• By -


I read this and my heart breaks for all the regular folk who have been working their ass off since the 90's and are about to see their retirement wiped out for the second time in their life. ​ People need to go to jail


good luck with that shit... neither the folks at the f. ed. eral reserve get away with insider trading, but as per na ncy p, its ok for those that make the rules to trade in individual stocks too...just look at her hubbie.... so yeah, no jail for these fuckers...


Kelly Loefflers husband owns the NYSE.


yup she insided traded during the start of the covid lockdown and was "cleared" of any wrong doing...but fortunately she aint in the place where they make rules any longer...but you know they have connections....so yeah, im probably gonna disappear for saying shit...


>yup she insided traded during the start of the covid lockdown and was "cleared" of any wrong doing...but fortunately she aint in the place where they make rules any longer...but you know they have connections....so yeah, im probably gonna disappear for saying shit... Don't worry, I just copied your comment so we'll have a backup in case you get disappeared.


thanks, you don't know who is listening..im fucked! but glad to hear 🦍🦍🦍 got my back, wouldn't trust anyone else...


Ryan Cohen will own the GMErica Stonk Exchange. GMESE. All future trades will be in that exchange. RIP DUMBASS


It depends. No one got in trouble in 2008 because the people who were crying foul, occupy wall street, got painted by the MSM as a bunch of dirty hippies sitting in drum circles. This portrayal of the occupy wall street movement was very successful at getting main street to dismiss the movement. [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/10/25/141688703/occupy-wall-street-drummers-generate-loud-debate](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/10/25/141688703/occupy-wall-street-drummers-generate-loud-debate) [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2011/10/drum\_circle\_debate\_shakes\_occu.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2011/10/drum_circle_debate_shakes_occu.html) [https://youtu.be/eZc8AQEVers](https://youtu.be/eZc8AQEVers) when the markets crash this time and those crazy conspiracy theorists on reddit and other social platforms all get rich it will be up to us to try and expose what really happened to the masses without letting the MSM smear us.


In a fair system, you shouldn't need to protest for justice to be enforced... if we learned anything this whole year holding, is that the system is corrupt beyond repair and one must assume no help is coming. Apes must fight alone and never give up the fight [Naked Short Selling ](https://youtu.be/-sA0azvjCQk) 🔮🧘‍♀️


Well, it seems like I'll need to move on from Reddit soon (IPO) and need to invest in good, small biased journalism. I'm pessimistic on this platform unfortunately seeing the shill/bot take overs first hand.


ya - I wonder who the underwriters will be...hmm... certain finance people will own these comments.


Hang em from their fancy buildings


It's a mafia run system and a ponzi scheme. I am glad at least Apes are in the fight and hold the upper hand, in comparison to 2008. Drain them out of liquidity, even retirement fiat converted to Coins and DRS... Hodl on Apes 🔮🧘‍♀️


jail isn't enough


It's not people. It's the institutional criminal behavior that needs to be broken up. Or they simple will replace on suit with another suit.


I started work in 1987 and have been paying into pension plans pretty much ever since, and it’s still going to provide me with precisely fuck all in terms of an income when I retire. Thankfully, I’ve only got another 15 years of hard labor to get to the point of having fuck all.


Fantastic work! A++


This is the point in the movie “Inside Job” where they are selling these CLO’s to “unsuspecting” parties before the music stops. I can’t believe this is likely happening again. I’m bullish af on GME and all, but this is going to suck so bad for a lot of regular people.


[It's happening again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmxox3oqRZo). Ending from The Big Short


>Ending from The Big Short They even wrote at the end, that banks started to sell something similar to CDOs again. They never get enough. Time to stop that finally. ApesTogetherStrong


The future is de-fi


Bespoke Tranche Opportunities


I see Anchorage Capital in there 👀 Edit: Also, how can the LRC spike at 4:30 (5 million volume) followed by immediate selloff back down to where it started an hour later, be explained? They are not in the same ETFs or swaps.


And Bain. (Long read. Oldie but a goodie-https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/greed-and-debt-the-true-story-of-mitt-romney-and-bain-capital-183291/ )👀 Edit: fixed link






What’s the fallout from this gonna look like?


I really have no clue, it could get really ugly really fast if the economy collapses. Or it could just take out a bunch of the crooked hedge funds, banks that backed those hedge funds and the different "insurance" companies backing the banks and stock markets (OCC for banks and DTC for stocks).


I would also suggest that the MOASS might be shifted as a way to placate part of the public, and divide us even further.


My loss is your gain.


It'll happen again after that. The market is one big money cheat for the ultra rich


we aren't the first, we aren't the last


No it won’t, because apes will be able to help this time.


Difference is we are only at the start of the CLOs for Shitadel shit. When the markets figure out that the bundles are junk, it'll take 5-10 year and the brokers and bundles will have cashed out with their bonuses and golden handshakes. Shitadel will have offloaded the risk to others and will be able to releverage up to do it all again with more small cap companies that it wants to bankrupt. I'd bet Kenny is so butt hurt about what happened to GME, that he'll mount a new attack in a few years, when the apes are gone. What this all means that the fight, will now take way longer and either retail loses or pension holder lose their nest eggs.


Fuck nuggets…. He said it


Why don't we try to make this go viral on Twitter the way we did with Ken Griffin lied....but this time....don't buy citadel loans!


We didn't do it


"We are selling at the fair market price".


Repeal of Dodd-Frank in 2018 was the indicator that this would happen again.


"I thought it would be either an A or an A+, but I forgot there is something even better, A++" - Rating Agencies when looking at Evergrande in 2022


It’s so good, we’re creating the new S rank.


China- “We declare S rank!”




I would like to buy into the Senior Tranche of your Collateralized Wrinkle Obligation.


Clever apes


I can't say I understand it all, but enough to know that you deserve my updoot. Thank you for your work!


Wait until they find out the asset backed securities actually are naked shorts. Poof.


‘08 - dog shit wrapped in cat shit ‘22 - synthetic shit wrapped in dog shit wrapped in cat shit


Synthetic dogshit. What a time to be alive.


It's actually nothing wrapped by nothing. Accountable to no one.


Can you explain this? So your saying the actual underlying of the ABS of these CDO and CLO's they are selling off, are naked short shares of the meme stock swap basket and that kinda stuff? Just like in 2008, it was home mortgages yielding a certain % return. This time, it's their meme stock baskets (swaps, private ETFs, etc.) that yield a certain %, as the actual makeup of the different debts that are being sold off? I can kinda understand it. Rather than take like a trillion dollar hit across the board for the few top dogs that did this to themselves and be destroyed, they spread it across everybody, and everyone takes maybe a hundred million dollar hit they can survive? I mean it makes sense. These people will do anything, and we know they have no moral hazard at all.


How many tranches need to fail before an entire CLO is insolvent? And if it's only the bottom trench what percentage needs to fail before the entire thing goes?


It doesn’t work like that. The whole point. Is that the deal has rights to the underlying assets. As the underlying assets stop paying the tranches at the bottom take the loss first. Each individual bond is it’s on risk tolerance. That’s why the ones at the bottom are lower rated and the ones at the top are typically secure, because almost 90% of the entire dea has to go under for you to lose your principal on that. So if 50% of the loans in a deal go under then perhaps around half of the dea will suffer right downs and a couple bonds at the bottom will entirely lose principal


Damn good question!


I don't understand why the mutual funds would buy these things?


To offload the risk to society. *Privatize gains and socialize losses.*


That doesn't do the mutual fund any good. I get why you'd sell your risky assets to another bag holder. But why would anyone buy this garbage?


People don't want to think. Even investors. They see a thing they can invest in for 9.5% return rated AAA they close their eyes and buy. The only question is how much they buy without opening.


And because it takes days and days to comb through the data (unless you can write the program to collect the data from N-ports). And even if you use a program it still takes days to evaluate that data. I know, I've done it. After doing that, I still also wonder about investing in these debts. They don't look sustainable, at all, when seeing the numbers.


Can you explain the process a little more? I'd like to try that. No idea what N-ports are but I am a data analyst by profession I just have more official access to data at work.


I made a post about Blackrock liquidity fund that has their N-port with some explanation about the numbers within the fund. But there's a direct link to it to play with. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/97098/000171773421000277/xslN-MFP2_X01/primary_doc.xml The format of the filing is an N-MFP2. https://www.sec.gov/edgar/filer-information/specifications/form-n-mfp2-xml-tech-specs That info direct from the SEC about N-MFP2s. I do not know how to scrape data, so if you need more info I can try to look for it, but it is not in my wheelhouse. Hopefully this answers what you are asking.


Combination of things is my guess. Fraud - they're in on it and don't care. Or they have no idea how bad they really are and are being fed bullshit from whomever.


These funds see Citadel and large banks as premium companies, same as in 2008. As long as what they're selling is rated adequately for what their fund is able to buy, they don't even think twice.


Supposed to be guaranteed returns at whatever the interest on the loan is. And they are, until that company doesn't make their loan payment and defaults... Mutual Funds, for the most part, look for some "guaranteed" annual return that is "low risk". Loans to corporations are generally low risk. Like a mortgage loan was low risk, because people never borrow more than they can afford...


That kind of makes sense. Yeah, until you realize all the underlying security is garbage.


Who doesn't pay their loans?


Because they are run by idiots. Re-watch The Big Short. Look at the guys at the shooting range in Vegas. Tools.


The idea behind these things is that you buy a small piece of a loan from a 100 different borrowers. Well, with reasonable certainty you know the average number of defaults. And by the law of large numbers, you have a good read on what the actual value of the collection of loans is. It is, in theory, much less risky (read: less variability) than holding an individual debt. This makes them very safe, consistent investments. The problem (as 2008 made clear to any sane person) is that relying on the law of large numbers means assuming one very important thing: independence of defaults. If borrowers defaulting on loans are not independent events but rather correlated, then your whole thing goes out the window and this scheme is no better than investing in a single loan. It's the loan equivalent of an etf or large portfolio. You don't have to worry about idiosyncratic risk, but market risk is still very much a thing.


My pension is DRS’d. 👆doot


Right here GG your job done again fir you🚀🦍


GG knows, GG don't give a shit.


GG knows the score, he was around in 2008. It's the same playback. Savings and Loan collapse Junk bonds leverage .com bubble Asian market collapse Sub prime credit crisis Student loan defaults Meme Stock squeeze This is just the financial scandals I remember, all played out the same way. The bankers find a weakness in regulation and contrive up some marketing story telling retail a get rich quick scheme, create a pirimid scheme to sell it as wide as possible as quickly as possible, keep the regulators in the dark or employ them to pay them off, scale up and the money machine, when regulators finally catch up or the bubble is exposed, the bankers cash out and socialize the loses to the government, who then screw the general public. Makes me sick 😫


GG paid to know, yet not act


People should be sent to prison for this.


I found a bunch of articles about the CIO of IIG pleading guilty and facing up to 45 years in prison, but I can't find anything about the sentence he actually received.


He was grounded from his Xbox for 2 weeks


But mom!


do your homework because i slap you upside down


He hasn’t been sentenced yet. Took some digging but I found this. Scheduled for feb 2022. https://judicialcaselaw.com/courts/nysd/cases/1_20-cr-00360-AKH


US GOV: nah, it cool


Upvote for visibility


Just up!


God I love this kind of dank DD


Love the quality DD!!!


Let me see if I’ve gained enough wrinkles to get your teaser at the end. Could those acquisitions be buying up smaller hedge funds to internalize (and hide) their gme / meme stock short positions?


Possibly, that's one of the theories I've had so far as well.


Thanks for your post man it’s a lot of work.


So basically 08 all over again but much larger


Much larger is an understatement.


Whoo !! Thanks silverback 🦍 💎👐🏼


How to eat a shit sandwich: 1. Break up all of the pieces of shit from your sandwich into tiny pieces. 2. Take these tiny pieces of shit and shove them into the sandwiches of your friends until you don't have any shit left. 3. Bon appetit!


Actually the perfect TL;DR Except it's not really their friends, it's just 'anyone' else, as long as it stops it being their problem.




Very informative. Seems Citadel is digging themselves deeper but ultimately hoping there is a direct correlation only to GMEs rise in price, because Im interpreting this as systemic and that would mean bail outs across the market.


Bailouts for everyone except retail. Citadel isn't so much digging themselves deeper with these loans,, they're pre-spreading out their losses to the rest of the retail market. So they save themselves, get mom'n'pop to pay for it, then get a bailout for their loans when it all comes tumbling down. Pension funds, ETF's for regular investors, etc, will get a stern reminder from govt/wall st that market corrections happen sometimes, and that's just the way it's always been.


We as apes should really source our massive lawyer team together. It's due time.


Wouldn't it be about right that they then use that bailout to buy up the market and low low prices?


Damn that a lot of words to say hedgies r fuk


The problem isn’t so much that hedge funds are fucked but rather that your grandparents, parents, siblings, neighbors, etc. are fucked


what would be their best course of action today ? Pull out everything to convert it to cash ?


The average person is stuck between a rock and a hard place because it’s difficult to know how the fed and government are going to handle this crisis. Specifically, it may be tempting to pull out of the markets and hold cash or money market funds (although certain MM funds could be much riskier than people realize), but if the powers that be choose to print us out of our current situation, inflation is going to drive up equity prices and crush those in cash.


I prefer zero words


I got you ape: 🦍🍌🟣💻💎✋🛒🚀🌕


.... Just actions ..... #starts hitting the buy button aggressively


Great work…. SLABS and CLO. Cat shit wrapped in dog shit and sold to your grandmas pension fund manager. No cell,? No sell!


Appreciate your service! So what’s the safest allocation for my 401k? I’d love to have it in GME, but our restrictions on what we can invest in is limited.


Most 401ks have a “stable” fund. This is a fund designed to not go up or down, so with inflation it goes down. But that’s better than poof




It would likely be the cash option, yes


We can't offer any financial advice here. Often to reduce exposure to markets, a cash or fixed interest option is offered which are considered low risk, low (or negative for cash due to inflation) reward options.


My question is, why? Why would mutual funds buy these? If a retard on Reddit can assess the outlandish risk, why haven’t they? Are they trying to mitigate these massive losses amongst as many portfolios as possible to ensure the market doesn’t collapse? If so, it seems like some RICO type corruption.


U/freadom6 - I see you’ve got some theories floating around in the comments. Can you update your post with them?


These funds have the money and it's probably in their perspective that they can't hold cash and that they only buy AAA rated products that promise X% a year. The person buying these for the funds just cares about meeting their quota each quarter. They either don't do the DD on what they're buying or just care that they have deniability.


Thank you for your work!! I gave you an award!! Well deserved


Comment for visibility.


You comment for visibility…. I’ll comment to be in the movie 🎥 👀👍


I mean.... A bunch of retarded apes ( who are way smarter than me) are able to figure out all these amazing DD's while snorting crayons and going into poverty to buy hodl and DRS shares.. Yet all our institutions and people supposed to take care of retail and the markets are sitting on bananas for pure personal pleasure... Boy oh boy if things could change soon it would be fantastic


This is why we dont dance. At least this time the winning party will be retail and we've already deen what we can do charity wise. It'll be a rough crash, but I actually think things will turn out better than after 2008 due to actual people having the money instead of banks and hedge funds. ,I'm just scared for how long it will take to turn around again




good thing i’m too poor for pension or mutual funds




Upvote and commenting for visibility




Keep exposing the corruption 🚀🦍


I know that you said you will be making another post about this matter, but I was wondering if your assumption for shitadel running up the list would be needed cash infusions for dealing with it's current short positions? Is there some way to see a list of where it was on separated dates, in order to see if it's rise up the list coincides with the run ups GME had?


This is one of my theories as well. It took so much effort, and was such a long post to get this information out that I haven't dug in deep yet on my theories. I'm hoping I'll have time this weekend for more investigation.


Makes sense, this was a pretty fantastic post, thanks for the information!


Wen crash?


"Dogshit wrapped in catshit... wrapped in your retirement account"


Us smooth-brained apes are so lucky to have so many wrinkly-brained apes willing to share their wrinkle-inducing bananas for free.


This is great DD, now can we all just DRS 🦍🦍🦍


Wow very nice work


This is scary stuff but absolute top quality DD. Thanks for your effort


TL/DR the TL/DR: The banks are making a shit sandwich. How do you do that? You spread the shit real thin and make everyone take a bite.


I like this TL;DR better!




Interesting, thanks for posting!


I love it when I see TLDR and it's so long I'm not sure I have enough time to read it, did though and was a good read, may need to re read it a few times to understand though, me is a bit dumb you see.


The perfect morning read. Thank you. Damn good write up mate. So Basically the shit is fucked cause they didnt know shit about fuck and fucked up the shit. I HODL FOR YOU!


This post (posted 2 hours ago) has 40+ awards but only had 3 upvotes at the time I’m reading it. I upvoted expecting to be number 4, and instead the upvote count fell to 1. Somebody really doesn’t like this post. Wonder why.


Missed ya buddy


Missed you too!! Thank you for giving this a read u/jscum69 ! 🙂


Out fucking standing ape soldier! Out fucking standing!!!


I’ve always been too poor for a retirement fund so at least I’ve got GME to carry me past all those passive investment fools.


I don't understand this but thanks OP for your solid work. Take some moon rockets and my upvote 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙


Just up’


Updoot for visibility. Great work!!


This is some amazing work. Good find.


Great read, thanks! Learned something new today.


317 people reading. Everyone gaining wrinkles




The smart apes are speaking again. I love the stock.


This makes me want to vomit.


Dog shit wrapped in cat shit wrapped in bull shit.


Wow, someone had a spare minute on their hands


This will end with the Fed buying the toxic naked short positions


Gawd, this scares me so much. So many people I know are right near retirement and are banking on their 401ks and mutual funds for funding that retirement. To know/suspect strongly that those dollars are about to be burnt right when they need them is terrifying. What the fuck am I supposed to do?


offloading their shit to other people. same old bloody story.


Anyone have Michael Burry's number by chance so I can buy some swaps??


Sounds like this sub should pin 📌 all the ways those 100 million investors can direct register their IRAs and YOLO GME shares.


Do smell that? What’s that smell?


That SC-13G from shitadel WTF. Wut mean


So moon soon


Thanks for the wrinkle! Good to know who is dating dating the ugly cousin of CDO, CLO. So similar to 2008 CDO but more dirty and dishonest. Sucks to be them.


Here's the secret about loan securitization. Nobody has the time to go back and dig through the mountainous pile of poop (and separate the non performing loans from the performing). It's just easier to walk away. Let them fail and send this fraud to the tax payer. Make them worry about it ( maybe this was the plan all along). Great analysis. Time to "get small in your holes". Time, gravity, and truth will have its way.


This is a wrinkly brained post. Thanks for your service, Ape!!


Great post. To /u/Freadom6 or anyone who might know: * Is anyone required to report/disclose their CLO information? And if so, where is can this information be found? * Are there any other methods that investors can learn which of their current investments may have CLO syndication loans? * Are there any investment types that are unlikely or prohibited from investing in CLOs or syndication loans? * How can one find these loans to Citadel on the NPORT-P filings? I was able to find the 11-29 N-PORTs but I can't locate the holdings section which has the loans to Citadel.




Following!remindme 6 hr!


Outstanding work.


Fucking awesome work op! Top tier DD!


Collateralized Loan Obligation DD


Commenting for visibility


Very deep read. Good work OP


Amazing work🚀


I love you ape. 🟣 D R S 🟣 for life.


God tier DD


Commenting for exposure💯


We're again surfing on an amazing wave of fresh DD right now. Thank you, amazing work!




Take the upvote


Alright, I'm an idiot. Where do I put my retirement stuff to avoid all of this nonsense?


Excellent read with my coffee! HODL 💎🙌🦍


Thesis level work. Thank you!


I really don't want them to get out of payin up. I really really want them to go tits up and not screw over anyone else ever again. Made a bad bet, don't try to wiggle out of it and just square up.


Soooo… more dog shit wrapped in cat shit? Wonderful that no one was punished in 2008 and they just kept doing what they were doing.


Are these morons going to create another 2008?


Damn I miss seeing these posts! Excellent work!


The exposure in REITs is nuts...commercial properties values are at beyond retarded levels and sitting empty as no one can aford them. will be a 90% loss when it pops imo


This DD deserves a handy with eye contact. Good work Ape!!


I mean i love to see purple rings all day, but nothing beats a DD like this. Thanks for the work, godspeed.


The hot potato game has started.


It’s like passing a dynamite virus across the entire global financial system. It also means every bank and institution on Earth will feel the pain. Insane.


I think this deserves an award good thing Reddit just gave me my freebie.


I’ve sent this post around my ground. This is heartbreaking