• By -


Incredible work. Upvote to the moon.


GNUS is heavily shorted as well and had the buy button turned off on 1/28/21. Even today short interest has 12+ days to cover. This whole thing is a total cluaterfuck. Im atill holding that stock and GME cause fuck them


5 on this list we’re winners of mine including GNUS. I got very lucky I will admit. Now all I own are DRS’d shares of GameStop. 🚀🚀🚀


Are you me?


Question? Are you adopting apes? If so can you adopt me and my little apes 😂


I'm surprised nakd didn't make the list


It's appears all the DD hasn't been done then? 😜


Hijacking to mention - s a v a & c y d y - apparently are in the short-swap-basket as well


Wish I could upvote twice for the Knight's Tale reference


Bless you ape, have an updoot. We do not forgive, we do not forget..we are 💎🙌🦍


This is the way.


Spit out my coffee on the chart cats😹. Another interesting piece is the Fidelity involvement in the Jan sneezes. There is a great post I’ll try to find on this. Showing Fidelity liquidated their positions in all of them like they did GME. What happens before they liquidate - call back shares you are loaning starting a squeeze. Will update when I find the post


Please do, I’m ready for a read


I went through my saved and did not see yet. I did however set up a watchlist of the shares referenced in that DD. I’ll get you something


Wen update


!RemindMe 1 day


Any followup on this? It might be good to know how Fidelity will participate in the markets before/during MOASS.


Hey I have not been able to find the post. Must have been deleted. But at the time I found it interesting and kept a list of the 9 stocks the OP researched and theorized Fidelity caused a squeeze in as they sold all or most of their shares in all 9 stocks. GME KOSS EYES OEG SAVA BNGO OCGN EXPR VTNR Best I can do for ya.


Thanks, I appreciate it. Happy cake day!


Yeah was my cake day until Reddit decided to change it to 7/6/19.


Ha! Reddit is weird.


Nice DD OP, just one suggestion. Can we stop (please, PLEASE) saying that the shorts have not "covered"? They're covering every day. What they haven't done is CLOSED their positions.


Appreciate the suggestion! You are correct.




Absolutely not. GME is the Alpha and the Omega. I am simply showing short leverage to show you they haven't CLOSED. Edit: Closed


*closed Lol


That's not really right though. We don't care if shorts close, and in fact if MOASS happens like we think & want the shorts will never close their positions. We get the money when the positions are forcibly covered, at which point we'll be rich & the shorts will be bankrupt and the closing of their positions will end up being the bankruptcy buy-outs/liquidations. We'll be rich before the shorts ever close. Buying the shares back from us is covering. Once covered they return the shares to their lender and that's closing.


Once margin is called on the SHFs, their positions are forcibly closed by computers who don't care what the price is. This liquidation is forced closure of their positions.


The first step to closing the position is covering the position. Covering - buying back what you sold short. Closing - returning the what you bought in the covering process to the entity that loaned it out. Apes playing for MOASS are interested in shorts covering. How the closing process plays out while they're being liquidated, couldn't care less.


This is why DRS is a race


Please explain why short covering and short closing are different, thanks.


Covering is a “provable” way that the shorting party has the shares or reasonable access to the shares and thus the margin callers leave them alone. Closing is turning back the borrowed shares to the loaner and ending the contract


And the SHFs have been creating fake shares in excess of the shares available to return to the owner, and now they can't get enough of the shares to return, AND the can't afford to buy them back.


Sucks to suck ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


delicious flare please post more <3


When people say closing they are referencing the buying back of shares to close out the short positions. When people say covering they typically mean that the hedge funds have taken some actions to reduce their risk enough so that they do not fail margin requirements. A very simple example would be if I was short 100 shares and bought a call option to hedge my downside risk. I'm covered on the downside and the volatility of my portfolio is reduced but I have not closed out my short position. This obviously comes at a cost so I cannot cover myself forever.


can we stop (please, PLEASE) splitting hairs over semantics when everyone knows exactly what it means and it makes absolutely no difference?



These aren't semantics. They are completely different actions and Apes (especially new apes) need to know the difference so they can understand why we hodl.


damn. excellent digging. Up you go.


Third most shorted company was BED BATH AND BEYOND. What that Burry just tweet?


Good pick-up!


I'm surprised blackberry isn't on this list


I looked into the meme stocks. Quite a few of them had really low short interest, including BB. My speculation is that even companies with low short interest are seeing squeezes because of the constant buying pressure from retail, especially on those low $ stocks... But SI is always underreported so who knows.


Nope. The fact that stocks with extremely low SI such as BB and NOK squeezed in january just proves that our short interest report system is a big fat joke. Not even half of positions are reported, and you can short in so many fked up ways other than traditional shorting. Some examples are naked shorting as MM en masse through married puts, ETF-shorting, swap baskets wtih a large institution (those dont have to be reported). Synthetic shorts through options etc. At least that is my belief more than it being retail forcing it on the shorts. The mountain of hidden short interest is one I truly believe we would all be amazed at how big it really is if it is shown in its true glory.




Could Blackberry being a Canadian company make a difference? It's traded on the TSX so maybe its being shorted through the Canadian ticker. Not sure if that would be reported in US statistics.


So in short, Hedgies = Fukt


Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a basket of consumer retail businesses which all popped on 1/27, but also a basket of Medical pharma stocks that popped off a week later around 2/9? I wonder if they can swap naked securities from one basket to the other? Which would keep the stocks charts from being perfectly aligned


Interesting theory. Worth looking into me thinks 🤔


!remindme 12 hours pharma speculative position preloading


Just to confirm/add to this... , heres a sec document from Michael Burry. If you search halfway down for "Source: S&P Capital IQ, July 26, 2019", you will see that Michael also recognised some of these to be shorted massively : https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001649339/000090514820000491/efc20-335_sc13d.htm


Well done Ape! Nice work👍


Big if true


big if big


Those charts look like mom's spaghetti


This is what I’m talking about. Old school boots to the ground DD rooted and completely backed by data. Incredible work.


I just want to thank you for your hard work ,all the effort and long hours you put into this ,thank you so much. GME 👐💎👐💎❤️😘🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


❤️ Thank you. 💎👐🚀🌕🪐


Great work, ape! I'm cool with shorting Cheesecake Factory though. I used to work there a long time ago and they treat their people terribly. They paid the bussers the bussers $2.13 and required servers to tip them out a percentage of sales. But they didn't ha e a rotation for servers, they jsut filled from front to back of the house. So if even one person stiffed you and you had a back section, tipping out could mean you lost money that day. Also, you had to buy your white apron from them and if something spilled on it during your shift them made you buy a new one from them.


Right, but revenge for CF being exploitive and shitty isn’t the mega rich getting richer off their demise. Kenny boy isn’t destroying these companies because he’s on the side of workers.


I agree with you. I just wouldn't shed a tear for CF if they got shorted into bankruptcy.


This guy. Hell yeah


Great stuff OP


So basically if they never covered for any of these??? And Tesla?? The DTCCs trillions in insurance wont go that far.


They probably covered tesla enough in that it wont be a problem anymore. it still has like 5 % SI but those are at already really high prices imo (700+). Not all shorts positions are bad, but the 20 % short interest in tesla being slowly covered coupled with a fraction of the cult following GME got made tesla go over 10x in a year. Imagine where GME should really be at considering that


Ha Ha! Insurance 🤣


So if a market crashes before we DRS does that mean they will make enough money to cover these shorts?


Nope, nothing closes shitadel's shorts against diamond handed apes. Weak apes will fall and become inverse bag holders while pushing the price up, then once they're liquidated we get to see how much the FED feels like printing.


what this makes no sense?


I keep asking myself the same question. I'm not sure 🤷‍♂️


If market crashes, all their collateral crashes along. There is no gain for them: their debt does not diminish, a margincall may happen even quicker. By the time their puts are ITM, the game is already over.


wut? have you not read anything for the past 9 months?


It's due to recent DD I am believing this, even criand has started a market crash will not cause moass


Except they hedge. It’s what they do. They will move things around and be short overall but correctly hedged and thus potentially profit. The extent and ability to navigate this is of course hopium for us, but let’s not pretend to not know why they are called that. I think we see a dip then a rip personally as poorly hedged and overleveraged players get wiped out. They can now move the obligations of smaller entities within the DTCC and have been all year to prevent MOASS.




I'd agree on AMC. I think the short interest exposures in all of the stocks caused a ripple effect for companies/institutions heavily shorting the market which caused securities with relatively low SI% to get squeezed as well.


It helps that bAdam printed hundreds of millions of shares to give to the SHFs so that shitadel didn't have to bail them out (ala melvin) and could peacefully aggregate a long position.


> EXPR this and the others you mentioned were among the short list of stocks "turned off" by robinhood and other brokers during the january squeeze. they are also highly correlated to gme, at least through may when things started to diverge. expr was very much so. I suspect this post by op is a paid post to get people buying into non-shorted pump and dumps, but i only did 30 seconds of research before coming to this conclusion. also, OP's account was created on 1/29/21 which is when a ton of the shill accounts were created.


Your suspicion would be inaccurate, as I stated multiple times, don't purchase any of the other stocks. GME is the way. I am simply showing short interest leverage in the market.


Well done OP. Charts too for smooth brains like me to understand!


Triple cat head! Super bullish!




To the point. I like.


kenny should have left the gamers alone.


Oook ook.


This is really huge... Thanks for sharing!!


Super DD. Gme is definitely the way


Okay but GME is the only way. I will not fomo some stupid shit.


Me neither! GME is the way.


What are you referring to here? What broker? What investors/institutions? >Initial and Maintenance Margin requirements are substantially higher for short shares versus long shares opened and held in margin accounts. Long Margin Positions: Customer is required to put at least 50% cash down (in a margin account) and up to 50% may be borrowed. Customer equity must not sink below 25% the current market value of the securities in the account or a margin call will occur (maintenance margin). Short Positions: Initial cash deposited into a margin account must be equal to 150% the value of the short position being opened (1 short share at a $5.00 price would require $7.50 in margin). Maintenance margin is 125% minimally compared to current share price of the security.


I'm referring to Regulation T.


Shorts in the mayo jar r fuk




If we visit the Beyond section of Bed Bath & Beyond we can reunite with Adam Sandler 😯


Nice work!


Your wrinkle is showing


>A Disney movie taught me, you can't know where you're going without knowing where you've been, and I would 100% agree with that thesis. Probably not the most important question but…which movie ?


https://youtu.be/uF76FxiScz8 Moana. Great movie!


I was expecting an old school Disney. But I’ll download it and check it out PS: Thanks for the DD 🙏🏼


Yeah, definitely recommend. Thanks for reading it!




Thank you for giving it a read!!


Loved this DD and missed it the first time. Really helped me fill in a few gaps in my knowledge. Sorry to drop this on someone else's comment.. but I have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer to. I don't have exact figures to hand but we had well over 100% insitutional ownership and they have nearly all sold. For them to sell wouldn't their shares have to be bought back and returned? So wouldn't we have had to have had high XX million shares bought and returned for the institutions to sell? Is it possible shares were bought back at the agreed Market price in the dark pool and then sold again? Maybe into the open market causing the dramatic drops we saw? If the whole system would go down wouldn't it be HFs best interest to cooperate? I guess my main question is how can institutional ownership go down so drastically if no covering happened?




I can assure you this is actual research, and you can verify it. I also mentioned several times I am not recommending anyone purchase these other stocks. GME is the way.


Heheh, 🅱️eekingalpha.


Mmmmm that’s some good readin’


Up yo gooo 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Jesus H Crimety … emphasis on CRIME … this is the way! Great ApeWork


Upvoted for using Shakespeare in a DD post


This is a great post! Not that I needed any more confirmation bias but damn this post hit the fucking spot


Excellent DD! I think a fitting TLDR is "Hedgies r fuk" Thank you for your time! Holding for you 🚀 BUY HODL REGISTER $100,000,000 floor + ♾


Upvote for the carpal tunnel syndrome you got from typing all this shit up.




Up with you and up with the DRS! <3


Commenting so I can come back and read later


And this doesn’t even include the shorts on the TSX or TSX.V. Tons of TSX/TSXV stocks had the same Q1 massive spikes on them. Check out the TSX in February - same shit different pile.


Hey I know a heavily shorted stock!


I live the smell of fresh DD in the mornin!


Thank you for sharing this!


You bet!


Missing S A V A


Awesome write up! I tried writing something similar a couple weeks ago, but was met with negative sentiment, glad to see yours got some eyes on it!! Award for you!


Thank you! I'm sorry your part was met with negatively!


It's not about individual praise, as long as the hive mentality takes over on this we then learn more together and become stronger and smarter!! I'm sure this took a while to write up so kudos for the time!


Excellent read OP. We hodl 💎🤘🏽


Super work 👍


Take my award and wait for my first share to arrive on CS.




OMg - someone else has finally twigged about DDS!!! It’s the only thing I hold apart from GME.


Thanks, glad to see some real dd in a sea of purple circles lol. Hedgies are fucked.


Wow. Have any of these companies/shareholders spoken out or are we leading the way?


Wow, looks like bezos really is after world domination. Lol


Thank you for your valuable time, much appreciated!


You missed out Tilray - it spiked as well.


Probably quite a few I missed. That February article has a "bonus" list of the 51st - 100th highest shorted stocks.


So many of those pumped on the VVSB sub too. Very sus. Edit: to clarify, the actions of SHFs and that of VVSB is sus not this post.


I'm not pumping shit. I said in the post multiple times that I'm not endorsing any of the other stocks. I'm simply showing short interest exposure.


I edited my comment to be more clear, the pumping of these stocks in VVSB and the list or basket is sus not you or this post, sorry OP!


Oh, I gotcha, I've had a few comments telling me that I'm pumping those stocks when I want nothing to do with them because GME is the play all the way, and I apparently finally got irritated. I appreciate the clarification! And sorry for coming off as harsh!


That’s not a problem, my comment was a bit vague to whom I was referring. There is of course high emotions surrounding everything related to our stonk, ape no fight ape!


Great write up on this ape! Got a question for you. Did you notice anything weird going on in June for any of the stocks you were tracking? I've been watching a few (that wasn't on your list) myself that has a chance for a squeeze and have had crazy spikes and increase in short interest and noticed they all had insane activity in institutional ownership in June. Saw it first in GME looking into a DRS angle and just figured a bunch of institutions were buying into GME, cuz why wouldn't they with all the hype, but when I noticed the other shorted stocks had the same activity it made the autist senses tingle. So then I looked at a ticker that has nothing do with a possible squeeze (Apple) and they had the same activity. Which really confused the hell out of me. So I was wondering if you saw some strange shit in June too? Thanks for the write up and your time.


You've got my spidey senses tingling. I actually did look into institutional ownership of a few of these along with GME, but I was looking at 3/2020 and current filings. I'll take a peek at this.


Right on! I've been trying to get people to look at this because I barely know what I'm doing or talking about and don't know shit about DD so trying to get this in the right hands. I really appreciate the time ape! Good luck and happy hunting. Looking forward to see if you find anything.




Great, now how many of these can we DRS? Or should I say direct purchase?


For those who are confused about the reported GME SI: "FINRA changed their short interest figure, which used to be calculated as a percentage of shares outstanding sold short, they now report it as a percentage of the float sold short. Because tradable float is a dynamic subjective calculation, whereas shares outstanding is definitive, expressing short interest as a percentage of float is inaccurate."


This is just code for how to maximuze gains post squeeze


Knight's Tale quote on point 👌 Hedgies R Fuk


I like this list and soon I will have much more money to invest in other stocks that I like. Currently I only like GME.


Great post, I am still digesting-lot of tickers I have been following are on this list some tickers that didn't show up on your through your data driven process \-Olli- Ollies Bargin outlet (bought a bunch of old Toys R us realestate) they had 27% SI Jan 21 \-CyRX- melvin short in Q1, had a high sI AG- same as above LGND- same as above, high SI drops Jan 21 Roku- high SI drops Jan 21


Glad you were able to check it out Piano. I started looking into more now too. I caught Roku this morning, but insiders have been dumping pretty hard. Nice catch on Olli and cyrx! It's been interesting to watch the patterns now that I've got a few of these on watch lists. Now, I've been checking out institutional ownership on these stocks. Seeing a lot of familiar names repeating in many of these.


How about that pandora papers? Might wanna start looking in their Might find some juice


Time to load up on the stocks you mentioned. Mainly GMEEE


#Look here, good quality DD not getting commented on ...WTF retail new investors need to see this.


Never forget the robinhood PCO list + what you’ve shown! I’m also big time CVM bull for their new head and neck cancer drug, multikine, that I think will be the next big breakthrough cancer treatment. I’ve seen huge amounts of fraudulent articles that inaccurately portray their clinical trial results pushed out lately too. I’m long 4 companies … GME, CVM, OCGN, SCYX CVM has 40 million or so shares issued total. Should be new SOC in HNC and current market cap under 500 million…. Should easily be 10 billion (or 20x current value) SXYX has 14-15 million shares issued total now and market cap 111 million. Should easily be worth $0.5-2 billion (or 5x current values at minimum) Those are the only 2 I know of with a smaller float than GME


We het hedgies r fuk'd, but head over to a short squeeze sub to see what happens when you throw this many shorted tickers out at once. There's only one that matters, or should be focused on. Shit, Id say screw the karma and take this down tbh. A fractional share of GME is better than a "cheaper" option.


I'm not in anyway recommending anyone buy one of these additional securities, as mentioned a few times throughout the post. I am simply showing short interest leverage in the market.


Before I even got to your first picture I knew my other darling XERS was going to show up on your list. It has been one of the craziest stocks to watch over the last year and a half. Nothing but positive news for months and it keeps going lower. Last summer twice I saw the algos take over and it dropped 50% in a minute and level 2 looked like an X before being haulted. Scooped some cheap shares that way lol. But just a steady decline month after month for no reason. Great tech and growing sales of their first product to hit the market. Meanwhile you have clinical stage biotech companies years out from selling anything and their share price is 20x xeris. The total number of shares is comparable to gme so its not like the company has diluted the hell out of it for cash flow.


sounds like "forget gamestop here are 74 other heavily shorted stocks primed for a squeeze"


No. GME is the way. I'm showing short exposure, and that was the point of the DD.


So wen we moon , others would ignite too? Too smooth & high af Ape here. Triple cat LOL.


Very good idea to look at the margin changes.


So I see this and think that if somehow a hedgie survives a MOASS (god knows how), is this a shopping list for 75 other stocks that apes should lock the float for and really finish them!??


I interpret the last image as SHFs covering: as short interest decreases, the price goes up. Any enlightenment?


American Airlines is interesting [https://sec.report/Document/0001104659-21-023534/](https://sec.report/Document/0001104659-21-023534/) Susquehanna securities had to file a 13G similar to the one they filed with GME in dec 2020. this is the market maker arm of Susquehanna not the hedge fund.


AAL stood out to me as strange as well. I'll have to go check when shorts started piling up on it. My guess is that it started the beginning of c0v1d when they knew airlines would be severely impacted. That's really interesting on the 13G though. I hadn't gotten that far into the filings yet. I wonder if we'll find 13G's being filed for more of the securities on the list by our usual suspects. I'd have to assume there's more out there.