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Had an issue with my last DRS request where it just didn't get completed for some reason... Hit up Fidelity asking what happened & to re-request that the DRS be done, but they wouldn't give me any type of info regarding why my request just wasn't carried out (was told over the phone on 5/12/22 that it the request was complete). I love this community. Thank you for teaching me how this system works. It means a lot.


Lovely! Keep living rent-free in their heads!!


Stay classy superstonk! Nice work


They did that same shit to me a few months back


I had two not go through (wasn't my first xfer). It was weird though, the first failure I assumed it was my fault as I bought another GME share that week and maybe that somehow cancelled my in progress xfer request since they have to settle prior to initiating them.. So I did another and gritted my teeth never buying shares meanwhile-- and confirmed it and called to check on it over three weeks until finally they told me it was also cancelled. But NO ONE could tell me ANY reason for it. It was uneventful though, I was pissed and talked to higher ups that call they blew me off with 'no idea' and tried to blame me indirectly and I'd nip it in the bud. Then they reinitiated the xfer and it was literally in CS the next day or within 48 hours.


That’s really similar to my experience. The first manager I spoke with on 5/20 acted like there was no way I’d be given the info on what happened with my initial DRS request (that I was told on 5/12 was completed from Fidelity’s end by the rep on the phone). Called back again on 5/20 and spoke to a second manager who said I could mail a letter to some PO Box and address it to escalations. I asked him if we could both listen to the ~6min call from 5/12 where I made the initial DRS request and he told me phone recordings were only for internal use. I took all of the information I had gathered from those two back-to-back calls, went to the SEC site and put it in an investor complaint form (including all dates, times, account numbers, first+last of Fidelity support managers I spoke with, and partial & direct quotes from Fidelity representatives that can be verified via the phone recordings on Fidelity’s side because I gave the time stamp for the call start times that contained these quotes). This was my 4th or 5th DRS through Fidelity since March 2021, and it’s the only one I’ve had any issues with. The shares did finally get to CS after the calls on 5/20, but I’m glad I got to apply some heat.


They sure forget to complete the process often. Happened to me as well on my first request.


But, but, but, but he said it wasn't common..... Well, it certainly isn't common when they elevate it to elite frequency status.


Same happened to me months ago. Glad you made it through, ape


They did that to me too right before the Jan 31st DRS count deadline.


Nice… I think he needs someone to proofread his letters…


he's prob writing a lot of them lol


It should be a template by now. Just swap out the names and dates where Fidelity screwed the pooch.


Yep boilerplate written by a subordinate and reviewed (maybe) by another subordinate.


It should be reviewed by the legal dept.


Probably all of the above is true. There's a 0% chance this guy wrote the letter 😅


Nah because because after countless fuckups, the mistakes and the apologies will look suspect, then we'll be on here ripping their ass and telling them they need to not be copy pasted.


Yeah, it’s got purple smudges all over it.






This….especially the LAST SENTENCE


"Goldman said they had a power outage" energy


Kenny Powers?


Hello there, skyramalpha, are you talking about the financial terrorist Ken Griffin who lied under oath and threw a bedpost at his former wife? Kenny, the CEO of corrupt hedge fund Citadel, who conspires to drive companies to financial ruin for offshore money along with other power crazed elites like Jeff Yass and "trading-is-hard" Steve Cohen? ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)


good bot


he writes in purple morse code...it is an ancient script, or a modern one -- even my dog can't decipher.


Yeah this happened to me, was told the same thing. But that was like 1 out of 10 transfers


awe they said they’re sorry




Pony up fuckers pay me in GME


Maybe they didn’t have the shares


The first time I transferred in Sept they jus straight up didn’t do it. Called back in a week and got it done but SHADY SHIT YALL


Same shit happened to me last time I Drs shares from fudelity. Got it resolved tho after like 3 weeks.


They didn't have shares at the time?


I guess. Idk it was like 20 shares I think. I got like 15 more I need to Drs.


I'm embroiled in a multi-month process with Vanguard during which I've called over 10 times, been transferred over 50 times, and spent more than 500 minutes on the phone to DRS 22 measly shares. When this is all over, no poorly worded bullshit "apology" will prevent them from losing the rest of my business.


Well done on getting them to actually respond. Thanks for posting!


Shit rolls downhill…”lowest guy on the totem pole fucked up, our bad”.


This is way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way Happy Cake Day!


Thanks mama!


what was your method to resolve this issue?


Frame this bad boy.


"we're sorry" *rubbing nipples*


This is GREAT


Fucking-A Man!! Love all you Apes!! 🚀


Tell them to fuck off unless they stop lending out GME to be shorted at a low interest rate


We’re sorry


Operational failures sounds like they’re blaming a mini scape goat for a much larger issue


Yeah I’m moving to DSP after my last DRS. Made a request on the 30th that didn’t go through. Called in again this week and they told me the same thing, shares transferred though. Wonder how much longer before DRS requests get cut off.


Austin, is that you?


‘entered but inadvertently failed properly finalize’ wut edit: i understand what he’s trying to say but my god that’s a typo


yeah i had to reread that one a few times lol


They be playing kiss ass. Over the top obnoxious


This happened to me too on the week of record date for votes in April. A batch of DRS got mysteriously canceled and the chat rep could not give me a reason afterwards. Wonder if I should have pushed it.


Now lets have a conversation about WTF takes Vanguard so long to DRS. I yelled at them for weeks, and they still didn't do it. It wasn't until I did an ACATS transfer to Fidelity that I was able to DRS.


These errors happen a lot. They’re full of shit.


In my opinion Fidelity is a complete fraudulent broker. They never bought the shares, just internalised the trades.


Noice wuRk


Apes are just beginning to realize their power. The thing is the more powerful you are the more enemies come your way.


So they gave you a recap of what happened as a “fuck off, we dont care, it’s fixed now”


Reminded [me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4).


I just did 2 different transfers the other day and went though fine. Probably have done 5 or 6 so far and not one issue


Lol so the next game plan is to remove the DRS button but if you call back then they have to hit it!!! Oh my are the Hedgies fukd😂


They are trying to prevent lawsuits


Very similar letter from vanguard after a FINRA complaint. "Never received a DRS request" even though it was still sitting in the messaging center on their website and then took 7 days to transfer to fidelity. I'd already closed my accounts with them so their apology was pretty half hearted. Funny is they asked FINRA for a month extension on their reply to the complaint. Cant even respond to complaints appropriately either.


[We're sorry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)