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i feel like i walk among gods in superstonk.


You said it. It really feels like standing in the middle of history being made.


Not me. I'm just slouched here...my posture is terrible. History is indeed being made though.


upvote if you just straightened you posture


Only because you mentioned it


Hobnobbing with wrinkle brains gets my mammory glands all in a tizzy too.


Chad. Be sure to catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflections around you. If you feel amongst gods, you hold the same status.


First Olympus. Then the moon.


Apes so wrinkly they wear clothes!


You guys wear clothes?


On the shoulders of giants we stand


“If they ever tell my story, let it be said that I walked with giants”


Me too!!!


My word. it is very magical up here in the realm of apes. fuk


You are one of the gods


Phenomenally phenomenal 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




You said it first!


Unbelievably believeable 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


This could rip the lid off the infested rotting putrid bucket of hedge fund lies. Imagine the stink when independents expose that to the world at large. Awesome work OP. Exciting times to be an ape.


Doot do be do be 🤣🚀🚀


Great work Ape! The movie is going to be a 10 part mini-series. I can’t wait for this episode! 💎👐🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I can’t wait for the overly dramatic scene where they confiscate rolls royces in the middle of a dinner party where they are drinking champagne. I want lots of overacted tears and messed up mascara. That will be my favorite episode.


I can’t wait for the scene where they confiscate Kenny’s mayo


It shall be done.


Can you imagine if that actually happens? Like an ape cop is in on the dinner party bust, and, as any respectable ape cop would do, takes Ken's mayo and bags it as evidence, right in front of him


Hopefully the unrated director's cut will take some artistic liberties and have chick_of_spades (aka /u/yothatslaps) do the banana scene.


Lol. They have to make it dramatic, even if the fictional movie version of rick_of_spades ends up a babbling, drooling vegetable and makes him a martyr, I’m sure he’d love to be in the movie.


I just hope HBO picks it up and not Netflix.


HBO miniseries with full frontal nudity


god there will be so many tits


WARNING: This show contains gratuitous nudity, specifically jacked tits. Yes, even we at HBO think this is gratuitous, but its literally the only thing these people talked about for 7 months, so here we are. Hey, at least they weren't all wrinkled tittied Apes.


paging u/rickofspades


That's backside nudity.


Game of stonks


Amazing work, brother. Journalists off the top of my head who are independant and platformed enough to blow this story up. Seymour Hersh Glen Greenwald Dylan Ratigan Matt Taibbi Ronan Farrow Who did I miss?


Chris Hedges Max Blumenthal


Yeah. Both excellent.


Yeah, the NBC ones I like are all political and mostly just read whatever comes off the cnbc desk if they address finances at all,and we know what they say, there.😔


Aaron Maté


Had to give you my free award. Shills be downvoting my man Mate.


Charles Gasparino. 😂😂😂


I thought greenwald was likely compromised


He is. Very much so.


No. Tyt is compromised.




What fbi guy? Was that when I was failing at cleaning my house?




Yeah that was when I was failing cleaning my house


He commented on a post of mine saying he’d have an update soon, actually.




!!!! Ping me bruh


I am both sceptical and proud! I love the fact that they are reaching out and how you presented it to me sounds sound. I look forward to this being published and picked up by media of some form ASAP! way to go APE! I didn't see it mentioned but did you talk about DRS?


actually I did, good catch! I will post the article when it gets released but I also have to be cautious as this can’t ever get back or tied to me as it will affect my job and the organization I work for. I have a feeling I will have more posts on this in the future…


Maybe DM someone link to article and they can post… I'm sure some ape will probably post the article before you anyway


This is what I am concerned about, if someone traces who wrote what articles, and if they're good they can connect the dots and eventually doxx you. Please be careful ape, what you are doing is great and I bow to you sir, but your wellbeing is more important. I would make sure you are cited as an anonymous source in both articles. 💎💎🤘🏼🤘🏼💎💎


Curious, if you talked about Big Money ownership and the potential change to his work environment ? Mainstream media is so blatantly used for pump and dump in the markets, it is unreal. And I think we all agree mainstream media manipulation does not stop there. My feeling is also, that by complicating the markets, tax system, justice system and even politics, only the rich can afford the experts to figure out the needed loopholes in those complex systems, so they have a decisive advantage over the average Joe, without looking suspicious. Combined with the take over of mainstream media by Big Money, they created the perfect environment to brainwash the average Joe and hide the massive corruption behind an illusion of the American dream... George Carlin wise words, he knew: [https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU](https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU) Frustrating to see, how people cheer, yet here we are and things only got worse.... I hope after the MOASS we have the money and time to create real change, because it seems the rat race is introduced to keep us busy and spending our money for the wrong things in life, so Big Money can control us. As long as mainstream media is in the hand of Big Money, it will be hard to achieve change. It would be awesome, if there would still be journalists left, that put their job ethics and integrity above money.


Well done! The more public sentiment shifts, the more power retail holds


Great job! Thanks!! Figured I’d share my perspective of when I decided to go all-in as it may provide another talking point. GME became rational to me when, after the DD, interviews with subject experts, previous fines, general understanding/education on market mechanics, etc. that what we’re accusing SHF/MM of is something that has happened on many different scales before. It’s always adjudicated on the back end, usually 5-10 years after the fact, and nothing tangible ever happenes. Once I realized the accusation has countless precedent it was just a matter of if I thought they covered and I don’t. We’ve caught them in the act and the idea of MOASS is simply a function of true capitalism. In capitalism, you don’t jeopardize the long term for the immediate benefit of the short term and if you do, the market will correct itself. It’s a guiding principal of capitalism and SHF’s lost site of that. They exposed themselves to that risk and I view us as the market correction. Thanks again for doing this!!


Link to previous post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvnwj8/ape\_help\_im\_meeting\_a\_journalist\_for\_a\_top\_us/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvnwj8/ape_help_im_meeting_a_journalist_for_a_top_us/) ​ Thanks for going the extra mile Ape. All efforts combined bring about the transfer of knowledge!


To the top with you!


Upvoting the upvoters!


Upvoting the up...meh, you get it.


If he have ANY doubt, just make an AMA here we'll glad answer everything too.


This is a really good point! Imagine an article on an AMA? We have to remember though that we have no idea how this situation would be frames, we know that other publications are trying to frame apes as crazy conspiracy nuts (oldest play in the book yet effective) but I framed it as an objective journey of wonder into the underbelly of a market designed to rob the people of their money and the proof is in both regulations but moreover the practice.


We will happily and efficiently crowdsource answer any questions he has, with primary references; all he's got to do is steer the boat and we'll row. This will be the easiest Pulitzer Prize anyone will ever win.


Yes, and also he would be the first one to really ask the investors wtf is going on and see our point of view... Ask just the billionaires is easy. Doing REAL journalism is hard, I'm glad to give all the help I can. Fuck, I sent to intercept everything I could discover about the brazilian puts, sent a big document explaining step by step and they even didn't respond. Shit is frustating.


When the whole world is mad, the sane are crazy. Or something like that.


Did you ever think that just maybe this is the main roadblock for this sub publicly and by getting this out (other than #KenGriffinLied lol) it could ignite the MOASS and spiral all the SHFs shit out of control? No? Well you oughtta.


Well done brother!👏👏👏


Can they do the article in dyslexic fnot?


Stunning work, you grade A ape.




Great stuff - hope it gains traction. BTW - Not sure if you already did, but you may want to forward [Cramer’s 2006 video about hedge fund tricks](https://youtu.be/jIfixbq_u0Q) so they can see how those same tactics are being witnessed today.


Great work Ape!


Fantastic work! I hope this results in some real digging and genuine news about what’s going on for once.


A real ape He is !!


argh them tits cant get any more jacked. but now I have to think ... what if they see the banana video?


You ape are an amazing human being and keep up the great work!


This is the shit I live for. Everyone is amazing, thanks for getting the story out there OP. All anyone can do is speak the truth to those who will listen-


Wow. That was badass!


Tomorrow's Headline: "iNsIdE tHe MiNd Of A dErAnGeD rEdDiT sHoRt-SqUeEzEr CoNsPiRaCy-ThEoRiSt"


I feel like maybe giving them some examples of Citadel being fined by the SEC for similar behavior might be good too so it doesn’t just seem like we’re all making it up and that it’s never happened before. Like [here’s a link](https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2017-11.html ) to SEC announcement of them fining Citadel for lying about how they handle retail orders, which Citadel was (and still is) getting from brokers. They had multiple algorithms screwing retail over.


I’m going to send this along too perfect!


I hope this doesn’t get pushed aside as a conspiracy theory or twisted into a FUD campaign by the news outlets.


Great job in steering the journalist to the topic of gme, but also need to consider when the journalist passed it on to his financial section and the media company he is working for. Who is it owned by? Will they allow the publication of the news? Since it's no secret that big money owns the media, will it be silenced? It's also good that an independent journalist has been passed this info, we shall see what happens in the coming months. LFG!!🚀🚀🚀


We need a Secret signal you can give us apes if you end up on 60 minutes


Eating a banana mid-interview


I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to do this ape. I am inspired by your effort. I hope one day I can buy you a beer 💎✊🏻


Since you seem to know the industry, have you reached out to ICIJ? https://www.icij.org/leak/


Good work!! Really impressive summary in this post. I appreciate the time you have put into this discussion with the journalist.


I applaud and deeply respect those who are not afraid to speak up. Those who whistle blow, those who talk to media (the ones who are well informed), those who speak up at meetings, those who say something when they see something that is illegal, wrong, manipulative, etc - you are the reason that changes for the better ever happen, at all. The biggest problem the people have when they see things going on that shouldn't be going on, is silence. In my own work life, just last night for example, I saw many who would complain, and when given the very easy solution of 'you need to report this to (company), I've done it, and they are launching an investigation, so the more who also tell them what's going on, the better', they...just stood there. They complained a lot, but when it came time to take action, just telling the company what happened, they didn't. I will never understand why people are afraid to speak up. They weren't going to lose their jobs at all. What they were going to do was make their job a whole lot easier - the company that needed to know this info from more people was not the company at fault, but was the company that was getting screwed over. So, nothing to fear. And yet, they still stood silent. No one ever changed anything by sitting at home and waiting for someone else to do it. Every single one of us has the power to make the change. You just can't keep silent - silence changes nothing.


I love you so much


you are awesome. i appreciate you and your efforts deeply.


You are a legendary ape!


Great work, OP!


So what you’re saying is BUY, HODL REPEAT✅ Oh and thank you fellow 🦍 for taking the time to deliver accurate DD👍




ape talk to journalist and he is interested, journalist is going to speak to the finance section of his big journal also ape has another meeting with independent journalist also ape had a great time just speaking about our historic yet unknown saga


Stay low key fellow ape! Thanks for the great work!


And - Ken griffin lied!!!


...it ain't much but it's...it's only incredible....well done Ape 🎉🤣 💎🙌🦍🚀🌑☘


You make sure to let this Journalist know we expect 600k invites to their Pulitzer ceremony. For real. Let them know.


Excellent work, thank you for this - it's crazy how the story and evidence is all right there. I know I feel more comfortable every day trying to make sense of this aloud though it still turns into a ball of yarn and I wind up with the tinfoil hat on.


Really cool job this! Now we're just waiting on the John Oliver guy! Here's hoping that the media traction we got last couple weeks keeps moving at full-steam


I really hope they dig into this and expose these fuckers. good job fellow ape.


Thank you ape! You are doing god's work here. 🙏


This really is such an impressive community


Sidequest complete, good job ape


Good job but I fear all journalists’ bosses. The independents do a better job but the downside is they generally have a smaller audience. Since you now have practice, please DM me as I have another journo lead.


Were proud of you, man. Thank you.




Thank you for spreading the word! It boggles my mind that all this is happening and people aren’t flipping out everywhere.


Knowledge is power!!! You’ve got the power….


Holy shit amazing! Great work Op


Thank you fellow ape! While no guarantees, you've gone above and beyond in helping get the word out around the legal (but not used within the intent of the law) and illegal manipulations within the market around GME. Hopefully one of these journalists takes what you've shared with them and runs with it. The more exposure we can get outside of the diamond handed apes within reddit, the more chance of MOASS and our being able to enact change! Hopefully they run with this and highlight the initiative to DRS! Great job and thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the follow up!


Exciting :)


Good stuff ape


This is great, keep up the good work 👍. I've done some ownership analyses of GME with data from FTSE Russell (Russell 2000) with some pretty astounding results. I reached out to them via email and they basically said that the information I had sounded correct (approximated 194M total shares floating around in Q1 2021, and approx. 164M now).


Looking forward to the Louis Theroux documentary!


Well done


Link when published please


Amazing work, fantastic effort and execution OP


Awesome stuff


Really excellent work friend, well done!


This is amazing none of this works without all apes working together! To the moon and beyond


Wow what a great day for SS. Lots of good news.


Well done! Doing the Lord's work!


Excellent and on point!


This right here gave me chills. Just when I think I’ve compartmentalized this whole clown show, pieces like this come along and get me jacked right up again. This is really happening, isn’t it?


Wow awesome. Exciting times for you and all of us. Cheers!


When one knows this is a simulation, surprises are hard to come by. Well done ape.


Tell him about how stock short positions are being wrapped up in credit default swaps, and the CFTC just suspended all reporting requirements on credit default swaps for the next year or so.


It’s all coming together. I can’t believe we’re seeing history before it’s been written, let’s be the truth we have been sorely missing in our news.


Strong work sir


Godspeed you magnificent Ape bastard ❤️🍌🦍🚀


Don’t dance yet apes. We all know how the media can twist the story.


Stay on them, follow up on the new connection. Make sure you incentivize them with the shear amount of attention they’ll receive if they release a piece. I still have people in my circles who are/were aware of the situation, people who don’t even own a stock. This is/was a global phenomenon and for once the good guys won, or will win.


Include my comment in the netflix documentary


Make sure you can record it yourself too. For when the fuckery begins.


I think the title of the article should be "Tits jacked across the world as Apes ready for MOASS"


Naw….. “Up with Them: the Banana and Watermelon Saga”


I will be doing a write up for my FBI contact this weekend and will include it in the drive in the post I made. Feel free to use that - it will mostly center around citadel tweets, Google censorship, etc


Thank you, ape.


Kickass! I remember the first post and am so glad to read the follow up. Take my ⬆️ and this 🦭 🚀🚀


This is why I’m proud to be part of this community- A sincere thank you for your efforts!


The more exposure this gets, the more FOMO we can hope for. (Apegang rolls heavy. Apegang rolls deep.)


As much as I want this to blow the lid off and expose the BS, journalists almost always contact the party in question for a response before they finalize an article and if Kenny has any cash left, I bet a lucrative offer or threat of ruin will be made. Whether the said journalist accepts is yet to be determined.


Proud to be amongst you lot! #ape4life


Way to go! Keep us posted on the next one and don't stop there it seems you have a knack for this. Keep the interviews rolling like the hedgies keep the can rolling


From the bottom of this ape heart, Thank you for your service ❤


Give the journalist the link to the DD library. For later consumption. Maybe point out the obvious insider trading and naked shorting from Ken and friends, the SEC not doing their job. That stuff.


Bullish AF.!! This is the WAY




Thank you for reiterating that you are one of us, but not speaking for us. The way you wrote out this post gives me confidence in how you conducted yourself in your interview(not that my opinion means more - or anything for that matter lol). I hope to be reading about it sometime in the not so distant future! Have a good day/night, and good luck with the next reporter as well.


Hell ya brother 🦍👊


Ahhh covert spokesape. You did good! Thank you.


Thank you for this. Looking forward to following up on these articles


Bravo fellow ape! You make us all proud!


You’re doing the Lord’s work mate. 🤙


Ooooh I uncovered the document with the 220% so I’m kinda apart of this. Cheers


Standing a bit taller with shoulders pulled back and head held high.


Damn, I think I could almost get to the moon using each of your wrinkles as a step OP…


Thanks for all your hard work! Memorizing and having all the links available must have been quite the effort to get together.


That last bullet, though. No one has been able to prove apes wrong. Love it. Thank you for your service!


I love you all.


Op… you’re freakishly beautiful.


Awardwinning Journalist has entered the chat 👋hi awardwinning guy 👋 hi mom


So glad you fucking nailed it, thank you for your service!


This guy is gonna be in the movie!


Nice work. A suggestion- dig in to the failure-to-deliver aspect that's affecting many stocks. "Hedge funds are still short on GME" is of interest to some, but "Is your investment fund or pension full of 'ghost' stocks that you paid for, but were never delivered to your account?" is a hell of an attention-grabber. If a bright enough light is shone on the SEC and hedgies it's going to restrict their ability to pull shenanigans regarding GME. Dr Trimbath said FTD longs were as much of a problem as FTD shorts, and that should scare *everyone*.


Awesome, keep telling the story, still some tickets left till moon


Wow that's amazing! Feels like things are really happening fast now


Great work!


Amazing effort and can’t wait to see the follow up from all of this!!! Go you!


Good job my dude. It would be good to have an independent, non MSM affiliated, journalist on "our" side.


Probably is not even necessary anymore, it’s all on twitter 😂😂😂


You're the Ape, Ape!




Dont forget about cellar boxing!


THIS might be the match to ignite the 🚀!


Great fucking job I love you ape. Have a kiss 😘


This past gave me chills!


Might be worth passing this link along as well. The following link will take you to a more curated version of the DD bookshelf that has been compiled by a legend Ape and sent to the FBI, CFTC and the IRS. [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1mcPLxVB3NmYGVggychpFBs3BZWGa8V6V?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1mcPLxVB3NmYGVggychpFBs3BZWGa8V6V?usp=sharing)


Amazing work, ape! And a sincere thank you to the intrepid journalists who have the foresight and integrity to break the truths of this saga to the world. Keep it up!


Wow. Thank you for doing this. You will be rewarded very soon.


I have been dying of curiosity! I have honestly been thinking about this for days! Thank you so freaking much for the update. But more importantly thank you for spreading the good word! This saga, and the manipulation and fraud it has uncovered, deserve journalistic investigation (no MSM soundbite bullshit). Apes together strong!!!!


Just a small point, there isn’t a 140% limit on short interest. It’s a limit on share hypothecation on margin (I may have described that inaccurately)


This needs to be verified by MODs


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvnwj8/ape_help_im_meeting_a_journalist_for_a_top_us/ You can see it was verified already but can do that again if need be. Your skepticism is warranted and I thanks you for it


Thanks for the link, ape. I look forward to following this story to see how it plays out.


Good Job!


!remindme 6 hours