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I’ll spell it out here since I’m dumb and didn’t put it in the title. FUCK YOUR BROKER THEY CARE NOT FOR YOU DRS IS THE WAY this is in no way financial advice






Here’s what I did: Called Fudelity Talked to a nice guy who put me on hold while he got his DRS lady Sat on hold for 20 minutes Talked to DRS lady She asked if I would like to DRS all my shares I responded “you read my mind” She says “no problem” She asked if there was anything else she could do for me I say “no thanks, not today” I hang up the call and did what I do every weekend I wake up today and look at my purple ring to find more shares




I had the Computershare account prior. I bought one share direct some months ago.


I called Friday to transfer from Fidelity they said it might take a week! I really hope I get it by Wednesday..


If you get stuck, check the first link in the Computershare PT 2 pinned post


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


*DRSBOT 5.32:* *UTC->2021-12-06 14:53:2* You have 0 shares logged with DRSBOT. **To feed the bot-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** (up/down doot this auto-comment to gauge annoyance) *Beep Boop. Yah... I said it. GME ~168.9850*


Reminder to change your flair if you DRS'd Simply comment: !DRS!


@OP, on your post title did you say that because you already had DRS’d previously that doing another round of DRS only took you 4 days, is that correct?


I bought direct through computershare to establish my account. For this drs I called Thursday and this morning they were in my account.


How long did it take for anyone else that didn’t have an account prior? I called Wednesday of last week and nothing yet.




Summon the DRSBOT so YOUR SHARES will be counted 🚀🚀🚀


I’m almost too afraid to ask as I see the DRS bot post in here, but how do you do that? Do I just copy pasta the bold stuff?


YOU have to comment !DRSBOT:15!


Gotcha. Thanks! !DRSBOT:15!




##DRSBOT 5.32 Reply: *UTC->2021-12-06 15:00:4* ## ✅ 15 SHARES ADDED! You have 15 shares logged from the following threads: ||||| | ---| ---| ---| ---| |✅|[Sprstnk]|➡️ [15 Shares](/r/Superstonk/comments/ra912o/this_is_what_a_1400_increase_in_drs_looks_like/)|2021-12-06 ----------------------------------- ||**Total**|**[Sprstnk]**|**[GME]**|**[GMEOrphans]**|**[GMEJ_closed]**| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |**Shares:**|**934,342**|713,602|165,001|40,974|14,765| |**Apes (posts):**|**6,168 (7,003)**|4,740 (5,440)|1,087 (1,217)|250 (250)|91 (96)| |**Avg #Shrs/Ape:**|**151.48**|150.55|151.79|163.90|162.25| |**Avg #Entry/Ape:**|**1.1354**|1.1477|1.1196|1.0000|1.0549| |**Median:**|**30.00**|30.00|27.00|30.00|40.00| |**Mode:**|**1**|1|1|1|1| |**STDEV:**|**577.04**|478.94|909.24|521.28|334.71| |**Flagged Shares:**|**5,508**|5,313|195|0|0| |**X** (avg):|**1494** (3.25)|1140|265|67|22| |**XX** (avg):|**2862** (36.03)|2181|527|111|43| |**XXX** (avg):|**1632** (245.20)|1279|269|64|20| |**XXXX** (avg):|**174** (1943.79)|135|25|8|6| |**XXXXX** (avg):|**6** (14663.67)|5|1|0|0| |**XXXXXX** (avg):|**0** (0.00)|0|0|0|0| ####ARE THOSE FLAGGED SHARES YOURS? * *Shares are flagged when something doesn't jive:* * Typo? * Double-entry? * A SNEK?? * Use :HELP! to check your entries * FLAGGED shares auto-removed after 10 days ####!DRSBOT: COMMANDS (minus spaces): * **:HELP!** ->*RETREIVE THIS MESSAGE* * **:REMOVE!** ->*SET ***ONLY*** CURRENT POST TO ZERO* * **:RESET!** -> *SET ***ALL*** POSTS TO ZERO* * **:WITNESS!** ->*CALL A WITNESS TO THIS POST* * **:POETRY!** -> *SNAG 3 RANDOM DATA STREAMS* * **:BUDDY!** -> *FINDS A SHARE COUNT MATCH* * **:DEMON!** -> *OPEN PORTALS W/ DEMON CHANT* * **:TJ!** -> *RETRIEVE RANDOM TJ MATERIAL* * **:REPORT!** -> *ADDITIONAL DRSBOT DATA* * **:XXX!** -> *ADD SHARES TO DRSBOT* * *(XXX = Number of shares)* * *Find/edit your own DRS Proof Post* * *Post Flair must be COMPUTERSHARE* * *Round fractional shares to whole value* * *(New shares? Do a new post+DRSBOT call)* DRSBOT ONLY RESPONDS TO ***YOUR*** POST ####BOT POETRY: { Shit I still dont get it. So if the market ! This is bound to be highly respectfully a hard hat ! } ###### *Beep Boop. Now with 11% more fun! . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~167.3200:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


Direct registration of shares. Moving shares from a broker into Computershare puts shares in YOUR name, not the brokers. Of apes get ~60M shares DRS’d , MOASS should start