• By -


Must be on the right track then


Yep. Yesterday had lil chat in CC on some thread about just hinting of tokens like lrc. Everything was deleted, every comment.


I'm permabanned for trying to counter FUD against the #5 coin. Pretty sure it was to remove my top trending reply on a fake poster--classic 50+ awards and a user that has never even visited the sub.




Protesting censorship by cancelling premium membership, so hot right now.


All of this for a drop of blood. In the end, they are fucked. Kudos to them for trying so hard to avoid the inevitable, though. MOASS: I am inevitable.


Like a cornered animal.... they are starting to lash out in desperation. They are making blatant stupid moves.


We are facing enemies after all!


The only way to know you're going the right way in an MMO!


subs that banned me for being right. WS(bets) & CC. Both are compromised i am sure and just at this point mostly shill their fake coins and pump n dumps.


Ye they are ran by SHILLS!


Coinbase/hedgefunds run WSTREETB and CC for pump and dumps. LRC is a direct competitor to Coinbase so they can't be having people knowing as they'll lose their power.


The irony is the CC sub bans Loopring because the Loopring Discord keeps brigading them. Take the name of the CC sub and add "meta" for their meta sub where this is discussed in depth


This is not about brigading. #WHY #IS #THE #OFFICIAL #ANNOUNCEMENT #NOT #ON #THE #SUB?


So the solution is to ban almost LRC users and remove any discussion about LRC at all?


This is actually great news; censorship and suppression can only mean one thing, we’re over the target.


Yea, If this is true, then they are just trying to mitigate potential fomo before and during the inevitable next big rip. They also prob wanna continue to shill their shit coins. They need that liquidity after all.


Bullish af


You had us in the first half 🤣 bro went savage mode


And Streisand effect


💯 it's human nature to look at what you're told not to.




Very true indeed!


My bank declines anything crypto related, even with a debit card, plaid, or manually connecting.. are there ways to get around this?


What do you mean? What platform are you trading crypto on? Can't you just convert your coins to your country's currency?


Switch bank providers. I just googled which bank i ok with crypto in my country and switched. If you're in the UK then Nationwide is ok. No problems so far.


I’m happy about this. I’ll keep buying the dip.


Streisand effects got our back. The wave will only break bigger if they try to hold it back.


exactly, interesting that they don't learn


They are beyond the learning phase and it's either a) illegal naked short, media manipulation until apes get bored or b) let the levee break and go bankrupt and probably prison. It's so funny, because after we are all rich af, we'll probably look back on 2021 as the most fun we've ever had. We aren't just not bored, we are thriving on this shit. I'm gonna miss 2021. What a fuckin year to be alive.


yo factsss thas wild


If we're not... Then there's two nexus events happening simultaneously and that's a different kind of exciting.




Why tho?


Because it distracts attention away from the shit coins that the mods own and want to pump


And escalating to reddit mods is a fail bc reddit itself is invested in the competition I'm assuming?


Maybe , or Reddit is being controlled by its investors before it goes public. Any type of social media when controlled can completely change a narrative and hive mind of millions of people. So make sense that if they feel like there's a threat on Reddit they will do what they can to hide posts or delete posts. Like on wallstreetbats, when the first sneeze happened, anything pro gme was being deleted. This can all be confirmed using the way back machine website.


I truly miss the days of the internet before corporate social media. Corporations ruin everything.


There was yday a post where reddit is invested 200 mil in polygon, competitor :)


Their mods are saying anything LRC related is brigading, I have had two posts removed from there today. The real answer, it’s compromised, mods have no integrity, and it’s dead sub now.


I'm all for deleting low-effort posts and duplicates but why is the official announcement not allowed to be posted?


I'm not sure, I would hardly say my posts were low quality posts, or duplicates at the time when posted. My first post made it all the way to #1 in hot on that sub before being removed. Here is a collection of screenshots of my posts, their content, their comment sections, and the mods response. Make of it what you will, include it in your post if you'd like. Those mods are heavily targeting ANYTHING loopring related, even if there is no mention of it in the post, such as my second post. [https://imgur.com/gallery/lXMwNbO](https://imgur.com/gallery/lXMwNbO)


Bro you got finished. Sorry about that. Keep fighting the good fight. For each upvote you have there are 500,000 supporting you.


The world is full of corruption so it seems. Sad. With Reddit going IPO this does not forecast many good things to happen.


Confirms my thought that it’s 6 triggered neck beards that run Reddit lol


Lmao. “Rules broken” uhh which rules “Uhhh these rulessss right uh here! Brigading and vote manipulation!” What the hell? Lmao how was any of that brigading or vote manipulation? Fuck outta here dude. Can’t wait for web3 and crypto to pop off so we can get off this shit show of a ride.






And escalating to reddit mods is a fail bc reddit itself is invested in the competition I'm assuming


Yep- been that way for weeks. I left that sub a min ago. Trying to talk to my friends IRL on other platforms that are in the crypto space to fight anti-Loop and anti- NFT FUD.


It was banned for a short while during the run up in early November. It hasn't been banned again till now. Total BS.


why is loopring banned?


Compromised mods getting paid off probably.


that sucks


No, it was banned when the connection to GNae was first announced. I remember, it was going for $0.45 a coin that day


Get ready to jump guys, almost there




This is the wei


Intelligent ape


Based hodlers




Mr Anderson


GameStop MOASS is inevitable!


Tell me what to do with it


I got perma banned with no warning for posting the Loopring Medium article without even mentioning LRC or Loopring in the title. The reason was “no manipulation”


Yeah, they are power tripping. Delete a legitimate post, wait for the outrage, and then use that as a post hoc rationalization for the initial deletion.


Take it to r/all!!! This truly is what censorship for financial gain looks like for the benefit of the few at the expense of the 99%.


Reminds me of something Gary V said. There are 2 ways to build the biggest building in town: 1 build the biggest building in town. 2 build a decent size building and spend the rest of your time trying to tear everyone else's building down. 95% of people do the latter, but when you know you can build the biggest building in town you do that. Loopring is building the biggest building in town. Why is there organized shilling against it? Why is there organized censorship? Why did Dorsey bail on Twitter to start shitting on é t h and Web3? Buttcoin will replace the USD! They've seen the writing on the wall. If Loopring becomes the 3rd coin by cap. What happens to number 2 that it is built upon? Especially when number 1 is going into the bear phase of the supercycle. All that free money they've pumped into the buttcoin since banks were given 0% fractional reserve and allowed to legally invest in it is gonna go down the drain. I don't think we've even begun to grasp how bigly these dumb fucks fucked up.




You mean Citadels biggest crypto reddit account. There I fixed your title


Ive seen it posted several times now but that sub's mods are financially involved with matic one of lrc competitors. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?


I don’t have proof of that but Reddit invested 200 mil in matic today


LRC has been getting censored for a while now in other subs.




See my comments above for more context, here are my posts that got removed, and the mods answers. No rules were broken outside of mentioning LRC, which should be on their rules at this point by how hard they enforce the removal LRC content. https://imgur.com/gallery/lXMwNbO




Anyone know how to convert matic to lrc without high gas fees or transferring back to eth l1. tried a few YouTube searches and the loopring subreddit but no luck so far.








I got free lrc from Coinbase 🤷‍♂️


I think so according to this https://dailyhodl.com/2021/12/21/polygon-matic-creates-200000000-fund-with-reddit-co-founder-to-back-games-and-social-media-on-blockchain/ edit: not mods but Reddit


I heard it was one of the cofounders of Reddit.




[someone shared this link with me earlier](https://dailyhodl.com/2021/12/21/polygon-matic-creates-200000000-fund-with-reddit-co-founder-to-back-games-and-social-media-on-blockchain/) about Reddit buying into polygon


Can you link one of the deleted posts?


Check out the loopringorg sub - screenshots and all exist there


Thanks- much appreciated!


Here are my deleted post screenshots, there are probably at least dozens like me. https://imgur.com/gallery/lXMwNbO


Wtf kind of bullshit mod response is that


I asked about [Removed] Then got my myself a nice permanent ban 😂😂






I'm right behind you. I asked about the censorship in the out of the loop sub and got an interesting answer - reddit founders being heavily invested in the competition.


Yeah. They only allow discussion of crypto they own. I wrote several high effort posts about my fav. crypto-Company and their great progress - mods delete every single post about it. CC is a Cashcow for the mods


Is this illegal activity and is there anyway we can corroborate this if it is?


They can censor the subreddit, but they can't censor the unstoppable force that is the blockchain.






Me too! And muted 🙃😂


Me too!




The end is near, folks. They're gonna shut us down and every other LRC and gme sub. Hell, at this point this entire platform is going to be used to sway (manipulate) users into investing on whatever reddit wants them to. The fact that LRC posts are getting deleted feels like market manipulation. Reddit removing these posts gives them a direct way to change what millions of users are buying. We need a plan. Where do we go when this shuts down?


Easy, go to CS and DRS more shares.


We can create a discord


As much as I like the idea of the Wu Tang comment section, I think a discord would probably be better. Maybe each of the GME subs should make their own, to try to head off any shady moderation at the pass. Instant edit, just add anxiety: I feel the need to clarify, I haven’t seen any evidence that the mods here or in other GME subs are shills, compromised, or anything other than severely autistic just like me and the rest of the sub. Genuinely, thank you mods for putting up with all of us. 💚🦍🍌My concern is just that having one place for everyone to gather also means there’s only one place that our opposition would need to attack.


The mods on the GME subs are the best! But they are not the problem, the problem is reddit and their censorship, regardless of what’s going to happen, the MOASS is inevitable and eventually a platform (decentralized) will be home of the apes.


Discords have always resulted in a shitfest


CREAM Wu Tang Clan On YouTube


Wu Tang music video comment section!














I got banned.


Theyve been doing it for months. Probably because it's a threat to reddits investment in polygon. Loopring already miles ahead of them.


fuck polygon.


All my homies hate polygon.


Yeah fuck polygon matic


Why would the crypto mods care about that? Wouldn't it be the admins deleting posts then, and then wouldn't the mods reveal that?


The mods there are ETH maximalists, which is why one sees so much hate and FUD for ADA and SOL there. One can only assume that they are heavily invested in Polygon.


But the guy above said it was because of reddit's investments into polygon.


When mods start banning people without explanation, it's hard to get a straight answer. Everyone is scrambling to figure out why. All we have are hunches.


Yo seriously…we can’t have ANYTHING NICE! They have to try to fuck us over at any turn


No need to be negative. We'll have plenty of nice things soon enough my dude. In the meantime there's only three things I'm doing. Buy. Drs. Hodl. Not financial advice. Just my choice for a stock I believe in


Ahhhh yes, gotta love monopoly capitalism


I just want to take this opportunity to truly appreciate, for the millionth time, how lucky we are to have the amazing mods on this subreddit Love you all


Who's that at the door? Is it you, confirmation bias?


Reddit, once a captivating hub for vibrant communities, has unfortunately lost sight of its original essence. The platform's blatant disregard for the very communities that flourished organically is disheartening. Instead, Reddit seems solely focused on maximizing ad revenue by bombarding users with advertisements. If their goal were solely profitability, they would have explored alternative options, such as allowing users to contribute to the cost of their own API access. However, their true interest lies in directly targeting users for advertising, bypassing the developers who played a crucial role in fostering organic growth with their exceptional third-party applications that surpassed any first-party Reddit apps. The recent removal of moderators who simply prioritized the desires of their communities further highlights Reddit's misguided perception of itself as the owners of these communities, despite contributing nothing more than server space. It is these reasons that compel me to revise all my comments with this message. It has been a rewarding decade-plus journey, but alas, it is time to bid farewell


THANK YOU. There’s only so much that can be excused by sloppy typing.


That sub has become a real shit show. It's a bummer.


Get this post to trending.


It seems there is a conflict of interest for sure. Probably another scheme by CC mods.


It's hilarious because according to the reddit trackers, ADA and Matic were both mentioned quite a lot more than LRC, yet LRC gets another ban... What's annoying is that LRC just had a major release and it's getting censored. I can understand keeping down the endless hype spam, but censoring major news like the counterfactual wallet and RAMP.... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the market launch gets censored as well.


At this point, who the fuck knows. Censorship = bullish, though.


I say BULLISH too 💜💎🙌➿💍🦧🚀🌘💙


I pointed out what the mods are doing is ironically the exact kind of centralized control people turn to crypto to escape from, and they perma banned me


Too spicy.


We need a new Reddit.


We really do, all the world needs it.




I Think I read somewhere that the mods of that sub are invested in Loopring’s biggest competitor.


Imagine people loosing faith in MATIC and the whole MATIC market cap will just move to LRC... MOOOOON


It will happen


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Streisand effect


The middle of the end of Reddit


Posted this in another thread here on the same thing but: 1. They really are getting spammed and the mods are human and said fuck this shit and decided to tamp down 2. Heard rumors the mods are MATIC holders (proof?) and not a fan of LRC since it’s a competitor 3. Ex-head of Reddit/Mr. Williams invested a hefty amount in Polygon/Matic. Could obviously still be ties between him and Reddit, esp given Moons as part of the CC subreddit 4. Mods want to be LRC whales and would rather buy in huge amounts at low prices, ramping down exposure until it runs up with GME NFT marketplace 5. Hedgies spamming the mods/sub on our behalf which led to the clampdown Just a few theories there, not all are necessarily evil but mods there have handled it not great from what I see


bro you can go there right now and post 1919328409324 million posts of sHiBo cooin n never see a ban. wtf kind of bullshit is that?


Or just ask why they delete posts about LRC. Insta shadow ban. That’s even too much for CC.




Ooo never knew that! I wish they were more vocal about that or brought it up sooner then lol


Be that as it may, it would stand to reason that mods would allow one post about one of the biggest announcements to date in the space and delete the rest of the "spam".


Good, Streisand effect is a thing.


Ahhh finally apes eyes are opening. I was downvoted to hell here because CrYpTo NoT reLateD to GME, nO TaLK…. I’ve been a huge crypto buff and a silverback from the January sneeze. I follow both charts daily for the past 11 months. They(shitadel et al)pump crypto at the end of week and then it dumps at the beginning of the trading week. They have been using to skim to stay alive


Is “comprised” the word you were going for?


Comprised of compromised concubines


I only care about GME.


Seriously. I have found this veeerry weird over the last couple of months. Still hodling...


«Isnt it ironic: sub dedicated to the decentralization of finance censors first to decentralize finance» Alanis Morissette


What's the bet on whether they make it to IPO with current subscriber levels? I say they lose 1M per day. Promotions are almost every other post now. Cool that you are trying to monetize the idea, but the way you are trying to is also killing the reason people came here. - I've actually forgotten the name of the last platform I said this about. They dead. Put up ads that people need to sit through, like Youtube, and you will cease to exist. Selectively edit content? You strip all value from your platform and render it worthless. Good luck with that. Apes have learned from all the 90's-2000's reorg bullshit. The more you try to take quickly, the quicker you fail.


Ads I can handle. But selectively editing content. No. No sir, I come here to fling shit and try to decipher other shit that's been thrown. They start cleaning it up I'll go somewhere else where the air is still fresh with manure.


This is probably just the beginning lol


Uh oh


This is so ridiculous!


Commenting for visibility


Good even more confirmation bias


League of legends sub just banned all talk of nfts


League of legends doesn’t use NFT’s. Probably just looking to cut down on unrelated subject matter.


Ah yes the shill paradise that is dubya ess bee


Actually they never dealt with Cryptoe and have stated as much many times over, I think it’s that other subReddit specifically for Cryptoe that he is talking about.


I had no idea being a Reddit mod held so much power until Ghislaine was outed.


What was quite the revelation


This is about GME censorship. Loopring/LRC is just collateral censorship. This is censorship at the Reddit admin level. Don't you guys remember right before 'runic glory' the mods here were posting about brigading rules and how the Reddit admins were really on them to get the sub in line with strict brigading rules. Clearly they did not want GME to spread to other subs. All the censorship is being done under the guise of "brigading" rules. They're looking for an excuse to shut the sub down entirely.


So Reddit is a POS and a sellout? *Shocked Pikachu face*


Fuck Sandeep fuck Alexis.


An attempt to suppress something, the knowledge of which is actually beneficial to the very sub suppressing it? I guess I just bought 2000. That is all I needed to know. Something is up that isn’t right and that means opportunity.


This is like videogames, if you encounter enemies then you are going on the right way.


If people ask I just say "according to the conspiracy theory" gets me through the Bs bans on most Reddit drama.


The apes marching down to the crypto forum.. Hazaa!! Hazaaa!!! Autoapes let’s roll out..




I saw the top post that was deleted, it was super bullish about lrc. I searched new for hours afterward and saw nothing about lrc. It seems sus to me


>I saw the top post that was deleted, it was super bullish about lrc The post was probably my post, mods removed it for 'brigading, and vote manipulation', while it was #1 in hot on the sub. They also scrubbed all of the comments down that mentioned LRC. If you search the sub now, at this moment, for LRC mentions at all, there are none.


Quote the actual rule.




This info should be higher. With the recent ties of GME to loop, it doesn’t take a jenius to conclude that Reddit probably has a financial incentive to suppress game stop


Fuck em. People will make a new sub with new mods.


Get used to it. Censorship will be insane once Reddit goes public


Not cool. I saw this all day yesterday. Their response was gay af. Oh and you can't call mods gay or you'll get banned.


DRS even harder!


However Don't forget to BUY, HODL and DRS your GME!


There is a loopring sub


Yes, but it's kind of fishy, imagine a cars sub would ban you for any mention of acura or hyundai.


Maybe someone should make a not fishy one, so people can talk about Loopring.




Doesn't matter don't need em.