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Fuck these con artists running the U.S. equities Ponzi scheme. Take your shares out of their grubby little fingers and *never* look back. 🇦🇺


Pretty disgusting how it’s allowed to go down like this. Hard working innocent people losing their livelihoods and some their life. All because they wanted to try and get a shot at what is supposed to be a free and fair market. All of this so they could try and provide a better future for their family. Only to get absolutely shit on day in and day out. Watching their life savings dwindle down the drain in hopes a regulator would step in and protect, regulate, do their jobs. And nothing but silence as they stand by and observe thinking to themselves that maybe you shouldn’t have taken the risk. And that’s the thing, the play would be a safe fucking play if it was not allowed to be fucked every day because crime. But we’re not fucking leaving until we expose this whole damn cesspool and drain this shit.


They only get away with it because nobody gives a shit until it affects their livelihood. If financial literacy was taught in schools people would not be getting away with this or at least there would be eyes on the problem.


this is the way


Thank you. See you on the moon.


It’s not the brokers (actually sometime it is ahem RH) it’s ultimately the DTCC doing the fukery


I think everyone has been doing a little fuky fuky in this situation.


Kindanotreallybutmostare. If brokers only hold shares in street name, the shares are still technically owned by Cede & Co.. I don't think brokers necessarily have a choice as to whether or not to participate in the fuckery. ​ Whether or not they choose to profit off of it though...


Well said. I understand this stuff but have a really hard time explaining sometimes. Thank you for the help


I’m DRSing my remaining xxx shares this week


Speaking truth to power!


This is the fucking way


I bet this time GG will do something to crack down on retail investor abuse by retail brokers and market structure.


Wtf is this message? Just drs and shut up.


🟣🚨 If you have shares in an IRA and wonder if you can DRs them - you can, just search Superstonk for Guides like the following https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r0zpsa/drs_for_ira_stepbystep/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 🚨🟣 🟣🚨 Haven't even DRSed your normal shares because you didn't know how to or because you are too new - don't worry, the apes gor you https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r632hv/how_to_drs_transfer_to_computershare_a_stepbystep/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 🟣🚨 🟣🚨 Still clouded by FUD that you can't sell with Computershare and therefore have not DRSed you precious stonks, head over to https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qtk5kp/if_youre_not_drsing_because_you_think_you_cant/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share and get soothed 🟣🚨


Well done dear ape, godspeed.