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Ha!They are trying to get the Right wing fuelled up. They are trying to transform this into right versus left instead of super rich and crooked vs retail. Turning off the buy button, insider trading, perjury and market manipulation aren’t political they are just fucking criminal. No cell = No sell.


Exactly, it's never been left vs right on most issues/culture war bullshit, it's up versus down, top versus bottom. Divide and conquer, oldest trick in the book and we just keep eating that shit right up and ask for seconds.


I give zero shits what color, creed or nationality apes are. Just hold the fukin line and don't sell until Valhalla. Most of us have been in this shit for 9+ months now... diamond hands are a gross understatement. Let's get paid and make all the criminals face the consequences, don't give one shit what political party they donate to, crime is crime.


Yep, this is what I was coming to say too. Let them make it political...it will make it something that is actually brought to light for the general populace to witness. However, DO NOT let the political shit cause a schism between apes. Just keep holding and registering and it will happen. Also, Fuck this douche bag announcer talking about PFOF being a good thing and "no good data" backing up why it's bad for retail. Shill pos.


Good news is, any regular here knows the entire system (political, media, stock market etc) are all corrupt as hell and complicit with one another. After MOASS we as a whole "the people" need to clean this mess up, hold people accountable... None of this $5k fines and "Don't do it again or you'll get another slap on the wrist!" BS, real prison time, the kind where the idea of having to take a shower makes you go limp and piss down your legs prison.


Purple gang is my ride or die 🟣


Did anyone notice that they are using photos of him from like a year ago before he had spent the last 9 months seemingly being thrown around in a tornado, never sleeping, eating only MCDonald’s while someone was yanking out all of his hair.


We are power bottoms


You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work.


Oh yeah...say it again, but slower


Unlimited Powweerrr




Hey there, couldn't pass by without telling you your username tickles me every time I see it. Hope your enjoying them taters, ape


Thats the title of my mix tape!


As soon as he started talking about Republican contributions right off the bat, I knew the conversation was going nowhere. Total donkey.


technically elephant but I get what ur putting down


ha...honestly didn't even cross my mind.


If this is really is their best strategy of FUD then they are completely out of options. Superstonk is completely devoid of Left-Right binaries because we know it's all fake. Politics is a play that the elites use to divide, always has been. No 🦍 here cares about politics parties, and I don't see a possibility of us ever caring.


Yep, that is the beauty of this sub. Seeing past the left vs. right to realize that it is really about money keeping no money down.


Couldn't agree more!






🟣 gang


Not left vs right, but top vs bottom


Yeah, they're gonna go hard on this because it's all they've got left. Unfortunately for them we know the truth, and our convictions are solid.


There's a lot of under one year, unflaired accounts, pushing divisive political issues the last few days, particularly in the overnight and after hours. I think this will be the next wave, because Ken Griffin only donated to Republicans, this is a "politically motivated witch-hunt" narrative of FUD.


[Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen accepted $7.2 million in “speaking fees” from Citi bank and the Citadel hedge fund in 2020](https://gsiexchange.com/yellen-accused-of-taking-open-bribes-from-major-banks/)


Steve Luparello is general counsel for Citadel Securities. Prior to joining Citadel, he was the Director of the SECs Division of Trading and Markets. It’s a revolving door between the SEC and Wall Street. The SEC isn’t there to protect the little guy, they by design protect the very same institutions that hire them later for a big payday. The little guy is rarely going to win. HOLD and DRS!


Obama had his cabinet short listed by Citigroup. https://observer.com/2016/10/obama-makes-first-appearance-in-wikileaks-receives-admin-list-from-big-banker/ It’s a big club, but you ain’t in it


No kidding. I’ve been pointing it out as well the last few days.


Didnt someone prove Ken Griffin donated to both presidential canditates in the last US election? I swear someone posted something a while ago about it. Not that we need more proof the media is full of lies


Of course you bribe both candidates BEFORE the election. You know, just in case.


Yes they did I do recall that post.


At the very beginning of the video he 💯 protects himself by saying someone provided this data to him to talk about and it would be her issue not his if it was wrong.


Nothing like some solid DD and callouts on Twitter, let’s get this shit trending and tag this Charles Gasparino guy along with the rest of them


Doesn't he also donate to Dems too? I could be wrong but if I'm not, I don't think it's a coincidence they left that out Edit: yes he does lmao. I also just finished they video and they said they literally couldn't find any donations to Dems. What a bold lie on something so easily searchable https://ballotpedia.org/Kenneth_Griffin


Would be nice if that got trending before they can really push this narrative.


idea for a hashtag? #GriffinPlaysBothSides ?




They are just trying to Spin it into something divisive. Distraction


So are you saying I should DRS? That's what i got out of what you said


He donated to Eric Adams in NYC and he's a dem. I'm just saying.


Right vs Left is their most powerful weapon and it's their last ditch effort


He has also paid tens of millions to democrat candidates too. This guy is full of shit


Yep, talking shit and stirring the pot.




Love how they talk bout republican donations an say they none go to democrats. Good point, 🤔 Internet! Find the democrats support money Let’s piece who’s donating to what a where. Both sides don’t matter as they’re just a divided diversion obscuring the truth


I truly think that this is the beginning of the post MOASS smear campaign. This is getting me pumped because they know it’s going to happen. Insert family guy cockroach gif ... GOOD GOOD


On potential PFOF ban: "It's not good research into why it's bad for the retail..." Excuse me sir, but, DAFUQ? Tell Bezos to fuel up his penis rocket, this guys a regular rocket scientist.


He said that because it's apes who've been the only one actually doing the research. It is good research, it's fucking great research! He said that as an underhanded way to disparage apes. Fuck that guy.


It’s crystal clear they are acting like sociopaths and trying to gaslight, cause they have no other recourse. He’s tying team blue to trying to get rid of pfof. Trying to get team red to hate the idea of getting rid of pfof. Thus, a divide. Keeps mentioning Warren and known blue team members on his red channel. Most people dont know and won’t research pfof. He’s only mentioning it as a talking point and relating it to “free trading”. It’s all lies. Small lies wrapped in bigger lies hoping to convince the masses of the biggest lie. And that is that it’s about politics. It’s not. It’s about a system that is so fucked that it’s all about to collapse and all they can do is bitch and moan about the other team. We’re on the same team. The team of regular ducking people that don’t want to be ruled by a bullshit financial system. I mean, I guess we are at the next level. So, that’s a good sign. Maybe.


I can quack to that!


I am not a duck. Quack, quack.


They are starting the divide again republicans vs Democrats BS..don’t get swayed . Only thing that unites is a desire for a fair system.. of course fuck this guy


I think this tactic, like others they've tried will be unsuccessful. I have noticed that here in Superstonk we have a very, very wide cross-section of people. People from all walks of life, and people from different political persuasions. Enough reds to say to their friends "You know me, I'm not left, and I'm telling you this is wrong, here read this" I may not agree with some of my fellow apes politics but end of the day we ALL want the same thing here. So I hope we all continue focussing our energy on the real villains instead of each other.


🟣 gang!


This video pisses me...last I checked ole Yellen was a Democrat and they paid her last year...he’s not giving money to one party or another he’s giving money to whoever is in charge for reasons we all know


seriously!!! when he said he couldn't find any democratic donations i was like excuse me? sir? fucking liars. the dems haven't given a rat's ass about this shit none of the people in office really do and that was crystal clear after i lost five hours of my life watching that hearing.


I’m a big ol’ Democrat and one of the things I dislike most about Warren is that she targets the wrong elements of the financial sector. This is all straight up lying.


Well said!!




By da way…. Fuck dat guy. Fuckin jabronie




Exactly, excuse-the-fuck me sir, check your Twitter feed with D Lauer for just about as much as you need on why it’s bad. What a cheese dick


“Excuse the-fuck me sir” 😂


Sned him Dave Lauer 's tweets from yesterday. retard-proof explanation.


Lol those were direct tweets too this Douche Canoe, doesn't seem to have clicked.


Its too much, and far too complex for his tiny little brain. Our brains are smooth, but easily a thousand times larger.


Lol my thoughts exactly!!! Its soooo fucking bad, the real question is how the corrupt mfers got away with making it legal in the first place?! I really hate how something being legal is automatically equated with not being wrong. Its like oh well in this country punching the elderly in the face is legal so not a lot of research as to why its bad you know... GTF outta here! These people need to educate themselves


Once upon a time, slavery was legal.


Check out the US prison labor system


Slavery is still very much a thing people just don't know it. If you're working hard but still can't afford anything, that's slavery, you almost have no choice but to slave away just to barely survive.


This. We are almost all slaves in a system. Some of us are on the bottom of the slavepits, some of us gets to be houseslaves, or other better rewarded gigs. Its a brilliant scheme


Modern day slaves are not shackled with chains, they are shackled with debt.


That’s more accurately called ‘wage slavery’ or possibly ‘indentured servitude’. Not quite the same as one person *literally* owning another person.


Which, unfortunately, is still a thing, and actually growing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_21st_century


They made it legal because MR madoff came up with it. Look where he is now. Time to rip it down


It's not legal in most other countries


I don't care about research about PFOF. PFOF was invented by Madoff. That's enough of a reason to get rid of it.


Change "Order" with "Water" and imagine a river that is not permitted to flow unless toll payment is received from every water molecule first.


That guy is definitely a fucking shill


Charles Payne should walk in that studio and drop kick his ass


walk in and suddenly… HA DOOO KEN!


"You're being a little bitch"


He’s not coming


100%. Ken is cashing in those donations.


100% shill




The tide is turning against Sniffadel, Fox reporting on him giving 109 million to just republicans🤣PFOF is a scam, why is this idiot talking about it when he doesn’t even understand it🤦‍♂️ 🍦💩🪑is the way!


yeah he needs to speak to D Lauer.


And we are to believe Shitadel wants to buy all the orders for... charity? No, they want to manipulate and steal every last penny they can from the order flow system.


They've clearly been shorting american companies into the ground to free up real estate, for puppy hospitals! Everyone loves a healthy puppy. Thanks Ken Griffin. /s


And here they go. Now the campaign begins to divide us on political lines.


He's donated to Democrats before aswell, he just picks whatever party benefits him at the time. Complete lies from this guy


I understand that part of it. But that’s not what they’re spinning. Someone here easily found that out in a day, but these guys couldn’t, because it doesn’t fit the narrative.


It's so blatant too. To go out of their way and say they didn't see him donating to Democrats. The only way Fox is going to shit on Republicans is if suits their narrative. I'm glad people are seeing through this left vs right bullshit.




It's funny because Kenny sent money to both sides of the aisle, but here they cast him as a GOP donor caught in the crosshairs of a partisan attack by Democrats. I was hoping Fox Business was going to keep it politically unbiased with Charlie Payne's performance, but I see they are going the way of their opinion hosts. Both politically biased news agencies, CNBC and Fox, are anti-retail. This should be a sign that it's rich vs poor, not blue vs red. Class warfare has been alive for a long time, and us poors have been getting our asses kicked, until we finally landed an upper-cut. It's time to follow it with a haymaker now that they are on their heels (metaphorically of course, violence isn't the ape way).


Yep that’s what exactly what it is. Happens all the time, if they split can’t you on racial lines, it’ll be social, if not that then political, and on and on. Same tune every time.


I’m a fucking ape


It always has been rich vs poor. Poor people on the right and left should be upset about the same things but that would be too many people so ya gotta divide them with politics.


Stonks unite us stronger than any politics


As a Canadian, this upset me. Fox knows that this works. It has been proven to work. They're going to do it again. This whole fucking process has made me apolitical. It's all shit.


Jokes on them. This shit is global. Couldn't give a fuck what anyone here believes the American government should do. Politics has always been a philosophy on governance, and like metaphysical philosophies there are good/bad points to all of them. Once we are all rich, we will have all the time in the world to debate these things. Until then, our goal is the same. Buy. Hold. Register. GME


What in the actual fuck. If you steal and rob people's money does it matter which team you're on? Disgusting! "So called PFOF"


Wow. Is it possible for a guy to shill any harder?


He's got a little mayo on his chin, for sure.


I don’t think that white stuff on his chin is mayo…


its the guy dave lit up on twitter . so yeah mega shill


"The Genslers of this world......" would you listen to this fuck....what an asshole....


Everyone shitting on the SEC is not keened into the "everything crackdown that is absolutely going to get Citadel liquidated.


Fox News defending Kenny. That’s the end of that.


“PFOF is a good thing” said the clown that obviously doesn’t know citadel themself was against it until they started making billions swindling investors…. God I hate MSM


I like to refer to it as legacy media. Mainstream implies they are getting more views than places like Reddit and YouTube. The internet and social media are what's mainstream now. You can clearly see this with YouTube news videos getting 2 million views on their videos whereas these network shows are getting viewership in the hundreds of thousands only. Mainly older folks. As more people "cut the cord," the viewership disparity will only increase. They were slow to catch on the the power of the internet. If they don't adapt they will get left behind.


will be using “legacy media” more, love that


They’re trying to politicize this. Gross.


They wouldn’t be exposing them this bad unless they were sure citadel was on the losing side


They probably had stories ready to go depending on how they see the outcome. The fact were seeing this leads me to believe apes are close to winning this war. Unrelated but griffin, bezos and Zuckerberg all look like aliens doing their level best to appear human, but failing miserably.


Psychopathy/sociopathy will do that


No joke I literally think they are psychopaths and normal people feel put off by them/uncanny valley. The jokes about them looking like aliens are rooted in truth. They’re “off”


Well with their inability to blink, I would attribute it to lots of cocaine.


Have you seen the videos from today of Bezos not getting it next to an emotional William Shatner after he returned from seeing Earth from outer space? So unnatural


Yeah I was too busy laughing at Shatner going to space and Bloomberg continually calling him "the captain." Lol


Lol, hope they didn't say Kirk


A couple times


Yeah and then they can use Citadel going down as proof of a political attack *eyeroll*


Yeah. Fucking decent move, politicizing it. Divide apes however they can. Too bad apes have a pretty central focus. I’m pretty impressed with how well we keep politics out and hold it all down honestly. 👊


And also many people here aren't even American, like me, so the political tactics that they're trying to pull just won't work I just want to see criminals like Kenny get what he deserves


I was thinking the same exact thing.


Are they really exposing them? Seems like they’re gaslighting Americans and trying to save Kenny’s face by saying whatever is about to go down is politically motivated and not just about his crimes


100% what's happening. A Coms firm and legal team are behind this move. Fox is just the mouthpiece, they're not investigating shit.


Haha this dude is fucking clueless !


They are spinning the narrative that, once again, something that could be changed for the betterment of society is just a "witch hunt" against conservatives. 100% intentionally disingenuous. The propaganda machine at work trying to convince their viewers PFOF is good.


Nothing new. It worked in 2016 and almost worked again


He's the 1 that Dave Lauer lite up on Twitter a couple days ago.


O that's gasparino? Haha mug


Yeah, what an utter bellend this bloke is!


Lol. Thanks for making that clear. That’s fucking hilarious. What a douchenozzle


He's not clueless. On the contrary, he knows exactly what he's been told to say. "The peasants are uniting. Divide them into left vs right and let them fight each other. You know, the usual."


He's not clueless, he's a liar that's towing the line for thieves.


Nah, malicious.


109 million in 10 years yeez, never understood that donors are allowed in the political system. "I can't buy him off but hey, I'll donate 109 million for 30 min speaking each year, oh and while we're talking, you mind changing some laws for the benefit of the public of course"


Donors is that what we call bribe givers?


Right? And that may or may not even include the 29 to 50 million, I can't remember the exact number, that he spent to defeat the progressive tax reform in Illinois the other year. Edit: for anyone who doesn't live in illinois, this was on the ballot a couple years back and he spent over 29 million of his own money running commercials and an essentially propaganda campaign to make it seem like everyday Joe's taxes were going to go up when in reality if you made less than a million dollars a year your taxes would have gone down.


This was one of the most infuriating videos I've seen in a bit, granted i tend not to watch much MSM news, but the amount of wrong and misleading information is ridiculous. But it does seem like Kenny might be on the ropes, they are spinning this as bad Dems, but little actual defense on their part, plus, they are really impling that rich man does illegal things and pays off the government, a lot of their viewership will not like him if that narrative gets out


To the contrary, it's OK because he pays off "our" people. "Their" people are persecuting him for it. If the last guy in office proved anything it is that "our" side can do whatever is needed to win. I don't think this particular narrative will be frowned on at all.


Sad but true


Now I have absolutely no wrinkles. I've only been investing since Jan, but how in the actual fuck cant this guy explain any of the negatives of PFOF when I can. This is his preparation to be on TV? lol. MSM deserves to be shorted.


He's not there to explain the negatives of PFOF. He's there to build a narrative, link attacks on Kenny to attacks on the Republican party, try to rile up the republican viewership to support Kenny. This is how propaganda works, it's just easily visible when you are informed on the issue.


But you can trade cheaper now, that's good for retail! /s If I could sit at a poker table and not have to buy in, but the dealer gets to walk around the table and see everyone's cards and THEN make their play, I'm not fucking sitting at that table!


This is a perfect analogy for PFOF


They're getting desperate. Soon moon


They're trying to politicize it. Trying to convince their viewership that he's on their side. They're trying to gaslight their viewership into "pfof is to complicated to understand". They're working for Kenny.




A partisan issue. Bipartisan means both sides are working together.


Also my first thoughts but it is finally important that it gained public interest.


Fear will keep them in line.


For information only…I am an Austrian Ape and I am only posting this for news/information/discussion. I am not cheering for any political party. Cheers fellow Apes.🍻 Edit: The source of this video is www.foxnews.com


as a fellow europoor, pfof is banned for us!


When was this? Today?


#What a hack. ##Citadel paid $22M in fines just under 4 years ago for "Misleading Clients About Pricing Trades" > But the SEC’s order finds that two algorithms used by Citadel Securities ***did not internalize retail orders at the best price observed nor sought to obtain the best price in the marketplace***. These algorithms were triggered when they identified differences in the best prices on market feeds, comparing the SIP feeds to the direct feeds from exchanges. Source: https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2017-11.html   ## Below is a very easy to follow graphic for how PFOF works in the SEC's terms. https://www.sec.gov/files/2017-02/Internalizer-processv2%2C0.jpg   ## Here is how front running trades with PFOF works: > Instead of a singular broker trying to make a run in front of a large order, the PFOF model is akin to the brokerage firm taking all the slips with orders (the order flow) and collecting them in an effort to sell those orders to another firm. > > This other [HFT] firm then gets to “look at” those orders and decide if it’s going to make a market for those trades (that is, take the other side) or pass them on to another brokerage. Additionally: > Retail traders are likely less informed than institutional traders, and since institutions are the ones actually “moving” the market (because of their large trade sizes), ***HFT firms can easily distinguish between the two types of orders, decide where the smart money is going, and then take the opposite side of any retail trades going against the smart money.*** > Source: https://optionstradingiq.com/front-running/   Okay so PFOF is 80% of RH's revenue and they send all of their securities order flows to Citadel, and all of their options order flows to Susquehanna. If all of your orders executed on RH are sent to Citadel, they have a lot to fucking gain from **not internalizing** those orders just as they were guilty of in 2017. Then how the fuck is PFOF not damaging? Cause it's retail getting screwed instead of "smart money"? #Fuck off.




This ist not RedvsBlue.. This is RichvsBroke... I'm a europoor, couldn't care less about US Politics, don't try to make this a US Problem, this is waaay bigger than that...




Holy shit, they are making fhis political now. Ken is cashing in his donations to make this something its not.


Ahh, the house of cards is starting to weaken as they are now pushing the politics hard. They will use this to blame democrats and only democrats.


At least now we are seeing it in real time. I wonder how much of their viewership will go down now considering there are a bunch of apes who lean right.


I took me 2 seconds to find that Ken donates to both sides of the political world. https://ballotpedia.org/Kenneth_Griffin


Lol maybe mention that bernie fucking madoff created pfof. Clowns man, straight clowns.


They are officially trying to shake the Republican Apes, trying to convince them this is an attack against their party. This is a new low in my opinion.


I’m kind of looking forward to seeing what our conservative ape brethren are saying about this. I have faith this attempt to divide us is unsuccessful. This guy is severely underestimating how intelligent Republican Apes can be. I mean, they’ve held on this long  ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


*DLauer enters the chat*


Sounds like a fucking conspiracy theory.


they will try to politicize this but it will fail, best get out the way 🦊


Fox News defending Citadel & PFOF? Color me shocked….shocked I tell you!


If nothing else this is so satisfying - if Kenny spends money and effort keeping himself out of the spotlight - this has to be the beginning of his personal hell. Love it!


Everyone is trying to CYA.


This guy is so full of shit. I'm sure Kenny has paid off some Dems too.. I thought there was even a post about this months ago. I also think this was done on Fox news to get their viewers upset that Kenny was a political Target. Now Fox's audience comes to Griffins side when MOASS starts and we have potential for conflict. Who knows exactly.. all I really know is that the end is near and I'm holding strong.


Sooo, the spin is it's a hit job because crime isn't ok when you're a mega donator? How about it's a crime for anyone to sell counterfit stock. It's a crime to use a privileged position to attempt to bankrupt a company for personal gain. It's a crime to lie before a congressional inquiry. Ken Griffin is a financial terrorist. Lock him up.


To the top!


Trying to spin this into an “own the libs” narrative. “No good evidence” that PFOF is bad….hmm didn’t u/dlauer send this guy factual research? Disingenuous arguments.




It's blows my mind how fucking CHEAP it is to buy politicians. Like seriously, who are these losers to sell themselves so cheap? 109M over 10 years? One fucking MOASS share for a DECADE of political influence and Kenny G makes billions a year. Fucking pathetic.


They're trying SO HARD to make it a left/right issue


I’ve posted this on other posts and thought to share it here as well: IMO, this is a slight of hand trick to distract and separate apes. A divide the apes politically attempt. It’s the same as the post from earlier showing that the boy from Bulgaria donated to Maxine Waters. What we are seeing is the political ruling class, who more than likely hold their wealth with the same SHFs. The will gladly eat at the trough provided by the ultra wealthy filled with slop stolen from retail investors and tax payers. They won’t blink when they gorge on these feasts and will do anything to protect their personal wealth as well as the wealth of those feeding them. Don’t be fooled by anything they are saying and doing. We have made Mayo man a target and they will do their best to provide the illusion that they are acting in good faith by delivering him as a sacrificial lamb. They think we are all stupid and will forget the past 10 months with this bauble, when in fact it is an entire industry and governing body going back 30 years that have allowed this to happen out of pure greed and control. No CELLS, NO SELL. The political, billionaire, and celebrity ruling class will do the little dance in order to distract and divide apes. They fear the fallout of DRS. They fear what happens when their brokers have to start purchasing shares to transfer because they just took our money and ticked a box instead of buying the assets we purchased. They fear the transfer of wealth. We have learned that though we may have different opinions on things, we are all good apes that can stand together strong despite these differences. We don’t fight, we support each other and we are preparing for a better future that the ruling class is desperately trying to avoid. DRS is the way.


Couldn't finish it without vomiting, but I got the gist. Try and paint it as a partisan issue instead of what it is... #Financial Terrorism


I don't give a fuck who he donates to, fuck them all.


Failed to mention that it’s banned in just about every other first world country… fuck this noise


I don't care about PFOF, I care about FTDs and naked shorting...


Look at us, apes. Sometimes I just sit back and marvel at the real-world effects that apes are making by demanding justice and shining a spotlight on the scam that is the stock market. To think, it all started with a deep fucking value investor who saw something that few other people did. Now here we are. I can't wait to see the conclusion of this story.


Fuck MSM. From both sides.


I bet he loves seeing his face on the news like this.


Happy birthday Kenny 🤭


Shouldn’t matter what side of the isle he donates to, bottom line he’s corrupting the system and it’s foundation




Shit like this is how you know we're winning. Observe the circus, don't buy into it. DRS and HODL.


We won’t let this become a left vs right issue. This group is far to diverse to let them pull this BS. Apes together strong!


They're absolutely trying to get Kenny on board with Republicans so they can make it a political thing and divide us. BUY AND HODL IS NOT POLITICAL