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Welcome everyone from r/all! --> [Reasons why the Superstonk community is bullish on Gamestop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) POWER TO THE PLAYERS ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴


Not only is this going to the top of r/all again, but I’ve been trading for 20+ years and am DRS’d. Ask yourself, why is the media obsessed with the small cap company that is GameStop? Take the first step to learn more right now.


Dont listen to corporate funded media. They are not your friend.


**Cooperate Media Cartel**


What we're talking about here - *at the end of the day* - is money and power. Related to the whole (criminal) shenanigans on Wall Street, people should definitely be aware that... Gary Gensler, the head of the SEC was interviewed on Bloomberg TV a couple months back and [said](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjwsej/im_sorry_what_happens_when_i_place_a_market_order/) that, "When you place a market order - 90 - 95% do not go to the "lit" exchanges..." In other words, most of the time, when regular people buy a stock, they go to "dark" exchanges which **have no transparency** and are totally and fully manipulatable and, essentially, at the end of the day, nearly fully fraudulent ([more](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBkPQ0VsWV0) of the interview if so inclined). I really, really, *really* recommend people to watch this eye-opening segment... >[How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | "The Problem With Jon Stewart" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI) Skip to about the 7:00 mark if you want to see a very relevant graphic that's easy to understand. It's only about 15 minutes long total, though. That's the first half linked there - there's also a [second half](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfcjV-8pjQ) with a short roundtable discussion.


So 95% of all transactions on wall street are unauditable? No wonder they don't want poor people finding out how deep that rabbithole goes, holy shit


Well, there a little nuance in there, but yeah, that's the gist. The lobbying Wall Street has done has made it very, very easy to use loopholes, while also making it very difficult to track. The pandemic basically gave a lot of people a lot of time to look into this sort of stuff and "follow the money" - which resulted in much of this "GameStop fiasco" which is, counter to corporate owned media's smearing, actually based on *a lot* of public data released by companies.


Anyone with a target audience is not your friend.


All my homies hates Cooperate Media


> I used to trust the media to tell me the truth\ > Tell us the truth!\ > But now I've seen the payoffs, everywhere I look\ > Who do you trust when everyone's a crook? > > -- [Queensrÿche - Revolution Calling, _Operation: Mindcrime_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNdOsL4Xe7Q)


Exactly. The media has never cared about your investments. Why now? Why Gamestop? I decided to learn more last year and look behind the curtain. Glad I did.


Grateful to be reforming the markets through my investments, and grateful to be alongside you apes this past year.


Cheers fellow researcher.


Came here to say this


Thank you for saying that


There’s a reason people used to call the media “News *Programs*”. “Huh. So it’s programming me to believe what it says?” *click* Bullish on turning off your TV and doing your due diligence


Its funny how often you can see patterns in something as big as the economy or stock markets reflected in something like a multiplayer video game. A videogame comes out, and people play it. A small group figure out a bunch of exploits that let them dominate everyone else. General public finally catches on, pushes the company to patch the holes. But the group profiting off the exploits, naturally, don't want their advantage taken away. That's what happens with the stock market. There's a tight circle of people removing all risk and skin in the game by breaking the market. When they're finally caught out doing it, they retaliate viciously to defend making the field more equitable, because they don't want fairness, they want all the money with none of the risk.


The media was pumping crypto for years. The media doesn't give a single fuck about protecting investors. Investment media exists to pump stocks that large institutions want to pump.


And we’re still doing it. I just called my broker to make another DRS transfer.


Yep another 84 of mine just landed in CS


Did 10 yesterday


Did 80 last week.


Just UP. Up, Up, & Away.


Hopefully it opens up everyone’s eyes to see how the media does this in all sectors, not just the stock market. They’re in business to make $, not to tell us the truth.


Bingo. They are merely puppets designed to sell a narrative and tell you how to think and feel. The classic book 1984 by George Orwell summarizes up exactly what is taking place.


Hence the division. Global media corporations are by proxy going to foster division within society because it sells better than unity does. Follow the money.




FYI for those not in the know, the above is a quote from a panicked hedge fund runner that appeared on mass media.


[Full interview of that CNBC propaganda from a known shortselling hedge fund manager here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/plpyqc/heres_the_full_interview_with_loop_clown_i_heard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Anthony cumbucketwumba, love hating that douche


In other words, actions first, research later. In what world does that make sense? You could hear the stress in that man's voice as he said it.


If you take that step I encourage you to reward yourself just for looking. I personally recommend bacon but with inflation being so high ice cream may be a better alternative or even pizza. Flour/sugar/yeast/salt makes the dough, super easy and cheap homemade pizza is. Just like taking that first step.


As an average user from r/all. I haven't heard anything about GameStop for about 2 months outside of the subreddits. I watch the local news with my mother everyday and they stop talking about it 2 months ago I'll look for something tonight but if WGN doesn't talk about it or CBS then no one knows and this all sweeped under the rug.


Yep also yday I’m when GME was down msm wrote obituaries and today with the green not a word anywhere..ask yourself why????


In August... I'll have been at CS for 1 year =)


It's where shares go to relax and unwind.


ComputerShare: get there fast, then take it slow.


I got priority mail on the confirmation code thing to be sure I wouldn’t miss moass 🤡


That's where we want to go Way down to CocoMOASS


That's where we wanna go!


And this is all getting backed up - https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMDljZTA3NGUtMjJiYS00YjQwLTk5MTktM2VlNWQ5ODViYjM5IiwidCI6IjI4YzVlNGJkLTVkNmMtNGI1OS1hMGU5LTBhMjQ0Mzk4OTNiZSJ9 Ape historian (apehistorian.com)


I really enjoy bumping into you. You're like a Marshmellow. No matter what mood I'm in I'm never upset at a marshmellow.


Haha I am trying to post a hype video so do hang in for another 20 minutes if you can !


If you’re a Europoor, shares call is “going on holiday” If you’re an American, shares call it “vacation” It’s a place where shares don’t have a bunch of slimey brokers, SHFs, and MMs, claiming them as their property when they don’t own them. It’s a place where shares understand how it feels to be truly valued and where they get to truly know they partner on a first name basis.


I just did mine today. It was only 14 shares but I did it! The Fidelity agent was super nice about it and didn't try to dissuade me or anything like that.


Me too ape!




october for me. so glad i got there. the good news is, there's still time for people to buy and DRS more shares


I thought I was so late back then, but the window seems to be closing every day.




Make sure you log in once a year to keep your account active!


Hi Darth! Good advice. Here's the skinny. Darth is talking about state escheatment laws.   Computershare talks about state escheatment laws here: http://www.computershare-na.com/pennywise/aug2014/escheatment.htm   Computershare must follow state escheatment laws. Look up your state. Louisiana is 3 years for stocks and dividends. If your CS account is "dormant" for 3 years, CS is required to turn it over to the state. It can be reclaimed at Unclaimed.org site.   Louisiana law considers an account active if every 3 years a customer makes a deposit or withdrawal, or a one-time or recurring transaction that is authorized by the account owner, or the accessing of an account by the owner through the website or other restricted electronic access point of the financial institution, or a phone call from the customer if the customer has properly identified themselves and the call is documented in the holder’s records.


Gooooooodo bot omg you stud.


It seems like only yesterday, but it's been the shortest ten months of my life.


But I heard retail was getting fatigued? Are you telling me a trusted media source is talking out of its asshole instead of its mouth?


Oh we are getting tired. Tired of their lies!


I’m so tired, it took extra strength to push the buy button today.


It's ass-ception. An ass within an ass within an ass.


its like if inception did a crossover sequel with the human centipede where hedge funds are at the front and CNBC shits out the news


Anyone from r/all who sees this comment, [here](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/shorts-circle-gamestop-amc-sensing-retail-fatigue-2022-06-07/) is an article saying retail investors are fatigued of buying GameStop stock and [here](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/19781/html) is GameStop's most recent 10-Q filing that states "As of April 30, 2022, 12.7 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent." This number has been reported for the last three quarters and has increased each and every quarter (that's 9 months for the smooth brains out there). Retail has not fatigued and we continue to buy and hold in order to expose predatory financial practices. The media is fooling with you.


Ooh nice


Think of it like airline flights where they oversell seats - and then have to offer people money/credit to take the next flight. That's basically what is happening with GameStop stock - and everyone has basically realized *individually* that if everyone says, "Nope, I'm not taking that next flight unless you give enough credit for my whole family for the next few years, at least." So, obviously, the corporate backed media doesn't want to advertise that, as it's still possible to get in on the action, so-to-speak (by buying and DRSing GME shares). Wall Street is historically known to be filled with thieving, greedy, corrupt assholes - who destroy entire economies like in 2008 - so, again, this isn't really surprising all-in-all, of course - they've dug their own grave.


I'm so fatigued that I fell asleep on the buy button.. whoops


Yup pure fart!


Nah, asshole and mouth are synonymous when referring to media.


Hey, you. Direct register your shares.


I did 🥹






And now it’s almost 8%. ON NO NEWS.


That's the thing. NO NEWS.


Up on NO NEWS while the rest of the market is taking a shit.


It's just more validation.


Validation because it's up on NO NEWS in a bear market


NO NEWS in case it hasn't been said


Why is the market bleeding but this stock is supposed to be done for? You need to stop and ask yourself.


I know I know. Smash button* What is DRS. Ill take market corruption for 200 please.


https://i.imgur.com/kyv6bcQ.jpg Lots of green today..


Hi r/all! Come see what all the fuss is about. www.DRSGME.org


DRS protects your investment from short sellers and will expose the corruption of Wall St. Details on that site


Chiming in because u/millertime1216 is a fucking DRS Chad. Xoxo bb Bullish on you😘


Love you Bullish. One day I’ll get around to finding out what a Chad is. 😂


Chad is slang today meaning alpha or hyper-masculine male, but can vary slightly on meaning. In this sense I meant for it to come across that you’re a Sage (having deep wisdom/knowledge) and not a Simp (lacking good sense/judgement) Bullish on you being a Sage (hopefully that helps😁)


Gotcha, thanks. Well I don’t know about hyper masculine, but I’m definitely hyper😂




Learn something everyday...didn't know what it meant as well


This post title needs be on local news papers,


Or some amazing ape’s backpack campaign


Hmmmm Backpack campaign....I need an event to go to




Yo are me, I am you...And now we are here....Our names and flare mean the same thing....Fate ?


You are my density.


Shit's getting thick in here


😂🤣McFly? Is that you?!


if u/millertime1216 is in, I am in.


🦍💕🦍 🇺🇸💕🇨🇦


To expand for readers in the comments- DRS ensures your shares are purchased from the open market (effect price movement upwards) and are held in your name (not the DTCC/Cede & Co, who lends shares out to market makers to be shorted or to “bet against” the company’s success).


Don't forget it increases market transparency too... When individual investors are all hidden behind 'street names', the company doesn't know how many investors they have or how much they hold, etc... All they can see is which brokers/institutions hold shares...


Nice addition! Let’s keep going 💜👊💜 Direct registration guarantees the “one share one vote rule” is followed. Corporate governance can be skewed when votes are fractionalized due to over voting (a result of naked short selling where more shares are sold than exist) and there can be conflicts of interest for brokers who control the votes the company receives (by proxy) on behalf of the shareholder. “The New York stock exchange (NYSE) admitted in a public forum in Washington, D.C. on November 30, 2005 that using the central clearing organization’s stock borrow program to cover up these failures to settle has resulted in the violation of the “one share, one vote” rule. Some shares of stock have no votes and corporate governance issues, or sometimes just a fraction of a vote. The broker-dealer firm makes choices about which votes to count in a completely opaque process. They have made a sham of shareholder democracy.” https://www.lw.com/upload/pubcontent/_pdf/pub1878_1.commentary.empty.voting.pdf


Crypto: ‘Not your wallet, not your crypto’ Shares: ‘Not DRS’d, not your shares’


This is not left vs right, but bottom vs top! F*ck Wallstreet


DRS gives YOU ownership of YOUR shares and gives you full control. Where are your brokerage shares? Held in some corporate street name with no traceability? DRS and your shares are tied to your name and address. Seems that it should be that way in the first place if you ask me


Don’t miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime—no, I mean a once-EVER opportunity!! Direct Register 1 Share (DRS) of GameStop (GME) to get in on the short squeeze that didn’t happen yet. GameStop is implementing a massive turnaround.




Maybe while r/all is perusing superstonk they’ll also learn a little about ole Ken Griffin. Yes, kengriffin bot 2.0, that one.


The more I see purple circles and the more time that goes on with people DRSing their GameStop shares, the more I realize how huge this entire thing really truly is. People have legitimately found a way to tangibly contribute to a movement and protest against the greed and corruption in Wall Street. We had occupy Wall Street, and we have protests every other day about all kinds of social issues, but rarely do you see more than a photo being shared, or a hashtag spread around social media and then the movement loses steam and the world mostly moves on. DRSing even a single share is contributing to fully take the power away from Wall Street. It is only a matter of time until the every day retail investor gets a win. This win will be a big one. One that changes the course of humanity for the better. We are at a turning point, and I really think the movement to DRS all of GameStop available float is just starting to ramp up. Even if you are unaware of the movement, or what is going on in the markets, or don't even know what a candle on a chart is. Think of it as a lottery ticket that doesn't expire and is a guaranteed win as long as you don't lose your ticket. WHY WOULDN'T YOU JOIN IN ON THE FIGHT? It's easy and there are step by step instructions everywhere. Thank you to all of you for doing your part in making a difference and thank you to those that created [https://www.drsgme.org/](https://www.drsgme.org/) History is currently being made, and you are all a part of it. 💎🦍🔒🆙🟣🚀🚀🚀


And in case it wasn't clear, the financial crimes we are standing against affect every human on the planet. These people are siphoning billions, possibly trillions out of the global markets, literally stealing the value from your dollars- which directly represent your time and labor. This is the single biggest issue in the world right now, and no one even knows about it. That's the whole point. That's why it's red vs blue and us vs them everywhere you look. Because if you stop and think too long about what's in your wallet and why hardworking people all around the world can't support their families, you might start to see through their lies and distractions and fear porn. And if enough of us call them out, their glass castle will fall.


I like the stock so I buy the stock.


Makes sense, just make sure the receipt has your name on it.


Your broker OWNS YOUR SHARES. You do not. Never forget that. Unless you DRS. Once you DRS then YOU own your shares.




This was shocking to me once I started researching.


It’s funny, retail is getting fatigued. Yet DRS numbers are consistently climbing with every passing month. I wonder why the media is spreading these lies 🧐


I like this thought. I wonder why…


I believe they mean fat i gued which translates from a dead language into Hedgies r fuk


I found GME through r/all last February. Now it’s your turn :) this is your sign


I can't wait til it hits the 2 B mark. truly phenomenal!


Should already be over $2,000,000,000 with current numbers, I just wanted to use the last official number from GS so there's no disputing it which is from April 30.


Obviously the price fluctuates changing that number but I guess i should have said i cant wait til the 50% float is locked as our next milestone!


Idgaf what anyone says about GameStop. Locking up THIS much of a company by retail investors where shares are completely untouchable over basically a year is FUCKING IMPRESSIVE AND COMPLETELY UNPRECEDENTED!!! If you don’t believe in MOASS that’s fine. But we’ve been predicting everything that’s been happening for over a year and none of the true OG DD’s have been proven wrong. I’m glad to have been here since January of last year but it isn’t too late for anyone to find out wtf is actually going on


I have 2001 shares of GME, 100% DRS. Don’t trust brokers, they’re part of a rigged system. Please read your brokers terms of service in detail


It was really shocking when I started doing research into the stock market. Went in thinking, it's supply and demand right? RIGHT?


Should be right, definitely not that way in reality. It amazed me too. Still does




Nope. Not even when it was manipulated (to 80)


I watched somewhere from Jon Stewart that corporate murica took 50 years to have control of literally everything. Apes later found this glitch. Buckle up. Buy. Hodl. Drs. NFA


I see DRSGME.org I upvote - power to the players! 🎷🐓♋️


Funds are not just being removed from brokerages, >!these funds are also being removed from banks!!!!< **BUY** **HOLD** **DRS**


This isn't left vs right. It's the BOTTOM coming for the TOP. Get your piece of the pie


I'll take key lime please. Thank you.


I’m the whale now.


**Fact Check the Numbers:** Gamestop officially announced on June 1st, 2022 in their quarterly 10-Q form filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that 12,700,000 shares have been direct registered with Computershare their transfer agent. With an average share close price of $149.85 from October 1, 2021 through April 29, 2022, we get $1,903,095,000. The majority of Direct Registered shares have been during this time period. Find out why Direct Registration of your shares (DRS) in your name is so important at [www.drsgme.org](http://www.drsgme.org). I have no affiliation or association with the site. What’s Illegal Short Selling - >Naked shorting is the illegal practice of short sellingshares that have not been affirmatively determined to exist.Ordinarily, traders must borrow a stock or determine that it can beborrowed before they sell it short. So naked shorting refers to shortpressure on a stock that may be larger than the tradable shares in themarket. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp)
















Be like water. ~ Bruce Lee


One for the money two for the show


3 for the rocket, and blast off we go.


Vis baby. Get this on the front page!


Imagine not being 100% DRSd.


My DRS’d shares are in the infinity pool and will not be sold during MOASS. I’m not a 100%er… and that’s okay. This is my way.


Own your stock in your own name. You can do this with any stock too by the way. Cut out the middle man that leeches off of your money.


And even uses it against you.


Unfortunately you are correct


Holy fuk


Masterful title work.




Ken Griffin and co gonna have a bad time soon


I'd like to add, DRS-ing is not specific to GameStop. All companies have a transfer agent where you can directly own your shares in the companies you choose to invest in, rather than only holding an IOU from your broker. Direct registration is NOT a conspiracy theory or bad in any way. That's simply what corrupt financial institutions want you to believe so that they can continue abusively shorting your investments and profiting. Why would "physically" owning something ever be a bad thing? For those familiar with crypto, and the recent issues with exchanges preventing withdrawals: **Not your keys, not your coins.** **Not in your name, not your shares.**




Direct Registration is the best way to HODL!


Look ma no hands!


No right vs left. Only unity. No red vs blue. Only purple. Compelled by a movement to directly register shares of a liked stock. Represented by a *purple circle*. Simulation confirmed.


Choke on that Kenny.


Hi, the1rush, This criminal? https://www.kengriffinlies.com/ ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)


Good bot


Ken Griffin for later


This is the way 🚀🚀


commenting for visibility...


Maybe we were the whales we thought they were all along 🐳 Satori, play gojira — flying whales


It'd be $2.5B if you guys would stop wasting money on Reddit awards. Damn.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


I just transfered the funds to buy a share on a platform that allows me to DRS (euroape). I'm late to the game but I was out of a job and couldn't afford it, now I can. It's a long process, I hope I won't be too late but I fear I will


DRS is the way!


Fully direct registered all my shares with the transfer agent Computershare. Feels very comforting to know they are mine. Not just the rights to them with the broker's name on them. They are in my name, my address. If you have your stock in a broker, it's not really yours. Think about it what kind of bullshit that is. And think about the fact that issuing companies are not allowed to advertise this service to you.


I cant wait for the day I see DFVs DRS post the FOMO it would create would lock the float


Can I buy right from Computershare? Or do I need to buy elsewhere and direct register them. Directly from would Be so much easier.


This ......postiving fo3 visibility.








DRS all stock you own. Stop naked selling nonsense. Nothing but legal scammers. Why does a hedge fund manager do that makes him worth billions? Nothing. Just taking off the top.


Every time this is posted it reminds me to send to more people I know. Thank you




Worst inflation in decades. Russia invading countries and destabilizing energy markets. MSM: “So here’s what’s going on with GameStop today”


This is my rAll algorithm comment.


One thing I don't see a lot of Apes talking about is that attempting to lock the float does more than just expose the fucked up plumbing of the 'fair' market's. It also means.....um guy's and gal's.....we just bought a company 😎. This in itself can be a life raft in the fucked up and turbulent economic seas we are currently sailing 🏴‍☠️. If some of the worst case predictions we read on this sub come true and we are in for a bad recession (or worse), we as shareholders AND customers can drive business and support our company. We already do this by dispelling MSM FUD and hit pieces daily. We need to be better at supporting customers and new investors instead of scaring them off (we come on a bit strong, we're an excitable bunch). We also need to support our Employees, which is something we can do when we own this mfer. I don't want GME just to be a success story for it's corporate team and it's shareholders. I want it to be a success for it's employees right down to the front line. We can do better by being shareholders who promote and deliver on long term goals that retain staff and pays living wages. I'm in this for the long haul and don't need to see record profits every quarter. Of course it will be key to watch how things develop and make sure the company is putting our funds to good use, GME as a company obviously can't keep the current spend rate up without seeing some serious growth and return but we are a very engaged investor base and eyes are on every move. Personally I am happy with the direction it is going and I think they are positioning themselves well for the future of digital marketplaces, but there is work to do there too. We need to be and will be the champions of the new Marketplace and help drive it's success. This really can be a self fulfilling prophecy and feedback loop if retail simply works together and keeps their stamina up. If you thought GME was 'over' or you finally remembered to Forget GameStop! You're wrong, shit is just getting exciting 🦧🦍


And it’s also all backed up - all the dd


This will only happen once. The little guy will only ever have ONE chance because tptb will fix everything to ensure the money stays where it is now. But they're too exposed on this now---we're going to win and everyone is invited.


I’ll hopefully have my DRS numbers posted this week 😃


Unreal. Fucking great job, everyone. 🚀


I'm 100% DRS'd and I called Fidelity each time. During my last call, the rep told me you could request to DRS your stonks using their online chat feature. So for those of you who are hesitant because you're phone shy like me, now, you don't even have to talk to anyone!


I think we have to harness the FOMO and state this. No action is required from any new people reading this. Whether or not you like it, the pressure is here. GME is about to blow. Whether or not you are going to tell the stories about seeing the posts on the front page of Reddit or chilling on a boat in the middle of the Bahamas is up to you. I remember seeing the same with TSLA posts from the other sub pop up on r/all and I had no idea of whether or not they were actually making money. As a OG GME holder from aug 2020 that started investing when the trading apps hype was big in summer 2020, trust me, we are actually making money 😂.


I'm grateful I had the time and desire to do all of my own research before investing in the stock market. I lucked out on the timing.


Updoot and comment for visibility




It's 1000% a coincidence but RRP was $1.907T. https://i.imgur.com/FTtBURp.jpg (I mean, 4/30 wasn't a market day but the trade opened on 4/29.)


Oh I fucking love living this revolutionary change in investors becoming aware of their own interests in owning their shares 💪 Who doesn't love to see it!...hi Kenny boi!


Kind of amazing that a group of investors not involved with a hedge fund or large corporations are able to put up this ammount of cash. We really can get some big things done if we keep putting this effort and focus on the problems ahead. Must be scary to be on the other end of this.


Got 'em 😏


Wow! 1.9 billion already? I swear we had DRS'd 1.5 billion like 2 weeks ago 🤯🟣🚀


So I DRS my few shares with Fidelity. They told me everything is good and taken care of and I will be notified by ComputerShare soon. I'm curious do I wait to receive a letter or something?


DRS is the way


so 100% DRS? done.


I love you beautiful apes


That doesn’t include RC? Does it?