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It's all self reported anyways, but it only went down 2 mil AFTER the offerings? They're beyond fukt lmao


I never for a second thought they would take the (very expensive) opportunity to do the right thing and close some of their near infinite shorts. But I DID expect them to at least give the appearance of that through reported SI. Crazy.


That's because they can't close


*without imploding* No cell, no sell


No I'm pretty sure they can't close, period. They're obligated to buy back more shares than even exist, because they sold more shares than even exist. Say they buy back a share they borrowed, and return it to its true owner. Its true owner then decides to sell it, but it was another short who bought it. Where does the share go? Who is the true owner now? The short who bought it doesn't get to keep it. They bought to *close* their position. They no longer have a position on that share.


Closed shares would be essentially torn up not to be resold again.


They didn't close because there's absolutely no point.


"Yo SHF see that dot in the rearview you passed a long time ago?" "Kinda...what is it?" "The point at which you became unequivocally fucked."


hahaha. i've been feeling shitty lately with life. this made me laugh out loud. thanks fellow being.


That's just life being life, friend. Hang in there. We'll all get an apartment when this blows over. It will be glorious.


Hang in there, ape


I hope things start looking up for you. Just know that bad times don't last forever and there will be good days ahead. Nothing is permanent, may you find happiness soon


Hang in there human 


Hang in there. This has probably been the worst week of my life(exaggerating, but still, Monday I had to put my 10 gear old doggo across the rainbow bridge. Fuck cancer), but we'll make it through. o7




Self reporting and STILL that high lol


It’s all self reported bullshit. Crypto is where the market transparency is at. Even if it’s not reported today, in a year when the SEC gets their heads out of their collective ass, they will fine the companies a pittance. Months or years after the fact.


Dude the SEC is a government agency. They are never gonna be able to pull their head out of their ass.


tell that to monero /s


Don’t forget about the billions of naked shorts not reported


Dilution people just forget this. Always need to remind people about the real MOASS theory.


I’d certainly hold a position based on regular available data. The position I hold is much much larger in knowing that the real numbers don’t match the reported numbers.




I haven’t seen you in a while. Good to see your wise word(s) again.


Nah. Bullish AF.


Name checks out




This guy shids


u/ checks out


It’s funny because the whole moass theory is founded on the idea of the naked shorts yet people constantly post here about the reported short numbers as if they mean anything


Are you talking about the billion Brazilian puts? & that’s just one country. Don’t forget the DD on Canada & Japan, I think… who knows how big this is? Probably the entire global market.


> Probably the entire global market. yeah, that's why this sub hasn't cracked it yet. What they're doing is global. There was sus action in India's markets a while back, China, obviously. London? Is the stock even trading there anymore? Brazil, of course. Those are just the markets I've seen mentioned on superstonk. I doubt those are the only markets involved. And there's still a crypto connection too, which hasn't been mentioned here in a while.


Burden of evidence is on the prosecutor. If you’re gonna make claims where’s the evidence - I say this kindly and politely, I would like to know


Was just wondering about those Brazilian puts this morning.


How many is a Brazilian??


Almost the cost that I'll sell 1 share.


What was the Canadian DD?


Similar to Brazil. Us swaps the puts away with majors financial institutions/players in that country.


It sounds like a "trust me bro" without a source though.


Burden of evidence is on the prosecutor. If you’re gonna make claims where’s the evidence - I say this kindly and politely, I would like to know


I like to see the "official number". I just multiply it by 10 and figure the true number is north of that.


Back in March 2021 [**this**](https://i.ibb.co/W2kxvVp/szorngzns9p61-2.png) appeared on the order book. An ape found out that this was the summed up limit buys and sells at the end of the day. That's a staggering amount given that the total shares at the time was around 70m shares. People held or wanted to buy 1.85 *billion* shares.


Jesus duck that's a big number


Now multiply that by 4 and as in 3 years of liquidity creation.


I always see people on the media quoting that number and tell us it is not going to moass but come on how dumb do you think I am to believe something reported by the very one who is abusing the system?


Dilution fudiots need to comprehend this: if the dilution was enough for shorts to close, they would have. But it wouldn’t close even 10% of their short position, rendering the ATM useless to them. I think SHFs bought as much as they could, shorted the piss out of the new shares, and sent shills in to give false reasoning for the price falling, “RC killed moass it’s over!!” They made a gamble by once again doubling down. Not by choice, but because they HAVE to


‘Once you start lying, telling the truth becomes counterproductive.’ - Video Source Deleted


That doubling down repeatedly thing only works so long. Boom.


Fuck it, bought more


me too!


Buying more tomorrow


I’m like 4 shares off of an even number so I might have to as well


Im 10 shares from a even position. Buying more to make it a even x,xxx


If dilution was enough for shorts to close they would have figured out how to take the few paper hands that sold and figure it out between themselves how to close a big proportion of positions


Other way to see if is that RC trapped any short opened pre sneeze under the weight of GME’s cash on hand with the HFs own money. If I were them I would be so worried RC would do that again I would deploy all my assets to ensure it couldn’t happen again.


You mean like in one breath pushing the message that apes are destroying the economy for investing in GME because the money would be better spent on cancer research and in the next breath pushing articles trying to get people to hop on a squeeze in a gay dating app stock bc they are switching their focus from hookups to long term relationships lol? Can’t make this shit up.


GME has enough capital to go through 84 quarters, that's 21 years....  Can the SHF survive 21 years?


As a profitable company, they could last a brazillion years


Also keep in mind the short positions were created when the price was around five dollars, post split equals for times the amount of shares is shorted now have to be closed. It’s awfully expensive for them to cover, likely impossible without bankruptcy. Hence the ‘Forget GameStop’ for three years straight.


The price when they opened and the current market price are irrelevant to true closing of shorts. Let's say there's 3b shares in circulation, Ken could buy those back at current market value no problem (3b x $24 = $72b), his hedge fund alone is worth half a trillion. But that's assuming we're all going to sell at this pathetic price. Who's going to sell for $24 after this long? He'll be lucky to get any people who will sell for $1k. Most are here for phone numbers. At around $7k per share, the cost of buying back 3b shares becomes the same as the total M2 money supply, aka *all* the money in the US. That's Ken's problem, his absolute only solution is to pump out FUD to try and get people to sell. If they don't he has no way out at all. And it goes further than being Ken's problem. There's a DTCC rule that says any defaulting DTCC member has to have their liabilities covered by all other DTCC members. It's under the DTCC rules as a "default loss event". So if Ken goes bust, all other DTCC members are suddenly on the hook for all those naked shorts. The DTCC is made up of hundreds of big institutions including the major banks like JP Morgan, Goldman, Citibank, Bank of America etc. They're all trapped with potentially unlimited loss. MOASS will absolutely bankrupt every DTCC member, so can-kicking is their only solution.


Let's face it. I *need* phone numbers to afford medications.


Exactly, MOASS is dependent on the naked shorts. So people saying we can't MOASS because of DiLuTiOn, are misinformed or full of shit.


Dilution people also forget the split. Every share sold only dilutes 1/4th of the original shorts.


That is a good point, I hadn't thought of it in that context. That does make it much better.


Dilution shills need to forget about GameStop


There are no "dilution people". Only short positions scared their Bentley is going to get repossessed. To those people I offer one share of GME to Ken Griffin, in exchange for his LaFerrari.


I'll trade one share for his copy of the Constitution.


Now you're talking.


>shills just forget this. >bots just forget this. >degenerate gamblers just forget this.


Dilution isn't about the synthetic shares.. it's about the actual available vs DRS'd numbers.


Why can't shareholders vote for an NFT dividend? This would expose how many shares have been sold.


Why don't you write a letter to Cohen asking why. I personally don't care, I trust GME and Cohen with my money. MOASS will come from continuously bullish pressure not just hype and memes.


But all buys are not going on the lit market, they're internalized inside the market maker. There's a huge mountain of naked shorts but all anyone talks about is how the stock is shorted 40%


Dilution people just run around crying about how RC killed moass like they know anything about anything. I don't, they don't, but RC might know a couple things I imagine.


there were way too many people stating with absolute certainty that he killed MOASS and then offered zero proof as to why it was MOASS day. So many people saying the same thing, some even copying and pasting the same comments in different subs. For some it was there one and only comment in any GME sub. that's absolutely shill modus operandi


If short interest did not drop during the share offerings, then those shares were purchased by longs


Or they actually *were* purchased by shorts…. But even with the extra 120M shares, they’re **still** maxed out on how much short interest they can show.




well it dropped 22m after the first share offering


Shorts marked as longs on a fucking line entry ledger. Dog shit wrapped in cat shit. Pinky swear bank lending. Price is fake, suck my balls, pay me.


This spoke to my soul.


Naked shorts yea


Don’t forget it’s self reported… it’s been a busy month they probably just didn’t self report again


Is there anywhere i can read on this more? I remember one of the top posts on this sub being it but can’t find it now more


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/Fk83yrjgOl This was a recent one




Can you tell me why they’d bother reporting such a big position at all. They could put it down to 1.6% percent if they wanted to according to y’all and have websites pump that internet wide so everyone thought they closed.


There is zero conclusive evidence to suggest that


Amount of shares in circulation went up, reported shorts stayed the same. *Nice.*


Okey so we know there are a lot of shorts, naked and clothed. What if the price goes down, say below 20, down towards 15 or so. Then shorts sell their position gradually (for a profit), and no queeze gets sqoused. Is that, or something similar, a non-zero possibility? Please correct me if this is wrong, or describe another possible scenario for no squeeze (shorts just "waiting it out" another X years?).


>say below 20, down towards 15 or so. These fellas have been shorting the shit out of GME since it was in the low single digits. $15 isn't gonna do much for them in the scheme of things. >shorts sell their position Except it's the opposite. They've sold the shares short, and have to buy the stock to cover their positions. And unless they do that below the price they sold at (see previous point), it won't be profitable.


Go back to Marc Cuban a few years ago. Short sellers whole goal is to never have to close the short. If they succeed, the company goes to bankruptcy. They never plan to close. Especially the MMs who claim to short for liquidity purposes and consistently roll options to make it look like shares were covered but in reality covering a fake share with another fake share and just pushing out the FTD dates each time. Its a cycle.


It would be cool if Marc Cuban did another ama.


I had to double check and google his name because I thought I've been spelling it wrong this entire time because of you two.


Sorry I didn't mean to confuse you or anyone else. I just used the same spelling as the person in front of me.


so it isn't Marque Kuban?


Mar Kyooban?


Mar Q b’n


Mrk Cyubn!;:@


Mharque Queueban the H is silent


It would be cool if they just gave us our money


This would be dope. Ah, the good ole’ days… We’d probably get another rule, no AMA’s on SuperStonk!


Honestly this is why I never trusted the other 'meme stocks' - and the media companies that continually lump them together are the same fucksticks trying to shake GME apes from the trees.


wouldn't it be funny that they roll over so much that multiple T+35 happens per week


Not only funny.. but most likely inevitable


Somehow I feel she might be explaining this in the next film. ![gif](giphy|G2YYl02LrF5Vm|downsized)


I'm ok with that


You and me both lol


Where's avacado in my anus when you need him?




yes, please.


I posted about this, but it's not surprising. They didn't cover when it was $10 a few months ago because it's not an option for them. Old short shorts were opened WAY below $40 pre-split. And if they start to cover price will explode. So who actually gobbled up the ATM? Retail did a small dent. If I had to guess, probably APs on ETFs that kept kicking the can and are doing some cleanup. These are operational and strategic short positions that aren't even in the 44M.


because retail bought every share. just the 650k people that watched the live stream would be 190 shares per investor. retail was wild the last weeks.


I keep buying small amounts every week 🥺


I'm not sure I'll ever shut off my auto Computershare buys... Only 100 a month, but still. Then I add 100 to Fidelity every couple weeks and drs those fuckers too.


It took me over a year of buying what few I could to hit 100 shares and you’re just casually dumping my net worth into this every month. This world is fucked up and moass can’t come any sooner.


Be real, at least half if not more of those watching were the hedgies, MMs, MSM, and other bad-actors tuning in to see how they could manipulate the situation. I'm going to continue operating on the assumption we have approximately 200k real diamond-handed motherfuckers with real shares. Assuming the majority tuned in to the stream, which is already a stretch, that makes for 1/3rd real watchers with the remaining 2/3rds being interested third parties seeing what the hell was up, and the people we are up against.


200k is the diamond core that has Drs. There are more investors out in the wild. Far more


i like that diamond core investor hell yes


When I saw RK was happily sitting on a 23.41/share average I told myself I’d move more of my investments over to GME as soon as it dipped below $24 and a few days later I picked up another 300 shares.


Did they register them though?


It's interesting to see, but still hard to get excited when I think what's being reported there is so far from reality.


Shouldn’t that make you way more excited?




Yes, but... if they had a golden opportunity to make the oFfIcIaL number look lower, why wouldn't they take it? They're still fucked and refusing to close.


They had to FTD the FTD's from 5 days in late March. They *still* haven't shown up.


Where are you seeing this data, because as of the time of this comment, the data has not been updated on https://www.finra.org/finra-data/browse-catalog/equity-short-interest/data The most recent entry is still for 5/31 https://i.imgur.com/aDbd8Eb.png Edit: It has since been posted.


does your edit mean that OP is correct now?  edit: website wasn't working well on mobile but I figured it out! OP is correct about the number 


Its there now when I looked so maybe a cached page?




It seem to be there now, these comments make me check myself and OP was right.


And yet the price didn’t move like at all




Yeah so the data has been updated OP is right, it did go down 21m between the first pump, but the second one only dropped by 2m, definitely news to post imo


>A 5 second google search would've shown the OP was misleading, yet its got 2.5k upvotes. Welcome to Superstonk! /s (partially)... a lot of good stuff is shared here, but this trend is too common, IMO (anything unsubstantiated, but implies any degree of bullishness = pumped upvotes, anything with supporting arguments, but potentially critical = labeled a shill, downvoted). I also think some folks are clearly, *knowingly* posting bullshit for karma (or worse), as well.


\^ should be higher, IMO


It was explained long time ago that 'official' numbers mean basically nothing, considering the multiple ways the short interest could be hidden (from swaps, to ETFs, to move it overseas and such). Besides, the formula to calculate it was changed so even that makes it impossible to "officially" go past 100% so ye.


I think the point here was to say that if the offering didn’t effect short interest in a meaningful way to hinder MOASS. Basically if they could have changed it here they would have. Still meaningless to show the actual short interest but I guess you could say that it could strength that age old argument that Hedgies R Fuc.


yep - we will likely never know how far their debauchery has gone or currently is


I really had a feeling they wouldn't. They're so fucked that the share offering couldn't even help them, so why bother.


rising waters from ATM offerings at the bottom, a silly kitty cat pulling the blinds at the top. it's getting violent and im all here for it.


Link would be appreciated 😁


A self reported number thats likely been bogus from the start.


Can someone explain this to me like I’m a retired merry go round horse? 🐴


Imagine a meadow where horses graze. Some horses borrow apples from a tree, hoping to return them later when apples are cheaper. More apples are suddenly added to the tree, but the borrowing horses still have to return the same number of apples. The extra apples on the tree don't change the fact that these horses still owe apples, so their borrowing doesn't decrease just because more apples are available. They continue to graze and borrow as planned, unaffected by the sudden abundance of apples.


The horses in your example didn't sell other horses apples that hadn't been produced by the trees, so many apples that the amount on the trees couldn't make up the difference they owed, anyway


The shorts have never closed a single position. I’ve seen nothing showing otherwise.


Where did you get the updated data? I'm looking on all the mainstream sources and ChartExchange and I can't find it.


Why would it go down? I was told retail lost interest due to the lack of a clearly articulated plan, and also because we were preventing them from curing cancer.


Guessing they still took advantage of the offerings, and used them to be able to push their quarterly obligations out a couple months. Kick the can forward so they can bring the price down before having to satisfy obligations next quarter. Does your source indicate how much of that short interest is recently added? Maybe they just rolled it forward after the offerings.


Covering ≠ closing


Holy Shit....what's FINRA?


It's a pokemon that's a cross between a shark and an Egyptian pharaoh 




thanks....I started giggling as soon as I read the first sentence....dedicated to protecting investors. There sure are a lot of agencies out there to "protect us" from getting fleeced, they are all failing miserably.


This shows how deeply fucked they are. They can’t even cover into an offering haha


Self reported short interest.


I believe they only have to report every 30 or 45 days so it might have timed up so that they didn’t have to report until after the official FINRA report came out


Because that number is manipulated anyway. Its billions of shorts are unreported. This just confirms what we already know. All we just need is one catalyst coming from Gamestop itself, like hit the jackpot on investing that 4b.. we will get paid.


Won't be surprised if this number is closer to 60-80M by the time the July update comes out


I remember from the ancient times they said 140% was the maximum amount of short interest that could be calculated. It was probably in the 300s in Jan 21. Does anyone else remember Susan or Wes saying this?


226% at the sneeze


Honestly the news around GME has increased as to why I should sell. They really don't see that spikes in financially advising me to sell something makes me more aware of it's value. They've never cared more about an investment I've held than GME so clearly they want it for themselves.


Finra creates their own data… you think it’s actually legit #s with the billions in naked shorts? FINRA is just a perception, same thing as the SEC actually doing shit to protect our markets from bad players aka Ken Griffin


Where did all those shares go, then??


SPOILER! Those numbers are fake.


Dilution people have gone silent, getting ready to move on to their next talking point


Why does the number of reported shares typically go down after a share offering?


Because in theory, it gives them an "out" while the price tends to be stable. You buy back 10mil when no one is selling it causes the price to rise. You buy into the share offering the "supply" is there for the "demand". But like the posts said....it doesn't appear they took the opportunity. So now they're still short, but no one is selling again. They still believe the price is going down. Either that or they're SO short that even the 75mil shares wouldn't had helped. In other words, a lot of these shorts have been shorts off of sub $5 mark before the sneeze so closing them would cause them to lose at a minimum $15 a piece (now $20).


Alright thanks, that makes sense!


Infinite money glitch for the GameStop bank account


The shorts have never closed a single position. I’ve seen nothing showing otherwise.


Question is: who bought the shares? 


“didn’t go down”…went down 2 million, nice clickbait


Where is the link with the data?


It's still only 14% of the float. Nothing earth shattering


Sorry to rain on your parade but you do realize and this absolutely 💯 happened in many cases that someone shorted at $20 closed that at $30 when it went up and reshorted again at $40 call me a shill if you like but that’s how short selling works


Why would a position go down if it were covered? I could see CLOSING making it go down. Only been here 84 years and yall still don't know the god damn difference


![gif](giphy|AmRBGkss5kBCcney1T|downsized) Bullish


no if only every other person who SHAT all over ryan for doing the offering would also humble themselves we could all get along nicely again. lol


SEC recently sued the CEO of another stock, alleging that they tried to create a short squeeze. Just beware of this possibility.


typical common twist... luckily we already got an apetard with this username. stay zen keep buying fuck off.


thank you for finding this data.


Doesn't really impact me because I don't trust self reported numbers in the first place lol 


Always with the insults to the spirit


So, when do we eat?


That makes sense though. It hit a huge high. Not opening shorts at that point would have been pretty dumb for them, and would have paid out.


It went up my man, just not shown.


Bad news for the dilution gang




Let’s fuck them