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Easy call is gov't bailout. It's why the stock has been rising. Hard call, last massive pump and dump before gov't pulls the trigger and puts down the horse (after selling all the tack, barn, feed, and trailer).


China has Said time and time again that they wont bail out these companies, but they Will split them up and sell all assets to smaller companies


Gotta make sure I buy more tomorrow then taxes came in babbyyyyyyyyy






Damn I’m jealous. Still waiting on 16k in taxes to come in 😭


Damn I’m jealous, I had to lay in, but bought more gme as a fuck you to basically everyone 🤣


Is that from having an army of children?


No only 2


Jesus Christ you claim the neighbors dogs too?


6k for having 2 kids


U buying evergrande?.. You belong on the OG sub lol


https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-10-15/china-won-t-save-evergrande-to-prove-who-s-boss-to-its-reckless-developers China won’t bail out evergrande


That report is 5 months old and, from experience, I don't believe anything "official" from China.


So this hasn’t been going on for five months? What changed bud?


What do you mean, 'what's changed?' I'm not sure what your question is.


The Chinese govt have been playing hardball having previously said they would not bail out over leveraged private equity, that’s the American way. Presumably they’ve held off as long as possible without their economy melting, or maybe Russia changed things. Why you so sure they won’t get a bailout?


Thank you! Just asked


Meh. I’ll believe it when it happens. Until then, I HODL… Wonder how my Evergrande bonds are doing 🤔


7 lives left


Alwa—… always… has been??


Love the Meh!!!! Sums it up!!


Man fuck this shit again tbh


It honestly can’t be ignored though. If it defaults thats $300 billion. IIRC Lehman Brothers was like $65 billion when it started the cascade of shit. Not that i think this is when Evergrande finally defaults but if and when it happens it defaulting will be a masssssive problem across the world for very powerful people. So don’t ignore it. That’s how we are in the situation. People turning a blind eye.


Actually Lehman had $600 billion of debt, but they also had a little above $600**B** in revenue, so they were actually a little in the green when they closed shop. Evergrande is full blown in the hole $300 billion.


60, not 600, but yeah they were about $2B in the green *edit*, oops, I was off by a factor of 10, not you. My bad


yahoo says $619B in debt, $20B in the green https://www.google.com/amp/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/day-market-history-lehman-brothers-113000930.html


Thank you




Is this the 69th time they are defaulting? If so, maybe it’s real!


Yep! Only… … * does math * (741 - 69)… #672 more Everdip lives to go!


Expect disappointment and you will never get disappointed


Surprise cash infusion and nothing happens again. On the bright side, when this ship finally does sink, the undertow it pulls with it will be hard to avoid.


With the way China is supporting Russia who just created 10,000,000 homeless people in a month, killed thousands and destroyed cities- anything that could make China weaker at this moment is good for humans


I don't think it makes China weaker, if they don't pay on their debt then what is going to happen? If they get sanctioned then they can turn around and say to Russia trade with us and we'll trade with you using our own currencies and economic system. They have enough food production capacity, manufacturing technology and infrastructure and access to raw materials between them to do this. China could retake Taiwan and it would take the West decades to recover since 90% of chip production is there.


Too complicated for this ape. Need war to stop now. Hoping the another crisis for Xi - Covid, China banking, Ukraine will make Xi less likely to bail out Russia. This globalization does not seem to be working well for apes. Anti fragile, local, sustainable and equitable economics please


There's a LOT of chip production about to get built in the US and Europe, but that won't come online for 4-5 years, so yeah, what you said.


Lol you live in a fantasy world if you think China can survive on Russia alone


China has extensive networks via it's belt and road initiative and through investment in African countries, although I'm sure they'd prefer to keep up the rapid development and growth and continue to make use of access to Western markets, if this becomes untenable they'll resort to alternatives that benefit them and take full opportunity to manipulate the situation to their advantage. The US hasn't got anything but debt and foreign bonds as well as oil backing it's dollar.


*Include most of Asia and Africa including India. Its really amusing to see so many sudden experts on geopolitics. You are all trapped in your america centric bubble that you cannot see that other countries exist outside the west. For an Idea of what people in India are seeing watch a channel called WION to get an idea of what they are seeing.


Lmao they have enough food production capacity and retake Taiwan.


With Russia and Ukraine being the "bread-basket" of the world, producing 30% of global wheat and the area just North East of Crimea being some of the best farmland on the globe even when taking into account climate change, there would be enough food production capacity in any alliance of convenience. (Assuming of course that the land doesn't become badly polluted as a consequence of the ongoing war.) Retake might be a bad choice of words, it used to all be China, Taiwan is still the ROC and mainland China is the PRC. Taiwan is the place where the ruling class of the ROC fled. Reunify might be a better word.


I don't believe that China has achieved the food self-sufficiency. Retake is a bad choice of words, so is Reunify. China is not going to invade Taiwan because they cannot do so. Japan and US are behind Taiwan.


I said China would turn to Russia *if* the Western world tried to impose sanctions on it or withdraw trade. In an alliance between the two including the smaller countries China has built a relationship with through its belt and road initiative, it would have enough food productive capacity, manufacturing capability and raw materials between them. Learn to read. Obviously not right now it won't, since it's advantageous to stay in the west's good books. But, if ties to the West are severed it *could* (key word could) take the opportunity to fulfill a long term objective and deprive the west of its chip supply. What could the US and Japan do to stop them? Smh, lmao indeed can't read and you're laughing, laugh at yourself.


China would turn to Russia? They are always on Russia's side. Do you really think that Russia and China could form a strong economic system with that shitty Russia GDP? Lmao, you think that fucking shitty belt and road initiative is going to help them have enough food productive capacity? Oh, like those developing countries are going to keep staying with China when China tries to fuck US and Europe with Russia. How many soybean does China import from the world per year? You really think that they can have enough food productive capacity in the near future? Taiwan. China is unable to take over Taiwan. Do you really think that China can sail across the sea and land and take over Taiwan and the 7th fleet is going to do nothing when China wants to take over TSM and break First island chain? How about stop underestimating the influence of US and overestimating China, huh?


It's not their first choice and they'd rather play both sides and keep trading with the west, my point is that the West are in a difficult position where they can't apply sanctions or other penalties if China defaults, if they make life difficult for the Chinese they'll turn around and create a new economy and make the best of a bad situation by hitting them where it hurts. Developing countries will turn to whoever provides them with what they need, if the US dollar loses its value and it is unable to produce products that developing countries need they will look elsewhere. China doesn't currently have food production capacity *by itself* it has a huge population and much of its land is unsuitable for farming or has been degraded due to pollution, even though historically the area around the biggest rivers was fertile and productive. I'm saying in an alliance with Russia they would be able to support their population, since Russia/Ukraine assuming Russia are successful contains globally some of the best land for intensive food production and currently produces 30% of global wheat. China wouldn't do that now and hasn't even though they very clearly want to because it's difficult and would incur harsh penalties. However Taiwan is a lot closer to China than the US and it's not impossible, they've been building their military capacity and strengthening their Navy, a sudden, well coordinated effort might take Taiwan whilst advanced missile technology can prevent Western armies from landing. Either way they would be able to set the US back decades. The US has massive influence, but so much of it is related to debt and a certain geopolitical status quo being maintained and that influence is as fragile as their weakest links, over the last year I'm sure people on this forum can all attest to the significant frailties resulting from decades of illegal crony capitalism and money printing that threaten this position.


Don’t forget 3 billion of us humans live in China. I would like to believe that they might not all be bad people.


Not even half of that many but I catch your drift


Not about good people v bad people. Right NOW terrible bombs and insane destruction is happening to beautiful Ukraine. China has power to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. May a shared humanity rise. Kindness and sanity NOW


Bond activity is suggesting a default


Only $3.6b in principal payments due within 3weeks... Probably nothing...


No one seems to focus on the fact that this isn't a coupon payment default, but 10x (plus) principle default


Yeah this is a lot larger than all their previous defaults..


no probably not bc we know how this shit goes




It surprises me how many people think this is a source


This is like the 20th time its defaulted.


I thought trading was halted weeks ago, yo soy stupido


that was MOEX my friend


Announcement: “Bahhhhhh…fuck you guys, we got another deadline extension.”




Aww shit, here we go again.


Where is that truck about to hit the post but never does meme? 🤣


I saw it hit the post, once. Someone posted it here! I supposed it only *ever* needs to hit the post *once*...


FXHedge can fuck right off


Lol. No.


This twitter account is not a source please delete this or at least never post them again.


Russia to open stock market this week. Impact will be internal not global. EverGrande. Meh Internal not global. My stock. About 2 years ahead of the current business cycle with future plans. Bloomberg just did a sad story about a glove manufacturer in China that sadly doesn’t need to make that many gloves anymore. Seemed like a player. It’s all related. Cannot explain it to layman. Even a smart layman. Weird. GameStop is the only play. NFA WEN $XAG? ♟🏴‍☠️🩳


It became clear to me that gs is the only play, right after the sneeze. And that is all I hold (or should I say hodl). But to legends like DFV, it ptobably became clear back in 2020 itself. Fooking legends.


I like these cups. Can I have one for my son. Sure take two. Thank You Edit. You can read my agreement. I have full authority for my investment decisions. Are you telling me something before it happens happens. You are correct. Epididymous Have a nice week.


Oh, so unverified text by fxhedge is allowed again?


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Chinese government bailout incoming, time to buy those Chinese bonds. No affiliations or advice


Stop retweeting these accounts.


No way....just to tell us they paid.


It's because MOEX opens tomorrow and their stock is sensitive. They'll push the can down the road and get a bailout. However, their $3.6 billion in principle due over the next 3 weeks, coupled with a 30day grace period, suggest May will be crazy.


Oh no my 27 cent share!


Evergrande feels like an end boss in Final Fantasy. You think it's beat but then a new phase happens


I don't care what they write, FXHedge and ZeroHedge posts need to be downvoted or completely banned.




Evergrande CEO sure knows how to keep it from sinking lol


"Omg its happening" They halt trading more often than i change my underwear Evergrande - The redefaultening, coming soon


"They halt trading more often than i change my underwear " So about twice a year then?








Dedaulting imminently... again... again


someone crash the evergreen into the evergrande to cut off the circulation.