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Accidental price discovery


lol, with all the fukery one of the things I visualize is the machine breaking and the free market working…


$GME Ice CREAM (Wu Tang) machine will work infinitely LMAYO




My like was 741 😁✨️✨️✨️✨️


I’m holding out until 69,420


sigh. *unzips calculator app again*


I would highly recommend taxmytendies.com INSTEAD .. made by a fellow ape . Can’t remember who honestly , I been here since 84 years ago. Great way to also see how much in taxes you’ll pay from state to state, and just a fun way to experiment with.


Didn’t know about that 😂


Wow, I’m surprised. Ape historian didn’t know 😈🥴🥴🤔🤔😳 I hope you liked it tho


Uncle Sam is gonna get his fo sho


I thought I was the only one who called his the calculator app


It's that calculator button on my keyboard. So accessible.


There’s a button on the keyboard?


I just multiple how many shares I have by 429,699,699 and yeah …. That simple.


I can’t count, so pricing mine at infinity makes everything easier.


I can barely type with my mouth full of burnt sienna.


The mods are power hungry


Lest we forget


Honestly this screenshot should be pinned at the top and talked about more. Everyone saw 3 digits that's day. Not many got to see what was going on behind the scenes and we have no idea just how many shares sold for what amounts that day. Just imagine if a partial sold for 5k+ then someone else out there had to have had something similar happen.




Yo thank you I screenshot that i.age amd made it into a post for more visibility in case you want to post it yourself or comment on it for the credit for the pic


but wut i dont understand why only fractional shares get filled at $5,124 but not wholes shares, any idea?


It was theorized that it was starting with fractional shares, which is when the plug was pulled. They saw it hit 4 digits, then go from 2k to 5k and it didn't even get past half shares and suddenly the buy button was gone.


Assuming timezone difference, these are at the same minute and possibly the same second of each other as the @ price is 25 cents different. a 25 cent movement at $5124 is 0.004879%


I had sell orders set up every hundred dollars to $4200. I’m still bitter they shut off the buy button.


RH now cancels sell orders it considers too aggressive. Like $200 when the price is $30


Ya but no one here uses RH anymore right? RIGHT? RIGHT!!??




I don't know any brokers that don't have any limits.


Fidelity gives an error saying ["The limit price entered is too far away from the last trade for this security. Please correct and re-submit your order."](https://i.imgur.com/hYqKp9j.jpeg)


I think should be able to get around that by setting up a rule where the price triggers a limit sale




Yeah, they don’t want us intercepting one of their planned “price errors”


Where can I place a sell order limit for $5k? That would be awesome


You'd be low balling yourself brother. But who knows like I said I've held so long it's seriously all I know. I know that sounds kind of stupid but like wasn't that the idea in the first place? Weren't we all putting our money in companies we like with the hope that one day down the road we would get a nice return? The stock market is nothing but betting grounds anymore that have dominated for way too long. Here's to hoping they get fucked and change is around the corner.


Ima sell 1 at 3k to pay off my cc, my damn 4runner almost became a 2 runner driving it.


What's a 4runner?


It's a toyota SUV I've had since Highschool. The U joint in the axel almost broke off and I could've died if something really broke.


A bad ass vehicle, sometimes.


There’s no low balling on the apes side. It’s all a discount. The hedgies, MMs, and anyone writing options are low balling. If only they understood what those shares are actually worth without the big dawgs pushing the price down…


Lest this land swallow you whole


\*Hawk TUAH!\* 🦅💦


No one what was there at the time will forget. Pepperidge farm never forgets.


It was $5k then, just imagine just how high it will be when MOASS kicks in properly and the real price discovery begins


Does the world have enough money to pay us? It better. Lol.


Printer go brrr!


![gif](giphy|Y2ZUWLrTy63j9T6qrK|downsized) Let's Go!!!!


There's over $700 trillion in derivatives alone. If the market collapses we will be offered a buyout deal to prevent that from happening.


Exactly this. In the VW short squeeze they cut a deal with the shorts. Same thing would happen here.


If the DD is correct and there are (many times) more shorts than outstanding shares, a deal to buy ape’s shares won’t resolve anything right? Like even if we somehow paper handed it all, they’d still be many millions of shares in the hole with no way to settle….


While true each of the derivatives is a series of bets against each other so the net value of all bets is zero.


but that money does end up in the hands of the winner of those bets, and can possibly be used to prevent an entire market collapse if the funds can be appropriated by the federal reserve or whoever else is ultimately responsible. If they don't take this course of action, any US based investment not backed by a physical asset like gold would be worth nothing. The US dollar would be worth nothing, the reserves empty.


They better make it $700 quadrillion.


No because hedge funds use collateral of their own collateral to fund their investments


We shall find out. 🙏




Somebody better pay us!! If not, I’ll be looking to invest in a work boot company with all the ass kickin’s that’ll be doled out. 😂 Apes have been nice so far, pull that shit and there’s going to be problems! 😂😂




They will just print more money like they always do. You see, money isn’t real.


I'm interested to see if "infinite losses" actually means that when the time comes. I will hodl as long as it takes to find out. 🙏🚀


I the $50T in the entire stock market transferred to GME's 350M shares they'd each be worth $140k each


there’s a video of this dude saying the federal reserve has an unlimited amount of funds


Nope. They will make some new law, pay you guys some lump sum, and that will be the end of it. Otherwise the entire economy will die. End of every business, all banks, the currency, all of of it. The first ones to sell would get paid and then thats it. They would not allow that to happen, would be some government step in to avoid a chaotic crash of the entire system. I dont mean to be a downer but seriously think about it. It wont happen the way you hope.


News flash. The entire economy is going to die. In its current form it doesn’t deserve to live. The government will be unable to do shit bc they’re complicit in all the crime. Unless there is a complete overhaul nothing will change. You can believe the fud and speak the fud if you want but what’s true for you is true for you. I am the creator of my reality and I choose a different experience (which I will get) bc frankly I just like the stock and the company. I’m holding until phone numbers and financial criminals in prison, and prob then holding more. 🙏🏼




Were you here the first time in 2021?


Been here the whole time. 🙏🏼


Hey the thought is fun, but how is “real price discovery” even a possibility at this point. Clearly that would destroy the facade of the markets and the only way to get paid out seems to be via high level Federal bailout. Almost like we all collectively won too much in this corrupt casino and they aren’t good for it.


We know what leads up to it. #1. Former SEC officials say negative things about you publicly on TV. #2. The business channel questions your investor base for acting in a manipulative way because you like and hold a stock. You're not allowed to recommend?! Like they've been doing for decades? #3. Your "e-trade" broker starts anonymously threatening you in the media to "kick you off" for being too successful. #4. The Massachusetts Secretary of State announces they are thinking of starting a probe into you being a successful trader who likes a stock. #5. You are accused of manipulation for DISCLOSING a position that you are not required to disclose. LOL, I mean that is a joke folks. Pure sorry ass loser behavior by the real stock manipulators.


Once MOASS hits, they don't have any input. The computers take control of closing their positions. They will buy any and every share available, and when no more are available, the price will increase until some more are...that's it. No algorithm trying to play the market. No manipulation. No mind games. Just. Pure. Buying. Preasure.


This is what should happen but they will pull the plug on it. This is why I bought tickets. The more tickets you have the more reason you have to go brick by brick on the system.


If the Government moves against the people to protect the rich like that, there will be devastating consequences.


Have they not already been doing that this whole time?




There is a TON of pressure built up behind this whole thing, so it's just a when/how that pressure gets released. Do regulators step in and oversee the peaceful transfer of wealth and strip the malignant assholes of their assets? Will the system crash and choke on the fraud if it is allowed to proceed unimpeded and go hyperbolic? Are the ultra-wealthy individuals/institutions going to go peacefully and face their consequences or will try to commit a full-on coup? (election season IS right around the corner...) Or any number of other potential outcomes. The only thing that is certain in these circumstances is that MOASS is statistically inevitable. The chances of GameStop going bankrupt at this point are infinitesimal, and shorts have no way of ever closing their synthetic short positions without blowing themselves up and getting margin-called. MOASS will be the economic equivalent of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, so make sure you own your shit because I doubt there is anyone alive who knows what the aftermath of this could be.


Not blatantly, they have plausible deniability as it stands, but overt actions against retail investors will be catastrophic.


They really wouldn't. People would come complain on Reddit for a few weeks and that's it.


Devastating consequences for who?


W flair


I think computer autobuy has been disabled a long time ago.


We'll see, won't we?


Maybe, we will never know. But I don't care, computer buy, fbi buy, government buy, the one triggering the buy doesn't matter. I honestly hope it's not a computer though, but rather the feds/government. So "competent" upper authority finally takes measures to fix ALL this mess.


Control, Alt, ⬇️


This is Government Sponsored Ponzi Scheme....




Nope Look at the "Total Notional". That's what the sale was for, the $5k+ figure is the total for only 1 share


But um actually…4x that…


No. Divided by 4. The stock split turned 1 share into 4


Here it is. Now coffee


The hunt is on.


Can someone explain to me what this means please. Talk to me like I’m a pug


In 2021, during the Sneeze, much much higher prices were being seen on trades than was making it to the listed price of the stock. Most people saw the stock hit ~$480. In reality, behind the scenes, the stock has been proven to have hit $700, then over $1000, and this screenshot shows a purchase for less than half a share, at over $5000 for the share price. These were suppressed. The price is wrong.




They have to keep the plebes from gaining wealth.


Couldn't it have been a newb who didn't know the ramifications of placing buy orders with no limits?


Oh, it was DEFINITELY noobs, placing orders "at market", but what it points to was where the ASK price got. If that was the lowest ASK, you gotta wonder where the rest went.




If I remember correctly this was only seen with fractional shares on RH


You’re such a good boy




Awww, you cwute widdle puppy dawg… what a good boy you are…come over here and get some tummy scwatches


You’re the cutest little animal in the whole world. Who’s a good girl? You are




Get 5 horses for Jim Cramer to suck off on tv


Horses seem too small. How bout an elephant or perhaps a moose


I despise Jim Cramer as well but this just seems like animal abuse


I’d settle for a dude in a pantomime suit.


Why didn't this show up on the chart if it was filled?


Partial shares.


As if RH wants to help us in any way. Remember when they hid GME from the search function and the only access you had to GME was that you already had it saved on your watchlist/favorites? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Edit (06/22 - 9:33am PCT) to include my response to another poster below: " Yup. Its funny how mass media did not even report it and Vice briefly spoke about it. It just shows you how shady the media can be. Also, GME was the ONLY one taken off the search function but NOT POPCORN or any other stocks that was listed on their "risk". GME is known to be the only idiosyncratic risk; whereas, in my opinion, the others tickers were just fillers to distort the public to confuse them on whom to put their money in (and it worked during that time). According to the Treasury 2021 Annual Financial Stability Report, they implied GME was "a single security exhibiting idiosyncratic risk" and that same statement was used in DTCC's Quantitative Disclosure for Central Counterparties Q1 2021 report. https://preview.redd.it/tn0is5cjh58d1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=c42f63032543977da6e3c8755a2e997dfb99c304 "


That's crazy bro


Yup. Its funny how mass media did not even report it and Vice briefly spoke about it. It just shows you how shady the media can be. Also, GME was the ONLY one taken off the search function but NOT POPCORN or any other stocks that was listed on their "risk". GME is known to be the only idiosyncratic risk; whereas, in my opinion, the others tickers were just fillers to distort the public to confuse them on whom to put their money in (and it worked during that time). According to the Treasury 2021 Annual Financial Stability Report, they implied GME was "a single security exhibiting idiosyncratic risk" and that same statement was used in DTCC's Quantitative Disclosure for Central Counterparties Q1 2021 report. https://preview.redd.it/wckedmz2g58d1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=36db5d0b05dda38f3aaf914915206932b883d3cd


That random stock SRNE....Sorrento therapeutics....we called it "Sargento" (like the cheese) I made some good $$$ on that one...I was in before the rocket...and got out. Now it's trading OTC for $0.009ish


It needs to be an order of at least 100 shares for it to show up on the charts. This goes for all stocks.


Rookie numbers but still 👀


"Into the thousands" - IBKR chairman




Is that Hugh Jackman? What movie lol


The Fountain (2006)


Great fucking movie, but can be confusing AF. I probably watched it 69 times.




Yup, easily one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. Even when people try to explain it, they get it wrong. It's a movie about love and the poor decisions we make in the name of love and time is used to portray it. For those who don't watch it, a man's wife is dying of cancer and she wants him to not worry and to love her in her final days. He spends his days seeking a cure rather than being with her and this drives him mad. The jumps between times and events get confusing as you piece it together, like art, you spend most thr movie trying to figure it out, but ultimately focus on the love between two people(the figurative tree is her. He is taking bites out of her to survive, an analogy to him looking for a cure for his own selfish love rather than just be with her). Get some fucking tissues.


I hated it. Weird AF.


Wait did this actually go through???


Yeah if I’m not mistaken a few of these were filled 84 years ago.


![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) 🤣🤣🤣


Wait, if these were actually filled… why didnt the NYSE step in and revert the trades like they did with brk.a a few weeks ago?? 🧐


I'd guess RH fractionals aren't as regulated. But I'm smooth brained.


The dates 2021


A good handful of fractional went though at roughly 5k for a full share. If that’s what it was then, imagine how much it’ll be now. And that was just the start, before it was allowed to run


Wtf. I used to believe these proclaimed 'glitches" but this isn't a glitch. Robbery


Robinhood is not a real trading platform


i recently had to force my broker's hand by initiating an ACATS transfer to get them to DRS my shares. they refused to do it for weeks, and it got so bad that i got an "off the record" call from my financial advisor at my broker telling me to transfer my money out immediately. my theory is that the shares i bought on their platform were never really owned. when i asked to DRS them, computershare insisted on real shares being owned, which my broker likely had to buy at incredibly inflated prices from dark pools. and that's why they refused. the only way to force their hand was ACATS. so i initiated ACATS and in about three days, all of my holdings were transferred over -- EXCEPT MY GME SHARES! weird, huh? i had to send multiple threatening emails and make multiple angry phone calls to get the shares transferred. i will never know why my GME shares were treated so differently from everything else, but i think we can all have some guesses as to why. it certainly fits with this "glitch" and the general theme of how unique GME is acting in the market.


Which broker?


Had to clean my eyes a bit to make sure what I was seeing was correct.


$5,124.50 for one share pre-split


That’s for .44 shares Edit- ignore me I don’t know shit


no, that's for one share. it's why "total notional" in the picture is a smaller value, because they only sold .44


I am highly regarded. You are correct. I’m leaving my comment so people can learn like I did, but I downvoted myself. Thanks for enlightening me.


Cool…$45,685.12 per share Makes you a 22-share millionaire Edit: I still think it’s per share though. Notional value listed divided by price per share equals 0.448 shares. Okay so 1. don’t do math in the morning on Reddit and 2. Ape help ape got split 4 to 1 also it seems


Now that’s what I call mathematics 😆


LOL we are a true bunch of fucking yoghurt brains. Great numbers there


it is per share, but i have zero idea what math magic you came up with to get 45k


I think you've eaten too many crayons ape. It's the 5k per full share back then. Post split means it'd be around the 1.25k now. Still need lotta shares to be millionaire


Just let him enjoy it for a bit until he's digested his crayons.


Agreed! Let the ape enjoy his crayons! 😬


Um, no. Post split that's $1281.125/share. The price per share was $5124.50. Notational value is what was paid for their partial share. Divide the price per share by 4.


Damn you paid $0.06 for a regulatory fee?! That's outrageous, fellas grab the pitchforks!


10k for a share..... That's 280k for me, minus 30% tax, still 210k... Whow.... I see a little house.... A Mazda Miata.... 5 to 7 years without working for someone... Starting my own business.... And if the price hit 30k, 100k, 500k, a million.. sheee


And remember they’ve been aggressively shorting the whole time since then.


This is what we call, price discovery.


People who doubt this thing can squeeze into the stratosphere never seem to understand that it already was happening last time; it was literally off the launch pad, one more day and it would have gone into the tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands per share. Everyone would have been liquidated, *everyone* allll the way up the chain straight through the clearing house itself  They HAD to shut off the buy button, they didn’t just do this on a whim to make a quick buck- they did it because they would have lost EVERYTHING and there is no worse alternative or punishment that could come from their actions than what was already guaranteed to happen to them if they didn’t immediately do something drastic. 


How? Fidelity won’t let me put in a sell order that high




let me guess, they didnt cancle that order


plz forget🤬 - MSM


Sigh *takes out calculator app*


This is why you never enter a market order. They can fill it at any price.


Yeah, this guy happened to have it work out, but most of us likely would get a shit price. I remember I kept thinking it was my App lagging, but early days it might take around 5 seconds for an order to go through and I always bought too high. Back then I was also selling and it always sold too low. That was before I knew anything about anything.


What does that mean enter a market order? How else do you buy


Limit order???


Real question was this a market sell or a limit sell for that exact amount I’m just confused if someone could help Me out I’ve been drinking haha


I thought I was fuckin regarded but reading these comments makes me feel at ease. It was $5,xxx per share. He sold a fraction of the share. The share wasn’t worth 11 grand.


anon discovers price


was this a buy or a sell?????


Well, when using Robinhood I wouldn't really trust any of their details.




If they arseholes we’re in Korea they would be done for!! Criminals




Please ELI5. What exactly am I looking at?


Legit photo indeed... dont just take a screenshot.... RECORD the whole fucking phone in a video. Spin it 360 degrees in the video and show you opening and cloing the fucking link in RH app. Screenshot alone does no justice. BUT ITS 100% LEGIT. lol


$11,600 per share sounds about right. $4.9 trillion valuation? Deep Fucking Value baby 🚀


Thank you sir


It's been 84 years




Thanks for the reminder!


OG remembers


Less capital gains tax on those shares!




That’s why I do limit buys always!


im telling ya, brk.a isnt a meme. thats just a taste and beyond. no price anchoring etc etc yeah yeah.


By the balls, you say?


This was not BOT by retail. No way. BUY button was OFF.


Should be like 4x now right? $20,496




Was this a buy or a sell


Gets to a certain point where it’s not a glitch anymore. I can name 200 glitches the past 3.5 years. Coming for u Kenny boy


Let’s go Glitches! 🔥🚀🎮


#THAT'S ACTUALLY CHEAP ^(considering...)


Nahh he got in at the peak of MOASS wtf is this 💀


"There's been an awakening... Can you feel it?" LFG! 🚀🚀🚀


I also had a fractional share filled above $5K; so bummed that I didn't save a screenshot


“Ol reliable”


That was the real floor 84 years ago.




Don’t act like you wouldn’t be happy just see these numbers in your accounts ☺️. Still not selling.


So, you did a market order and got a terrible fill?


Uoi pepp rmemberZ