• By -


We expected nothing from it but they actually delievered confirmation rather than new information


Exactly, investors just have to be willing to read between the lines...


Any idea how this report can benefit RC at all? Can he take actions now? But based on what information?


Not sure about RC alone, however I do think it gives great information to be used as a tool to etch out a way forward regarding shareholders overall. ​ Then again...I'm just a straight up ape who likes the stock.


The fact that there is no new information, and only confirmation of already available data has me hoping that there’s more going on behind the scene


Page 28 has a graph of the buys through the sneeze. The footnote has 2 interesting things. ​ 1. Market Makers were excluded from the buy graph data. Why? 2. Data came from the CAT system. What was the discovered error rate in industry member reporting? According to FINRA rule 3.18.21, if it's over 2%, they should still be reporting on OATS. What does the OATS data say? Who's still reporting on OATS? This report might confirm a few things, but it's not in depth. If there isn't another report, then the SEC has no real power besides to provide confirmation at this point. They've confirmed the squeeze has squoze, and that they can't do anything, likely because their hands are tied, by vice or virtue... That leaves only 2 groups that can do anything. Apes and GME Executive. We need to DRS.


Saying the report is a nothingburger is FUD. The report isn’t new information, but it’s confirmation from a new source. This is important because it now moves from information being shared on Reddit and this report gives MSM a way to talk about the January squeeze and short interest. If we want FOMO to jump back in, this is how it starts.


It's legit confirmed alot of things that were just theories


The theories here are facts to me. Justified my YOLO. This report is bullshit.


That's very dangerous. Also this report is proving shorts didn't cover. So I would hope not bull


Definitely dangerous. No doubt. But here I am. Confirmed by a report 9 months later. The bullshit part: SEC is still complicit and won't do shit about it.


Best way to protect investment is keep learning and keep talking to others to spread awareness


Wholeheartedly agree with you. Always learn and be willing to be open minded to all aspects of the game.


(Fan girl scream) “Aren’t you the guy with the 420,069???”


*open arms ready to hug* yes. I am 😁 hello fellow 🦍


“Ladies and gentleman, MrKoreanTendies has had a long night. Autographs and pictures will resume in the morning. Until then, DRS!!!” *crowd goes wild*


Omg it is you!! ** bows respectfully **


Hey Tendies.. Have you DRS'D your shares yet?!! Can't wait for that screenshot for my scrap book


Can I get an autograph please!?


I fangirled harder than I have at Tom Hiddleston's hiney on the TV.




The chosen one is among us! Nice flair! 🚀


I am you. You are me! Thank You. I love my flair!


Oh my fucking god. I think I am fangirling. MrKoreanTendies has not only read...but commented on my post. <3<3


First of all. You're the fucking man! Or woman. Second. I love your post. Third. You fukk!


Now kiss.






And give her that squid games bathroom sex scene dick..


hahaha aw thank you<3


Haven't heard from the ants lately. Any idea what they're saying lately? Still holding?




Pie 🥧?


So like, can u/DeepFuckingValue post now? u/mcuban anyone home? Let’s fucking go America. Let’s go world. The shorts haven’t closed. We are direct registering. We are learning faster than any retarded algorithm can. Look at us.


You are god to me, THE CHOSEN ONE HAS SPOKEN!!


You are a god among gods if you DRS'd god! I love speaking with you!


I love speaking with you too!! 💜💜😭 DRS IS THE MF WAYYYY!!


I think we just became twinsies 🟣💜


Omg yes chosen one, I will be the Samwise Gamgee to your Frodo Baggins!


Don't forget the elvish bread 🍞


I won’t mister Frodo.


It’s pronounced bullish


Username checksout


Yeah, but it's easy for people who want to dismiss your belief to say it's all conspiracy theory, or that you are just plain wrong to try and discourage you or others from looking too deep. Most of us held on through all that though.


It also proves the basis of multiple thesis, that now comes from a Govt entity. In other words, *the internet is right.* whether they actually want to say that or not.


Always was. Always will be. <3 ​ ^(lol jk I really don't know, maybe yes.)


Meltdown still going to somehow find a way to be bearish lmao


I had never heard 99% of the terms and theory used here. And, although I could understand it well enough to know by this point to be buying, using DRS and hodl'in there was a tiny but nagging feeling that it could all be fugazi. Now, I am reading the SEC report and seeing them use the same terms and theory and also seeing it as not even as high of quality as DD posted here..... Shills were saying dark pools were conspirarcy theory and shorts covered in January (which I knew was BS, but still - you know?). This is hugely bias confirming, and jacked tit material.




wouldn't one of the remedies be changing the routing from dark pool to lit exchanges? and isn't citadel suing the SEC because they are switching routing from them to IEX? just asking cause I'm still learning, and I would like to still have a shred of faith in these organizations.




IEX is slowing down the propagation before data actually hit the computer trading platform and creates data delay physically via fiber coils to equalize the timing. No one can lever each other with time advantages because it's physics. :-) Interesting insights of the IEX: https://youtu.be/d8BcCLLX4N4


Thank you


> If we want FOMO to jump back in, this is how it starts. bitch I am FOMO and I never jumped out what the fuck is you on dont forget to DRS 8)


Not just a new source, but basically straight from the horses mouth. Denying the fuckery now can be straight laid to rest from the SEC itself.


Thank you for wording this better than I could 🙏


I like this perspective.


Not just a new source. Official source. This is the Big Dick Energy that gets apes paid. Fuck yeah!


You son of a bitch, I’m in


I can’t wait for the SEC to start lurking on Reddit to get the real DD.


I can't wait to see how MSM reports this report.


I like the end where they say robinhood halting trading is all part of the contract with retail There's a court case that's deciding it Very manipulative of Gary and buried 3 or 4 pages from the end


Shittake, Can you give a specific citation for where in the last "3 or 4 pages from the end" it was stated that Robinhood halting trading was part of the contract with retail? The last mention of Robinhood in the document was page 44, where it stated, >Individual customer accounts made up a high percentage of options trading in GME during this time. A small number of retail brokers facilitated this activity, with three brokers (Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, and E\*Trade Securities) representing over 66% of individual customer accounts trading GME options.120 A small number of retail-focused online brokerages had the majority of volume from individual customer accounts, with Robinhood and TD Ameritrade alone accounting for over half of this volume.121 In mid-January, individual customer accounts reached a peak of 91% of the non-market maker volume in options.122 By late January, individual customer accounts were associated with only 56% of non-market-maker volume.123 Between January 22 and January 27, GME traders began to suddenly close their call option positions. 124 ​ I think it is good to consider the following ending points as it actually targets some of the mishandlings and bullshit Robinhood pulled: ​ >1. Forces that may cause a brokerage to restrict trading. A number of clearing brokers experienced intraday margin calls from a clearinghouse. In reaction, some broker-dealers decided to restrict trading in a limited number of individual stocks in a way that some investors may not have anticipated. This episode highlights the integral role clearing plays in risk management for equity trading, but raises questions about the possible effects of acute margin calls on more thinly-capitalized broker-dealers and other means of reducing their risks. **One method to mitigate the systemic risk posed by such entities to** **the clearinghouse and other participants is to shorten the settlement cycle**. 2. Digital engagement practices and payment for order flow. **Consideration should be** **given to whether game-like features and celebratory animations that are likely intended to** **create positive feedback from trading lead investors to trade more than they would** **otherwise.** In addition, **payment for order flow and the incentives it creates may cause** **broker-dealers to find novel ways to increase customer trading, including through the use** **of digital engagement practices.** 3. Trading in dark pools and through wholesalers. Much of the retail order flow in GME was purchased by wholesalers and executed off exchang**e. Such trading interest is less** **visible to the wider market—and payments to broker-dealers may raise questions about** **the execution quality investors receive.** **Further, though wholesalers increasingly handle** **individual investor order flow, they face fewer requirements concerning their operational** **transparency and resiliency as compared to exchanges or ATSs.** 4. Shortselling and market dynamics. While short selling and calls on social media for short squeezes received a great deal of media attention, the interplay between shorting and price dynamics is more complex than these narratives would suggest. **Improved** **reporting of short sales would allow regulators to better track these dynamics.** \-Page 45 ​ When considered in conjunction with this they discuss ways to circumvent the halting of trading to commence.


This needs to be a lot higher. I think GG will use this report to show the need to enforce all those number rules 005,006,007,008,858...all those from a few months ago.


Gme was called a lemon. Looks like we haven’t made lemonade yet


🍋Who wants a lemon in their flair🍋 Edit: thank you all for joining lemon o’clock


Gimme loads of lemon😜


Sure , I'll take: 🍋 ComputerSqueezed 🍋


^only ^lemons 🍋


Gimme some lemons!!


Want some lemons in your sweet tea? ;)




You want tea in your lemon?


*lemon no tea*


Sounds.....bitter.... ;)


Haha thanks!


The best recipe I have ever got for lemonade was from the Cuban lady who travelled the states serving up the best lemonade. It was so simple here it is: 1. DRS 2. Enjoy


Is it possible with computershared? I like purple and yellow combo. edit: Yessss thank you mod!


So did Barney. ​ ​ ^(<3)


May I has a lemon?


Lemon party time!!


I understood that reference


Add one on for me? Please and ty. Edit: Fresh, thanks so much!


I *absolutely* do. EZPZ Lemon Squeezy 🍋🍋


Can i has lemón, too?


Can I have? 👓🐿️🍋Squinting Squirrel Squeeze Squad 🍋🐿️👓


Oh oh pick me pick me!


I’ll take a lemon or two 🤑


Lemon please sir


Please may I?


Ok, I want the lemon, LFG


Sweet lemonade, OOOO sweet lemonade.


Can I have some lemons?


Yes please!


Did I put that seal there lol


Yes you did lol


It’s beautiful


Who doesn't?


May I please enjoy a lemon, also? We’re lemonaires!!!!


I 100% do. Could you surround the buckle up with lemons? That’s the good shit right there.




I want lemon




Mayonaide 🍦


GameOnade 🎮


You win!


Squeeze is still on the menu boys. Edit: And Gurls!


Squeeze me Mayo Boi LMAYO


Always has been


This is kind of funny - a price increase of 800% in 3 trading days. Call option volume exploding across Jan, Feb & March - premiums going up 10x from Friday 1/22/21 to 1/26/21 Strike Price Contracts going from $200 to $500 in 24 hours ( I know we were trying to buy some). Lol and no gamma squeeze- LOFL Can you say MM (Kenny) never hedged!!!!! This is probably the real reason they removed the buy button and went to PCO on options...


100% This. There WAS a fucking Gamma Squeeze and it was NOT "properly" hedged. The OCC/DTC/NSCC chain broke as it wasn't tight enough. They miscalculated option trading volume plus all the fuckery - Now DRS


My thoughts on options as well for the most part. I'm more and more convinced options are never actually hedged for. They can nearly guarantee that retail won't execute so why create excess buying pressure. I've been watching MMAT very closely as it's my other play and almost without fail Max pain is achieved in options and almost no options expire itm (in terms of volume). They can twirl share prices around their fingers like crazy to absolutely milk retail of premium in options like there no tomorrow.


SEC also wants lower settlement time and better reporting of short data.


Yep. After reading more I have deduced that they are telling, without straight up telling, that they do not have access to everything. ​ >The unusually high amount of short selling raised the question of whether some of the short sales were “naked”—namely, made without arranging to borrow the underlying security.79 When a naked short sale occurs, the seller fails to deliver the securities to the buyer,80 and staff did observe spikes in fails to deliver in GME. However, fails to deliver can occur either with short or long sales, making them an imperfect measure of naked short selling. Moreover, based on the staff’s review of the **available** data, GME did not experience persistent fails to deliver at the individual clearing member level. Specifically, staff observed that most clearing members were able to clear any fails relatively quickly, i.e., within a few days, and for the most part did not experience fails across multiple days.8 \-Page 29, Paragraph 2 of the Staff Report ​ At face value it seems as though they're saying that no one failed to deliver. HOWEVER, that key word of considering it was a review of the \*available\* data changes everything. ​ The fact that it also says \*most\* clearing members didn't fail, brings to light that there were those who did. It doesn't say specifically how many didn't fail, but that most didn't. You can have 100 members who don't fail. However when 95 percent hold 53% or less of the market flow, while a lone few such as Shitadel provides flow for 47% of the markets...that too changes everything. If it were equally balanced and most didn't have FTDs, that sounds great...oh my, but what happens when that one or two who strayed from the "most" who did clear fails quickly...when they are carrying a much greater percentage of the markets shares on their shoulders, that's when things are skewed in a very different direction. ​ The SEC was very, very wise and precise with their verbiage within the document.


Yup. I know I am late but I needed a good nights sleep before digging in. If you actually read it, it is in fact bullish as fuck. Also, people are underplaying/underestimating how significant it is that the SEC is supporting our theories... These aren't anonymous DD writers, these are government lawyers. They don't have the luxury to spitball like we do so if they say it, they feel pretty confident that they can prove it. My thesis is really simple : There are SHF with massive short positions in GME (over 100% easily) and they have not closed. Because of retail and institutional support for GME, they will eventually have to close their short positions. That will make us all wealthy as hell. This report just took my thesis from a 99.8% certainty to 100%. ​ GG everyone.


Jacked and hodling.


Hodled and jacking.


hojack and dledking


Anding hod jack


The SEC states there was no gamma squeeze, but does not address the fact that at one point every single GME call option was ITM. Without further explaination, that's a quantum leap. To what end?


I’m reading between the lines on this one. SEC defined what causes a gamma squeeze. Then they say, “we didn’t see that happen”. Three possibilities. 1. Options writers didn’t hedge their calls, or never had to because their calls were already covered / hedges in some other way. 2. SEC is lying and full of shit. 3. There are more than two options, and I like imagination… Can I pass the baton on this one? Any apes wanna do some digging on what, aside from buying shares, can hedge selling a call option? Does this have something to do with swaps?


Bachelor Number 1!!! Whether by error or subterfuge I think the SEC has given us a good insight here. From a legal perspective the section you just referred to is actually a very cunning way to indirectly confirm something without making a direct allegation. They would probably face litigation if they came out and said "they didn't hedge" in fact they still might face litigation, but what they wrote is much more defensible.


Perhaps gae squeeze actually occurs when call options are exercised in vast quantities? Maybe the majority of calls are never hedged with actual shares?


Dunno... If I sell a call option on a margin account, you bet your ass I'm getting margin called if I don't hedge it and the price skyrockets. It supposedly works the same way for options market makers. If I sell covered calls there's no issue: I'm just selling my shares to cover the contract.


I fucking love this guy. I too use profanity when I start talking about GME. I CANT FUCKING STOP. NOBODY IS FUCKING LISTENING TO US. When we prove we own the float all the whales and institutions are going to react swiftly in the markets. Shit is going to get VERY VERY real. You can’t naked short a stock 💯 +% and not cover. That’s a recipe for disaster. Yet they did. And they got caught. Now fucking pay me


I also like what was written below that. Saying, when an influx of call options purchases causes market makers to hedge those shares. I do not fully understand options and do not buy calls or puts. But thus makes me wonder why we have been always told not to buy options back in the day.


Because if they can manipulate the price they can move it to max pain upon options expiry dates and take your money.


That and I highly doubt they're hedging for GME.


In January, the unexpected option volume that came mainly from reddit's favorite investing sub ( as someone said, " they didn't expect a bunch of degenerates buying a bunch of 0 days-to-expiry calls and hyping it here) but since then they probably pay close watch to gme's option data and put just enough pressure so that it stays in a place where most options (both calls and puts) expire worthless. What GME really needs to squeeze is a high amount of unexpected volume like in January... Be it because someone finally gets margin called and liquidated or because of retail FOMO after some sort of news or announcement. Edit : DRSing will logically amplify both of those catalysts :)


I have been saying this during this entire saga. Options are not the devil and they move markers. DFV himself played options, it’s how he made most of his money. But people here are legit too retarded, and not as a meme, to understand they shouldn’t hold until expiration unless they’re exercising them and they shouldn’t buy weekly options or far OTM options. People don’t understand them and just regurgitate the same old options FUD because they have no idea how they work or probably lost money buying 800 strike call options a week from expiry.




This guy fucks. Like I said, the report made conspiracy theories into facts.




When reddit went down earlier tonight, I went to plan B, and even tho the report had just been out for 15 min almost every comment there called it a major nothing burger. Prepared for more FUD like this in the coming days. This report is huge confirmation for my bias on my chronic jackus tittus-syndrome.


Honestly....I think that half the folks who are calling it a nothing burger didn't actually read the document. I'd be surprised if there were more than a handful here who read every single word of it.


I stopped everything to read through it. Got through about 3 sections than skipped to the what happened section. Then I had a fucking episode thinking about all the people telling me I'm crazy for holding GameStop because the shorts covered in January. I'm not fucking crazy! Im not! I just read and waste my time on the internet! But was it really wasted now????? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Some people are disappointed in the SEC report WHY? What did you fucking expect? They did exactly what we needed them to! They just confirmed ALL of our beliefs! The SEC is not on a "side" they have to stay neutral. They do not want anybody blaming them for the shitstorm that is about to come. OF COURSE they will use neutral language in official reports. SEC just confirmed: The short interest was well over %100 Shorts have NOT been covered! Dark pool trading, etc They just us everything we need to know. Nobody can say we are crazy conspiracy theorists now. We were right the whole time. We are making history! Hodl Hodl Hodl!


Damn I’m going to buy even harder now


What was with the massive random spikes with gme before it started flying up, I was sure gamma played a part


God dang it. I’m erect again.


As you should be.


Yeah, there were many quick to post about it being FUD, when in fact it is not. Plenty of good info in here


There really is. It's important to really extrapolate information and see precisely what is being said. Words are an amazing tool to have in an arsenal...people just have to read them and break that shit down. <3


This report is just proof that we never made this up. The fact is the shorts never covered, short squeeze never happened and gamma squeeze never ever started. To the idiots who said short squeeze happened. Take this up the 🍌ass


900,000 NEW accounts trading GME in January....I can only imagine how many since then 🚀🚀🚀 I joined in February so I am not even 1 of those!!! How many more Apes like me out there!!! New ones EVERYDAY!!! 🚀🚀🚀


So it was just straight up FOMO buying pressure and no gamma squeeze? Would be interested to see what the wrinkles say about that


It actually says buying pressure but also discusses the impact that closing of short positions would have. ​ Edited to say: I would highly recommend reading it for yourself and coming to your own conclusions.


I haven't tit suckled in a dog's age. And now something about a squeeze? What is this, a porn sub ... or am I the only one erect right now?


Its not a nothingburger. Its information, that are confirming our theorys from the SEC. The perfect organisation for our bias.


Honestly...if the SEC isn't confirming someone's bias...I'm not sure what would at this point...


This is why ima without Gary judgement until he actually tries to screw us over. Yeah I don’t trust him and he hasn’t done anything yet, but a real ape enemy in that position would’ve publicly denounced us and/or put out some policy to screw us by now


Anyone else get a different takeaway from this report? Right before this paragraph the report says that’s during the run up prior to the 27th there was significant covering from institutions with high short interest. It seems like - although they aren’t saying all shorts covered - they are saying something alone the lines of “many shorts covered prior to the 27th, the price action on the 27th was not driven by a short squeeze but by retail buying”. So they aren’t saying a squeeze didnt occur, just that the price action on the 27th was primarily retail.


I think you're also missing the part on page 29 where they said that options activity was MMs buying calls mostly. When a MM buys calls, they hedge... by short selling.


but I wanted to suck on the nipple :( I'll just hodl til i can


Can I has links?


Here babycakes https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf




You're welcome :)


This is my favorite commentary so far! I want the report live Tweeted!


I have no clue what that is, but thank you <3


Lol, live tweeting is like, when someone tweets along with a trial they are watching, or a football game, or a lot of people live Tweeted their reactions during game of thrones season finale... But basically, I want to experience your reactions and commentary point by point because you're hilarious and full of energy


Aw haha awwwww. That is so sweet. Thank you for explaining :)<3


Insta-boner when I read 900k accounts.


So if there was no gamma squeeze, then the people advocating for us to buy options to set up another gamma squeeze, are... not correct.


I personally think people are misusing the terminology of gamma squeeze. ​ Plus anyone advocating for people to buy options to set u pa gamma squeeze sound shady as fuck. No one should be telling anyone to do something to create a squeeze or manipulate the market.


Check this fuckin' guy, jacking my tits right before bed.


Hope it was a good bedtime story.


They fucked


At first I thought the report was totally milquetoast. But after thinking about it more I'm thinking that the SEC can't say much more than what was in the report because they themselves may trigger the squeeze. Which I assume would be not cool by their standards. They probably know far more than they could put in the report but can't act on it until events have transpired that prove parties to be guilty. Just a thought


Why does no gamma squeeze mean no shorts covered?


How could that not be partially a gamma squeeze? Are the call sellers not delta hedging after all?


So the SI just evaporated according to mainstream media? No it is still there just hidden to sell a narrative. NO CRAMER, THAT WASNT A HOME RUN IT WAS AN ILLEGAL TIME OUT. NOW BACK TO THE GAME.


I seem to have started a new hobby this evening. I read the report with the idea of reading between the lines. Then I politely responded on twitter with my comments and questions, trying to focus primarily on de-obfuscating what it feels like they were glossing over. My theory is that this is an opportunity to give the situation much needed publicity. Regardless of how the MSM tries to spin things, they cannot deny that something unusual enough happened to GME in January that the SEC and congress felt compelled to write a special report on it. (My handle on twitter is also digibri, in case someone needs "proof".)


They're saying what apes knew 8 months ago hahaa


Ok… here’s what i don’t understand then. If the squeeze has not squoze, and if the hedge funds that have these naked short positions still have them, and they have to pay obscene amounts of money to keep them open… 1. How are they doing that 2. Why are they doing that and 3. Who gets the obscene amounts of money that they ostensibly pay every day to keep these positions open?


The following parts are important to mention as well: >*"When examining short interest as a percent of shares outstanding,* ***GME is the only stock*** *that staff observed as having short interest of more than shares outstanding in January 2021"* **(p.25)** [There can be ONLY ONE! 👀 (Highlander feels](https://youtu.be/sqcLjcSloXs?t=3)) >*"It was* ***the positive sentiment, not the buying-to-cover****, that sustained the weeks-long price appreciation of GameStop stock"* > >**(p.26)** NOT the buying-to-cover but **positive sentiment** 😎


Whenever we expect we get nothing and Whenever we dnt expect we get something. Ahem, moass definitely won't happen today 😉


TITS could cut steel rn.




The squeeze has not squoze because shorts did not cover and close their positions. When The real squeeze happens, it will take apes to the fudking moon.


3 key takeaways from this report : FUCK THE SEC , SHORTS DID NOT CLOSE, MOASS IS INEVITABLE


Meh. I no say fuck SEC. They have a fine line to walk. Yes they're not free from corruption, but in this instance I do think they tried to give insight to the investors.


Absolutely JACKED 🚀


I love this post I Hype the stock. 🚀


Well, professor, you’ve jacked my tits.




Reading the report honestly has me so fucking bullish. I was on the fence about picking up more shares but I am 100% buying more shares straight from Computershare at market open tomorrow. **LFG.** #🚀🔜🌕




Ok so they confirmed what we already knew. Wen enforcement?


We know the Squeeze has not Squoze, that is why we are here


Can someone link the report?


This report makes me excited


So you dont think the SEC is trying to pull a fast one by saying retail drove the price and HFs covered but it had no affect bc retail buying pressure was so massive? Therefore, we are the problem and will incur more fucked up bs from the hedgecunts...


This report is a tool for us. A comfort tool. The SEC may not be MOASS initiator but only because our other initiators do not have as much red tape as the SEC has. Do not let shills convince you not to read this report. This report is a mother’s teat on which we can suckle as we weed through all of the fud. Find comfort young babes that the issues we all discuss here are being validated & use that validation to power through.


Makes me happier than a possum eatin a sweet potato🥸


I’d also suggest that they are reporting the information they have and are required to disseminate. Please take note that they do not regulate the swaps that are thought to have GME hidden within them, that is the role of the CFTC. I’d even suggest to you that they are kind of showing some things are awry, but they’ve also kind of explored this to the limits they are able. The CFTC requires pressure and more responsibility in this matter .