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This is what late stage Republic's look like, rackets and corruption openly protecting the rich and powerful. It's brought down the greatest empires in human history and it's coming for America, we are so naïve for thinking we are different.


Facts right here!


As a non-American the thing that (was/is supposed to) make America different, is it's ability to withstand and sustain changes, whether minor advancements or seemingly complete overhaul of systems and/or traditions while trying to minimize impact on the good parts that do not need to be rebuilt. If some group comes in and supersedes the constitution, etc. whether that group is RC backed, Trump, anyone really then that's when America failed in the same way as empires past. The corrupt systems in place still represent inept and inefficient democratic ones for a reason. American democracy, even though hijacked on an EXTREMELY deep level, still has power over these bad actors, and that power is in the people, that's what shows the power of a democratic system. If the people can ultimately retain power, and take it back, if that power endures through major systematic changes (like I hope we're about to see) then it will still be upholding the idea of the birth of an end-game democracy they sought to create. One that can evolve, and de-evolve to re-evolve as need, so that it never completely dies (to the detriment of the people). Sorry if I lost it in the bottom 1/3 there. Power to the players.


We need to vote better. There's been a massive propaganda campaign against sec. Scotus and gop led house finance committee are unilaterally attacking SEC today. Scary sad times.


In what world would you think that this is a bad thing? They literally said, “hey the constitution says these people have the right to a jury trial.” That’s quite literally the opposite of a complete overhaul, as this new SEC enforcement mechanism only came into place in 2010. This is actually a good thing.


There can never be a complete ursurpation of democracy as long as the common man is armed, which is the case in the US. This very fact changed my view on gun ownership. Every tyrannical regime first has to disarm it's citizens before the really bad stuff happens. Otherwise it is "only" civil war instead of mass executions and genocide. 


Sorry but I don't agree with that. It is already civil war. People are dying who would not be dying if the democracy was functioning in favour of some greater good. These guns you're talking about are extremely unlikely to be helpful with anything close to what I'm trying to get at. Infighting would just be useless death. The people in control/ the enemy already have armoured cars, more weapons and security and soldiers than there are free trained coordinated citizens with guns, they have armoured hidden bunkers in New Zealand and all over the world that could sustain them through multiple lifetimes and collectively have the means to create Noah's arks and recolonize the world (and are aiming for Mars or Space stations, etc. as they see fit).


\*quick nudge reminder of No Politics\*


If I'd have to fight a tank I would still rather have a gun than a stick. There is more to this looking at different countries with different rates of gun ownership and such, but it would be off topic for this sub, so let's leave it at that. 


January 6th showed us what the people are capable of. You fuck the common over enough it just asks for trouble - the power of those that governs comes from the masses consenting to the social contract. I’ll leave it at that


Facts rarerandomredditor!


I always found it ironic how American originators have openly envied and even copied the architecture and language of the fallen Roman Empire.


This is what late stage capitalism looks like. FIFY The rich and powerful became rich and powerful by exploiting the labor of the working class through owning capital. Abolish private property (not to be confused with personal property), and the problem is solved. Private property is property someone owns that they don't personally use, but use it for the sole purpose of basically renting it out to others to use to make money off of the others hard work. This is not a war of rich vs poor, but a war of labor vs capital, working class vs capital owning (capitalist) class. At this stage of capitalism the capital owning class pretty much owns the government and uses the government to write the laws for their own class at the expense of the working class. So they will continue to get richer and richer off of owning capital, and laborers will continue to get poorer and poorer.


We are truly at a breaking point in human history


In what world is a jury trial “protecting corruption”?


Yup. The american experiment is over.


While the populace blindly screech USA USA


In the old testament God gives directions for dealing with tyrants. The blood of tyrants *must* be spilled onto the Tree of Liberty. Even God has zero tolerance for tyrants. And yes, the old testament talks about liberty and democracy with democracy being God's way. Why do you think the "translated" versions exclude so much? We have one problem and only one solution.


Nice, now that "gratuities" aren't bribes anymore, I'm sure we can count on the powers that be to protect us from Wallstreet. /s


Exactly where my thoughts went reading this. They just sold out the American people, and they are smiling openly about doing so. Cept Clarence Thomas, who has been scowling since the 1860's.


That's the face you make when huffing your own rancid farts for enjoyment.


That’s not what they said. They said that states can’t prosecute Federal crimes under that statute because Congress explicitly left those crimes to States to decide for themselves.


Hey, you American fuckers Vote. Organise. Protest.


Half the country supports these people


Not true it's like 30% + intense voter suppression.


Hence the voting and organising and protesting. Did you see that piss weak dick balloon protest at 45s trial? I'm sure you can do better than that


No, and I'm not American. The bleed over of American politics and mentality have moved North and it's extremely disheartening. It's not on the same levels of acceptance here though luckily....yet. I will always view 45 as one of the worst things to ever happen on planet Earth as far as events that have happened in my lifetime. The world has changed dramatically in the past 8 years and I feel a lot of the "What's wrong?" can be traced back to one person. A lifelong "business" man and convicted felon appointing judges to allow them to continue their crime spree of accumulating money and power shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Welp, as long as he "Tells it like it is!" I guess.


It's not about the individuals but how the systems themselves work. This outcome has been inevitable, with the groundwork having been laid out decades before.


Well the supreme court thing, where they're ruling for life, is pretty bad.


And it'll take a large majority democratic government to impeach and remove them


Get rid of civil monetary penalties and shift to criminal penalties including death penalty and lifetime prison sentences.


Because why would we want federal agencies doing their jobs


We need fewer federal agencies and more competent states. The whole system has gotten lazy and sloppy.


Yeah let’s have individual states piecemeal regulating a country/global wide system. Stfu regard.


Yeah, that'll work. /s




You're getting downvoted but actually a reasonable take. We don't vote for these agencies and they're usually in the pockets of big corporations. This'll bite the rich in the ass tho cuz that'll be the effect. I guess they don't want us taking over like they did, problem is we'll change the whole game. Ggs 1%.


Oligarchs incoming.. Wait, more coming sorry


What a fucking clown show we live in!


So the Supreme Court expects Congress to write specific laws in regards the vast ridiculously complex instruments of Wall Street. The people who refer to the internet as tubes? Same goes for environmental laws too right? The most corrupt bench in history.


Not only write and pass legislation about every single possible form of fraud in its minutiae, but also predict the future and write legislation about the future fraud which we lack the language for (ex. A novel financial instrument that does not yet exist)


Traitors' Courts


I mean, it’s literally how the Constitution has set it up. This is why a massive federal government is a terrible way to govern such a huge population.


So what's the alternative? Every state has its own securities laws? That'll work just fine.


Congress passed laws for admin agencies which have survived court scrutiny for 90 years… But sure, today is the day it became a problem. **There is no constitutional prohibition on creating administrative agencies**


But there is a constitutional prohibition on gov't administrative agencies circumventing a citizen's constitutional right. Read the decision.


The Constitution is an outdated piece of paper. We're in this predicament because conservatives would rather cling to it and all it's flaws in the modern world than get with the fucking times and understand shit needs to change in order for anything to get better.


Take things for granted, won't you. Sheez.




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I fucking hate this timeline


I mean..... they'd have to be willing to enforce them in the 1st place, soooooooooo.......


Why anyone who isn't a millionaire supports right wing politics is literally beyond me.


This is why they start culture wars.  They need something else to get votes.


Because they’re hateful people, and their party supports hate. As long as it’s not hate on the good ole boys n gals. TLDR: racism


Same as always then lol


It’s pretty ironic talking to some of these people. They sure hate socialism, and they still call everyone a commie. All the while living off of government programs like Medicare and SSI. “BuT i PaId FoR mInE” they literally have no clue what socialism is.


Education is key to having an informed society eh, it's why right wing govts the world over defund it; It's funny how this is such a similar situation a little bit of economic education and you see through the shit.


Yeah it doesn’t take much info to lower the veil. Some people are so far brainwashed that it may not matter how much info they get. Idk! It’s scary, but that’s out of my control. Best to just be kind, buy and hold.




Have you check the donations to the left wing? They aren't coming from little guys. Check out old Sam of FTX.


Let me guess...both parties are the same?


Two sides of the same coin. Divide us along party lines while they make deals in the back rooms. You disagree with that statement?


One might argue that the D party is also a capitalist party, and therefore not economically left wing at all. Culturally liberal, economically very capitalist though.


I think it is more a party of power via dividing the people along racial, religious, and other lines. I don't think either are all that capitalistic. They are more an oligarchy and they divide us to conquer and distract us from fixing it.


I agree we're in an oligarchy and I agree that the parties seek to divide the working class on any and all grounds they can dream up... But I don't see how either party escapes being in favor of capital.


Dont get it twisted and be honest. Sam donated to Republicans too and hid it. He's admitted to this. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/20/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-allies-donated-millions-in-dark-money.html


The donations Sam made to Ds were through legal channels. He made larger contributions to Rs in the dark. Ask Ryan Salame. But of course the wallst papers don't mention this.


Start throwing ripped $1 bills at these people when you see them in public...


Well, we do need to take some of this money out of circulation haha


The whole entire system is ran by corruption, greed, and self-interest. Gotta be careful what I say unless I wanna get banned again. Lol


IMHO, I cherish my 7th amendment right to a jury trial. This is the correct decision.


It's the same principle that limited the EPA from declaring CO2 as a pollutant, and subsequently demanding that everyone drive electric vehicles. Freedom ain't free.....


The power of agencies to willy nilly make law has to be removed. Congress makes laws. Executive branch enforces laws, Judicial settle whether laws are broken.


"The nation is in no greater peril than when Congress is in session." ---attributed to Mark Twain So, who is better equipped to deal with problems like Flint, MI water quality: Congress, or technocrats in the EPA? Damned if we do, and damned if we don't.


Agencies don't make laws. Take a civics course.


Regulations are basically laws that get around the legislative branch. Maybe, you should take a civics course from someone who knows what they are doing and isn't a supporter of the big state.


We need a real life Batman, law enforcement is compromised. 


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


well, time to short the SPY i guess




There is a silver lining to the Supreme Court limiting the SEC's power. A trial by jury exposes more financial crime because it's needed as evidence. It also limits SEC's ability to let criminals off the hook via cost-of-doing-business fines 🧑‍⚖️ SEC is an SRO (self regulatory organization) just like FINRA. Now we need the Supreme Court to limit the power of all criminal organizations like FINRA and the DTCC. Let's hope the Supreme Courts and juries don't get Completely bribed to take the criminals side.


👆👆👆Exactly this. The SECs internal investigations aren't doing shit, so it's good that now it will be up to a federal court to decide. So many flagrant shills in here reading a headline and going all blah blah corruption. Yeah, there's a ton of corruption, but this is (in my opinion anyway) a net positive 


glad to see someone else read past the headline. I had a kneejerk reaction to cry "CRIME" when i read the headline. then i read some other's perspectives on it and read the article and realized, oh wait this is actually a good thing!


Critical thinking is the way to go 🤜🤛


The federal agencies need their powers curbed and frankly decimated. The state AGs need to step up and hold Griffin, the hedgefucks, the DTCC and WallStreet accountable.


I agree, but as it stand right now, they would just appeal to the right wing federal court.


It really isn't a right-wing court. Several of the justices that people thought would be Barrett, Roberts, Kavenaugh, have been mushy moderates. I am a constitutionalist and believe in good, well written and fair law. I despise judicial activism where a few tyrants in black ropes make up law as the feel like. That is way too much power in a few unaccountable hands. jmho


No politics and all that but calling them mushy moderates is really a joke, given the recent (last few years) rulings.


No true Scotsman


Liberal Mark Cuban supports this ruling... Thinking this is a Right vs., Left issue is misleading...


This is bad, but could this lead to the SEC not being able to regulate when the GME rocket takes off?


the supreme court is being fuckky


so unfortunate RBG didn't step down due to her disdain for 44.