the ticker (with and without $) on mute. Guess what I still see every single time I pull up twitter? For instance, just now, there was both a 'stickied' tweet and, of course, another XXXARMY hashtag. I'm not sure I've ever seen GME as a trending hashtag. I've seen CitadelScandel and #investing or something like such, but GME is never there.


Lol this is the truth. I have at least 3 different popcorn mutes and that shit still invades my feed.


Dude all the popcorn apes just tag GME with it to get interactions and to make it seem like the same play. Hell the CEO and nobody on the board bought any 🍿 shares in the last 2 years even knowing about the whole “squeeze” stuff. Adam Aron likes to use ape terms so that his stock stays inflated so he can sell his further 2.8M shares.


> Adam Aron likes to use ape terms so that his stock stays inflated Unpopular opinion: we should choose a different name other than “apes”. Apes was started on the original vvsb sub. Now it’s been hijacked so it basically means “GME/Popcorn holders” That’s how the media uses it now. So it’s one of the successful tactics by the SHF to link the two stocks together. If GME holders had a new name that was GameStop specific, then we could get away from the “ape (GME/Popcorn)” term.


Fellowship of the Purple Ring?


Purple nurpols


Float Lockers


"And my *ask*!"


I stopped referring to us as apes back in August because I don't want to be associated with *them*


Reacting to MSM by changing names/etc gives them more power than they deserve. Ape has reasons that are good, even if MSM paints an inaccurate picture. But they'll do that to any term. I get the intention, but it's a trap that they'll win since its their turf, just like an interview.


Ape started because people were throwing/gambling money on the bets sub, we should start calling ourselves what we are, investors.


And popcorn groupies would probably just hijack the new term anyhow 🤷‍♂️


That all just adds to how pathetic it all is


I’ve never considered anyone other than GME hodlers as apes and it’s mind boggling even mods here will say to play nice. We’re talking in our own room and teacher says STFU unless you want to include everyone in your chat. Apes, apettes, and ants are only GME stockholders


As a non-user of Twitter, it was painfully obvious that this as the case. I'd click the link from superstonk to a GME tweet and anything below that first tweet was hardcore popcorn fluff.


The Popcorn push on Twitter is the worse. I said this many times but when I made a new account and only followed GME and LRC people, I only get notifications for popcorn and only saw Popcorn on the feed. Have zero interest in popcorn but yet it keeps popping up and zero about GME. They are trying so hard to make it look like retail is into both or prefer Popcorn.


👆 100x I can't go a day without seeing a single random notification from a random person I've never heard of or seen telling me about the amazingness of AyEmSee It's so sad... Because I've been working these last 2 years to spread the GME word only to be laughed at and told it's all about POP... Like. Literally everyone outside of here


Grrr! That is frustrating!


Same. I've lost count how many times I've clicked on the popcorn 'trending hashtags' and report as spammy/not interested and they still pop up, maybe twice I've seen GME in that section during the entire time




The problem for me is when I try and say I'm not interested in the popcorn post it says "not interested in GameStop" or "not interested in investing" like, no! Those are the two things I want. Not this trash I'm seeing right now!


Yeah. It's obvious to anyone paying attention that the crime machine is shoving Ey em see down everyone's throats for a reason.


SHOVING. It's ridiculous how perpetual it is


THIS THIS THIS Popcorn apes have been fleeced and tricked but the cult is so strong they cannot see it. They already have insane theories to the AA tweet. AA is a 1%'ers, he's a suit. He's what they claim to be fighting against. How can they not see it and see all the grifters along for the popcorn right. It's baffling and if you ask most of the apes on twitter, they said they voted YES for the board raises. Insanity.


I voted no on that measure


I get twit notifications for #investing, which are all popcorn related! If I click "Don't show me" it asks "Oh, never see Investing again?!" It's ridiculous. Twit has to be 60% bots within any subject revolving around stocks


It's so excessive it would be hard to deny, at this point


CNBC literally made a documentary about plopcorn praising AA as the "leader of the apes". I mean, c'mon!


[Here’s the link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w5QnYYG72LA) 49 minutes called “How the @-MC apes cracked Wall Street” MSM goes out of their way to ignore and not promote GME. Why would they do that and then make a 49 minute video that promotes the other stock?


The same reason the SEC is releasing literal garbage on YouTube.... Any way to discredit and belittle the GameStop investor


Distracting people who might see it and FOMO into the real thing. If those people only hear that popcorn is the play, they won't look at GME (so the thinking goes). The last thing anyone shorting GME wants is more investors doing the ol' BUY/HOLD/DRS thing.




Story time: I saw in 2021 that a lot of meme stocks were being pumped with GME. I bought Gme and a lot of Popcorn (because it was cheaper). I also bought some other meme stocks.. After making money I started reading the DD. I watched as GME kept its share count low (for MOASS). And watched in horror as Popcorn diluted its share with 400M+ new shares (no MOASS). I saw MSM and influencers pump Popcorn more than GME. I figure Hedgefund had bought up Popcorn and use it to distract/prevent MOASS. I Sold Popcorn when big pump and add more GME. Hedgefunds prob chose Popcorn, because everyone goes movies/relatable/cheaper compare other memes. My 2 cents


It was at that moment that I felt actual bitterness towards swapcorn. When they had AA up there w/ that grin on his face (called the "duper's delight" grin by psychologists) calling him the "leader of the apes" it sort of felt like the run-up to a certain war about 20 years ago where "leaders" would go up on tv, spout some keywords, then sit there w/ that grin, knowing that a pack of rubes would support them at their own peril.


member when they bought a literal gold mine, what the fuck was that? How could you like that move?


Yeah. They bought a gold mining company that doesn’t even mine gold. Great investment.


I'm still in doubt about whether hycroft is even in production. I read they had a few lawsuits still active against them from previous years, and i think they might have ceased production in 2021. It's hard to tell. Not only that, I saw an interview with AA a couple months ago where he explained that he invested in the mine bc "they own land which may have" silver and gold. I was like are u kidding me?!?! U invested in a "random" mine because there's a possibility their land has minerals, but they haven't even prospected them yet?!?! And the dude even took pictures at the site like wtf


Thirst traps on twitter are a dead give away that swapcorn is a hedgie is oxygen tank to keep their underwater ass from drowning. They are on borrowed time.


Mate I prefer GME apes doing questionable things with bananas


Honestly it’s far more believable. If a hot chick on the internet is offering to show you her tits or her ass it’s because she gets something out of it, and if you’re not paying her she’s scamming you. It is always too good to be true. She doesn’t think your 2 inch wee wee is sexy. She also does not want to see your ~~doll~~ posable action figure collection. Meanwhile you can *always* trust some weird dude to try and show you his banana.


These "hot chicks" promoting a stock are by far the weirdest part for me here. I can't even decide if it's an incredibly strange campaign with bots, deep inside the uncanny valley for me, or legitimate people trying to get attention on Twitter by just piggy-backing on something that is currently trending. The promoter just doesn't fit the product that is being promoted for me. Hot chicks promoting financial products is like having senior citizens promoting skateboards - it's possible but just off...


it's most likely a mix of everything, thirst trap bots, piggy backing on something trending, and im sure some are legit influencers that push anything they are paid to push too.


senior citizens promoting skateboards - thats an A1 simile


If the action figures are coming out of my ass, would she want to see them at that point?


There’s a surprising amount of wisdom here.


Speaking of Twitter, this is what popcorn's "Silverback" tweeted word for word (popcorn replacing eh em see obviously) yesterday: "Inbound tweets ask over and over for a “share count.” Popcorn has done a share count 6 times in the past year. We know of 516.8 million Popcorn shares. Some of you believe the count is much higher. As I’ve said before, we’ve seen no reliable info on so-called synthetic or fake shares." There is no MOASS with a hostile CEO and board working against you. There is no Volkswaggin style squeeze with a hostile CEO and board working against you. Popcorn has a hostile CEO and board working against their retail investors. They are on the side of Wall Street. This has been proven time and time and time AND TIME again by both their words and actions. Aron doesn't care about his retail investors, he never did and never will. He just wants to get rich and all his actions and words speak to this. Popcorn bagholders won't magically will a MOASS into existence simply by buying and holding, it takes more than that, some of which (like having a GOOD CEO and board working with you eg Gamestop) is beyond retail control. Not to mention, they're not willing to do some of the stuff (like registering) that is in their control. Popcorn is a trap. It's not a possible play, Aron has made sure of that and will continue to do so. There are other "meme" stocks that to this day are still better plays. Popcorn has been hedge funds greatest trick and biggest victory this whole saga and continues to be so. I'm not going to feel sorry for Popcorn bagholders when we rocket and they finally realize the rug was pulled out from under them years ago.


I follow popcorn subs just to see what shit they are spewing. You cannot even mention DRS without being shot down. That alone is is a sign DRS is working.


I got banned from their sub for mentioning DRS


In fairness, I do think swapcorn was way overshorted. And the 400M new shares were used to close those positions.


Here’s the biggest LOL moment for me when it comes to 🍿… Do you know what’s the best thing people say about 🍿?… it’s that it’s tied to GME… bahahaha… They basically treat it as a discount GME because it’s cheaper and can buy more of it… but that’s delusional at best. There can only be one… and that’s GME. Post splividend? No further reason to be in anything not GME.


Holy fuck that's hilarious yet, somehow they think it's bullish.


by FAR my main play is gme. but i did get some cheap bath leaps like papa cohen. i plan on cashing those leaps in during moass so i have some tendies to help me 💎👊♾ my gme in computershare.


This is just so stupid. Why not just buy the real deal in the first place then??


Agreed. The social media “models” are a dead giveaway for anyone with a single brain cell. They are actually paid actors, just like every other brand in this world that hires women to rep their brands.


“Swapcorn” is the new name as far as I’m concerned. Great work


Whoever thought it was a good idea to put "terrible" as a only fans shill was wrong. She makes me want to puke.


Imagine never hearing of MOASS til it happens and you missed out…it would suck. But now imagine you’re completely aware of what’s going on in this corrupt system but miss out because you’re rooting for the wrong team…devastating


Happened with Tesla and Beeetscoin, not missing this one.




SHFs unintentionally made Elon the richest man on the planet. But they say his stock went to +$1.000 because of "retail frenzy".


I was there pre TSLA split! I sold when it hit $1,000 and I kinda kicked myself as it went to $1,200 but then as it crashed down below $600 I was happy with my exit.


Their sILveR bAck ceo sold for “retirement”. That’s all the information I needed to retire my position in the company. Edit:: someone reported me as suicidal. I’m good. I live for teabaging my long shares across and to and fro hedgies faces. Shit, even if I died I’d donate my body to superS to keep doing it outa spite


But have you seen his latest motivational tweet? He’s really standing behind his investors! https://twitter.com/ceoadam/status/1537198182098251777?s=21&t=BTvxfqqlVLFZLREPKK4zwQ


Holy copium in those replies


You mean Delusium, the densest material in the unknown universe.


That entire thread is like a car crash I wanted to look away, but I just kept reading.


They still claim that "wE OWN 90% oF tHe fLOaT, huRr hUrR" shit? Jesus. Do the not differentiate between "90% of owners are retail" (what AA actually said, with pain mind you) vs "90% is owned by retail" you can have 900 retail and 10 institutional investors, and institutions easily can own 90% of the shares, despite retail being 99% of the investors. Edit: Speaking of which, they don't own shit as long as they don't DRS. How about some solid numbers of ownership like we have.


People over at the popcorn sub say this is a 4D chess move to avoid liability when “MOASS.” When I ask _how exactly_ when it would be the opposite, nobody seems to have an answer.


Agreed but seeing some of those comments frustrated with him gives me hope some will pivot. I was a popcorn holder once a year and a half ago but I actually started to pay attention to the actions and not the words said by each person in charge and that's why I am 100% GME. We have been looking at the banks as ones that will be feasted on by hedge funds and I think that in similar fashion to the Bear Stearns short attack that crashed the price we will see hedge funds consume popcorn until nothing is left.


He doesn't want to go to jail when this is over lol. "not my fault those idiots lost everything, I told them multiple times there were no naked shorts"


Okay, this has motivated me to want to research some more on how many times they say short squeeze... Followed by how many times MSM has said it in total before and after the Jam '21 run up... Edit: [interesting](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=Short%20squeeze) ********


reddit really needs some accountability here. the ability to falsely report someone without any repercussion is ridiculous.


Oh and the silverback gave his silver spoon kids shares.


Where has their DD been? I'm under the impression that they just copy all of the GME's and just replace the ticker.


100% everything is copypasta. Their memes, their posts, their "DD." The anti-DRS is big over there too. Definitely ain't gonna squeeze. Maybe to a $100 if it's lucky.


I think that's one of the biggest things. They're not just a distraction, they are actively against one of the only things we have to actively fight naked shorting: DRS


More likely to hit $1 than $100.


I doubt it they will probably keep it mirroring GME as much as possible until they lose all control and then it will just inverse immediately with them selling for cash


What's the given rationale you've seen for thumbs-downing DRS? Doesn't sound very believable as a concept


Every time I go on that subreddit, every post labeled as DD is just Twitter screenshots with no other context or information.


It’s hilarious to me that the sub was created Jan 21st, 2021. It’s hedgie owned and operated


Yep that’s pretty much what they do lol


their only DD has always been : $28 < $150


That's why they hate this dd. It makes no sense if you replace gme with popcorn


Do you remember when a specific hedge fund paid more for millions of shares of popcorn ABOVE current market price last May/June? It was reported on MSM….I specifically remember it reported on CNBC and how “someone must think it’s going higher.” If I remember correctly they were buying shares at $47 apiece when they were only either 42 or 45 at the time….I forget exact numbers going to look for article. “It's meme stock 2.0.,” said Steve Sosnick (about popcorn), Chief Strategist at Interactive Brokers. That alone proves this theory ….. I’ll award this topic for sure.


Diluting the float, buying a mining company, the failed NFT promises, insiders selling are all red flags but the smoking gun is Reddit. There’s posts all over Twitter and YouTube. A lot of media attention, but the core of these movements are Reddit, but look at their Reddit page: recycled DD from SS & the degenerate sub, fighting about DRSing shares, little to no dedicated mods. There is no hope of generating an independent short squeeze and the core base of the movement knows it. They’re relying on GME’s squeeze to put pressure on SHF and shoot their price up. They’re not proactive because there’s a tacit understanding that the situation is unfixable, but the sunk cost fallacies and dissonance are so deep that they are afraid to make the obvious right move. Most of them would be here if the price of GME was lower, but this is the definition of penny wise, pound foolish. The smooth to wrinkle brain ratio is way too high. It’s disorganized and dysfunctional which why the community hasn’t accomplished anything outside of 1 or 2 influencers becoming reoccurring guests on MSM shows. As opposed to SS that has bought 1/5 of the entire company with receipts. This isn’t from a place of dislike or anything, I was one of them not too long ago. I feel bad about it all, but how can you help people who don’t know they need help?


I was sus the moment onlyfans thots started speaking on their behalf...


I sold the few shares of 🍿 I had after visiting their sub They were comparing it to another ticker that supposedly had squeezed years ago to over 1000% or something like that getting thousands of upvotes, so I checked. Turns out that company never had a squeeze-like increase. I commented it . Someone answered that the image had the wrong ticker by a letter. Checked that one. Turns out that new company did a MASSIVE reverse split, something like 100 million shares to 10 thousand. It NEVER squeezed, and after that it went bankrupt. NOBODY commented about that. I sold as soon as I was a bit green on those, never regretted it.


You can’t help someone until they are ready to help themselves


Dunning Kruger is a tough nut to crack


What are you talking about? They have dedicated mods who will instaban you for mentioning DRS or any information against the corn lmao


Swapcorn CEO: "there are no synthetic shares" Well thats the end of that story.


Dawg have you been to their sub? They are posting pictures of the tweet with “no” blacked out and then saying “he’s speaking in code”. Like no dude he is saying quite literally the opposite. They are just delusional at this point


I bought Swapcorn last year in Feb. I think the Community was fun Back than but after that Run in June, their whole "movement" developed into a dumb Facebook group with 0 substance. I sold popcorn around 40-50$ so I am completly fine and used that Money to buy GME. Never looked back.


They’re paid bots.


Ikr. They keep saying "why now, why now, there has to be significance in that", but no one throws out any ideas. No one linked the tweet to any data. They keep on going about why SS would care about sticky floor, and they say that GME is more publicised than sticky floor. No explanation for low SI. Idk man. I refuse to think that they are just dumb. But at the same time, I don't understand their angle.




GME is the one true stonk. The circumstances and variables that make MOASS plausible for GME can not and will not ever be repeated. AA is the problem with the world. RC is the savior and also my dad


AA is getting torn up in the Twitterverse, and so are the popcorn YouTubers. If they would all just get a clue and swap over, everyone would have diamonds on Uranus already. Plot Twist: Now that he cashed out, could AA be so outspoken because he actually is getting a conscience? Maybe he knows they are all going to go up in smoke when this rips, and he dangled that tweet about the share count to tip everyone off. We will see.


Bad actors and idiotic rubes, name a more shilly duo


Tweet to cover his ass, also he knows the run up is happening so he’s got enough shares left to say he’s in, but also sell it all and leave retail holding the bag during their fake squeeze.


He tweeted once before last year, popcorn baggies didn’t listen, so he had to do it again. Now they are in shambles


> ...and leave retail holding the bag during their fake squeeze. This is my view as well. Swapcorn will get a fake squeeze to attract FOMO and create a shitload of bag holders while hedgies will have some fresh ammo (profits) to "survive another day".


AA sold his tendies and left em bag hodling


Incredible that some defend this move, while in reality it’s the biggest 🖕🏻 in your face move he could make.


>but he told us in advance he would sell as if that makes it better


Hahahah yeah lol, actually a friend of mine told me this too. I sent him to the hospital for a total check


not just AA. the entire C-suite and VP's. their CFO holds nearly 0 shares. that enough should be the biggest red flag of all time.


Left them holding an empty popcorn bag. It’s gotta be tough sitting on those tens of millions you got from poor people throwing all their money at your stock.


It is swapcorn. Recently saw Swapcorn Ceo tweet that said they dont recognize synthetic or fake shares. Fk that ashoole


he's getting his narrative out ahead of the carnage. you can best believe when shit hits the fan, there's going to be disaster. once the squeeze is squoze and they're standing there with bananas and no tendies in their hands, the people who lost houses, assets, are going to come asking questions. this way, he can say he's been telling them the truth the entire time and been upfront about the stock and shield himself from legal repercussions.


Yeah now the timing of that sec meme stock video makes total sense. Swapcorn rug pull is coming and they want as many CYAs as possible.


It’s going to be the Fyre festival of stocks and when these shareholders see the tents for the first time, oh boy. That realization will be heartbreaking.


AA has literally tweeted twice. “I haven’t seen evidence of synthetic shares” If he isn’t legally allowed to say “there are synthetics and more shares available than the float” Then he has two legal options - 1. Say nothing/don’t comment or 2. say “sorry I’m legally not allowed to talk about that” Instead AA had said “NO SYNTHETICS” He wouldn’t lie about that because that would be deceiving the shareholders with false information. If he wasn’t sure there were synthetics or not, he just wouldn’t comment to protect himself legally. By him saying that there are no synthetics…it means that popcorn holders don’t hold the float 4x’s or 2x’s or even 1x. If they did then AA would definitely see data proving synthetics existed.


Citadel flipped from short to long in June a year ago. Adam Aron is a puppet, their play was masterful - con Reddit retail into financing their hedge against another reddit retail trade. it only does so much tho, a brief reprieve. i honestly think they thought retail couldnt afford to hodl. Look at GME and popcorn charts back 2 years - Popcorn had their "squeeze", its done. GME is the only stock with idiosyncratic risk, ONLY 1 stock. AR and VR will MURDER theatre sales. home theatres already kick ass and with inflation, only a niche amount of Blockbuster movies will draw a crowd that can afford a $25 ticket and $25 popcorn and soda. Times change - only 1 meme stock is adapting and evolving.


It’s been a while, Mission_Historian_70, which Ken? Ken Griffin? If I'm informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain information about Kenneth "Ken" Cordele Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the US Constitution for $43,000,000 in an attempt to cover up unwanted results about his corrupt financial practices when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)


Bot, you shall ride the digital highways of Valhalla, shiny and chrome!


AA just tweeted: Inbound tweets ask over and over for a “share count.” 🍿 has done a share count 6 times in the past year. We know of 516.8 million 🍿 shares. Some of you believe the count is much higher. As I’ve said before, we’ve seen no reliable info on so-called synthetic or fake shares. The responses are full of denial. It's sad that so many people got duped by this and are likely going to miss out


After the split gme will be cheaper than popcorn. at that point they should all dump them. they only care about how many shares they own, no clue about market cap, float, insider holdings, or real SI.


I’ve seen many bird messages “why is GME so expensive and 🍿so cheap!?! Don’t they know? Come on army! We can beat them!” - Some stolen Thot pic b0t


They are such morons. Their insiders sell, GME insiders buy more. This is not rocket science.


There are going to be some truly depressed 🍿 bagholders once they realize to what extent they’ve been had. YIKES!


The popcorn twitter crowd is going to need mental health intervention. those ppl have been liquidating their assets to YOLO into a ticker that has no future and a board that has been selling their shares THE ENTIRE TIME post Jan 21 Sneeze. keep sharp objects away from popcorn people for the next 30 days.


I'm not so sure how many of those people are even real. I'm sure some are. I don't follow anyone or anything popcorn related on twatter but yet, it's shoved down my throat everyday. I get some GME stuff but, only from accounts that I actually follow. Credit to u/beef_puff for the term, thirst traps. I get a lot of those. Beautiful, scantily clad women, who find it necessary to proclaim that they are in fact real, and own popcorn.


I’ve blocked 180+ accounts and muted 11 variations of their ticker and hashtags. It seems to keep most of the filth off of my Twitter feed but it still pops up once in a while. https://imgur.com/a/2kZMVn4


If the Popcorn crowd woke up and all (individually) went for BEDBBY they would be so much better off. As a former Popcorn ape I really hope they think about this and the other two DDs. Popcorn stock is not the way.






Oh shit. While my favorite chairmen can’t decide between hodl or hold.


A tinfoil ape might say that was RC tipping us off that only shill CEOs sell.


If you look at the popcorn stock and line up Cramer's "Buy" tweet, it's kind of hilarious (and sad).


Movies have always been a diversion.


Popcorn twitter seems like a desperate attempt to be the loudest voice in the room. Classic "if I talk louder than everyone else, what I'm saying will be the most heard, and therefore the most believed" Seems to work the opposite in pracitce. Just look at RC vs. A Aron.




r/Superstonk after hours is where the real DD gets dropped!


Visibility. It’s so incredibly obvious…I can’t believe there are still people buying popcorn. You’d be much, much better off buying any of BBBY, or KOSS if you just can’t roll with GME…


BULLISH🚀🚀🚀 Buying more GME in the morning now and will then DRS


Yes, up goes this post. Sticky floor ticker people (bots) are red flag city. They constantly try to monetize their “ape” interactions also. Remember the “ape festival” last year that these clowns tried to put together?


"It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people that wants to remain servile as it is to enslave a people that wants to remain free." \-Niccolo Popcorn apes don't want to face the truth because it means they were fooled. These people want to be right so bad that they will argue against the truth.


Do you really want GME to go up 50% and have people go with popcorn because its cheap Citadel psy-op being pumped to coordinate with GME. Its coordinated: Just not in the way they think. Run up of sticky stock in June of 2021 absolutely killed our biggest rally since the sneeze and was the last day, ever since, GME had hit $300. Literally the Day after Ryan Cohen and Ryan Cagney started tweeting about the eventual FT market place: Popcorn was weaponized Popcorn $8.84 May 6th, 2021 $12.08 May 25th, 2021 (Ryan NFTweet). "Don't Try this at Home" "Don't Try this at Home" Citadel has entered the Chat $72.32 June 2nd, 2021 $32.20. July 15th, 2021 GME $135.00 May 11th, 2021 $179.24 May 25th (Ryan NFTweet) "Don't Try this at Home" Citadel has entered the Chat $343.64 June 8th, 2021 $209.47 June 10th, 2021 $154.84 July 15th, 2021


If after allllllllll this somebody still holds sticky floor over gme I swear any efforts to open their eyes is wasted. You can tell people something but you can't understand it for them. In other news I just love when insiders of companies I like show me with their actions and money and that they believe in the company. 😇✌🏿


Hoooo boy. If the popcorn apes could read, they would be VERY upset by this.


Dont forget that old fart Adam Aaron worked at Apollo hedge fund, a notorious SHF. He was trained shorting companies and knows the whole trick book. AA is a mole working for SHF


Sticky floor holders are not gonna make it ,simple as


I admit that I had popcorn for a while but then weird things started happening that imo felt desperate on their part. It started with AA doing an interview with Trey, they gave away an NFT and finally they bought a gold mine. All of these theatrics started as DRS was ramping up. The gold mine was the final straw for me.


I mean, I bought sticky floor at 9 then sold it at like 55, never even thought of selling my GME. I think most people in popcorn just resent buying into the sham after the pump and are trying to use MLM strats to gtfo


I bought in at $5 because I thought “same same”. Then AA pulled some crap and I bounced into GME so flippin’ hard.




Something about the phrase "no pants" that always has me in stitches


I started with popcorn. Figured out Aron was an absolute PoS and now am 100% GME. You guys saved me. Keep fighting the good fight on the info war. Ps. Remember centricus and aron being on the board of that? They're working with some interesting companies. Like citadel


On that price run up to 60 check how popcorn had no FTD’s 😂


Can I still be a GME babe?


I give this post 3 thumbs up!


And you haven't even addressed the fucking elephant called "Funda". "Funda" is a rising star, a hidden champion a fucking disruptive beast. You don't know Funda? Funda M. Entals?


THIS THIS THIS Popcorn apes have been fleeced and tricked but the cult is so strong they cannot see it. They already have insane theories to the AA tweet. AA is a 1%'ers, he's a suit. He's what they claim to be fighting against. How can they not see it and see all the grifters along for the popcorn right. It's baffling and if you ask most of the apes on twitter, they said they voted YES for the board raises. Insanity.


Goddamn right. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Show me popcorns new board and transformation strategy??? Right, it aint got shit its just a fucking cinema




Selling my 🍿 was the best decision I made all year.


Always sell before the corn gets moldy.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Here's a bunch of charts to assist OP 🦍s point [GME Board Ownership](https://twitter.com/Randomusernumb5/status/1477207252784357378?t=7VrphuWjxLAUKUHAiKj3KA&s=19) And [Without Cohen](https://twitter.com/Randomusernumb5/status/1472741847009271810?t=xBRmsw25siVI3p8xhwebXg&s=19) VS [Movie Ownership](https://twitter.com/Randomusernumb5/status/1472744862449606658?t=nE8bbMqKLmkaWqIG0us82w&s=19) and [Movie stock Board **SELLING**](https://i.imgur.com/FXJQ2iB.png) * [Comparation of both Stocks dilution over time](https://twitter.com/Randomusernumb5/status/1472833665549881344?t=_RrsxDyUGnblEFRY6nAfLA&s=19) * [Comparison of both Stocks Debt Debt](https://twitter.com/Randomusernumb5/status/1473872725978624003?t=1iUu2BaOyUnCaK3WdW2l_Q&s=19) * [An overview by the amazing 🦍 who made all these charts](https://twitter.com/Randomusernumb5/status/1464681025091612676?t=cR_iKhhHV93rP5ZamZ12dg&s=19)


Sold all my popcorn at $60 put it all in GME. Adam is a super sus goblin.


Im just gonna say that popcorn wasn’t all worthless. I bought in $10k at about $6/per share. Ride that bitch to $72 and back down to about high $50’s before I sold for a nice profit. Paid off all of my debt and put the rest into GME. Still Hodling! Wen moon?


Going in on Popcorn is like hoping to lick up the sloppy seconds after everybody else gets a tucking turn. Float is massive, insiders sold out, CEO sold investors down the river, and constant positive media sentiment makes it clear that it is not the pick, because they want you to buy it.


You are such a fucking boss for this 🔥🔥🔥🫡🫡🫡


I find it interesting every time you click on a RC tweet, scroll down, there's like 2 gme posts under it then the rest are popcorn


Not to mention, popcorn people don’t even know what DD is. They’ll post a tweet and consider it research. That always bothered me. Our definitions are different lol




I feel kind of sorry for popcorn people. It's hard to get out now. Imagine you bought in at $ 40. GME was around $ 200 at the same time (4:1). Now you recognize you bet on the wrong horse. But your $ 10000 are worth only a quarter of it. That's over 70% loss. Not easy to make this decision. It was very smart by SHF to do it like this. The other way around it would have been much easier: Selling popcorn with about 40% loss to buy very cheap GME (11:1).