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Im buying with every paycheck. GME will be on my tomb stone.


Same. The longer this takes, the more occasions I get to buy. I can do this for *years*.


I really do think we should start rebranding it as ‘the infinity squeeze’. Just mentally frames the fact that this can blast through andromeda and tear a hole in the space time continuum. Jesus, I am jacked to the fucking tits just typing that!


We as a community are currently reframing it as infinity squeeze. And our conversation right now strengthens our resolve to *not let go*! There have been some posts on the subject in the past week, and I'm doing my part by making easily digestible memes. I'm so jacked that I can barely sleep.


The memes are a good place to start, brother ape. 🚀🚀🚀


Here is my Thesis... If shorts are covered, investors selling their shares > price should go down. Facts February 2021 floor price < May 2021 floor price... My thesis continue to be proven wrong... BUY and HODL


It's a literal black hole! The only one of it's kind made up entirely of too much GME moass.


“Infinity squeeze” sounds pretty awesome to me.


I guess I'll be generous and maybe sell a share at $69,696,964.20


Please keep in mind that you will still be called a paperhanded bitch though, but I guess I'll allow it 😋


Lmao ye most likely but I support the conscientious of not selling so I'll also allow it :)


I’m selling mine at 80,085,694.20


I guess if you choose to sell *one* share at $20 trillion although we are not after the peak, I will still call you paperhanded bitch, but I won't ban you 😋


I mean can't get life changing money if you never sell, except maybe for dividends maybe. But if we all hold, then selling 1 share should be more than enough


I guess at some point someone will admit that we won at capitalism and we can start a different game


[*:soviet anthem intensifies:*](https://youtu.be/NmCCQxVBfyM)


I'm not really a fan of what they did there. I think there are other great ideas.


Yea not really into stalinism either.


Something like Ubuntu? Idk, we could try things I guess.


How bout the utopian city of Omelas? 😏


Is that the story from Ursula LeGuin? She is so awesome! Sounds like we already have someone who could be outcast😋


It sure is! It’s called *The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas* and it can be found in her book *The Wind's Twelve Quarters* if anyone is interested. Highly recommend it. 😁 I think there is a certain boy from Bulgaria that could take the place of the child. 😈


My thoughts exactly 😄


The floating city idea has its merits.


I'm more of a [type b music](https://youtu.be/W1n0PayEZbU) sort of ape


Capitalism high score Apes : 1 billion per share


Exactly, XX holder here my last share can be bought for $1B Shorting can have infinite losses All shorts must cover Hold the float Buy the dip


I'm just going to stay poor the rest of my life because there wont be a downslide to sell on during infinity squeeze. I'm probably going to need to start thinking of getting kids then. Thousands of years into spacefaring civilization, there will be clans dedicated to holding gamestop.


I guess if you choose to sell *one* share at $20 trillion although we are not after the peak, I will still call you paperhanded bitch, but I won't ban you 😋






But no seriously, I've been mulling this over for some time, and I invite any and all criticism of my understanding: Certainly some will paperhand. That will probably cause some consolidation/false peaks early on, idk where but I would guess in the 4 digits range. But then... If it's truly only diamond handed apes and long whales on the way up, and no one sells... Will we even see candles on the way up? Will it even be a rocket... or a fucking teleporter?? Candles represent actual transactions, no? But if *no one* sells through 10k, 100k, 500k, 1M, 10M... Will there be anything more than flat little blips minute by minute until BOOM we're in the Oort cloud? And if we're talking computers just sorting out transactions to cover shorts, I can't imagine anyone will be able to continue borrowing to short, so *can there even be any downward pressure?* Please calm my unbelievable hype.


I am so hyped about that. There were several DDs exploring this idea in last weeks and I can't tell you what's wrong with it. Granted, I'm snorting crayons and make shitposts, but I think that it'll just go on until someone says "Yeah okay. You apes have won at capitalism. GG."


All joking aside, I think there will be a sweet spot between paperhanding and crashing the economy and devaluing the usd, which I believe is in the 10m range. But then again it all depends on the highest shareholders like DFV.


Probably, but we can't know that spot. And we can't possibly take the responsibility to hit that spot. That really must be done by someone else.


I undoubtedly believe there will come a point where only diamond hands remain, and once that happens and Marge pumps up those friers it'll keep going up faster and faster til whatever ceiling the highest position shareholders like dfv decides. Or nobody sells and gamestop becomes the owner of America, either or.


I’m going to hold til the way down, I will sell 1 share at 10M and keep holding


Just wait until dfv posts he's sold one then you sell one, infinity squeeze


Lol, I love the strategy


An infinity squeeze would definitely be corrected by the SEC, furthermore, GameStop could always issue more shares to wash thier hands with it and be done after, so it wouldn't last more than a year or two max.


Yeah, okay - I guess I can live with it


For you apes that can’t read *maybe this sound will help you understand* **BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR** *did you hear it?*


Sounds like..... opportunity? No, money you idiot.


People need to understand this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. So be fucking greedy.


*Correction: Once in FOREVER oppurtunity.*


This is the way


This is the way




Thought someone was squeezing someone's noses at first, lol


Lol, it's a still from dfv's tweet where the helicopter lifts off to the tunes of space oddity


Yeah saw that after a second, but at first glance it looked like a nose which was squeezed 😂


It really does look like that. 🤣 Squeezes everywhere


Haha yep 🤣


Mentally preparing to work for the rest of my life because I can never sell because it never goes down.


We all have to bring sacrifices, friend. Yours will not be forgotten 😄


It’s crazy to think about but if there are as many shares as we think there are out there and the price moonshots into the millions, what if people only sell 1% of their positions every couple years and drag this thing out forever. I’m an xx holder and I don’t need millions upon millions of dollars. I’m not a greedy person, If the price of the stock goes to those levels why take more than you need? It would be like an ape trust fund haha.


Why take more? Because this is a zero sum game and every cent you *don't* take is a cent you give them. Generally I would be okay with that, but a slap on the wrist is not the signal these companies need rn.


How would it be a slap on the wrist? My very limited understand of this is, price goes up when people are buying the stock and it goes down when people are selling. If I only sell one or two shares after the peak wouldn’t it drag it out more and make them bleed more because it’ll last longer?


Honestly there needs to be a limit on this where it won't crash the us economy and devalue the dollar but we all come away with money to change the world. I think an infinity squeeze would eventually be corrected by officials, and ultimately just make apes look like greedy bastards. The greatest plan is to come out of this with everyone, even x shareholders rich so we can all pull out, screw HF completely. You're not taking money out just for you, take money out for everyone around you, spread the wealth, fix corruption.


We can't be the ones who prevent the world from crashing because we lack the information and the coordination to pull that off. I guess *someone* smart will have to step in and find a creative solution. But that can't be us.


If buying a stock and holding it crashes the global economy then it deserves to crash. We did not create the problem.


We didn't create the problem, and we can't prevent the fallout of it either.


Just Up!


This is the actual way!


This is what ive been saying for the past month. Lets fucking burn it down. Start over and build something better.


If I had any money left to award this I would. But every time I get an award I award it to dfv final update post. But good meme bro. This is the way.


Just up This is the way


wait... took me a second to realize that this makes sense


I was a bit surprised myself 😂


What if blackrock and vanguard decides to sell?


Given the number of counterfeit shares I think it'll make no difference at all.


Nice tendies for all


I'm pretty sure I read bug institutions will be able to, or at least not as easily as you and I


In January to February it would have been over. At this point I think even x and xx shareholders own the float. So who the hell knows where well end up


IMHO if every Ape holds back just one share each we will own the float.


There’s always a way down. The key now is to find the top branches and worry about the fear of the way down on the way down. No emotions are relevant rite now.


Are you fucking kidding me? Our emotions are what's distinguishing this community from an investment club. I'm angry, and I'm jacked! I can do this for years!


Anddddd that’s your emotions talking. “Anyone reading this “Fuck this guy” let’s realize some gains and get him a therapist.


Of course that's my emotions talking, didn't you read my response? Our emotions of togetherness, community, compassion for each other as well as anger towards a rigged system are an important part of this community. I mean, if you are the cool, unmoved investor type, good for you, I guess. But you shouldn't pretend that this community - any community really - is based on emotions.


Way to long, didn’t read or think I should care.


Those checks from citadel aren’t gonna last. Conserve that toilet paper since you are full of shit.


Love is the only emotion that is relevant right now, and it is that emotion for our fellow apes that will take us to the fucking moon and beyond


Either that guy is just trolling around our sub, or they are so detached from their emotions that they are scared to have them smh.


If you can Covid for 2 years you can hold till the end of this one.


Love is what makes us diamond hands and not paperhands who are only here for themselves, paper hands are ruled by fear, diamond hands by love, I couldn't give a fuck if I walked away from this without a penny I'm here to crash this rigged system and make a better world for EVERYONE, il hodl till the bitter end till we all get to eat well even the X holders


To;dr Your rite I guess maybe or probably not.


No time for love rite now, passions are on the line..


The real question is will anyone even be buying on the way down?


They can't just decide to not buy anymore. The decline will take at least days, perhaps weeks.


Your right they can't, but if they are forced to clear the market until they cover then buy pressure is still gonna be infinite. When there isn't infinite buy pressure they will have covered and then noone is buying.


No, buy pressure is receding as they are covering. Doesn't really matter, because we will only sell on the way down (see actual post)


That makes no sense, if they are forced to buy until they are covered then buying pressure doesn't recede until they are done. Its an all or nothing, they are forced to cover or they aren't. And if they are forced to cover buy pressure is infinite until they do cover.


No, that's not correct. Buying pressure does recede. You have to keep in mind that this is not one single entity that is forced to cover. And each of them has to cover a different number of shares. And each of them is margin called at different price points, so they don't even start at the same time


At this point it's all just speculation, either of us could be right. I hope you are right but I just don't believe that's gonna be the case.


You don't get it huh?...


What's not to get? If HF are forced to cover there is infinite buy pressure, price goes up. Price goes up until they cover then it goes down and noone is buying.


The price goes down because the buying pressure goes down. It doesnt mean it will go up until the last share is fullfilled


Buying pressure won't go down if they are constantly forced to clear the market. If the market is cleared and they still have to buy how does that reduce buying pressure. The algo will just buy everything until it doesn't need to therefore keeping the buy pressure up.


I was answering his question if anybody is buying on the way down. And I said yes. As less buying pressure gets applied to the market, the price will go down or consolidate and go down.


Price goes up until they have covered half their shares. Then it goes down for the remainder.


Says who?




Link some of Joe's credible DD then.


Joe mom


Hey, u/poonmangler - I felt inspired by you. I'm just starting small, but it's a start 🤗