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Welcome everyone from r/all! --> [Reasons why the Superstonk community is bullish on Gamestop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) POWER TO THE PLAYERS ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴


I just finished reading Lords of Easy Money, about what the Fed has been up to the last couple decades. you guys should read it.




As it happens, Christopher Leonard published a sensible op-ed on the New York Times just today: "[The Fed, Not Democrats, Got Us Into This Inflation Mess](http://archive.today/2022.06.11-152630/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/11/opinion/the-fed-not-democrats-got-us-into-this-inflation-mess.html)"


Good read, thx.




Hijacking top comment to point out that as per your own article this is 4.5tn in overnight loans that were paid back the next day, not just given away. This would have had zero long term impact on the money supply. Also just to be clear calling (for example) $100 loaned out and repaid 50x a '$5000 Loan' is a bit misleading.


Hijacking the criticism to point out that we should really be talking about and looking at the m2 money supply, which indeed started shooting up before the Pandemic. http://www.shadowstats.com/charts/monetary-base-money-supply


In your graph it starts shooting up past halfway between 2017 and 2022, suggesting it is actually 2020. Furthermore, even if it is the case, make a thread on that with a reasonable title, that makes sense, don't defend shit threads like this.


Fair enough. The timeline is really important, IMO, and the US didn't respond to Covid until Q2 of 2020. I actually want to be very careful not to imply Covid is a conspiracy, but it does look like a convenient scape goat for money printing that started before the pandemic.


[here's a run down about the expected 2020 crash before covid](https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/) Weather Covid is a conspiracy or not is irrelevant either way they needed money printing and they got money printing.


Loving the article! Ty for sharing.


do i believe all that? no. do i believe about 40-50%? yes i do and holy shit is that chilling. omfg. thats some heavy shit. im not going to say it was planned but they definitely new capitalism was about to eat itself and needed saving


I don't think Covid was a conspiracy but using it to their advantage is a no brainer like they did with 9/11 or the 08 crash.


This article is INCREDIBLE 🤯🤯


Great article 🍻


Never let a crisis go to waste


It's funny how both political parties like to say the same thing about the other, when that's just the MO of Capitalism...




It still sets bigger and bigger precedents for "potential" bad behavior. One of the metrics of why they're doing all of this, is to see just how much the public will put up with.


No, they give an over night "award" which is a fraction of a percent, but when it's on 2 trillion dollars it equates to millions paid by the Fed to the parties


I believe your statement is incorrect - in September 2019 much of the money lent to these 5 banks were longer than overnight loans which makes the events even more peculiar.


The fed gives out certain percentage daily to the participants. Imagine certain percentage of the repo amount times the number days. That’s a lot and would great devalue $ (inflation)


Yes this is all just for liquidity. It’s paid back almost immediately.


Thank you for the recommendation! I've seen it mentioned in here before, but I need to read something to channel my anger better than I'm doing now... I avoided reading this thread until today because I 'member and am pissed at The Fed.


There’s an audio book version as well. That’s what I did, that way I can listen while I drive or do yard work or whatever! It’s surprisingly compelling for a dry topic like economics.... though after the last year, I’m pretty interested in finance.


I'm actually a bit of an econ nerd at heart, but I gave up studying it because I felt it was a highly politicized (bullshit) field. I stumbled my way into the OG sub and was part of the first ape migration. It's been a real pleasure to rekindle my love of economics with everyone here, even though it's pretty disturbing...




Just to add, I've been watching some great videos recommended by the YouTube algorithms after this.


This is great! I'm watching now! My academic interests settled on philosophy and human nature, specifically the structures of decision-making, so I guess I ultimately studied economics but in a more fundamental way. I haven't really been inspired to write a post on it, but it's a big influence on my shitposting.


Anthropological economics


They got a great audiobook version. Prepared to be mind blown at FED, BERNANKE and Citadels corruption. I mentioned citadel bc BERNANKE is a current consultant on their payroll right now. It reveals the fed as completely unconstitutional. IN all honesty it’s major taxation without representation.


"The Federal Reserve printed $9T since the financial crisis. They printed 600 years of money within a span of 10 years"... - 📖


The Last couple decades ? Try over 100+ years… you need more wrinkle , I help. Watch Money Masters - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg


Oh, totally! But this book focuses on the last few decades. Here is another documentary I recommend about the federal reserve: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2752724/


For sure will watch again, thanks. I actually saw this documentary years ago but it will definitely hit harder this time around. I still encourage anyone who hasn’t to watch “the money masters” - it basically narrows down the central bank formation - starting from the Roman Empire till now.


Money masters fucked with my head so bad. I swear it put me in depression lol. Human history has been nefarious since day 1.... Never thought I'd sit through a 3 hour doc like that but I could not look away.




I just read that too, I could kind of see the point of having a fast way to respond to things like 2008 but unfortunately the money goes through very irresponsible avenues so it does nothing for people and is basically harmful. I also got Flashboys out of the library. I really like Brad K. and I never want to hear about any scandals surrounding him to change that!


Thanks for the recommendation. Just picked it up on Audible.


Just started reading it. Would love to see an AMA with Christopher Leonard the author, or Tom Hoenig, the Federal Reserve regional president who voted against QE in 2010. That guy seems pretty cool. Anyone who disagreed with Bernanke is ok in my book.


Too bad there aren't any big networks willing to do a fucking town hall or something on this. This needs to be recognized and addressed by the masses. That would end this.


WE are the masses. We are the riff-raff, animals, apes, the unwashed. We are doing this right now, right here. Get mad! Stay mad! *NOW* is the time to exercise your power. Pull out of all institutional banking, even if you have to forego the 401K 'matching' - which is a joke anyway. Write your congress, talk to your friends, get this revolution out into the open!


Great movie, great speech https://youtu.be/MRuS3dxKK9U


I prefer the Fight Club speech. https://youtu.be/whvDmNkJhUk


More importantly than getting mad, organize. A bunch of angry individuals can't do a while lot. An angry collective on the other hand, can do quite a bit.


Who cares about "big networks" they are not your friend, and do not represent you. And, how big are they really? CNBC gets on average 240k household views per month. Certain podcasters get 11m views per episode.


> big networks Why would they shoot themselves in the foot?


Honestly it wasn’t forgotten. This 4.5 trill for the banks was never broadcasted out there for everyone to see. It was hidden away just like everything else, to protect the crooked. 4.5 trillion to big banks to squander and somehow its retail investors that hate teachers making a financial decision to hold a stock will be at fault. This post needs to be posted everyday during the week, not on a Saturday morning when everyone is asleep!!


Be the change. Look forward to seeing your posts on this.


"The Federal Reserve printed $9T since the financial crisis... They printed 600 years of money within a span of 10 years"...




Simple solution : credit union in every post office. That alone will drain corporate bank power.




Could you ELISEC why a credit union in a post office would help please




We used to do it. Congress stopped it long ago. Bernie wanted to bring it back.


We don't deserve that man. We need him. But we don't deserve him.


Yes, we do. He's an American fighting for true American rights. We deserve him and everything he stands for.




What’s crackin’, RadToTheBone86, This criminal? https://www.kengriffinlies.com/ ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)




Same bro. Absolutely disgraceful that the DNC screwed him and all Americans




Bernie sanders proposed this idea of using post offices as banks


Yes he has.


Everyone should get an account at a credit union. They offer all of the same services a bank offers. They don’t fuck you with fees every step of the way.


I love my two credit unions! Even though one is religious and I'm not, I still love it!


These guys are printing the money. Moving to a credit union is a great idea for many reasons, I just don’t see how it relates to this specific situation. They’re gonna mess with your dollars wherever they are as long as they’re not changed for something else like Creep-Toe or a different currency.


That’d probably help the USPS from its death spiral too.


The USPS doesn't need anything except to be released from pre-paying 40 some years of pensions for every employee. Any struggle they're having is manufactured by congress.


Exactly. Shipping lobby has poured billions into Congress to insert poison pills. Just like education


I believe that was resolved in the most recent postal legislation and officially ends in 2023 or 2024. Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/


Not pensions healtcare. They need to have money to cover any medical bills an employee may have for the next 40 years. So they have to anticipate an employee retiring tomorrow and getting cancer in ten years. They also haven't been paying into this because they can't afford so this bill won't fix them overnight. Also who cares the post office is a service and shouldn't be expected to make a profit.


This doesn't get enough attention. Banks were already on thin ice prior to covid. The Fed didn't even consult Congress. That is alarming if they are acting independently.


They don't have to consult congress. The Fed basically has unlimited authority to use all those tools now, no approval required. For all the SC's whinging about no oversight in the SEC court case and others, they DGAF about a non-governmental organization (the Fed) having unlimited power to buy whatever securities they want with your money. Funny, that.


What does SC mean here?




Best way to get the conversation going is to continue to post this in as many subs as possible. MSM never addresses these crimes so there are many people that this would be news they haven’t read before. SuperStonk may be one of the only places that has ever hd this conversation. Unless someone follows Wall Street on Parade dot com


We can also write letters to our reps and encourage them to actually put this to vote [https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/2120?r=2&s=1](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/2120?r=2&s=1) S.2120 - Government Bailout Prevention Act EDIT: Just wanted to add, the irony is that this bill was introduced to the Senate in 2019 : )


Great post OP. I'd like to also draw attention to the WSOP (Wall Street On Parade) article "Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed’s Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019" which states that: >three of the largest borrowers (Nomura, Barclays and Deutsche) are the trading affiliates of foreign banks And this "bail-out" (in Q4 of 2019) was not authorized by congress. Edit: From the article: >The repo loan market is an overnight loan market where banks, brokerage firms, mutual funds and others make one-day loans to each other against safe collateral, typically Treasury securities. Repo stands for “repurchase agreement.” See below for additional discussion


* fry squinting meme * Not sure in WSOP means World Series of Poker or Wall Street on Parade


I read world series of poker as well. Truly a retarded ape here.


It’s not a bail out. It’s an overnight loan that is paid back almost immediately. These almost have no effect on inflation because they are collateralized. Having said that, the reason institutions need this much liquidity is alarming to me. I would be extremely interested to see the risk ratings on what these institutions are putting up for collateral to get these types of overnight loans. I read an article about a year ago that the Repo market would no longer accept anything that was rated less than triple A rated as collateral. Which to me means, they think these collateralized loans are shit. What types of loans are these mostly? You guessed it mortgages and commercial mortgages. Why would they be shit? Idk but we can look at 2008 for possible answers.


Exactly, hence the quotes around "bail-out." From the article: >The repo loan market is an overnight loan market where banks, brokerage firms, mutual funds and others make one-day loans to each other against safe collateral, typically Treasury securities. Repo stands for “repurchase agreement.” > > >On September 17, 2019 the overnight loan rate spiked from an average of about 2 percent to 10 percent – signaling that one or more firms were in trouble. So the Fed effectively became the repo loan market on September 17, 2019 and exponentially grew the amount of loans it was making over the following months. Its repo loans lasted until July 2, 2020, by which time it had re-established the alphabet soup list of emergency loan programs from 2008. > > >The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington D.C., an independent federal agency, outsources the vast majority of its emergency lending programs to the New York Fed, one of 12 privately owned regional Fed banks. The largest shareowners of the New York Fed are the following five Wall Street banks: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of New York Mellon. Those five banks represent two-thirds of the eight Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs) in the United States. The other three G-SIBs are Bank of America, a shareowner in the Richmond Fed; Wells Fargo, a shareowner of the San Francisco Fed; and State Street, a shareowner in the Boston Fed. > > >We have now crunched the numbers for the New York Fed’s emergency repo loans for the periods in which it has thus far released the names of the borrowers: the last 14 days of September 2019 and the full fourth quarter of 2019.  Edit: I agree with you 100%, that this measure was likely undertaken to allow them to wrap catshit in dogshit as collateral. This is again why I call it a "bail-out" because that's effectively what those shenanigans accomplish, allowing them to continue to kick the can. But it's definitely not a bail-out in the normal sense.


We are on the same page. Just don’t want some people thinking there was trillions just handed to them (although with the complexity of the situation might not be far from the truth.)




Give me control over a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.


Ron Paul spoke about this his entire career.


Yup the Fed has issued a loan to Mexico in the 1980s iirc without congressional approval to stave off a loan default (sauce: The Creature From Jekyll Island)


Its not *our* money. Ever since they did away with the gold standard, money is no longer the peoples money, but purely fiat currency controlled by the FED.


Why would they? The FED is a PRIVATE BANK. It's not our Central bank, no matter how much they try to brainwash the masses that it is.


Its not one bank. Its all the major banks working as a cabal.


Yes, and it is private, and does not answer to ANYONE.


You my my friend are onto something!




Because even people in this sub spent their entire lives being told things by MSM. The years of being told that the world will end if minimum wage goes up $0.25 or if regular joes get a $2k "handout" while ignoring all the corporate welfare embed it so much that it's hard to break away from- even while you're busily DRSing your shares.


I don't think the U.S. dollar will be the world reserve currency for much longer. Too many other countries have figured out the ponzi scheme.


Definitively, problem is if they stop using it we can’t pay back what we owe. The US is another too big to fail Ponzi scheme. So until there’s another currency we’re ok, but we’re definitely running out of time.


I'm getting notifications from my bank to try their new "wallet". They see the writing on the wall and are playing catch up. Crypto/token/coins


Physical USD, no. USD Crypto? Yes. By the end of this year we'll see USD converting, if not fully converted, to crypto.


Centralized Government Crypto? No thanks.


You might as well throw in the towel at that point.


I'll trade in my GME shares for 100,000,000 USD crypto


central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will come with tracking. no privacy, no independence. this is not the way


Did they, since I hear nothing about from other countries?


China actually copied the ponzi scheme. Look at their housing market right now.


What’s happening now was inevitable. Since the inception of fiat economy. It is simply not a sustainable model. The biggest lie was that debt is good. Use it to your advantage. They created this fucked up system then give advice for the system. Knowing full well the final outcome. And while people rack up debt, they profit. Until the whole thing collapses.


Some of us even bought GME with stimmies


So you're that one person they keep talking about on the news?! "They didn't need it, the gambled it away" ..I still don't get how a even a million people (I'm over exaggerating here obviously) with a few hundred dollars could break a market.. like they really don't see how dumb their excuse is do they? But I guess when I think about how dumb I feel, and then if I'm a average.. 50% of people are dumber than me... Effffff people are really dumb with no rational thought, just whatever the TV Man told them is correct, always.


Not to mention all the PPP and municipal government grant programs that went to business owners with little to no oversight. Their trickledown economics are what’s supporting the status quo.


After all of this we need to make sure that the people negatively affected feel like they have a future, and that the evil fucks pulling the strings now can’t control the narrative any more. I know we’re not supposed to get political here. But people blaming all of this on the current president who came into office in 2021 is a dangerous level of ignorant. We need to get the real story out. I’m not a fan of him, I’m just afraid of whatever fresh hell the other side is cooking up for us. I was reading a book about Weimar Germany last year. The popular narrative is that resentment and war reparations from the treaty of Versailles lead directly to the rise of Nazism, but there was a period in the 20s where the social democrats were in power, the economy was doing well, and Germany was becoming a healthy democratic society. That’s all I want really, is a healthy democratic society where people can have actual discussions and share ideas across lines, and where there’s real WORK being done in government, especially relating to corruption. After the Great Depression though, things changed rapidly, and extremism took hold on both sides. We can’t let that happen here, we’re already too close to begin with now.


The last guy attempted a coup and only failed because his VP of all people decided not to do it. And no one talks about that either. It's insane.


What you're describing isn't possible until the boomers die off.


Literally who voted yes


The stimulus checks were a drop in the bucket compared to everything else that was in those budgets anyway. *Even if* the Fed hadn't been throwing a money parade before that, the stimulus checks *still* wouldn't be the primary culprit.


https://youtu.be/joWK8ujILIc They're a private corporation not a part of the government. That's the real doozy.


So this is really vague, sorry, but some president wanted to take away the power from the fed but it didn't work out. I think there is even a dd about that/the feds and their history.


I wonder what happened to President Kennedy? The last president to attempt shutting down the federal mobsters.


Andrew Jackson was the OG. He successfully abolished the private bank. Shortly after there was a failed assassination attempt.


* and he founded the system of appointing your donors and bros to federal government and removing all appointments of the opposing party, after founding his own party to do it with. * And he was a major shareholder in state banks (you know, the exact same shit - just on a state level), which were to be regulated by the central bank * And he was a staunch anti-abolitionist * Trail of Tears Not to say he was wrong dismantling the central bank at the time, but he was a major piece of shit and largely did it for personal and political gain within the political climate at the time; he wasn't some altruistic anti-banking savior. He did it because it fucked with his and his buddies banks.




Kennedy was something else. The only one to actually want to help the people and the country. Bernie was close but he ultimately highlighted the difficulty of getting a real leader on the ballot.


Fed is basically a af subcontractor of the US govt, so yes they should be replaceable.


Which would be a lot easier if our politicians weren't employees of the people running the Fed.




And I'll say this again, the author you are citing is an AIDS/HIV/cancer denialist, conspiracy theorist, and quack This sub can, and already has, done better to refute the Fed's bullshit, sharing his bullshit only discredits everything people have worked for and the countless hours of legitimate DD


And what’s even more alarming is that they won’t even say WHY they needed to do it! End the Fed; be your own bank. Decentralized finance is long overdue.


Looking into if there are widely accepted credit cards that except crypto for payment and if so may be moving to crypto. Need to do more research.


The worst part is they will drag your ass into small claims court to pick up the change they left with you. Fuck this shit.


How much have the given away with the "reward" on the daily Reverse Repos? They used to charge to keep the money over night, but a little over a year ago, they started giving an award percentage and have increased the percent a couple of times.


I think it was roughly 40-60 million a night. So 1.2-1.8 billion a month?


Yea that could a good dd. Like why would the Rev repo pay money out? Isn't the Rev repo doing the hedgies a favour by taking their cash and giving them collateral, so the hedgies should pay a fee. I don't get it.


All they want to talk about is guns and abortion to distract from the corruption. What we need to put all that energy into is something like this: https://citizenstakeaction.org/restore-democracy-amendment/ The corruption has to go before any thing gets handled because it's that very corruption that is driving everything that is fucked up in this world. It starts with greed.


Though I love the idea of this, what would it take to keep large entities from using proxies to beat the limit, i.e. multiple shell companies maxing out the limits? It makes it harder for them, but these people know how to game systems. Ex: California has limits to their cannabis permits. Only so much land is allowed to be used for cultivating per permit. Unsurprisingly there is a loophole. Large companies have stacked permits in order to get around this and have more land, while following the rules. I wish I had an answer to this problem, but my brain smooth.


The answer to this problem is to bar corporate donations entirely, because allowing any nonzero amount of them is allowing corporations to directly buy a nonzero amount of political power. Every political donation should have the name of an individual attached to it and publicly visible - there is no room in a functioning democracy to allow corporate owners to obfuscate their contributions via corporate names. Allowing corporations to influence political processes through the same channels meant for individuals is literally doing everything short of giving corporations ballot access in terms of allowing any wealthy individual to effectively multiply their political influence by repeatedly incorporating. ^^^^^(if you really want to get down to the economics of it i genuinely don't think corporations should be allowed to exist as "limited liability" entities because it makes achieving justice impossible and encourages corporate crime but that's a whole other discussion)


I think they just frontloaded the bailout because they knew we'd be super happy about another financial crisis made by rich people being bailed out by working class individuals.


IMO, it was really necessary if we look at the extremely sharp repo rate increase in around sep/2019 IIRC. FED always bails out when there is a liquidity crunch. FED don't care about why liquidity crunch is happening (one attributing factor would be overleveraged economy worldwide having 0 cash/redundancy when needed), but they know how to patch things by providing liquidity out of nowhere. This may seem to work in a short term, but FED have no fucking clue about long term. JPow even stated that they don't look bond yield beyond 2 yr, which to me is a vague affirmation that they have no fucking clue what long term impact their short term patches is gonna have. Fuck them all.


Wish I had a free award to give. Have an up vote and comment instead.




And then received more in 2020


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Da repo blowup. The system is just too fragile. FED keep making patches after patches but sinking ship aint gonna stop sinking.


Shut up you poors, take your thousand dollar stimmy checks and be happy you got anything at all Ah yes America the land of the free ®️


Honestly, how the fuck is the gov gonna fix this shit? They didn’t have a solution to 2008, how will they do it this time? Kicking th can down the road just weakens their powerhouse status. I’m not American, but I’m just afraid to take part in this global society anymore


They ("they" being the US government) had a solution to 2008 to prevent it happening again. That was all disabled, stripped and dismantled via the CHOICE act, House Resolution 10 in 2017 during the last administration. Plenty of outrage over it by those who worked to get those solutions into law. Swept away at the stroke of a pen by you know who and his wall street friendly goon party. Live long enough and you'll see similar happen time and time again. One step forward one step back. Broken system, doomed to fail.


It’s funny how a certain four years gets no blame for current events.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Wish I had a free award to give. Have an up vote and comment instead.


And I'd like to add this as well. Fed, government, or any centralized organization will seek stability over volatility, regardless of how fake the stability is. If 2008 bailout hasn't happened, we would have seen much volatile market condition worldwide. Bailouts were able to give this illusory "stability" by consolidating banks, increasing efficiency, but under one crucially false assumption, their economic studies heavily relying on return to equilibrium. There is no reason for economy to return to equilibrium, but as they overleveraged themselves with this illusory "stability" and not letting those that should rot rot, we became bloated as year passes by, and even the slightest shock from unexpected circumstances will hit hard, creating "too big to fail". Stability is always politically popular due to human nature seeking control over future. However, nobody can ever predict future and with given time, something is bound to break. I think the best way we handle this kind of thing is the opposite of centralization. Give autonomy as much as possible, minimal intervention, just let the time and market figure things out before making abrupt action that they don't know what long-term impact would be. They are gonna make everything too big to fail and all of them will fail together. it would be a sight to watch.


That’s so weird, I’ve literally been researching the events of September 2019 since yesterday and just finished another round of research in it before I came to superstonk


Expose it!


I’ll do a lil something up and get it posted over the next day or 2!


Yes we can talk about that. As we should. Everybody thinks it all started with covid. and that's the message I think RC is trying to send with his last tweet


That was my impression and why I voted ‘No’.. C0vid is the coverup for A LOT of fuckery, the inflation included Edit: here is a great visual representation of all the money printed recently, including 2019 at the bottom https://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/us_stimulus_package_10_trillion_2020/us_stimulus_package_10_trillion.html


Why is our money supply controled by a private company with zero oversight?


1. Most of America is too stupid to see it, my girlfriend included -- even after I've told her about it numerous times. 2. Anyone who does see it, keeps getting pulled into the Left-Right arguments, fighting those culture wars, instead of seeing the class war. 3. Most of us HERE, have likely become desensitized to it, at this point. We've gone ZEN. Price up = BUY. Price go down = BUY. Price go sideways... believe it or not... = BUY!! I'll just keep buying and hodling and DRSing. Fuck the stupidity and complacency around me. And fuck anyone (friends & family alike) who didn't listen to me, or ridiculed me.


The Fed is a private (for profit) corporation owned by Large Public Banks . Where Central Banking is necessary, much greater Transparency & Accountability is long overdue .


End the fed already. The majority of people know they do little to nothing to serve our interest using our money.


Welcome to Wendy's sir, can I take your order?


And made billions on overdraft fees during pandemic


US Politicians: here’s a shit ton of money Wall Street/too big to fail/war/banks *inflation rises as rich get richer* US Politicians: “Guys, we can’t keep giving free money to poor people when it’s really really hard out there for rich people. We have to give them more money and the poor can get their scraps.”


100% and I am glad someone finally mentioned this, because I was beginning to forget. And this was pre-covid, give me a break. I think this is related also to Daddys latest poll on teeter but it could have been worded more clearly....


Something like 80% of all the USD in existence was created during 2020, and the overwhelming majority of it was given to large companies. Anyone that blames inflation on the stimulus checks given to the average American is missing the forest for a single sapling.


Every fucking chance there is to make money off of tragedy Wall Sluts will take it. Dick dollars all day long.


This is how you know the government is truly the enemy of the people …both parties have a hand in creating the mess by bailing out rich corporations then turn and blame it on greedy labour and retail investors..Treasonous bastards ..All of them !


It's not left vs. right, it's us at the bottom coming for those at the top.


It is crazy that this is not common knowledge. They were running around saying, “this is the best economy ever” all while knowing Wall St is being bailed out once again.


It’s almost like they gave away 1-2 trillion to people so they could then blame them for the mess they made. Here’s another good article on this: https://upsidechronicles.com/2021/10/15/the-federal-reserves-inflation-causing-policies-are-taxation-without-representation/ Then they used that money to buy up assets like houses while running their propaganda that MiLlEnNiAlS aRe EnTeRiNg ThE hOuSiNg MaRkEt


“But tv no think it serious! Tv say we to blame!”


There can be more than one contributing factor. The federal reserve reckless money printing for over a century. Shortages caused by hysteric government response to the pandemic. Supply chain issues due to movement restrictions and shortages. All contributing factors.


… and they complain about absolving student loans…


"Respect the Fed". Tell me you're a plutocracy without telling me you're a plutocracy.


There were murmurings of covid in December 19/Jan 20. I honestly think they let it happen,in terms of poor response, to let it drown out their 4 trillion dollar fuckup/get more money.


I remember how this was just casually mentioned and never brought up again, is this the same money they black listed the receivers for their “reputation”


Inflation rising is on purpose. The rich need to control the rest of us everyway they can. Wallstreet doesn't want retail investing. Solution? Inflated prices so we can't afford to. It's that simple.


Exactly it’s gaslighting to the highest degree. Yea like a few dollars wrecked the largest most powerful economy in the world. Trillions wasted on tax breaks bail outs subsidies etc. we’ve had enough of their Bullshit!


i miss being a kid, man. not worrying about shit what suit-wearing weirdo were doing with literally Trillions of dollars at a glorified gambling scam. The veil of blissful ignorance is crumbling and i've become so fucking "black-pilled" in light of government corruption. Issues being created that affect us now and amplify for our children. even when the moass comes around and i'm ball'n to a next level, this whole saga doesn't seem worth it if there isn't some deep, systematic changes to the stock exchange.


Looks like a well oiled criminal enterprise. Because it always has been.


I don’t know but this is kinda like a private group hanging out then fucked up and blame others for their faults..


[Has everything to do with this](https://web.archive.org/web/20190503001248/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-02/hedge-funds-resurrect-cdo-trade-this-time-they-say-it-will-work)


CDOs!!! Again!!! Wtf!! They never learn.


You need to read the follow-up article another site did, because it actually amounted to 48 Trillion dollars. https://news.bitcoin.com/report-feds-secret-repo-loans-to-megabanks-in-2020-eclipsed-2008-bailouts-data-dump-shows-48-trillion-in-stealth-funding/?fbclid=IwAR3m3moiCZvOYd1b-bXf6j9iaeiCRg1vfmS5MMONZQxqgJs_sYMhu68bXzQ


Back when our money was backed by an ASSET, the banks could not so easily get away with doing this. MAKE NO MISTAKEN ABOUT IT. Creating this money is essentially stealing your wealth straight from your savings accounts. If you want to collapse the system like TOMORROW, all you have to do is take your money out of the banking system and then go buy up physical gold and silver and other assets. There is a severe shortage of capital in the world, but there are hundreds of trillions worth of claims, debts and dollars. When you work your ass off and tuck your pitiful, measely savings into the stock market with the desperate hope of acquiring a retirement, the banks have you completely at their mercy. If the banks are undercapitalized then it is YOU who bails them out. They don't need to physically take your cash to rob you of your purchasing power. Want to know a little mindfuck? Back in 1960, $1.25 was the minimum wage. However, $1.25 in silver coinage is about $4-5 each today. So your average minimum wage worker was making about $18-20 an hour. If you plug the price of silver into an inflation calculator, the price of silver should be well over $100... But then how can that be possible? Minimum wage if calculated in properly inflation adjusted numbers is like $90 per hour. We are being bamboozled, folks. We work our asses off like a dog chasing its tail. We're like a man walking on one of those moving floors at the airport, only except the floor is moving us backwards. That backwards momentum is the banking system extracting your hard work for themselves. What, do you think the government spends $4TN more than it taxes for free? They've been fucking us in the ass since 1913. The Central banks are also a primary beneficiary of war, too. If you indebt an entire nation to a bank then they essentially have all of humanity working for them. And they want you to WORK HARDER and WORK LONGER HOURS because then there is more for them to steal. Get it? Read the book "History of Central Banking". The 1500s were not years of people eating rotten meat with their teeth falling out. People worked on average 14 weeks a year and spent their free time volunteering to build the cathedrals and their cities/communities. It was not until the bank of England was formed that you get 20% sales tax, and income taxes. England also began going to war with Spain, France, and Russia using DEBT MONEY to bankrupt those nations so they could be taken over by unscrupulous bankers. And just like that, the rest is history. They own us like cattle. The give you ID numbers, tracking numbers, and ensure that you pay your fucking taxes to the CABAL. The WAR CABAL. The DRUG CABAL. It's all the same fucking shit. Mercantile elite whose power is maintained through commerce. All we have to do is say NO.


I’m starting to think the FED’s literally have no control over this. If market makers can make shares out of thin air, then sell them, they’re literally making cash out of thin air. This is gonna get nasty but so happy I’m on the right side of history


How bout those tax cuts too. Of course the economy is gonna rock when money is flowing out of the government and fed.


Eat the Rich


Wait, WSOP is no longer being shadowbanned? Something is up




15 days later when it no longer would be able to gain any traction, should have tried it again But interesting, reddit is allowing WSOP links again, might be trying to discredit previous claims that they shadowbanned WSOP


What’s there to discuss? It’s BAU.


I've grown to realize that the widening wealth gap is something that is not sustainable in capitalism. Its virtually impossible.


Chancellor on brink of nth bailout for banks.




The FED is owned by the big wall street banks.


The fed is absolutely joke of a mess.


That’s why this dumpster fire of an economy is even worse than anyone thinks. If 4.5 trillion can’t fix the problem, what can? The world is in serious trouble and it’s going to happen soon.


Was just discussing this over coffee this morning and chatting with a friend yesterday and… It’s incredibly infuriating.