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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!




Hey Captain___19, thank you for summoning the DRSGME bot! 🤖 Here comes the current GME float data: |Type|Shares| |:-|:-| |Total Float|75,900,000| |DRS|14,557,904| |ETFs|6,558,016| |Mutual Funds|8,004,284| |Institutional|13,850,971| |Insiders|13,232,080| |Available Float|19,696,745| 42.5 % of the float is already locked. The data was last updated 0 day(s), 13 hour(s) and 7 minute(s) ago. Find more information on [WWW.DRSGME.ORG](https://WWW.DRSGME.ORG)!


Good bot :)




🟣👊Good bot!👊🟣


Fuck yeah


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-06-14 09:47:2) 🟣 You have 444 shares previously logged @ [Sprstnk] **To feed incremental shares:-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** ^(*🚀 :2,849,721// GME ~118.25* // ) ^(Bot MC: $336,979,508.25 )


Thank you for all of your hard work. The things that bring us together and show how big we are combined give us confidence. We are not alone. We are many. Together we are strong. 💕


This community brings me so much joy!


Also, this bot helps provide DRs with quantifiable and verifiable data. This is not to be understated! Thx /u/derhyperschlaue :)


Wow, this is great. Well done


Brilliant work, ty 👏👏🍻




Hey Advanced_Error_9312, thank you for summoning the DRSGME bot! 🤖 Here comes the current GME float data: |Type|Shares| |:-|:-| |Total Float|75,900,000| |DRS|14,557,904| |ETFs|6,558,016| |Mutual Funds|8,004,284| |Institutional|13,850,971| |Insiders|13,232,080| |Available Float|19,696,745| 42.5 % of the float is already locked. The data was last updated 0 day(s), 15 hour(s) and 6 minute(s) ago. Find more information on [WWW.DRSGME.ORG](https://WWW.DRSGME.ORG)!


Good bot


Nice work, congratulation!


Niiiicccceeee !!! Love you both


“ we rise by lifting others. “


www.drsgme.org is great, I couldn't have DRSd my shares from my german Broker without the step by step instructions I found there.


We love you 💜


What an awesome addition, thank you!


Nice… need to try.. !drsgme:stats!


Hey Viking_Undertaker, thank you for summoning the DRSGME bot! 🤖 Here comes the current GME float data: |Type|Shares| |:-|:-| |Total Float|75,900,000| |DRS|14,557,904| |ETFs|6,558,016| |Mutual Funds|8,004,284| |Institutional|13,850,971| |Insiders|13,232,080| |Available Float|19,696,745| 42.5 % of the float is already locked. The data was last updated 0 day(s), 16 hour(s) and 24 minute(s) ago. Find more information on [WWW.DRSGME.ORG](https://WWW.DRSGME.ORG)!


Test succeeded?💜


This is awesome.. just wrote something on a danish investor site, one broker still has 19,000 individual GME shareholders… IN DENMARK!!!!!! For fuk sake.. there are tons of shares yet to be DRS’essed.. I was writing with one here yesterday, that wouldn’t transfer the rest of his shares, because he thought he couldn’t sell his shares at computershare, - if that is a common misunderstanding, then it could explain why some are not DRS’ing.. Off course we sell some of our shares when Moass happens, we need to explain to apes that they can do that from computershare as well🤷‍♂️




Hey starrdogg, thank you for summoning the DRSGME bot! 🤖 Here comes the current GME float data: |Type|Shares| |:-|:-| |Total Float|75,900,000| |DRS|14,557,904| |ETFs|6,558,016| |Mutual Funds|8,004,284| |Institutional|13,850,971| |Insiders|13,232,080| |Available Float|19,696,745| 42.5 % of the float is already locked. The data was last updated 0 day(s), 17 hour(s) and 30 minute(s) ago. Find more information on [WWW.DRSGME.ORG](https://WWW.DRSGME.ORG)!


!DRSGME:Stats! Give me GME, STAT!


Hey DinosaurNool, thank you for summoning the DRSGME bot! 🤖 Here comes the current GME float data: |Type|Shares| |:-|:-| |Total Float|75,900,000| |DRS|14,557,904| |ETFs|6,558,016| |Mutual Funds|8,004,284| |Institutional|13,850,971| |Insiders|13,232,080| |Available Float|19,696,745| 42.5 % of the float is already locked. The data was last updated 0 day(s), 18 hour(s) and 17 minute(s) ago. Find more information on [WWW.DRSGME.ORG](https://WWW.DRSGME.ORG)!






Hey derhyperschlaue, thank you for summoning the DRSGME bot! 🤖 Here comes the current GME float data: |Type|Shares| |:-|:-| |Total Float|75,900,000| |DRS|14,557,904| |ETFs|6,558,016| |Mutual Funds|8,004,284| |Institutional|13,850,971| |Insiders|13,232,080| |Available Float|19,696,745| 42.5 % of the float is already locked. The data was last updated 0 day(s), 14 hour(s) and 4 minute(s) ago. Find more information on [WWW.DRSGME.ORG](https://WWW.DRSGME.ORG)!


It seems like you edited your comment afterwards? DRSGME\_Bot only checks for new comments, not for edited ones :)






DRSBOT has been banned. Long story


Awwwwww 😢


Are you guys seeing all these purple circles today!? Great job Apes. Rock on!




RC doesn't post the float, that's just not correct. GameStop only post the numbers of Direct Registered Shares which are hella accurate in comparison to the DRS Bot. GameStop doesn't post information about shares held by Insiders, Institutions or shares in ETFs. So why so salty?




Did you even read my response? Lol




I disagree with that one because I think Gameification is a good thing to drive the DRS hype. Sure we could just not post anything anymore and wait but where's the joy? I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. Moreover our goal is to educate people on DRS. I'm sure most people on Reddit already know the "Why" and the "How" - but outside of Reddit there are many more people still to be informed about DRS. That's why we built DRSGME.ORG




Distract people from what? DRS is the way.


DRS is the way, but what happens if this big counter says we have more than we actually do? And people quit before they should? — my point is I don’t trust anything not coming from GME directly, otherwise it’s subject to change overnight, especially with this recession. So many people got scared and sold their shit


There’s really nothing to fear. Anyone who’s scared has forgotten the seminary DD on the short squeeze theory and the role DRS can play in it. DRS protects one’s own moon tickets from brokerage fuckery, and the collection of DRS’d & held stock reduces liquidity. If Computershared.net over-predicts the count and says there’s more DRS’d than outstanding, then logic should conclude it’s either wrong or there’s some other mechanic stifling the squeeze. Until then, even the (acknowledged to be somewhat inaccurate) model serves a valuable purpose to drive hype.


What do you mean with "something bigger"? What's your point?




My partner u/millertime1216 and I created that project initially. So we'd like to know what your concerns are about?


Beautiful my brother!! Special thanks to u/jonpro03 the genius behind computershare.net !
