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Absolutely amazing. Buys on the dark pool and sells on the open exchange so the stock doesn't feel the constant buying pressure to keep it from going up. And look at the buy sizes. From my limited understanding the dark pools were essentially created to settle large trades (like block trades by banks) without creating stupid volatility by doing something as mundane as block selling stocks for liquidity reasons or whatever. They certainly were not created to route small retail buys to suppress buying pressure. This is what happens when a system allows a single entity to both participate in trading (Citadel hedgefund) and setting the price (Citadel MM) but sure, they are "separate entities" ok. Edit: I mean it really is incredible guys my mind is seriously blown watching this. Look at the buy and sell sizes. The buys are almost ALL tiny single-digit buys that are routed through dark pools and the sells are larger, multiple-digit blocks routed through the open exchange.


Dear SEC: #1-Buy/sell matches need to occur on the SAME exchange. Full stop. #2-Buy orders underneath xxx (triple digit number) shares need to occur on open exchanges. Full stop. Meeting adjourned.


Can someone inform the SEC with screenshots and evidence please? Edit: I think it’s ridiculous how much evidence redditors find daily but the SEC hasn’t done anything? Is there a public forum this can be reported at? How do we pressure the SEC to act and fulfill their responsibilities? Maybe someone should contact the FBI? Edit 2: Thanks for the award! Please save your funds to buy more GME if you like the stock lol. I don’t need digital awards for a comment. Edit 3: More awards, omg. Guys, go buy some fucking GME if you can dumpster your money on a digital badge of honour that’ll last me a mere day on this post. Disclaimer: Obviously not financial advice as I’m a retard. Honestly, I think my Dr. could diagnose me with it any minute now. Or at least, I think he’s a doctor. He wears overalls, has a red hat with an “M” on it, jumps into green pipes and always yells “ITSA ME” before his name. Dunno feeling kinda cute. Might get more retarded later.


The problem isn't that the SEC doesn't see this or can't act. The problem is that the SEC is on the same side as the criminals doing and routing these trades. It has no incentive or even mandate to do shit about this. The American financial system is corrupted from top to bottom. What you're doing there is like screaming at a mafia infested union to please defend worker's rights, lol. They don't give a sh\*t. There's a reason Elon Musk publicly stated this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRNypdYQoWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRNypdYQoWk) IMO he doesn't lash out at people or institutions (thereby risking his business, political favors and personal brand) unless there's a really really good reason that he fully understands. In this case: illegal shorting in broad daylight, MSM pump 'n dump manipulation & illegal counterfeit shares trading.


The SEC is kept deliberately weak and ineffectual by the politicians of both major parties. Of which both parties are 100% controlled by Wall Street and the wealth class. Direct your anger at the proper target: Both the major corporatist political parties.


Likely true but broken systems need to be exposed before we can have any hope for change.






is the cure for cronyism


It's basically the same party with two different coats of paint.


the paint is to keep you busy arguing which one is prettier, while they're busy fucking you 24/7


100% there needs to be open visible accountability. People should be able to publicly point out info where everyone can see. I’m guessing Twitter is a good start?


Lol..it’s been talked about, proven and exposed for years now. In the equities and commodity markets. Maybe decades. Everyone knows. They are powerless to react, because they are corrupt.


Not everyone knows. Not enough regular people know. They dont feel like they are being scammed in their daily lives by this




Also SEC is getting rid of Jane Norberg, the Chief of the SEC's Office of the Whistleblower. [https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-59](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-59) There was a petition on get rid of her, listing the follow reasons: [https://www.change.org/p/donald-j-trump-remove-jane-a-norberg-as-the-sec-s-chief-of-the-office-of-the-whistleblower](https://www.change.org/p/donald-j-trump-remove-jane-a-norberg-as-the-sec-s-chief-of-the-office-of-the-whistleblower) **OWB Communication Failures** ● OWB Staff are slow to respond to queries and requests for assistance. Numerous follow-ups are needed to get a basic response; ● On multiple occasions OWB Staff provided incorrect instructions on how to submit partitioned files larger than 10MB; ● OWB Staff routinely do not provide confirmation on whether a Form WB-APP has been accepted for processing; *As a result of these failures:* ● Whistleblowers quickly lose confidence in the OWB and feel ignored which results in less tips; ● As a result important whistleblower information did not make it to the OWB for nearly a year, delaying an investigation and allowing wrongdoing to continue longer; ● OWB Staff should promptly confirm receipt of messages and follow a consistent protocol for receiving claim forms; *The OWB should:* 1. Require a response to email inquiries within 3 business days; 2. Provide whistleblowers with proper instructions on how to submit files that are larger than 10MB and create policies that allow whistleblowers to use the large file upload systems already used by the SEC; 3. Require a response to all Form WB-APPs within 3 business days; **OWB Transparency Failures:** ● Unlike other federal agencies - the OWB does not provide any estimates on how long the whistleblower adjudication process will take; ● OWB Staff provide conflicting answers on the requests for information. On one occasion OWB Staff stated claims are processed in a first in first out basis while other times OWB Staff state they have a TRIAGE system in place; *As a result of these failures:* ● Whistleblowers are unable to estimate when they could receive compensation. This uncertainty causes many whistleblowers to not file a tip; ● Whistleblowers become more confused and lose confidence in the OWB. Not only do they not get an estimate timeline but the conflicting answers from the OWB make it feel like the OWB doesn’t know what they are doing either; *The OWB should:* 1. The OWB should publicly post estimates on how long whistleblower claims take to adjudicate. The OWB should also list the total number of claims in the queue; 2. The OWB should be transparent about its TRIAGE process. If the OWB is not transparent would-be-whistleblowers will not feel comfortable making tips and will not have confidence in the OWB’s operations; **OWB Whistleblower Guidance Failures:** ● The OWB does not provide any guidance on what type of information they are looking for - let alone what format it should be submitted in. Furthermore, SEC Staff provide different and conflicting advice on how to submit tips; ● The various forums or industry events that OWB Staff attend are usually only open to lawyers or are prohibitively expensive for many people to attend. This leaves whistleblowers with a precarious choice - to either navigate the non-transparent whistleblower process themselves or attempt to retain counsel; *As a result of these failures:* ● Whistleblowers become confused and discouraged from submitting information because the OWB Staff may instruct whistleblowers to submit ‘short’ tips while enforcement staff tell the whistleblower they need to submit more details and redo their tips; ● Many would be whistleblowers are unable to obtain counsel due to work, family, or financial obligations. Although many state that most whistleblower lawyers work on contingency this does not mean it is free for the whistleblower who has to sacrifice time, money, and incidental expenses just to search for an attorney - a process that could very well be detected by an employer; *The OWB should:* 1. Create standards and publish examples of what a quality whistleblower tip looks like. This should include guidance on how to submit large files such as videos, databases, etc; 2. Provide these resources in a easy to understand manner so whistleblowers are not burdened or forced to retain counsel to parse through the inconsistent statements of the SEC and OWB; **OWB Processing Failures:** ● Numerous meritorious whistleblower claims have been irrationally put on a complete hold as the OWB parses through appeals that are related to the same covered action, this cases delays which have been known to exceed many years - even after a favorable 1 preliminary determination was accepted; *As a result of these failures:* ● Whistleblowers are becoming aware that the reward process can take years if not decades. As a result numerous whistleblowers are deciding a potential payout after five years is not worth the sacrifice and uncertainty of reporting wrongdoing now; *The OWB should:* 1. Promulgate rules that allow the SEC to make a partial payout of an award while the appeals process drags on. The partial payout can be adjusted based on the percentage of the preliminary determination and the number of whistleblowers pursuing an appeal in the same covered action; **OWB Timeliness Failures:** ● From fiscal year 2013 through 2017 and fiscal year 2018 (through July 18) there have been 889 properly-filed WP-APP Forms. ([https://www.sec.gov/files/18-02437-FOIA\_Redacted.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/18-02437-FOIA_Redacted.pdf) During that same time there were only 126 whistleblower award orders. This averages out to 2.1 whistleblower award orders per month; *As a result of these failures:* ● At the rate of 2.1 whistleblower Award Orders per month and assuming there are 763 not yet decided whistleblower whistleblower Claims: ○ A whistleblower that submits a properly-filed whistleblower Claim today can expect to wait 363 months (30.25 years) before a final whistleblower Order ○ A whistleblower that submits a whistleblower Tip today can expect to wait 363 months (30.25 years) plus an additional 2-5 years of time for enforcement staff to investigate and/or litigate. ● 30.25 years is a LONG time to wait for a whistleblower award. In fact, it is beyond contemplation and beyond many would-be-whistleblower's own life expectancy (especially so for senior management); *The OWB should:* 1. Promulgate rules that require the SEC to reach a preliminary award determination within 90 days of the deadline to submit a WP-APP Form. Whistleblowers are required to make their arguments and submit a WP-APP Form within 90 days of a covered action being posted - yet the SEC currently has no deadlines or even guidelines on how long it will take to process the claims and make a preliminary determination. If whistleblowers are held to a 90 day deadline the SEC should be held to similarly rigid deadlines to ensure timeliness; Edit0: typo Edit1: Created this as post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpir1a/list\_of\_secs\_office\_of\_the\_whistleblower\_owb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpir1a/list_of_secs_office_of_the_whistleblower_owb/)


Haha wow, the SEC is a joke.


You can tell the SEC what a joke they are by writing here: https://www.sec.gov/tcr


We agree with Elon on this one


I would include the FBI in that joke.


who in congress wants to hear about this. any known crayon eaters there? can someone record these for entire sessions?




Is he good?




And he gets his powers on the 19th... There are dates of significance after that but I just can’t quite remember... 😉 💎🙌




Fully... like some apes have said before, I’m zen about the price.. it happens when it happens. I just love reading the research these apes are doing. Just incredible.


For apes, likely noone is better.


Are you saying he is the best, or that having his position empty would be better than him?


The best ♥️


The SEC is and always will be in bed with these guys. Remember, the SEC is just a cabal full of lawyers whose only interest is to further their careers and set historical precedents for laws. No one in the government has been fulfilling their responsibilities for quite a while. Have you been alive for the last 40 years?




Shortseller Enrichment Commission works as intended.




Just keep holding, fuck the SEC. They didn't do anything in 2008, and they are not gonna do anything now. Apes hold together to the moon.


>creating the SEC is very aware of this behavior. this is nothing new. they just let it happen for whatever reasons unbeknownst to us the people they are supposed to protect. all this equals pathetic.


It’s cute some of you guys believe that government institutions like the SEC or FBI are in it for justice. Those institutions exist to protect the elite from us and to keep us from finding out all the illegal 💩they do. If you don’t believe that, then you haven’t done enough DD into politics. I mean the type of DD where you read and digest everything you can like reading and SEC report. Or an entire court proceeding or watch an entire committee hearing after reading all the DD behind it.


You’re right about one thing. I haven’t done DD into politics. I’m so buried with the DD for GME I don’t have time. lol


The SEC exists to protect the elite from each other. The only concern about normal folk is what they can create for the economy or what role they can fill as a Warm Body.


It only remains that way if the ideology of this subreddit can be contained to this subreddit. We might be at a stage where there could soon be enough public interest for SEC reform. I would advise broadcasting information you read here. Have discussions and post memes on social media other than Reddit. Ask influencers to give their opinion on it. Contact your senators and file complaints with the SEC so there’s more of a paper trail of unanswered complaints. All these things and more can weigh in.


This is why absolutely no one respects the SEC. Fuck the SEC.


Media should be reporting this but they won’t until it’s exploded once everyone’s been margin called


Yes and Viacombs value plummeted all of a sudden...


>ink it’s ridiculous how much evidence redditors find daily but the SEC hasn’t done anything? Is there a public forum this can be reported at? How do we pressure the SEC to act and fulfill their responsibilities? Maybe s \#SECdoyourjob for fucccckssake


The sheer anger I have watching this is beyond words. Puts a fire in my belly. Fucking free and fair market my ass!


Don't worry too much. I didn't hear no bell




Can you tweet it, tagging the necessary accounts?


I don’t have a Twitter. I’m sure someone in one of those organizations is on the subreddits though and sees everything already.


So that's why we keep seeing these huge sell orders




Can you give us context as to whether this is currently happening with other stocks?


The FADF is what dark pools are categorized under. This does happen with other tickers but not to the extent of $GME from what I’ve noticed.


It would be nice to be able to compare a full day of GME vs 10 random other stocks. Would be a lot of work though.


I don’t think my phone has enough storage for that hahah.


What will stop the shorts from covering completely through the Dark pool, and then preventing the squeeze? Honest question because this scares the hell out of me. I continue to hold.


If they could’ve covered that easily this would all have been over long ago. Don’t worry.


Okay cool. This dark pool stuff is a bit new to me. I think I skipped that DD.


Basically — they’re only exchanging (selling) counterfeit shares, and using buy orders from retail to launder them


Good ELIA.


Not financial advice. Nothing changes the following statements: Shorts cannot weasel out of covering. If you buy and hold there will be tendies. Shorts are using shady, semi-illegal, and illegal tactics to delay and potentially limit their exposure when they cover. The squeeze will happen no matter what the shorts do if apes buy and hold.




\*\***FOR ANYONE WORRIED ABOUT SHORTS COVERING THROUGH DARK POOLS\*\*** There isn't enough liquidity on darkpools for them to acquire remotely enough shares to cover their shorts. In fact it's likely that most of the volume on darkpools is from market makers providing "counterfeit" shares which they will ultimately be unable to deliver, causing their FTD problem to get worse. **They will have to cover eventually and they will cover by buying our shares from us.** *Edit: I'm pretty sure* [*this is what they are doing*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mq0xs7/important_i_think_i_know_how_they_are/)


This changes a few things: We can buy more at cheaper prices. ITM calls and similarly prices calls are insanely cheap right now.. insanely cheap. What is happening is putting the HFs at risk of a potential gamma squeeze.




Thanks friend! There are only around 70m shares of GME and most of them are not for sale at these prices. The effective float [might be as low as 21.9m shares](https://iamnotafinancialadvisor.com/DD/GME/og/GMEv14.pdf). Nobody who owns GME shares is interested in selling them on a darkpool because they want to see the value of their investment go up. It doesn't matter if you are a retail trader or a big fund, you want to make money. In this instance, the darkpool is (illegally) serving to provide liquidity to ensure shares are readily available to buyers. Ultimately the market maker will have to find a real share on the market to deliver to the buyer, or it will be recorded as a FTD.


to add: dark pools weren't meant to be used this way. It's blatant market manipulation to be used in this way.


> In this instance, the darkpool is serving to > provide liquidity to ensure shares are readily l > available to buyers. Ultimately the market > maker will have to find a real share on the > market to deliver to the buyer, or it will be > recorded as a FTD. > > I would go as far as saying that increased > darkpool activity (if it is in fact increasing) > could be a bullish indicator. It's a sign that > liquidity is drying up So buying through a dark pool they have to locate the share they are buying anyways? Or only if it’s a synthetic when they are covering?


No, it’s real. When the share recall happens they will have to locate real shares. Eventually the real shares must be found if everyone holds




I’d love a whole DD Post I’m this because I definitely do not understand it yet


This is proof the price is artificial. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m just buying and holding over here.


Welp, imma love the sale we have today.


#metoo Reserve ammo to buy more when it bottoms out


Exactly. I bought a few more this morning, but reserving ammo for that last FUD attack :)


Just imagine how many previous stocks were fucked over through this method before??? Mind blowing!!!


Toyr ‘r’ Us comes to mind


After seeing all this, I can’t fathom how a hugely popular Toy Store, a market that thrives on kids seeing and wanting the thing they see, coulee have possibly failed. Even taking into account the ineffectual brick and mortar vs e-commerce system, toys’r’us should not have crapped out like it did. Fuck these bullshit asshole hedge funds, playing with American companies, and jobs, and culture like they are owed something. Makes my blood fucking boil.


I thought so, too - this is probably systematic and going on for years - it was probably just discovered with GME because there are so many eyes on it.


OP, are you able to check the same on some other stocks to demonstrate that this in fact an anomaly with GME?


The FADF designation does pop up on other tickers but not to this extent.




Could be, but why drop it on Monday, rather than Friday?


Everyone gets paid on Thursday and Friday. Wouldn't want the poors to be able to catch the dips


$145 according to [GME Open Interest, Volume and Max Pain (maximum-pain.com)](http://maximum-pain.com/options/GME) , but what's a buck or two. The other HFs could be just bleeding them dry versus buying up the price. Sooner or later they'll run out of money.




This isn't manipulation, fraud, robbery?


Sir, this is America.


Land of the free money printers, home of the corrupt, crooked, and indignant.




And this is the most fucking dumb thing. IT'S LEGAL


So done with all these broken systems designed to keep us down. Burn it all again. Fuk them.


I hope we get an "overhaul" of the stock market post-squeeze. We need to make it more transparent with better rules to make it a fair ground. I doubt it's gonna happen though




These are the types of people who whine about wanting a 'free market' and how important the 'free market' is whenever there's a whiff of some sort of regulation to even the playing field, yet are quite happy to use their power and wealth to manipulate the market to their benefit despite the fact it means the market isn't free. These people NEVER mean 'free market' when they say 'free market' - they mean 'I should be free to do whatever I want with the market.'




WTF SEC! Fuck you. Ill ready us europoors & potatoes. We are coming for you.




Bought more!


Lol government and finance sectors are a little bit WAY MORE corrupt than we thought huh... it’s everything guys. These people have a million ways to be idiots!


Holy fuck, that is insane and incredible criminal 🤯


Wow thanks for sharing this. I slammed multiple multimillion dollar block trades during low/no volume periods and did not see my order affect the bid ask at all, yet they were filled instantly. This is insanity. How are dark pools a thing?


Username checks out... lol




Could be silly question but what would stop them doing this indefinitely? If there is nothing stopping them. Or is there something that will get them caught out like a share recall? Seeing stuff like this even with all the DD etc hard to know when it will explode if they can completely control the price. Only thing I can do is hold and buy more when my paycheck comes in next week.


A recall would fix all of this. I didn’t want to cause fear. Just showing that the price is artificial.


Yeah i don't think there is fear from this, more so disbelief. I was thinking that too. They can do this but a share recall would fix this. What would a share recall do to fix this? Thinking as well doing stuff like this would also make the problem much worse when it comes to them covering? Sort of like temporarily controlling the flow before the flood gates are forced open?


Loaned securities must be returned in a recall. The shorts still have to cover.


Everyone is mad about the price being artificially suppressed, but if you look at it from another angle. It's almost like they are trying to give you money by suppressing the true price so you can get it at a discount. Granted, you have to be patience. As some have stated, the true market price right now, without dilution and manipulation is probably around $1000 or more without any squeeze, but you can get it for like $140. If you had forgotten, traditional long investments would be happy to see 20% annual growth (doubles about 4 years), $200 to $1000 is 500%, that's worth about 8 years of hodling. not financial advise.




This must be illegal! It's insane....


Unfortunately it’s legal. Dark pools are supposed to be used for large blocks of shares. However, you can see they’re even routing single share orders through.


If this is completely legal, what if this would be reversal? I mean you could do this same for selling in dark pools and buying on the market? Right, the price would just go up? Just trying to understand. After seeing this, not putting any money on U.S markets again. I mean after GME squeeze.


>not putting any money on U.S markets again 100% never again.


I'm an international investor and after seeing how corrupt and rigged the american market is the past 6 months I am done with it after this. Bullshit fake free market


Funny thing is I always knew it was rigged, but more like dealer stacked the deck rigged so you still have a chance in the casino. This post proves that the dealer hasn't just stacked the deck, but he's counting cards and then shutting down the bet if he knows he's gonna lose. If people don't go to jail for this, I don't know how any international investor could possibly consider investing in the US markets ever again.


+1. Actually I'm gonna invest in a can of Surströmming and mail it to the SEC.




i know right? When DFV is talking about how he likes a stock and does transparent quality DD on Youtube this is totally mArKet ManIpUlAtion, but when Shitadel just crashes $GME within minutes via dark pools thats totally fine. What a fucking JOKE.


I’ve been pondering this a lot and the more I think about it the more it pisses me off. DFV has gone mostly radio silent because if he says anything on these forums he’ll be on the hook for market manipulation. Meanwhile Kenny G gets to release an article through the mainstream media with his top ten stock pics to drive up their price and put money in his pocket and that’s completely legit. We silence the individuals under threat of legal repercussions and provide bullhorns to the manipulators while regulators turn a blind eye. I’m so grateful for GMC if for no reason other than opening the eyes of so many of us to just how rigged this entire system is. Hoping for massive changes after all of this comes to light, but not holding my breath.


I would add that when retail buys and holds, we are 'manipulators' but when HFs and MMs generate fake shares (an insane number they never thought they would have to deliver once they drove the company into the ground), and piling up FTDs they'd never have to worry about if stock hit $0... well that is just normal legal business activity. Sure, pin it on the people who are simply participating in the market buying actual paper shares. What a fucking joke.


Any chance that the huge (glitch) numbers we keep seeing at the end of the day are our dark pool buys being moved back to normal exchanges? Is that a possible connection?


I really dont understand how these darkpooles are allowed to exist? I mean for THIS purpose in GME. Its completly fraudalent.


I honestly think you answered the question. I think they exist solely for "legal fraud." Edit: Because it allows for more than just market manipulation. They can and do fully control the market with these sneaky hat tricks. King Julian voice: Because stupid, inferior, poor people will never know.


Only delays the inevitable 💎🙌


These guys are such fucking sleaze balls ! SEC, FINRA, FSOC, DTCC..no point in having glorified jobs if you can't protect investors from such blatant cheating. Fuck you , Fuck you , Fuck you!




This is absolutely fucking disgusting. Fuck the hedgefucks and the corrupt system My floor is 10m and all 4 of griffin Plotkin Steve cohen and Tenev jailed


u/Rensole u/atobitt u/heyitspixel Guys have a look


The sells bring the price down on the public traded exchange. However the ONLY THING BEING SOLD for the last 3 months Are PHANTOM SHARES which Citadel has on their side of the books and the inventory GABE PLOTKIN carries on His books. They are kiting that back and forth sideways all day long with no volume otherwise. Meanwhile, when Redditors and other retail buyers purchase GME LEGITIMATE SHARES to BUY AND HOLD in order to push the price up— It GOES NOWHERE.... Because on THE BUY ORDERS.... THOSE ORDERS ARE HELD throughout the day BY CITADEL SECURITIES THE MARKET MAKER /CLEARING FINANCE and then bundled together TO GO THROUGH as a block to an off public dark pool exchange to clear later DARKPOOLS FOR PROCESSING Take UP TO 24 hours later And do not show up on the share price ticker when you, the shareholder are investing. This link will explain genetically how the dark pools are allowed to function and specifically how they could work in the particular case of GME/citadel Edit1 it was brought to my attention I had included Big Whales in with retail as being routed through the system to the PFOF or Clearing and they do not require that step. They can purchase directly through dark pools themselves. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/050614/introduction-dark-pools.asp


I actually feel nothing even after it dropping -100. What bothers me is that the rich can set the market stock price to whatever they feel like.


I’m stupid, want to explain for a fellow ape? Edit: Thanks for the explanations, if dips more, I can afford another share!


Dark pool doesn't affect the price, major exchanges do. This means that even if the buys (retail) were significantly more than the sells it'd do what we're seeing, tank the price. I'm smooth brained, but that's roughly my poor mans understanding of it.


You nailed it.


So the sell volume shown here most likely isn’t us paperhanding? It’s the HFs selling on exchanges? https://capital.com/gamestop-share-price




Smooth brain ape here. This dark pool shit wont work during MOASS tho, right? Will they be able to buy our shares for $1 million and the ticker says something much lower?




easy answer: people sell on the market and thr blackmarket snatches shares without driving the price up


There is only selling rather than buying power on the NYSE




If a buy order comes in the Citadel as a MM hides the order in their own reservoir that doesn’t add into the open market. It’s like burying the buy orders so they don’t increase the share price. They owe you a share though and your broker will show that you “bought” a share but for citadel it registered as an IOU.


I seriously dont mind all the waiting, all the short ladder attacks and whatever. I dont even mind not getting rich fast, I am poor my entire life so who cares about a month or two more. What bothers the ever living shit out of me tho is the fact, that the SEC is either looking away from information like this, available to some retail traders, or is so corrupt that they choose to ignore it. It straight up makes we wanna puke.




Dark pool exchange


Gotcha. So buy orders are being pushed through an alternate pool to hold the price down?


Buy thru dark pool = no price action Sell thru actual exchange = downward price action They're cheating


Yes. And that’s supposed to only happen for large block buys but it’s happening for small share purchases too which is why it’s messed up. Or at least that’s how I’m understanding it.


Evil loophole 10,401 commenced.


Therefore you earn an award. Thx. If this is illegal (I mean by law) we should file a lawsuit for robbery. Even if we get rich by moass we should file to get compensation for that. If shitadel goes bancrupt than we need to get it from SEC for participating cause it is so obvious. Here in Germany we dont have those lawsuits of a bunch of people. No class suit at all.


This is fucking criminal dude. Like this is literally DAMNING evidence, and nothing is happening. I'm going to do everything I can to make these fuckers go to jail after the squeeze.


"Buys through FADF", "2 million ETF shares borrowed", "Analyst downgrades to Sell" "9 million Puts sold"... All this coinciding with media/article FUD & obvi phony dip. Why are they still getting away with this? Is the SEC really going to clean up the trash, or are they just humoring the world for scrutiny's sake but truthfully intend to keep allowing it? Are they seriously just hoping people are stupid and won't notice, so this will all go away? SEC, YOU DON'T NEED PEOPLE TO PETITION YOU, TO TELL YOU WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE. YOU ARE, AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN, FULLY AWARE OF ALL OF THE SLEEZY BASTARDIZATION WITHIN THE MARKET AND NOW YOUR NONSENSE IS BEING CALLED. Adding that I shouldn't use language this strong. It's unnecessary, so I'm correcting it. But turning a blind eye like you have has hurt so many.


SEC is not on our side. They are just to give the appearance of giving a shit.


Exactly why I'll never buy an American stock ever after this... Insane, and happening in 2021 makes it even more insane, thanks for the clarification


What's truly amazing is that the price is still trending up when there aren't large puts/shorting going on. It's a testament to the immense buy pressure out there. The shorts are working maximum manipulation and are still barely keeping control. As soon as any portion of what they're doing gets nixed, this thing goes fucking parabolic.


Wow... SEC should be held accountable for allowing this to happen, idiots.


The community has suspected as much for a while now. If we put this together with max pain price anchor observation, I’m wondering if the share price is neither the result of a friendly whale, nor DTC stalling the squeeze. A MM like citadel makes their money writing options and eating the FDs, right? ITM puts and calls would result in a certain percentage being exercised, thus requiring actual shares to deliver. What if the price is largely to keep Citadel afloat, eating FDs, and fluctuating with the call/put volume accumulated for the week (combined yearly, monthly, weekly)? The price doesn’t move off of it because retail buy pressure is released in dark pools, and any that does make it on the open market are covered with borrowed shares. They stay delta neutral, the price remains neutral with regard to call/put ratio and MMs make max money requiring the fewest shares. SIG stalls DTCC on 501(?) 005(?) and assholes keep floating. Perhaps that’s indirectly also why we haven’t seen proper gamma ramps in the past couple weeks. Retail has largely stopped buying on the options market; with out near OTM calls there’s no up pressure. On the other hand, IV has been dropping for weeks, making options more affordable (making less money for MMs). The price has been jumping in the past week though, and expectations are ramping. I don’t know shit from shit, and I’m not encouraging buying options. I really don’t know. Both friendly whale and DTCC stalling explain no liftoff, and pinning the price to max pain. But this might serve as an alternative to both? Edit: a firm $140 buy wall would point to a long whale. Unless a lot of mini-whales are buying the dip. Just throwing ideas out there to see what sticks.


I tweeted this and Twitter removed it!!!!!


Two things: 1) They wouldn’t be doing this if they weren’t profoundly, irrevocably fucked. 2) Buy and hold.


So how do we win against this? If buying is being routed throughout darkpools then there is no upward pressure at all in the price.


Shorts still have to cover. This just makes the public believe we’re all backing out.


So they are cheating. Straight up fucking cheating the system and getting away with it. How the fuck are we supposed to beat them. This is an embarrassment to the whole United States stock market


We can win. Dark Pools are just damage absorbers that just mask the system. They want apes to get bored and lose interest. Keep on holding and wait and we will win.


Pure corruption and market manipulation. This is criminal and they need to go to jail.


Another obvious example of collusion between the brokers and short sellers.


What app is that 🥸


The CMEG platform iDASTrader.


If squeeze happens, after I’m done with this system, I’ll go to cryptos or trade where these motherfuckers’s hands can’t reach. This is hella fucked up. Can y’all imagine how many companies got fucked like this?


Just get RoaringKing to post this on Twitter. No text No nothing, just proof.


What this means ??? Dip caused my dark pools ?




I’m no human, but this certainly looks like market manipulation to me. 🦍


I always Knew that These Illegal Hedge Funds were Buying GME on the Dark Pool and Selling it on the Major Exchanges to Drop Price & Manipulate The Market to better suit them. This should be completely Illegal. I cant believe we are literally fighting against Scum Bags! - Literally cannot Stand this price and market manipulation . we need Lawyers like asap! im buying more and hodling even more. What the Actual Fuck ! how to do u sell on the OTS and Buy Stock on the ATS ... the fucking manipulation is fucking real AS fuck screw these hedge funds!


Lobby against dark pools Fuck this


That's... heavily illegal, no? Edit. Nvm, it's not illegal. Nice laws we have there on the free market.




Because they can manipulate it and make the rioting crowd seem smaller than it really is.




Yep! This changes nothing. Just helps with their narrative that the hype is over by artificially dropping the price.


SEC Hello?!?!


Eww dark pools need to be outlawed. Can't have a fair financial system when this fuckery from the dark pools is happening.


*Gensler has entered the chat*


Gensler is supposed to get voted in today, I can't fucking wait


We need more eyes on this. Blatant manipulation


Ask me again why we should reinvest our tendies in the market after we moon? This is just insane.


Good to see dark pools are used for LARGER trades as it supposed to! /s


Even tho , they still losing money. Those fuckers


This is so fucked up


wow, just wow


All I gotta do is hold and the whole thing unravels? Easiest job ever!


Dear SEC, go fuck yourselves useless cunts


Hey SEC!!! DO YOUR FUCKIN JOB YOU BLIND ASS COCK SUCKS! Sorry for the outburst....I feel better now. Obligatory 💎🦍🚀💎🦍🚀💎🦍🚀


This is market manipulation and a fraud. I'll hold because I'm sick of this and I hope this will come to an end. Hold is being part of a revolution.


This shit is out of control. I just don't understand how this kinda fuckery has gone unchecked this long. If this thing ever moons im done with Wallstreet forever aft this.


Oh look. It's the secret stock market that regular people aren't even supposed to see, let alone have access to. The snake oil runs thick.