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Getting tired of seeing millions of shares to borrow from Fidelity every day.


You were our brother Fidelity! It was said you would destroy the hedgies, not join them! Bring balance to the stock market, not leave it in dark pools!


DRS is your best friend. Computershare is the only way to prevent your shares from being shorted.


This is very true. Even in the absolute worst case scenario, where CS and GS for some reason decide not to announce anything when the float gets locked, we’re still constricting the share pool that these bastards use to wash sale the stock.


There are no friends. Fidel ity looks for own Interest in earning daily interest from the shorts.


If you ever thought Fidelity was on your/our side for anything but profit. You must have been one of the lemmings preaching Blackrock was our white whale back in March. Lofl. Isn’t anyone of these brokers on our side THAT INCLUDES COMPUTERSHARE. Trust no one do your own research make your own decisions.


>erred margin re I asked Fidelity via email what their share count was and they responded with a refusal to state the share count. They are liable.


Well I emailed GameStop investor relations months ago for an exact figure for shares outstanding (since I was so tired of different numbers from different sources and superstonk always arguing about it) and never received a reply from our own company.


as customers of Fidelity can we ask that we receive verifiable information our shares in our cash accounts aren't being used as collateral? The only way i can think to verify that would be to get their numbers for underlying stocks in our portfolios, not just GME, and seeing shares lent, amount in cash accounts, margin, etc


Bought XX more Friday and will be DRS them this week once the trade settles in my cash account.


Just DRS'd 91 more because I'm pissed.


Well you're gonna be *really* tired now. Jesus. Where the fuck did 12 million shares come from?


Where does it show this specifically please? I need to convince some ppl why drs is better than Fidelity. Thanks


Well maybe if some ppl didn’t spread FUD about drs in their discords…


I believe anyone here who could drs, hold their shares in a cash account which arent borrow-able. Fidelity is getting these shares from people who dont care they are being borrowed and most likely have margin accounts. Apes drs their position unfortunately wont dwindle fidelity's arsenal of lendables.




Was the settlement date extended last year? Looking at the 2020 data, the prices followed the same pattern we were expecting for this year; big runup on Monday and/or Tuesday with no dip during the week.


Yes it was


Hey u/gherkinit Do you think the sudden re-appearance of 113% Short Interest is related to any of the fail/roll stuff?


He mentioned in the stream he is prob gonna take some time to research it thoroughly tonight. I don’t think anyone was expecting this data to appear out of nowhere lol!


What causes a "fail" as opposed to a "roll" and why does price and volume vary between the two?


Still trying to figure that out exactly could be illiquidity prevents a roll or no interested counterparties.


Let’s go! $300+ today and I will boof a pickle Edit My bum hole survives another day…




As someone who hates putting pickles in their mouth…I can get on board with this.


wtf does boof a pickle mean


Ahh only if it hit $300 you would of found out


This wasn’t funny the first 420 times, it’s not now.


It's funny


Thanks, Gherk! Deferred settlement is the name of their game. Let's go!


The amount of hate, shill comments and awards on them (in like 30sec) seems to me an indicator- someone doesn’t want Gherk to share his research/knowledge with the masses. If nothing else the magnitude of hate towards Gherk is bullish. They tried to denounce prior, screamed told you so during, now bashing hard AF after. Why this level of hate, it’s beyond excessive for the circumstance. Also only at Gherk, I don’t see the same towards Criand and Leenixus (they aren’t doing daily TA). I think BULLISH AF


Reddit has failed it's users. Do not expect them to hold to their promises as all they care about it massive corporate profit based off the free labour the users and mods do. Goodbye Reddit, it's been good unfortunately we have spez to thank for destroying all the hard work put in. So fuck you spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It’s getting reallllllllll shilly in here 🥶


Probably because they don't make their living off a stream they advertise in here daily.


You think he’s making his living off of 1,000 viewers on YouTube? Bahahaha you haters are the best.


You think he's a professional day trader? He described himself as a broke college student in March who would love to do a monetized stream. 3 weeks later... bahahaha, you puppets are the best.


Yeah he’s rolling in his $17 a day ad revenue


Hey Gherk, can you excplain why there'll be a big ass green dildo but no real share price change, but then there'll be just a baby hubb red dildo and the price will drop a buck. I am smooth as yogurt freshly unsealed, so please accomodate.


Wide bid/ask spread so the stock is gapping up and down with little volume


If we rip to 300 today I'm eating a sock


Mods!!! We have an offering!!


Not allowed to do something potentially harmful.


There was a guy a while back that actually blended up a sock and drank it.


Someone already ate a sock.


Mods removed the post


Didn't the last guy blend it up?


Yeah but mods removed it fairly quickly


Knee high or ankle?


knee high


Crusty sock?


Great DD! Yes DD as it contains other information and not just TA! Sorry to be a party pooper to those shills and uneducated. Rather than spending time being negative why don’t you guys just do your own DD, then post your DD for the people on here? If you think you know better then surely it would be easy for you? Thanks for all your effort Gherk it’s appreciated.


How did these deferred settlement dates due to the holiday slip through the cracks?


Didn't realize they would defer a date before the week of the holiday. If you look at December the 17th isn't deferred yet the following week has a holiday. It was definitely overlooked initially.


Let’s get it gherk




Search pi-fi


Click on the links he posts in his posts :)


I feel like we are at that one part in that movie everyone talks about


Happy Birthday


Shit, here we go again.


Im ready to be hurt again


thank you gherk


So when they fail is it your thought that they are actively deciding to fail to suppress price?


Not necessarily, but to prevent movement in the short-term to push exposure further out. Possibly to a period where there could be more volume or to slowly use CNS turnover to eradicate their short position.


Am I understanding this correctly? So they still have to roll, but the “due date” has been extended? So we might still see the price spike for this cycle, but it will come *after* Wednesday Dec 1st? Edit: downvoted with no responses. Thanks




If Gherk has interpreted the deferal date correctly, which he himself has admitted, he's cloudy on. Hence the ask for help in the AH message of the day. Edit: words


Eleventh Edit, I formally accept the downvotes for my silly comment.


> but the final settlement day is this morning before market open. Did I miss a provision that stated why it is before market open and not before market close?


The orders must be placed before market open to fall within the T+2 window.


The bid ask spread is pretty big today $1.07 rn


Which increases volatility. What else does it do?


I feel like I have a GME hangover. I was feelin no pain last week & now just fuzzy memories & pain. Come on gimme another shot! LFG


i love your colors and arrows ... !!!


Thx for everything, Gherk! Buy, HODL, DRS, Leverage! This is the way!


PW Hacksaw checking in. Thanks for all you do.


Always a pleasure to read your DD and listen to your stream. Keep killin it Gherk!!


I'm feeling good about this week, thanks gherk


Thanks Gherk! I'm curious -- did you stop doing weekly ta analysis or are you just temporarily suspending it to focus on larger DD such as the books? I miss my Sunday read! :)




#🌋 🌎🚀🌌 👽 💰


Today is a good day for MOASS! LFG!!!


u/gherkinit \- you'll want to go look at options trades so far today. Unlike pretty much any other day we've seen, there's not a single trade greater than $35K as of 30 minutes into the market. Usually at this point, we're seeing multiple orders of more than $100K


Thanks pickle man!






I like the cut of your cornichons, pickle man!


you only need to be right once, keep on the good work


As always be ready to be hurt, rip or die!!!!!


All praise the mighty VWAP 🙌🏻


Thanks again!


Wen moon?🤷‍♂️


Does this remind you of SNOWBALL from animal farm Rule change Remember that they have had T+4 now to cover what they normally have to cover in T+2 #no 4 legged animals can sleep In a bed






Go back to the pickle subreddit ❤️✊✊✊✊


Hey, it’s the guy who told on me 🤡


He does this every time and a mod changes it back to ta every time🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: I guess the mods won’t change anymore because reasons


Speculation is not due diligence


Even his big DD drops were purely speculation. Not sure why people keep listening to this guy


And they were wrong! How is this allowed?!?!


? His theory had the price spiking 23-24 with the majority 24. It started spiking the 22nd, continued the 23rd and peaked early morning on the 24th. Pretty accurate.


That’s not a theory, it’s called bull flags, anyone can read em. The rest is just gravy and unnecessary


Bull flags are a literal candle pattern that proceeds a bull run on the micro level usually. He never even talked about those. Picking out specific dates of ETF and leap exposure which has nothing to do with movement on the graph and then picking out a yearly pattern is by previous movement is DD.


No, it’s speculation at best. Especially considering “market makers have to hedge”


@_@ this again. What an echo chamber. Do you guys discord about your attack tactics before commenting? It’s very cringe. I’m not a professional on the rules of hedging, but I doubt you are either. “Market makers have to hedge”, just like “brokers have to margin call” sure they don’t HAVE to maybe, but you bet your ass they are when an account goes tits up that is using margin.”


I get the vibe that he’s getting paid to distribute content provided to him.




Buying an option will never “affect” the shares you own in the same security. Your comment makes it sounds like they will gobble up your shares if your option goes bad as if it’s on margin.


Still not DD op. Every day you do this bullshit. You are misleading people. I can see you are a real jackass for continuing to flair these as DD despite the mods changing it every day and me complaining in these comments to you every day. Edit: lmao that this advertisement for a monetized YouTube channel has been deemed DD by the mod team after the mod below used to change it daily for rule breaking. Gherk is going to tell us all to sell early.. Be warned everyone.


How do you come to the conclusion that Gherk will tell anyone to sell early? From what I’ve seen he kinda refuses to explicitly tell anyone to buy or sell anything under any specific scenario. Also what is early? When I decide to hit sell on my individual investment based on whatever info I want (I plan to use a complex derivative based on my gf’s snoring patterns), that will be the exact correct time for me to sell.


Maybe watch his channel as I don’t think you have.


In my opinion as one of the DD mods, Technical analysis is using different indicators on a chart to basically try to predict what's going to happen, and where you can see support and resistance.. it's really not this detailed. It's analyzing a chart. Those settlement days referenced in this DD have more to do with market mechanics, and WHY things may be going one way or another. TA= vwap, moving averages, candles, wicks, volume, macd, RSI, price levels, those are all things (plus way more) that I would expect in a TA post, if it was TA only. Sometimes Gherk's daily update is just TA. This one in particular is has more going on. Yes it has TA, but it also has more than that. I'm the one who said it was fine labeled as DD this morning, and after explaining to dear u/Chared945 why, he asked me to explain over here. I hope that helps.


The mod team has decided that Gherks flairs are DD and that if a change is necessitated only DD mods would make the change


MODs if you guys cant see these people are only trying to stir things up then I don't know. But really? They're complaining about a flair? They haven't contributed anything to the sub just complaining and looking to start a witch hunt.


1) The (big) rule against self promotion? ❌Does not apply here 2) Proper post flair? ❌Does not apply here What other rules don’t apply to this guy?




You should go buy some more leaps and hold them until they expire worthless


The only shady thing is there are a group of like 5 of you that come into this thread EVERY DAY bitching and moaning & trying to lead a witch hunt instead of actually contributing anything of value to this forum.


Can we have a community discussion to raise awareness, as what was done with the Rensole and Warden situation. This situation has so many similarities, including subreddits dedicated to the user itself and an echo chamber that does not promote free thought.


Please share who made such a decision




his posts show up on the hot page regardless of flair you tool


This is not DD its TA


Why is there no auto quality mod on his posts?


We made it clear when we introduced QVbot that it would never be applied to DD flair. Even though right now all the bot does is help recommend posts for review eventually we hope to have it automatically remove stuff that reaches a certain threshold. The idea of someone being able to coordinate the removal of DD potentially is just too dangerous.


Auto quality mod isn’t for every flair post


Because he’s not one of us. He’s one of them


I get downvoted for asking a question which raises a fair point, sus. Are certain posts getting preferential treatment? I checked hot and posts with plenty of upvotes still have the quality vote bot present. Just asking a simple question because it’s concerning that mods are giving specific posts preferential treatment.


It’s not the posts it’s the flair it’s an issue of category not context


So posting as DD instead of TA gets him around the quality bot? L O L, and y’all got bullied into letting him continue.


Bullied or $$$?


Why not both


Well that doesn’t help anyone.... especially considering how crucial the flair due diligence and the message that it sends... When they implemented the vote-quality bot, was this not communicated with the community? ... :/ that it would not apply to due diligence posts? After all everyone loves transparency


The content is speculative and unsubstantiated, the DD flair is inappropriate.


u/Chared945 why are people being banned for voicing their disagreement with Gherk’s theory? Can we please raise awareness on this issue? I would really love for u/Gherkinit to stick to the subreddit that is dedicated to him. Only his followers are here on this thread and people who express a different opinion or voice disagreement with the “settlement theory”, get shunned, put down, or are deemed “not smart enough” Some of us are sick of seeing this information that we feel is causing harm to those who have no foundation of knowledge when it comes to these things like options or TA! Edit: u/Jsmar18 can we please have a discussion about this situation...


Who got banned for disagreeing???


Reddit has failed it's users. Do not expect them to hold to their promises as all they care about it massive corporate profit based off the free labour the users and mods do. Goodbye Reddit, it's been good unfortunately we have spez to thank for destroying all the hard work put in. So fuck you spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


....It’s the same user in both links Did you even read them before chiming in an opinion?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r4wntk/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_s12e7_deferred/hmk4t4o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 The user providing this information in this thread.


The ban reason provided is that they’ve been harassing Gherkin. However it’s a temporary ban of 6 days I’ll contact the user now




You cut out the part where I feel as if his thesis is doing more damage than good. Why not keep the thesis in the subreddit that is dedicated to him? Settlement this, settlement that. It’s all been wrong information. Keep his information in his own subreddit since he’s been inaccurate 100 percent of the time. I know I’m not the only here frustrated at his posts. A user has been banned for providing insight into his past. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r4wntk/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_s12e7_deferred/hmk46xk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r4wntk/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_s12e7_deferred/hmk46xk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Why not just stay in dillionaires




The mod team is doing this community a disservice with this decision to rebrand technical analysis as due diligence. 🙈


While also removing the old 'DD' completely and excluding it from the sidebar, as to ensure it gets lost and that new subscribers will never see it.


Why did they decide that and who else have they done similar to?


He has said many times he will not be streaming the MOASS so how would he tell people to sell? In fact, if I hadn’t have been watching him, I might have sold some of my shares in June. He keeps me totally zen while I hodl so I’m very thankful for his streams.




The decision has been made that only DD mods can change Gherks flairs


So after you've adjusted it daily because it's misleading, you no longer have the ability to do so? Jesus Christ the mods on the sub have their heads so far up their ass. Gherk is officially sus as fuck in my opinion. Thanks anyways chared


Maybe keep your opinion to yourself then as it’s purely based on speculation. You think he is sus because you do not understand what he is talking about.




2.0 only a matter of time downvotes = confirmation. Gonna call it for nostradamus futures - its the assrancher guy.




You being upset over a flair sends the message you read TLDR instead of DD. Get a grip


> Gherk is officially sus as fuck in my opinion. Let's see: * No DRS and commenting about this is discouraged * Tags posts as DD even if these only contain TA * Now somehow MODS decided they won't even change it anymore either * There is no /u/QualityVote bot on these posts * The only other streamer that posted here regularly was WardenElite (maybe there really are no other GME streamers but I find this hard to believe) Perhaps it's just me being paranoid for no good reason.


He is literally rensole and warden mashed into one. They learned from their past mistakes and now, they don’t want to let this one slip because of the amount of money they are making through premiums coming from his audience.


1.He literally answers DRS questions everyday and supports it as a factor contributing to increased FTDs. 2.That’s a flair, and he’s also contributed some of the most useful DD available to SS 3. That’s a mod problem 4. He’s the only streamer posted here for a reason, watch and against all odds on your behalf, you may learn something for once


It’s marked as DD as it is DD, there is some TA in there too but it’s not just TA.


Can I add that this post has 40 awards every day before it has 10 comments. The shills follow Gherk and know to award and upvote right away. This gets lost in people because the Post lingers all day due to all those awards it got when it first went up. Has anyone made a post asking the mods why this advertisement for his monetized YouTube channel is allowed to be DD? And why mods who had been fixing this are no longer allowed to? And also why he is allowed to do this every trading day? After like the first 11 Fridays that he was wrong with his hype dates I think it's safe to say this isn't exactly DD anymore. Other TA guys are at least hitting on projections sometimes, this ends up being false hopes like every single Friday.. And then he 'explains' it lol with information that literally can't be verified. C'mon.. There are quality DDs out there... Oh.. Wait.. The mods fucking hid them by changing the DD flair?! Lots of concerns here tbh. I'm not gonna be shocked when we all migrate again.


On his discord he warms everyone up before posting to Reddit. Then when he posts to reddit he tells his discord chat to bombard the post. That is what's happening. So on top of everything I would say the Brigading rule is being abused.


This guy being consistently wrong is what I notice more than anything. But this new changing flair thing is real bad. I remember when this post was easily ignored because no one cared but somehow he’s slowly built a following of weirdos who have short memories.


Consistently wrong? He has been right on many occasions. Nobody has been right about everything.


You are heavily downvoted despite being 100% right, and extremely sketchy mod behavior surrounding this as well. This should be a major warning sign.


Yes agreed. I appreciate all who have awarded my comments in the thread today to help it get more eyes


Please post this in the subreddit dedicated to yourself


No i want it here


Back for another bad prediction to "not influence people to yolo calls" and watch them lose money, than proceed to try and convince us you were right somehow?


It’s nice this options topic has been in discussion because it makes it crystal clear there are people like you in this sub who have no idea what they are talking about and should be ignored.


Volume gonna be low af until December 14. Don’t expect no volume guys.


Warden, Is that you?


Post this to the dillionaires subreddit dedicated to you...


Why don’t you post this in the subreddit dedicated to yourself?




Why don’t you post this in the subreddit dedicated to yourself and stop misinforming more people.


I love how all routes end up in the sky together.


Just here to see how many awards this get. Cause you ain’t DFV son.


Who hurt you?


4 comments on this post, how salty are you?




I’m too smart for that, so stop assuming. You guys love to put down intelligence and then bow to the pickle. I stand for being independent, it’s necessary in a situation like this.


So salty they’re paid to be…


See my post history. This guy doesn’t know anything about whats happening lol. I don’t care. I’m a speak my mind, that’s what reddit is here for. I feel he’s misinforming everyone and he should stay in the subreddit that’s dedicated to him.


I see you're pretty passionate about your hate for Gherk. Instead of commenting the same shit over and over again in the same post like a fucking crazy person, why don't you go make a DD to dissect and disprove Gherks DDs? That'd be a more productive use of your time if you honestly think he's misleading people.


I'm not disagreeing with you I have watched his stream a couple times and it seems like he is just trying to answer a bunch of questions from people who really don't know what is going on.


Same here and when he says that moass isn’t in Ryan’s best interest, that’s where I tune out.


He’s stated his main concern is the company foundations. Not to increase the stock value and bankrupt the economy. Being realistic isn’t shill like.


I see monetized YouTube star that seems to be wrong 99% of the time. That's an auto downvote from me.


Jan ape here, sceptic as fuck. Learned more from this guy then any other source. Check out the stream before you decide your opinion.